570 research outputs found

    Recursive subspace identification algorithm using the propagator based method

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    Subspace model identification (SMI) method is the effective method in identifying dynamic state space linear multivariable systems and it can be obtained directly from the input and output data. Basically, subspace identifications are based on algorithms from numerical algebras which are the QR decomposition and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). In industrial applications, it is essential to have online recursive subspace algorithms for model identification where the parameters can vary in time. However, because of the SVD computational complexity that involved in the algorithm, the classical SMI algorithms are not suitable for online application. Hence, it is essential to discover the alternative algorithms in order to apply the concept of subspace identification recursively. In this paper, the recursive subspace identification algorithm based on the propagator method which avoids the SVD computation is proposed. The output from Numerical Subspace State Space System Identification (N4SID) and Multivariable Output Error State Space (MOESP) methods are also included in this paper

    Asymptotic forecast uncertainty and the unstable subspace in the presence of additive model error

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    It is well understood that dynamic instability is among the primary drivers of forecast uncertainty in chaotic, physical systems. Data assimilation techniques have been designed to exploit this phenomenon, reducing the effective dimension of the data assimilation problem to the directions of rapidly growing errors. Recent mathematical work has, moreover, provided formal proofs of the central hypothesis of the assimilation in the unstable subspace methodology of Anna Trevisan and her collaborators: for filters and smoothers in perfect, linear, Gaussian models, the distribution of forecast errors asymptotically conforms to the unstable-neutral subspace. Specifically, the column span of the forecast and posterior error covariances asymptotically align with the span of backward Lyapunov vectors with nonnegative exponents. Earlier mathematical studies have focused on perfect models, and this current work now explores the relationship between dynamical instability, the precision of observations, and the evolution of forecast error in linear models with additive model error. We prove bounds for the asymptotic uncertainty, explicitly relating the rate of dynamical expansion, model precision, and observational accuracy. Formalizing this relationship, we provide a novel, necessary criterion for the boundedness of forecast errors. Furthermore, we numerically explore the relationship between observational design, dynamical instability, and filter boundedness. Additionally, we include a detailed introduction to the multiplicative ergodic theorem and to the theory and construction of Lyapunov vectors. While forecast error in the stable subspace may not generically vanish, we show that even without filtering, uncertainty remains uniformly bounded due its dynamical dissipation. However, the continuous reinjection of uncertainty from model errors may be excited by transient instabilities in the stable modes of high variance, rendering forecast uncertainty impractically large. In the context of ensemble data assimilation, this requires rectifying the rank of the ensemble-based gain to account for the growth of uncertainty beyond the unstable and neutral subspace, additionally correcting stable modes with frequent occurrences of positive local Lyapunov exponents that excite model errors

    Robust Subspace Tracking Algorithms in Signal Processing: A Brief Survey

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    Principal component analysis (PCA) and subspace estimation (SE) are popular data analysis tools and used in a wide range of applications. The main interest in PCA/SE is for dimensionality reduction and low-rank approximation purposes. The emergence of big data streams have led to several essential issues for performing PCA/SE. Among them are (i) the size of such data streams increases over time, (ii) the underlying models may be time-dependent, and (iii) problem of dealing with the uncertainty and incompleteness in data. A robust variant of PCA/SE for such data streams, namely robust online PCA or robust subspace tracking (RST), has been introduced as a good alternative. The main goal of this paper is to provide a brief survey on recent RST algorithms in signal processing. Particularly, we begin this survey by introducing the basic ideas of the RST problem. Then, different aspects of RST are reviewed with respect to different kinds of non-Gaussian noises and sparse constraints. Our own contributions on this topic are also highlighted

    Renormalisation group determination of the order of the DNA denaturation transition

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    We report on the nature of the thermal denaturation transition of homogeneous DNA as determined from a renormalisation group analysis of the Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois model. Our approach is based on an analogy with the phenomenon of critical wetting that goes further than previous qualitative comparisons, and shows that the transition is continuous for the average base-pair separation. However, since the range of universal critical behaviour appears to be very narrow, numerically observed denaturation transitions may look first-order, as it has been reported in the literature.Comment: 6 pages; no figures; to appear in Europhysics Letter

    A least squares approach to the subspace identification problem

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    A New Look at the Higgs-Kibble Model

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    An elementary perturbative method of handling the Higgs-Kibble models and deriving their relevant properties, is described. It is based on Wightman field theory and avoids some of the mathematical weaknesses of the standard treatments.Comment: Based on a talk delivered at the `Ringberg Symposium' in honor of Wolfhart Zimmermann, February 200