640 research outputs found

    Propagation of gravity waves through an SPH scheme with numerical diffusive terms

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    Basing on the work by Antuono et al. (2010) [1], an SPH model with numerical diffusive terms (here denoted ?-SPH) is combined with an enhanced treatment of solid boundaries to simulate 2D gravity waves generated by a wave maker and propagating into a basin. Both regular and transient wave systems are considered. In the former, a large number of simulations is performed for different wave steepness and height-to-depth ratio and the results are compared with a BEM Mixed-Eulerian-Lagrangian solver (here denoted BEM-MEL solver). In the latter, the ? -SPH model has been compared with both the experimental measurements available in the literature and with the BEM-MEL solver, at least until the breaking event occurs. The results show a satisfactory agreement between the ?-SPH model, the BEM-MEL solver and the experiments. Finally, the influence of the weakly-compressibility assumption on the SPH results is inspected and a convergence analysis is provided in order to identify the minimal spatial resolution needed to get an accurate representation of gravity waves

    Modeling free-surface solitary waves with SPH

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    A weakly compressible SPH solver is presented and applied to simulate free- surface solitary waves generated in a dam-break experiment. Wave propaga- tion speeds are compared with the exact solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation as a first order theory and a second order approximation investigated in the literature. Test cases are constructed based on the mea- surement layouts of a dam-break experiment. Free surface shapes of different simulation cases are compared with the KdV-shapes. The simulation results show good agreement with the second order approximation of solitary wave propagation speeds

    Enhanced SPH modeling of free-surface flows with large deformations

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    The subject of the present thesis is the development of a numerical solver to study the violent interaction of marine flows with rigid structures. Among the many numerical models available, the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) has been chosen as it proved appropriate in dealing with violent free-surface flows. Due to its Lagrangian and meshless character it can naturally handle breaking waves and fragmentation that generally are not easily treated by standard methods. On the other hand, some consolidated features of mesh-based methods, such as the solid boundary treatment, still remain unsolved issues in the SPH context. In the present work a great part of the research activity has been devoted to tackle some of the bottlenecks of the method. Firstly, an enhanced SPH model, called delta-SPH, has been proposed. In this model, a proper numerical diffusive term has been added in the continuity equation in order to remove the spurious numerical noise in the pressure field which typically affects the weakly-compressible SPH models. Then, particular attention has been paid to the development of suitable techniques for the enforcement of the boundary conditions. As for the free-surface, a specific algorithm has been designed to detect free-surface particles and to define a related level-set function with two main targets: to allow the imposition of peculiar conditions on the free-surface and to analyse and visualize more easily the simulation outcome (especially in 3D cases). Concerning the solid boundary treatment, much effort has been spent to devise new techniques for handling generic body geometries with an adequate accuracy in both 2D and 3D problems. Two different techniques have been described: in the first one the standard ghost fluid method has been extended in order to treat complex solid geometries. Both free-slip and no-slip boundary conditions have been implemented, the latter being a quite complex matter in the SPH context. The proposed boundary treatment proved to be robust and accurate in evaluating local and global loads, though it is not easy to extend to generic 3D surfaces. The second technique has been adopted for these cases. Such a technique has been developed in the context of Riemann-SPH methods and in the present work is reformulated in the context of the standard SPH scheme. The method proved to be robust in treating complex 3D solid surfaces though less accurate than the former. Finally, an algorithm to correctly initialize the SPH simulation in the case of generic geometries has been described. It forces a resettlement of the fluid particles to achieve a regular and uniform spacing even in complex configurations. This pre-processing procedure avoids the generation of spurious currents due to local defects in the particle distribution at the beginning of the simulation. The delta-SPH model has been validated against several problems concerning fluid-structure interactions. Firstly, the capability of the solver in dealing with water impacts has been tested by simulating a jet impinging on a flat plate and a dam-break flow against a vertical wall. In this cases, the accuracy in the prediction of local loads and of the pressure field have been the main focus. Then, the viscous flow around a cylinder, in both steady and unsteady conditions, has been simulated comparing the results with reference solutions. Finally, the generation and propagation of 2D gravity waves has been simulated. Several regimes of propagation have been tested and the results compared against a potential flow solver. The developed numerical solver has been applied to several cases of free-surface flows striking rigid structures and to the problem of the generation and evolution of ship generated waves. In the former case, the robustness of the solver has been challenged by simulating 2D and 3D water impacts against complex solid surfaces. The numerical outcome have been compared with analytical solutions, experimental data and other numerical results and the limits of the model have been discussed. As for the ship generated waves, the problem has been firstly studied within the 2D+t approximation, focusing on the occurrence and features of the breaking bow waves. Then, a dedicated 3D SPH parallel solver has been developed to tackle the simulation of the entire ship in constant forward motion. This simulation is quite demanding in terms of complexities of the boundary geometry and computational resources required. The wave pattern obtained has been compared against experimental data and results from other numerical methods, showing in both the cases a fair and promising agreement

    Modeling Free-surface Solitary Waves with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

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    A three-dimensional weakly compressible Smoothed ParticleHydrodynamics (SPH) solver is presented and applied tosimulate free-surface solitary waves generated in a quasi twodimensionaldam-break experiment. Test cases are constructedbased on the measurement layouts of a dam-break experiment.The simulated wave propagation speeds are compared to theexact solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation as afirst order theory, and to a second order iterative approximationinvestigated in the literature. Free surface shapes of differentsimulation cases are investigated as well. The results show goodagreement with the free surface shapes of the KdV equation aswell as with the second order approximation of solitary wavepropagation speeds

    The suction effect during freak wave slamming on a fixed platform deck: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation and experimental study

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    During the process of wave slamming on a structure with sharp corners, the wave receding after wave impingement can induce strong negative pressure (relative to the atmospheric pressure) at the bottom of the structure, which is called the suction effect. From the practical point of view, the suction force induced by the negative pressure, coinciding with the gravity force, pulls the structure down and hence increases the risk of structural damage. In this work, the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, more specifically the δ+SPH model, is adopted to simulate the freak wave slamming on a fixed platform with the consideration of the suction effect, i.e., negative pressure, which is a challenging issue because it can cause the so-called tensile instability in SPH simulations. The key to overcome the numerical issue is to use a numerical technique named tensile instability control (TIC). Comparative studies using SPH models with and without TIC will show the importance of this technique in capturing the negative pressure. It is also found that using a two-phase simulation that takes the air phase into account is essential for an SPH model to accurately predict the impact pressure during the initial slamming stage. The freak wave impacts with different water depths are studied. All the multiphase SPH results are validated by our experimental data. The wave kinematics/dynamics and wave impact features in the wave-structure interacting process are discussed, and the mechanism of the suction effect characterized by the negative pressure is carefully analyzed

    Simulation of flows with violent free surface motion and moving objects using unstructured grids

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Löhner, R. , Yang, C. and Oñate, E. (2007), Simulation of flows with violent free surface motion and moving objects using unstructured grids. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 53: 1315-1338. doi:10.1002/fld.1244], which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.1244. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.A volume of fluid (VOF) technique has been developed and coupled with an incompressible Euler/Navier–Stokes solver operating on adaptive, unstructured grids to simulate the interactions of extreme waves and three-dimensional structures. The present implementation follows the classic VOF implementation for the liquid–gas system, considering only the liquid phase. Extrapolation algorithms are used to obtain velocities and pressure in the gas region near the free surface. The VOF technique is validated against the classic dam-break problem, as well as series of 2D sloshing experiments and results from SPH calculations. These and a series of other examples demonstrate that the ability of the present approach to simulate violent free surface flows with strong nonlinear behaviour.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Accurate, Meshless Methods for Magneto-Hydrodynamics

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    Recently, we developed a pair of meshless finite-volume Lagrangian methods for hydrodynamics: the 'meshless finite mass' (MFM) and 'meshless finite volume' (MFV) methods. These capture advantages of both smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and adaptive mesh-refinement (AMR) schemes. Here, we extend these to include ideal magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD). The MHD equations are second-order consistent and conservative. We augment these with a divergence-cleaning scheme, which maintains div*B~0 to high accuracy. We implement these in the code GIZMO, together with a state-of-the-art implementation of SPH MHD. In every one of a large suite of test problems, the new methods are competitive with moving-mesh and AMR schemes using constrained transport (CT) to ensure div*B=0. They are able to correctly capture the growth and structure of the magneto-rotational instability (MRI), MHD turbulence, and the launching of magnetic jets, in some cases converging more rapidly than AMR codes. Compared to SPH, the MFM/MFV methods exhibit proper convergence at fixed neighbor number, sharper shock capturing, and dramatically reduced noise, div*B errors, and diffusion. Still, 'modern' SPH is able to handle most of our tests, at the cost of much larger kernels and 'by hand' adjustment of artificial diffusion parameters. Compared to AMR, the new meshless methods exhibit enhanced 'grid noise' but reduced advection errors and numerical diffusion, velocity-independent errors, and superior angular momentum conservation and coupling to N-body gravity solvers. As a result they converge more slowly on some problems (involving smooth, slowly-moving flows) but more rapidly on others (involving advection or rotation). In all cases, divergence-control beyond the popular Powell 8-wave approach is necessary, or else all methods we consider will systematically converge to unphysical solutions.Comment: 35 pages, 39 figures. MNRAS. Updated with published version. A public version of the GIZMO MHD code, user's guide, test problem setups, and movies are available at http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~phopkins/Site/GIZMO.htm
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