354 research outputs found

    Projector Calibration Using a Markerless Plane

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    International audienceIn this paper we address the problem of geometric video projector calibration using a markerless planar surface (wall) and a partially calibrated camera. Instead of using control points to infer the camera-wall orientation, we find such relation by efficiently sampling the hemisphere of possible orientations. This process is so fast that even the focal of the camera can be estimated during the sampling process. Hence, physical grids and full knowledge of camera parameters are no longer necessary to calibrate a video projector

    Robot guidance using machine vision techniques in industrial environments: A comparative review

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    In the factory of the future, most of the operations will be done by autonomous robots that need visual feedback to move around the working space avoiding obstacles, to work collaboratively with humans, to identify and locate the working parts, to complete the information provided by other sensors to improve their positioning accuracy, etc. Different vision techniques, such as photogrammetry, stereo vision, structured light, time of flight and laser triangulation, among others, are widely used for inspection and quality control processes in the industry and now for robot guidance. Choosing which type of vision system to use is highly dependent on the parts that need to be located or measured. Thus, in this paper a comparative review of different machine vision techniques for robot guidance is presented. This work analyzes accuracy, range and weight of the sensors, safety, processing time and environmental influences. Researchers and developers can take it as a background information for their future works

    Towards markerless orthopaedic navigation with intuitive Optical See-through Head-mounted displays

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    The potential of image-guided orthopaedic navigation to improve surgical outcomes has been well-recognised during the last two decades. According to the tracked pose of target bone, the anatomical information and preoperative plans are updated and displayed to surgeons, so that they can follow the guidance to reach the goal with higher accuracy, efficiency and reproducibility. Despite their success, current orthopaedic navigation systems have two main limitations: for target tracking, artificial markers have to be drilled into the bone and calibrated manually to the bone, which introduces the risk of additional harm to patients and increases operating complexity; for guidance visualisation, surgeons have to shift their attention from the patient to an external 2D monitor, which is disruptive and can be mentally stressful. Motivated by these limitations, this thesis explores the development of an intuitive, compact and reliable navigation system for orthopaedic surgery. To this end, conventional marker-based tracking is replaced by a novel markerless tracking algorithm, and the 2D display is replaced by a 3D holographic Optical see-through (OST) Head-mounted display (HMD) precisely calibrated to a user's perspective. Our markerless tracking, facilitated by a commercial RGBD camera, is achieved through deep learning-based bone segmentation followed by real-time pose registration. For robust segmentation, a new network is designed and efficiently augmented by a synthetic dataset. Our segmentation network outperforms the state-of-the-art regarding occlusion-robustness, device-agnostic behaviour, and target generalisability. For reliable pose registration, a novel Bounded Iterative Closest Point (BICP) workflow is proposed. The improved markerless tracking can achieve a clinically acceptable error of 0.95 deg and 2.17 mm according to a phantom test. OST displays allow ubiquitous enrichment of perceived real world with contextually blended virtual aids through semi-transparent glasses. They have been recognised as a suitable visual tool for surgical assistance, since they do not hinder the surgeon's natural eyesight and require no attention shift or perspective conversion. The OST calibration is crucial to ensure locational-coherent surgical guidance. Current calibration methods are either human error-prone or hardly applicable to commercial devices. To this end, we propose an offline camera-based calibration method that is highly accurate yet easy to implement in commercial products, and an online alignment-based refinement that is user-centric and robust against user error. The proposed methods are proven to be superior to other similar State-of- the-art (SOTA)s regarding calibration convenience and display accuracy. Motivated by the ambition to develop the world's first markerless OST navigation system, we integrated the developed markerless tracking and calibration scheme into a complete navigation workflow designed for femur drilling tasks during knee replacement surgery. We verify the usability of our designed OST system with an experienced orthopaedic surgeon by a cadaver study. Our test validates the potential of the proposed markerless navigation system for surgical assistance, although further improvement is required for clinical acceptance.Open Acces

    Progress in industrial photogrammetry by means of markerless solutions

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    174 p.La siguiente tesis está enfocada al desarrollo y uso avanzado de metodologías fotogramétrica sin dianas en aplicaciones industriales. La fotogrametría es una técnica de medición óptica 3D que engloba múltiples configuraciones y aproximaciones. En este estudio se han desarrollado procedimientos de medición, modelos y estrategias de procesamiento de imagen que van más allá que la fotogrametría convencional y buscan el emplear soluciones de otros campos de la visión artificial en aplicaciones industriales. Mientras que la fotogrametría industrial requiere emplear dianas artificiales para definir los puntos o elementos de interés, esta tesis contempla la reducción e incluso la eliminación de las dianas tanto pasivas como activas como alternativas prácticas. La mayoría de los sistemas de medida utilizan las dianas tanto para definir los puntos de control, relacionar las distintas perspectivas, obtener precisión, así como para automatizar las medidas. Aunque en muchas situaciones el empleo de dianas no sea restrictivo existen aplicaciones industriales donde su empleo condiciona y restringe considerablemente los procedimientos de medida empleados en la inspección. Un claro ejemplo es la verificación y control de calidad de piezas seriadas, o la medición y seguimiento de elementos prismáticos relacionados con un sistema de referencia determinado. Es en este punto donde la fotogrametría sin dianas puede combinarse o complementarse con soluciones tradicionales para tratar de mejorar las prestaciones actuales


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    We explore the integration of projected imagery with a physical book that acts as a tangible interface to multimedia data. Using a camera and projector pair, a tracking framework is presented wherein the 3D position of planar pages are monitored as they are turned back and forth by a user, and data is correctly warped and projected onto each page at interactive rates to provide the user with an intuitive mixed-reality experience. The book pages are blank, so traditional camera-based approaches to tracking physical features on the display surface do not apply. Instead, in each frame, feature points are independently extracted from the camera and projector images, and matched to recover the geometry of the pages in motion. The book can be loaded with multimedia content, including images and videos. In addition, volumetric datasets can be explored by removing a page from the book and using it as a tool to navigate through a virtual 3D volume

    A multi-projector CAVE system with commodity hardware and gesture-based interaction

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    Spatially-immersive systems such as CAVEs provide users with surrounding worlds by projecting 3D models on multiple screens around the viewer. Compared to alternative immersive systems such as HMDs, CAVE systems are a powerful tool for collaborative inspection of virtual environments due to better use of peripheral vision, less sensitivity to tracking errors, and higher communication possibilities among users. Unfortunately, traditional CAVE setups require sophisticated equipment including stereo-ready projectors and tracking systems with high acquisition and maintenance costs. In this paper we present the design and construction of a passive-stereo, four-wall CAVE system based on commodity hardware. Our system works with any mix of a wide range of projector models that can be replaced independently at any time, and achieves high resolution and brightness at a minimum cost. The key ingredients of our CAVE are a self-calibration approach that guarantees continuity across the screen, as well as a gesture-based interaction approach based on a clever combination of skeletal data from multiple Kinect sensors.Preprin

    Real Time Structured Light and Applications

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