888 research outputs found

    Computational algorithms for increased control of depth-viewing volume for stereo three-dimensional graphic displays

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    Three-dimensional pictorial displays incorporating depth cues by means of stereopsis offer a potential means of presenting information in a natural way to enhance situational awareness and improve operator performance. Conventional computational techniques rely on asymptotic projection transformations and symmetric clipping to produce the stereo display. Implementation of two new computational techniques, as asymmetric clipping algorithm and piecewise linear projection transformation, provides the display designer with more control and better utilization of the effective depth-viewing volume to allow full exploitation of stereopsis cuing. Asymmetric clipping increases the perceived field of view (FOV) for the stereopsis region. The total horizontal FOV provided by the asymmetric clipping algorithm is greater throughout the scene viewing envelope than that of the symmetric algorithm. The new piecewise linear projection transformation allows the designer to creatively partition the depth-viewing volume, with freedom to place depth cuing at the various scene distances at which emphasis is desired

    Analisis Transformasi Proyeksi Hadamard Pada Penginderaan Video Grayscale Kompresif

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    ABSTRAKSI: Dewasa ini, seiring perkembangan zaman, kebutuhan akan data video digital semakin meningkat, baik itu dalam lingkungan perusahaan, industry hiburan, layanan telekomunikasi maupun di rumah – rumah. Hal ini menjadi kan teknologi video digital menjadi suatu kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi. Permasalahan terbesar yang dihadapi adalah besarnya ukuran file video ini. Teorema pencuplikan Shannon Nyquist menyatakan jika kita mencuplik sinyal cukup rapat (pada laju Nyquist), maka kita dapat merekonstruksi data anaPada tugas akhir ini digunakan video yang diambil dari internet dan direkam langsung dengan menggunakan kamera digital sehingga diperoleh nilai PSNR, MSE serta waktu komputasi yang menunjukkan performansi video tersebut dan digunakan Hadamard Projection Transformation sebagai transformasi proyeksi, dimana citra/video akan mengalami pengukuran. Kemudian citra/video tersebut direkonstruksi menggunakan basis pursuit.log secara sempurna.Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa transformasi proyeksi Hadamard tanpa kanal AWGN memperoleh nilai PSNR video input gray scale sekitar 7,02 dB – 24,43 dB. Sedangkan untuk nilai PSNR pada transformasi proyeksi Hadamard dengan AWGN sebesar 10 db sekitar 7,25 dB – 18,22 dB. Dan waktu untuk compressive sensing dibutuhkan sekitar 0,61 detik – 3,37 detik.Kata Kunci : Compressive Sensing,Hadamard Projection Transformation , basisABSTRACT: Nowadays, when the times growth, the needs of digital video data is increasing, wheteher the company, entertainment industry, telecomunication service, and for personal uses . This make digital video technology an important necessity. The biggest problem that we have to face is the size of the video is too big. Shannon Nyquist\u27s sampling theorem said if we cutthe signal very close (in Nyquist line), so we can reconstruct the data analog perfectly.In this last project, video is taken from internet and recorded by using camera digital. So I can measure PSNR, MSE and computate time and using Hadamard Projection Transformation as projection transformation, where the image/video will have measurement. After thatthe image/video will be reconstructed using basis pursuit.From the research results, we know that the projection transformation Hadamardwithout AWGN channel get PSNR score video input gray scale about7.02 dB – 24.43 dB. While forthe PSNR score,the projector transformation Hadamard with AWGN of 10 db about 7.25 dB – 18.22 dB. And time to computate of compressive sensing about 0.61 seconds – 3.37 seconds.Keyword: Compressive Sensing,Hadamard Projection Transformation , basi

    Functional Wigner representation of BEC quantum dynamics

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    We develop a method of simulating the full quantum field dynamics of multi-mode multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates in a trap. We use the truncated Wigner representation to obtain a probabilistic theory that can be sampled. This method produces c-number stochastic equations which may be solved using conventional stochastic methods. The technique is valid for large mode occupation numbers. We give a detailed derivation of methods of functional Wigner representation appropriate for quantum fields. Our approach describes spatial evolution of spinor components and properly accounts for nonlinear losses. Such techniques are applicable to calculating the leading quantum corrections, including effects like quantum squeezing, entanglement, EPR correlations and interactions with engineered nonlinear reservoirs. By using a consistent expansion in the inverse density, we are able to explain an inconsistency in the nonlinear loss equations found by earlier authors

    Slow Sphering to Suppress Non-Stationaries in the EEG

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    Non-stationary signals are ubiquitous in electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and pose a problem for robust application of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). These non-stationarities can be caused by changes in neural background activity. We present a dynamic spatial filter based on time local whitening that significantly reduces the detrimental influence of covariance changes during event-related desynchronization classification of an imaginary movement task

    Focusing: coming to the point in metamaterials

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    The point of the paper is to show some limitations of geometrical optics in the analysis of subwavelength focusing. We analyze the resolution of the image of a line source radiating in the Maxwell fisheye and the Veselago-Pendry slab lens. The former optical medium is deduced from the stereographic projection of a virtual sphere and displays a heterogeneous refractive index n(r) which is proportional to the inverse of 1+r^2. The latter is described by a homogeneous, but negative, refractive index. It has been suggested that the fisheye makes a perfect lens without negative refraction [Leonhardt, Philbin arxiv:0805.4778v2]. However, we point out that the definition of super-resolution in such a heterogeneous medium should be computed with respect to the wavelength in a homogenized medium, and it is perhaps more adequate to talk about a conjugate image rather than a perfect image (the former does not necessarily contains the evanescent components of the source). We numerically find that both the Maxwell fisheye and a thick silver slab lens lead to a resolution close to lambda/3 in transverse magnetic polarization (electric field pointing orthogonal to the plane). We note a shift of the image plane in the latter lens. We also observe that two sources lead to multiple secondary images in the former lens, as confirmed from light rays travelling along geodesics of the virtual sphere. We further observe resolutions ranging from lambda/2 to nearly lambda/4 for magnetic dipoles of varying orientations of dipole moments within the fisheye in transverse electric polarization (magnetic field pointing orthogonal to the plane). Finally, we analyse the Eaton lens for which the source and its image are either located within a unit disc of air, or within a corona 1<r<2 with refractive index n(r)=2/r1n(r)=\sqrt{2/r-1}. In both cases, the image resolution is about lambda/2.Comment: Version 2: 22 pages, 11 figures. More figures added, additional cases discussed. Misprints corrected. Keywords: Maxwell fisheye, Eaton lens; Non-Euclidean geometry; Stereographic projection; Transformation optics; Metamaterials; Perfect lens. The last version appears at J. Modern Opt. 57 (2010), no. 7, 511-52