42 research outputs found

    Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation

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    We have developed an infrastructure for end-to-end run-time monitoring, behavior/performance analysis, and dynamic adaptation of distributed software. This infrastructure is primarily targeted to pre-existing systems and thus operates outside the target application, without making assumptions about the target's implementation, internal communication/computation mechanisms, source code availability, etc. This paper assumes the existence of the monitoring and analysis components, presented elsewhere, and focuses on the mechanisms used to control and coordinate possibly complex repairs/reconfigurations to the target system. These mechanisms require lower level effectors somehow attached to the target system, so we briefly sketch one such facility (elaborated elsewhere). Our main contribution is the model, architecture, and implementation of Workflakes, the decentralized process engine we use to tailor, control, coordinate, etc. a cohort of such effectors. We have validated the Workflakes approach with case studies in several application domains. Due to space restrictions we concentrate primarily on one case study, briefly discuss a second, and only sketch others

    A Case Study In Software Adaptation

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    We attach a feedback-control-loop infrastructure to an existing target system, to continually monitor and dynamically adapt its activities and performance. (This approach could also be applied to 'new' systems, as an alternative to 'building in' adaptation facilities, but we do not address that here.) Our infrastructure consists of multiple layers with the objectives of 1. probing, measuring and reporting of activity and state during the execution of the target system among its components and connectors; 2. gauging, analysis and interpretation of the reported events; and 3. whenever necessary, feedback onto the probes and gauges, to focus them (e.g., drill deeper), or onto the running target system, to direct its automatic adjustment and reconfiguration. We report on our successful experience using this approach in dynamic adaptation of a large-scale commercial application that requires both coarse and fine grained modifications

    The economics and business models of prescription in the Internet

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    L'économie de l'Internet a contribué à une ouverture du jeu concurrentiel en dissociant les fonctions physique et informationnelle des activités de distribution. Plus précisément, elle a ouvert la voie à de nouvelles structures de marché en mettant en avant une fonction de prescription clairement distincte des fonctions d'offre d'une part, des fonctions logistiques et de mise à disposition des biens d'autre part. Nous nous attachons ici à montrer que l'analyse des fonctions et modalités de prescription permet de mieux comprendre les modèles d'affaires et les structures concurrentielles à l'œuvre dans l'économie de l'Internet organisées autour de l'articulationde trois marchés : biens primaires, référencement, prescription. Cette modélisation de marchés à prescription contribue à enrichir la compréhension des chaînes de valeur et des relations d'affaires repérables dans l'Internet.prescription;internet

    A Case Study In Software Adaptation

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    We attach a feedback-control-loop infrastructure to an existing target system, to continually monitor and dynamically adapt its activities and performance. (This approach could also be applied to 'new' systems, as an alternative to 'building in' adaptation facilities, but we do not address that here.) Our infrastructure consists of multiple layers with the objectives of 1. probing, measuring and reporting of activity and state during the execution of the target system among its components and connectors; 2. gauging, analysis and interpretation of the reported events; and 3. whenever necessary, feedback onto the probes and gauges, to focus them (e.g., drill deeper), or onto the running target system, to direct its automatic adjustment and reconfiguration. We report on our successful experience using this approach in dynamic adaptation of a large-scale commercial application that requires both coarse and fine grained modifications