13 research outputs found

    Protocol-based verification of message-passing parallel programs

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    © 2015 ACM.We present ParTypes, a type-based methodology for the verification of Message Passing Interface (MPI) programs written in the C programming language. The aim is to statically verify programs against protocol specifications, enforcing properties such as fidelity and absence of deadlocks. We develop a protocol language based on a dependent type system for message-passing parallel programs, which includes various communication operators, such as point-to-point messages, broadcast, reduce, array scatter and gather. For the verification of a program against a given protocol, the protocol is first translated into a representation read by VCC, a software verifier for C. We successfully verified several MPI programs in a running time that is independent of the number of processes or other input parameters. This contrasts with alternative techniques, notably model checking and runtime verification, that suffer from the state-explosion problem or that otherwise depend on parameters to the program itself. We experimentally evaluated our approach against state-of-the-art tools for MPI to conclude that our approach offers a scalable solution

    Dependent Types for Class-based Mutable Objects

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    We present an imperative object-oriented language featuring a dependent type system designed to support class-based programming and inheritance. Programmers implement classes in the usual imperative style, and may take advantage of a richer dependent type system to express class invariants and restrictions on how objects are allowed to change and be used as arguments to methods. By way of example, we implement insertion and deletion for binary search trees in an imperative style, and come up with types that ensure the binary search tree invariant. This is the first dependently-typed language with mutable objects that we know of to bring classes and index refinements into play, enabling types (classes) to be refined by indices drawn from some constraint domain. We give a declarative type system that supports objects whose types may change, despite being sound. We also give an algorithmic type system that provides a precise account of quantifier instantiation in a bidirectional style, and from which it is straightforward to read off an implementation. Moreover, all the examples in the paper have been run, compiled and executed in a fully functional prototype that includes a plugin for the Eclipse IDE

    Approximate Normalization for Gradual Dependent Types

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    Dependent types help programmers write highly reliable code. However, this reliability comes at a cost: it can be challenging to write new prototypes in (or migrate old code to) dependently-typed programming languages. Gradual typing makes static type disciplines more flexible, so an appropriate notion of gradual dependent types could fruitfully lower this cost. However, dependent types raise unique challenges for gradual typing. Dependent typechecking involves the execution of program code, but gradually-typed code can signal runtime type errors or diverge. These runtime errors threaten the soundness guarantees that make dependent types so attractive, while divergence spoils the type-driven programming experience. This paper presents GDTL, a gradual dependently-typed language that emphasizes pragmatic dependently-typed programming. GDTL fully embeds both an untyped and dependently-typed language, and allows for smooth transitions between the two. In addition to gradual types we introduce gradual terms , which allow the user to be imprecise in type indices and to omit proof terms; runtime checks ensure type safety . To account for nontermination and failure, we distinguish between compile-time normalization and run-time execution: compile-time normalization is approximate but total, while runtime execution is exact , but may fail or diverge. We prove that GDTL has decidable typechecking and satisfies all the expected properties of gradual languages. In particular, GDTL satisfies the static and dynamic gradual guarantees: reducing type precision preserves typedness, and altering type precision does not change program behavior outside of dynamic type failures. To prove these properties, we were led to establish a novel normalization gradual guarantee that captures the monotonicity of approximate normalization with respect to imprecision

    A type discipline for message passing parallel programs

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    We present ParTypes, a type discipline for parallel programs. The model we have in mind comprises a fixed number of processes running in parallel and communicating via collective operations or point-to-point synchronous message exchanges. A type describes a protocol to be followed by each processes in a given program. We present the type theory, a core imperative programming language and its operational semantics, and prove that type checking is decidable (up to decidability of semantic entailment) and that well-typed programs do not deadlock and always terminate. The article is accompanied by a large number of examples drawn from the literature on parallel programming

    Practical Type Inference for the GADT Type System

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    Generalized algebraic data types (GADTs) are a type system extension to algebraic data types that allows the type of an algebraic data value to vary with its shape. The GADT type system allows programmers to express detailed program properties as types (for example, that a function should return a list of the same length as its input), and a general-purpose type checker will automatically check those properties at compile time. Type inference for the GADT type system and the properties of the type system are both currently areas of active research. In this dissertation, I attack both problems simultaneously by exploiting the symbiosis between type system research and type inference research. Deficiencies of GADT type inference algorithms motivate research on specific aspects of the type system, and discoveries about the type system bring in new insights that lead to improved GADT type inference algorithms. The technical contributions of this dissertation are therefore twofold: in addition to new GADT type system properties (such as the prevalence of pointwise type information flow in GADT patterns, a generalized notion of existential types, and the effects of enforcing the GADT branch reachability requirement), I will also present a new GADT type inference algorithm that is significantly more powerful than existing algorithms. These contributions should help programmers use the GADT type system more effectively, and they should also enable language implementers to provide better support for the GADT type system

    Adding dependent types to class-based mutable objects

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciência da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018In this thesis, we present an imperative object-oriented language featuring a dependent type system designed to support class-based programming and inheritance. The system brings classes and dependent types into play so as to enable types (classes) to be refined by value parameters (indices) drawn from some constraint domain. This combination allows statically checking interesting properties of imperative programs that are impossible to check in conventional static type systems for objects. From a pragmatic point of view, this work opens the possibility to combine the scalability and modularity of object orientation with the safety provided by dependent types in the form of index refinements. These may be used to provide additional guarantees about the fields of objects, and to prevent, for example, a method call that could leave an object in a state that would violate the class invariant. One key feature is that the programmer is not required to prove equations between indices issued by types, but instead the typechecker depends on external constraint solving. From a theoretic perspective, our fundamental contribution is to formulate a system that unifies the three very different features: dependent types, mutable objects and class-based inheritance with subtyping. Our approach includes universal and existential types, as well as union types. Subtyping is induced by inheritance and quantifier instantiation. Moreover, dependent types require the system to track type varying objects, a feature missing from standard type systems in which the type is constant throughout the object’s lifetime. To ensure that an object is used correctly, aliasing is handled via a linear type discipline that enforces unique references to type varying objects. The system is decidable, provided indices are drawn from some decidable theory, and proved sound via subject reduction and progress. We also formulate a typechecking algorithm that gives a precise account of quantifier instantiation in a bidirectional style, combining type synthesis with checking. We prove that our algorithm is sound and complete. By way of example, we implement insertion and deletion for binary search trees in an imperative style, and come up with types that ensure the binary search tree invariant. To attest the relevance of the language proposed, we provide a fully functional prototype where this and other examples can be typechecked, compiled and run. The prototype can be found at http://rss.di.fc.ul.pt/tools/dol/

    Ambivalent Types for Principal Type Inference with GADTs (extended version)

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    GADTs, short for Generalized Algebraic DataTypes, which allow constructors of algebraic datatypes to be non-surjective, have many useful applications. However, pattern matching on GADTsintroduces local type equality assumptions, which are a source of ambiguities that may destroy principal types---and must be resolved by type annotations. We introduce ambivalent types to tighten the definition of ambiguities and better confine them, so that type inference has principal types, remains monotonic, and requires fewer type annotations

    Type-Based Verification of Message-Passing Parallel Programs

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    We present a type-based approach to the verification of the communication structure of parallel programs. We model parallel imperative programs where a fixed number of processes, each equipped with its local memory, communicates via a rich diversity of primitives, including point-to-point messages, broadcast, reduce, and array scatter and gather. The paper proposes a decidable dependent type system incorporating abstractions for the various communication operators, a form of primitive recursion, and collective choice. Term types may refer to values in the programming language, including integer, floating point and arrays. The paper further introduces a core programming language for imperative, message-passing, parallel programming, and shows that the language enjoys progress.Under revie

    The productivity of polymorphic stream equations and the composition of circular traversals

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    This thesis has two independent parts concerned with different aspects of laziness in functional programs. The first part is a theoretical study of productivity for very restricted stream programs. In the second part we define a programming abstraction over a recursive pattern for defining circular traversals modularly. Productivity is in general undecidable. By restricting ourselves to mutually recursive polymorphic stream equations having only three basic operations, namely "head", "tail", and "cons", we aim to prove interesting properties about productivity. Still undecidable for this restricted class of programs, productivity of polymorphic stream functions is equivalent to the totality of their indexing function, which characterise their behaviour in terms of operations on indices. We prove that our equations generate all possible polymorphic stream functions, and therefore their indexing functions are all the computable functions, whose totality problem is indeed undecidable. We then further restrict our language by reducing the numbers of equations and parameters, but despite those constraints the equations retain their expressiveness. In the end we establish that even two non-mutually recursive equations on unary stream functions are undecidable with complexity Π20Π_2^0. However, the productivity of a single unary equation is decidable. Circular traversals have been used in the eighties as an optimisation to combine multiple traversals in a single traversal. In particular they provide more opportunities for applying deforestation techniques since it is the case that an intermediate datastructure can only be eliminated if it is consumed only once. Another use of circular programs is in the implementation of attribute grammars in lazy functional languages. There is a systematic transformation to define a circular traversal equivalent to multiple traversals. Programming with this technique is not modular since the individual traversals are merged together. Some tools exist to transform programs automatically and attribute grammars have been suggested as a way to describe the circular traversals modularly. Going to the root of the problem, we identify a recursive pattern that allows us to define circular programs modularly in a functional style. We give two successive implementations, the first one is based on algebras and has limited scope: not all circular traversals can be defined this way. We show that the recursive scheme underlying attribute grammars computation rules is essential to combine circular programs. We implement a generic recursive operation on a novel attribute grammar abstraction, using containers as a parametric generic representation of recursive datatypes. The abstraction makes attribute grammars first-class objects. Such a strongly typed implementation is novel and make it possible to implement a high level embedded language for defining attribute grammars, with many interesting new features promoting modularity

    Verified programming with explicit coercions

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    Type systems have proved to be a powerful means of specifying and proving important program invariants. In dependently typed programming languages types can depend on values and hence express arbitrarily complicated propositions and their machine checkable proofs. The type-based approach to program specification allows for the programmer to not only transcribe their intentions, but arranges for their direct involvement in the proving process, thus aiding the machine in its attempt to satisfy difficult obligations. In this thesis we develop a series of patterns for programming in a correct-by-construction style making use of constraints and coercions to prove properties within a dependently typed host. This allows for the development of a verified, kernel which can be built upon using the host system features. In particular this should allow for the development of “tactics” or semiautomated solvers invoked when coercing types all within a single language. The efficacy of this approach is given by the development of a system of expressions indexed by their, exposing a case analysis feature serving to generate value constraints. These constraints are directly reflected into the host allowing for their involvement in the type-checking process. A motivating use case of this design shows how a term’s semantic index information admits an exact, formalized cost analysis amenable to reasoning within the host. Finally we show how such a system is used to identify unreachable dead-code, trivially admitting the design and verification of an SSA style compiler with this optimization. We think such a design of explicitly proving the local correctness of type-transformations in the presence of accumulated constraints can form the basis of a flexible language in concert with a variety of trusted solver