101 research outputs found

    Practical solutions for a dock assignment problem with trailer transportation.

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    We study a distribution warehouse in which trailers need to be assigned to docks for loading or unloading. A parking lot is used as a buffer zone and transportation between the parking lot and the docks is performed by auxiliary resources called terminal tractors. Each incoming trailer has a known arrival time and each outgoing trailer a desired departure time. The primary objective is to produce a docking schedule such that the weighted sum of the number of late outgoing trailers and the tardiness of these trailers is minimized; the secondary objective is to minimize the weighted completion time of all trailers, both incoming and outgoing. The purpose of this paper is to produce high-quality solutions to large instances that are comparable to a real-life case. We implement several heuristic algorithms: truncated branch and bound, beam search and tabu search. Lagrangian relaxation is embedded in the algorithms for constructing an initial solution and for computing lower bounds. The different solution frameworks are compared via extensive computational experiments.Dock assignment; Multicriteria scheduling; Branch and bound; Beam search; Lagrangian relaxation; Tabu search;

    Ordonnancement de camions dans une plateforme logistique : complexité, méthodes de résolution et incertitudes

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    La problématique dite de crossdocking a été source de beaucoup d'attention ces dernières années dans la littérature. Un crossdock est une plateforme logistique favorisant, par une synchronisation efficace des camions entrants et sortants, une rotation rapide des produits, le volume de produits stockés devant être le plus faible possible. Le crossdocking soulève de nombreux problèmes logistiques, dont notamment celui de l'ordonnancement des camions entrants et sortants sur les quais de la plateforme. L'objectif classiquement considéré dans la littérature pour ce problème est la minimisation du makespan, critère très répandu en d'ordonnancement. Pour le crossdocking néanmoins, minimiser la date de départ du dernier camion ne garantie pas nécessairement une bonne synchronisation des camions et le makespan ne semble donc pas être l'objectif le plus pertinent. Pour répondre au besoin de synchronisation et favoriser les rotations rapides, notre travail propose alternativement de minimiser la somme des temps de séjour des palettes dans le stock. Nous étudions d'abord la version déterministe de ce problème d'ordonnancement. Sa complexité est détaillée selon différentes hypothèses pour identifier les éléments menant à sa NP-difficulté. Différentes méthodes de résolutions sont proposées. Une méthode classique de programmation linéaire en nombres entiers utilisant des variables de décision indexées par le temps. Une famille d'inégalités valides est également proposée et exploitée dans un algorithme avec ajout itératif de coupes. Des méthodes basées sur la programmation par contraintes sont enfin proposées. Une analyse comparative de ces différentes méthodes est proposée. Dans un deuxième temps, nous étudions une version non-déterministe de notre problème d'ordonnancement dans laquelle des incertitudes sur les dates d'arrivée des camions sont introduites sous la forme d'intervalles de temps équiprobables. Une méthode d'ordonnancement proactive-réactive utilisant le concept de groupes d'opérations permutables est proposée pour faire face aux incertitudes. Des groupes de camions permutables sont séquencés et affectés aux quais puis, durant l'exécution d'ordonnancement, en fonction de la réalisation des dates d'arrivée, un ordre est choisi dans chaque groupe à l'aide d'un algorithme réactif.Crossdocking has received a lot of attention in the literature in recent years. A crossdock is a logistic platform that promotes rapid product turnover through efficient synchronization of incoming and outgoing trucks, with the volume of products stored being kept as low as possible. Crossdocking raises many logistical problems, including the scheduling of incoming and outgoing trucks on the platform's docks. The classical objective considered in the literature for this problem is the minimization of the makespan, a very common criterion in scheduling. However, for crossdocking, minimizing the departure date of the last truck does not necessarily guarantee a good synchronization of the trucks and the makespan does not seem to be the most relevant objective. In order to meet the need for synchronization and to help fast rotations, our work proposes alternatively to minimize the sum of the pallets' sojourn times in the warehouse. We first study the deterministic version of this scheduling problem. Its complexity is detailed under different assumptions to identify the elements leading to its NP-hardness. Different solution methods are proposed. A classical integer linear programming method using time-indexed decision variables. A family of valid inequalities is also proposed and exploited in an algorithm with iterative addition of cuts. Finally, methods based on constraint programming are proposed. A comparative analysis of these different methods is proposed. In a second step, we study a non-deterministic version of our scheduling problem in which uncertainties on truck arrival dates are introduced in the form of equiprobable time intervals. A proactive-reactive scheduling method using the concept of permutable operation groups is proposed to cope with the uncertainties. Groups of permutable trucks are sequenced and assigned to the docks and then, during the scheduling run, based on the realization of arrival dates, an order is chosen in each group using a reactive algorithm

    Mathematical programming models and methods for production planning and scheduling

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 106-112).by Jeremy F. Shapiro

    Lot size determination in multi-stage assembly systems

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    Optimised decision-making under grade uncertainty in surface mining

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    Mining schedule optimisation often ignores geological and economic risks in favour of simplistic deterministic methods. In this thesis a scenario optimisation approach is developed which uses MILP optimisation results from multiple conditional simulations of geological data to derive a unique solution. The research also generated an interpretive framework which incorporates the use of the Coefficient of Variation allowing the assessment of various optimisation results in order to find the solution with the most attractive risk-return ratio

    Exact Integer Programming Approaches to Sequential Instruction Scheduling and Offset Assignment

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    The dissertation at hand presents the main concepts and results derived when studying the optimal solution of two NP-hard compiler optimization problems, namely instruction scheduling and offset assignment, by means of integer programming. It is the outcome of several years of research as an assistant at Michael Jünger's computer science chair in Cologne, with the particular aim to apply exact mathematical optimization techniques to real-world problems arising in the domain of technical computer science. The two problems studied are rather unrelated apart from the fact that they both take place during the machine code generation phase of a compiler and deal with the handling of limited resources. Instruction scheduling is about the assignment of issue clock cycles to instructions in the presence of precedence, latency, and resource constraints such that the total time needed to execute all the instructions is minimized. Offset assignment deals with storage layouts of program variables and the efficient use of address registers for accesses to these variables. The objective is to employ specialized instructions in order to minimize the overhead caused by address computations. While instruction scheduling needs to be carried out by almost every present compiler irrespective of the processor architecture, the offset assignment problem occurs mainly in compilers for highly specialized processor designs. Instruction scheduling is a well-studied field where several exact and heuristic approaches have been developed and experimentally evaluated in the past. In this thesis, we concentrate on the basic-block instruction scheduling problem for single-issue processors. Basic blocks are program fragments with no side-entrances and -exits, i.e., every instruction of a basic block needs to be executed before the control flow may leave it and enter another basic block. Single-issue processors are capable of starting the execution of exactly one instruction per clock cycle. A number of techniques to preprocess instances of the basic-block instruction scheduling problem were proposed in the literature and are, with emphasis on the more recent ones that arose since the year 2000, thoroughly reviewed in this thesis. They finally led to a constraint programming approach in 2006 that was shown to solve about 350,000 instances to optimality and where some of these instances comprised up to about 2,500 instructions. The last attempt to tackle the problem using integer programming however dates to a time prior to the publication of the latest preprocessing advances. While being successful on a set of instances that impose very restrictive latency constraints, it was shown to be unable to solve hundreds of instances from the aforementioned benchmark set that comprises also large and varying latencies. In addition, the previous integer programming models were almost all based on so-called time-indexed formulations where decision variables model an explicit assignment of instructions to clock cycles. In this thesis, a completely different and novel approach is taken based on the linear ordering problem, a well-studied combinatorial optimization problem. The new models lead to alternative characterizations of the feasible solutions to the basic-block instruction scheduling problem. These facilitate the employment of advanced integer programming methodologies, in particular the design of branch-and-cut algorithms that can handle larger instances. The formulations are further extended by additional inequalities that can be used as cutting planes. Combined with the preprocessing routines that are partially extended and improved as well, the respective solver implementation eventually turned out to be competitive to the constraint programming method. Reaching this point has taken some years and this thesis presents not only the derived models but also several ideas and byproducts that arose in the meantime, and that can help and inspire researchers even if they aim at the application of different solution methodologies. The starting point regarding the offset assignment problem was a different one because especially exact solution approaches were rather rare prior to the models presented in this thesis. The offset assignment problem arose in the 1990s and is considered in several variants that are of theoretical and practical interest. In the simplest one, a processor is assumed to provide only a single address register and only very restricted possibilities to avoid address computation overhead. However, even this simplest variant, that may serve as a building block for the more complex ones, is already NP-hard and has been studied mainly from a heuristic point of view. The few existing exact solution approaches were not capable to solve moderately sized instances so that the quality of heuristic solutions relative to the optimum was hardly known at all. Again, the inspection of the combinatorial structure of the various problem variants turned out to be the key for designing branch-and-cut implementations that can profit from knowledge about related combinatorial optimization problems. The implementation targeting the simple problem variant was the first capable to optimally solve the majority of about 3,000 instances collected in a standard benchmark set. The method could then be further generalized in two steps. First, in a collaboration with Roberto Castañeda Lozano, additional techniques could be incorporated into the approach in order to handle multiple address registers. Fortunately, the methods could then even be further extended to as well deal with more flexible addressing capabilities. In this way, the thesis at hand does not only answer the question how large the address computation overhead can be when using heuristics, but as well presents first results that allow to analyze the impact of the mentioned increased addressing capabilities on the runtime performance and size of real-world programs

    Algorithms and hardness results for the jump number problem, the joint replenishment problem, and the optimal clustering of frequency-constrained maintenance jobs

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Operations Research Center, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-110).In the first part of this thesis we present a new, geometric interpretation of the jump number problem on 2-dimensional 2-colorable (2D2C) partial order. We show that the jump number of a 2D2C poset is equivalent to the maximum cardinality of an independent set in a properly defined collection of rectangles in the plane. We then model the geometric problem as a linear program. Even though the underlying polytope may not be integral, we show that one can always find an integral optimal solution. Inspired by this result and by previous work of A. Frank, T. Jordan and L. Vegh [13, 14, 15] on set-pairs, we derive an efficient combinatorial algorithm to find the maximum independent set and its dual, the minimum hitting set, in polynomial time. The combinatorial algorithm solves the jump number problem on convex posets (a subclass of 2D2C posets) significantly faster than current methods. If n is the number of nodes in the partial order, our algorithm runs in 0((n log n)2.5) time, while previous algorithms ran in at least 0(n9 ) time. In the second part, we present a novel connection between certain sequencing problems that involve the coordination of activities and the problem of factorizing integer numbers. We use this connection to derive hardness results for three different problems: -- The Joint Replenishment Problem with General Integer Policies. -- The Joint Replenishment Problem with Correction Factor. -- The Problem of Optimal Clustering of Frequency-Constrained Maintenance Jobs. Our hardness results do not follow from a standard type of reduction (e.g., we do not prove NP-hardness), and imply that no polynomial-time algorithm exists for the problems above, unless Integer Factorization is solvable in polynomial time..by Claudio Telha Cornejo.Ph.D