388,803 research outputs found

    “Guest Teacher” As a Class Inspirational Program in Pandemic Covid-19

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    This study aims to (1) describe the “Guest Teacher” program in TK Laboratorium UM Malang, (2) analyze the efforts of the “Guest Teacher” program in PAUD learning, (3) and identify the factors inhibiting the activities of the Guest Teacher program. Respondents in this study were teachers and parents who participated in the Guest Teacher program. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews, observation, and documentation. This research employs the descriptive qualitative approach. The research was conducted based on initial observations of teachers and parents in TK Laboratorium UM Malang. The results showed that the efforts that have been made with the Guest Teacher program for parents show that most parents have an awareness of the importance of their participation in children. With the implementation of the Guest Teacher program, it can foster parental participation in education and childcare. Parents raise awareness of their roles as supporters, teachers, students, advisors, protectors, and as inspirations for students. Keywords: guest teacher program, inspiration class, kindergarte

    Inquiry, Innovation, & Impact: Report to the Community

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    Inquiry, Innovation, & Impact: Report to the Communit

    A Profile of the Centre for Social and Development Studies

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    Invited Paper: Ingredients of a High-Quality Information Systems Program in a Changing IS Landscape

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    This paper describes James Madison University’s undergraduate major in Computer Information Systems as an example of a high- quality Information Systems (IS) program and discusses our planned evolution in the context of the rapid changes of technological, business, and social factors. We have determined what we consider to be five essential ingredients of what makes JMU’s program a high-quality IS major. These are: (1) building an integrated, rigorous curriculum with a strong technical foundation; (2) developing a vibrant community of faculty, students, alumni, employers, and community service organizations; (3) respecting and supporting pedagogical scholarship; (4) committing to continuous improvement and assessment; and (5) accreditation. We believe these ingredients will continue to be highly relevant as the IS discipline moves forward, but also that curriculum content will need to adjust to meet changing demand. We discuss the increasing relevance of topics such as analytics, security, and the cloud to the IS curriculum and their implications for pedagogy, accreditation, and scholarship. We hope that sharing JMU’s experience, insights, and future directions will be useful to JISE’s readership

    Fall Convocation 2017 Program

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    A program for the Fall 2017 convocation, giving information on programs to improve student learning, including Teaching and Learning Bash, Assessment as Ally, Teaching with Technology Symposium, 2017 Faculty and Staff Awards, State of the University Address

    Institutional entrepreneurs as translators : a comparative study in an emerging activity.

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    This paper analyzes the reasons why some institutional entrepreneurship strategies failed to translate an institution while other succeeded, by paying a specific attention to the interaction between material and discursive dimensions in the translation process. A theoretical framework integrating both dimensions of translation is first proposed in order to study strategies of competing entrepreneurs. Then a comparative study of three entrepreneurs translating practices of corporate social evaluation in the French context is used to investigate the processes through which competing translators achieved their objective more or less successfully.neo-institutionalisme; translation; corporate social responsibility;

    Nurture Students Soft Skills Through Project-oriented Problem-based Learning Approach in Siswa@Fesyen

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    The quality of graduates should be strengthened to enhance their marketability after graduation. Unemployment issues among graduates in Malaysia are still reported to be high. Several factors have contributed to the occurrence of this situation including the lack of soft skills in graduates. This article discusses the role, implementation, and outcomes of Siswa@Fesyen programs that have been implemented to nurture student’s soft skills through Project-oriented Problem-based Learning (PoPBL). The Siswa@Fesyen program involves 40 final-year students from the Bachelor of Home Economics Education at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Qualitative studies involving observation and interviews were conducted to review the program’s outcomes in nurturing student’s soft skills and character development. Students’ feedback shows that this program has successfully achieved the main objective which is to nurture student’s soft skills as well as strengthening student’s sewing skills in producing fashion designs. Finally, the findings show that the Siswa@Fesyen program can be a significant platform to nurture soft skills and thus provide students with the opportunity to face the working environment and life after graduation.     Keywords: soft skills, PoPBL, fashion entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship outcome

    1993 Annual Report

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    1995 Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan

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    The Statewide Transportation Planning Process for highway transportation builds upon the planning processes previously used by UDOT. The previous planning process developed a three-tier list of capacity and system improvement projects from public and UDOT staff participation. Projects were ranked according to need into three priorities. Priority One projects were those needed within five years. Priority Two projects were needed in five to ten years, and Priority Three projects were those projects needed in ten to twenty years. The Statewide Transportation Planning Process uses data collected from a series of Management Systems, corridor inventories, and other special studies combined with detailed public participation to develop strategies and projects to improve the transportation system over the next twenty years. The Statewide Transportation Plan is financially constrained, so strategies and project implementation can reasonably be expected to occur when projected. The Transportation Plans and Transportation Improvement Programs, prepared by the Metropolitan Planning Organizations, are among the documents used to prepare the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
