1995 Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan


The Statewide Transportation Planning Process for highway transportation builds upon the planning processes previously used by UDOT. The previous planning process developed a three-tier list of capacity and system improvement projects from public and UDOT staff participation. Projects were ranked according to need into three priorities. Priority One projects were those needed within five years. Priority Two projects were needed in five to ten years, and Priority Three projects were those projects needed in ten to twenty years. The Statewide Transportation Planning Process uses data collected from a series of Management Systems, corridor inventories, and other special studies combined with detailed public participation to develop strategies and projects to improve the transportation system over the next twenty years. The Statewide Transportation Plan is financially constrained, so strategies and project implementation can reasonably be expected to occur when projected. The Transportation Plans and Transportation Improvement Programs, prepared by the Metropolitan Planning Organizations, are among the documents used to prepare the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

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