150 research outputs found

    Condition Monitoring Methods for Large, Low-speed Bearings

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    In all industrial production plants, well-functioning machines and systems are required for sustained and safe operation. However, asset performance degrades over time and may lead to reduced effiency, poor product quality, secondary damage to other assets or even complete failure and unplanned downtime of critical systems. Besides the potential safety hazards from machine failure, the economic consequences are large, particularly in offshore applications where repairs are difficult. This thesis focuses on large, low-speed rolling element bearings, concretized by the main swivel bearing of an offshore drilling machine. Surveys have shown that bearing failure in drilling machines is a major cause of rig downtime. Bearings have a finite lifetime, which can be estimated using formulas supplied by the bearing manufacturer. Premature failure may still occur as a result of irregularities in operating conditions and use, lubrication, mounting, contamination, or external environmental factors. On the contrary, a bearing may also exceed the expected lifetime. Compared to smaller bearings, historical failure data from large, low-speed machinery is rare. Due to the high cost of maintenance and repairs, the preferred maintenance arrangement is often condition based. Vibration measurements with accelerometers is the most common data acquisition technique. However, vibration based condition monitoring of large, low-speed bearings is challenging, due to non-stationary operating conditions, low kinetic energy and increased distance from fault to transducer. On the sensor side, this project has also investigated the usage of acoustic emission sensors for condition monitoring purposes. Roller end damage is identified as a failure mode of interest in tapered axial bearings. Early stage abrasive wear has been observed on bearings in drilling machines. The failure mode is currently only detectable upon visual inspection and potentially through wear debris in the bearing lubricant. In this thesis, multiple machine learning algorithms are developed and applied to handle the challenges of fault detection in large, low-speed bearings with little or no historical data and unknown fault signatures. The feasibility of transfer learning is demonstrated, as an approach to speed up implementation of automated fault detection systems when historical failure data is available. Variational autoencoders are proposed as a method for unsupervised dimensionality reduction and feature extraction, being useful for obtaining a health indicator with a statistical anomaly detection threshold. Data is collected from numerous experiments throughout the project. Most notably, a test was performed on a real offshore drilling machine with roller end wear in the bearing. To replicate this failure mode and aid development of condition monitoring methods, an axial bearing test rig has been designed and built as a part of the project. An overview of all experiments, methods and results are given in the thesis, with details covered in the appended papers.publishedVersio

    Novel deep cross-domain framework for fault diagnosis or rotary machinery in prognostics and health management

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    Improving the reliability of engineered systems is a crucial problem in many applications in various engineering fields, such as aerospace, nuclear energy, and water declination industries. This requires efficient and effective system health monitoring methods, including processing and analyzing massive machinery data to detect anomalies and performing diagnosis and prognosis. In recent years, deep learning has been a fast-growing field and has shown promising results for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) in interpreting condition monitoring signals such as vibration, acoustic emission, and pressure due to its capacity to mine complex representations from raw data. This doctoral research provides a systematic review of state-of-the-art deep learning-based PHM frameworks, an empirical analysis on bearing fault diagnosis benchmarks, and a novel multi-source domain adaptation framework. It emphasizes the most recent trends within the field and presents the benefits and potentials of state-of-the-art deep neural networks for system health management. Besides, the limitations and challenges of the existing technologies are discussed, which leads to opportunities for future research. The empirical study of the benchmarks highlights the evaluation results of the existing models on bearing fault diagnosis benchmark datasets in terms of various performance metrics such as accuracy and training time. The result of the study is very important for comparing or testing new models. A novel multi-source domain adaptation framework for fault diagnosis of rotary machinery is also proposed, which aligns the domains in both feature-level and task-level. The proposed framework transfers the knowledge from multiple labeled source domains into a single unlabeled target domain by reducing the feature distribution discrepancy between the target domain and each source domain. Besides, the model can be easily reduced to a single-source domain adaptation problem. Also, the model can be readily updated to unsupervised domain adaptation problems in other fields such as image classification and image segmentation. Further, the proposed model is modified with a novel conditional weighting mechanism that aligns the class-conditional probability of the domains and reduces the effect of irrelevant source domain which is a critical issue in multi-source domain adaptation algorithms. The experimental verification results show the superiority of the proposed framework over state-of-the-art multi-source domain-adaptation models

    Generative Adversarial Networks Selection Approach for Extremely Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis of Reciprocating Machinery

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    At present, countless approaches to fault diagnosis in reciprocating machines have been proposed, all considering that the available machinery dataset is in equal proportions for all conditions. However, when the application is closer to reality, the problem of data imbalance is increasingly evident. In this paper, we propose a method for the creation of diagnoses that consider an extreme imbalance in the available data. Our approach first processes the vibration signals of the machine using a wavelet packet transform-based feature-extraction stage. Then, improved generative models are obtained with a dissimilarity-based model selection to artificially balance the dataset. Finally, a Random Forest classifier is created to address the diagnostic task. This methodology provides a considerable improvement with 99% of data imbalance over other approaches reported in the literature, showing performance similar to that obtained with a balanced set of data.National Natural Science Foundation of China, under Grant 51605406National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 7180104

    Degradation Vector Fields with Uncertainty Considerations

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    The focus of this work is on capturing uncertainty in remaining useful life (RUL) estimates for machinery and constructing some latent dynamics that aid in interpreting those results. This is primarily achieved through sequential deep generative models known as Dynamical Variational Autoencoders (DVAEs). These allow for the construction of latent dynamics related to the RUL estimates while being a probabilistic model that can quantify the uncertainties of the estimates

    Deep convolutional neural networks for Bearings failure predictionand temperature correlation

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    Rolling elements bearings (REBs) is one of the most sensitive components and the common failure unit in mechanical equipment. Bearings failure prognostics, which aims to achieve an effective way to handle the increasing requirements for higher reliability and in the same time reduce unnecessary costs, has been an area of extensive research. The accurate prediction of bearings Remaining Useful Life (RUL) is indispensable for safe and lifetime-optimized operations. To monitor this vital component and planning repair work, a new intelligent method based on Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD) and deep learning networks is proposed in this paper. Firstly, features extraction from WPD used as input data. Secondly, these selected features are fed into deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to construct the Health Indicator (HI). This study focuses on analysing the relationships such as correlations between the HI and temperature. We develop a solution for the Connectiomics contest dataset of bearings under different operating conditions and severity of defects. The performance of the proposed method is verified by four bearing data sets collected from experimental setup called “PRONOSTIA”. The results show that the health indicator obtains fairly high monotonicity and correlation values and it is beneficial to bearing life prediction. In addition, it is experimentally demonstrated that the proposed method is able to achieve better performance than a traditional neural network based method

    A Literature Review of Fault Diagnosis Based on Ensemble Learning

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    The accuracy of fault diagnosis is an important indicator to ensure the reliability of key equipment systems. Ensemble learning integrates different weak learning methods to obtain stronger learning and has achieved remarkable results in the field of fault diagnosis. This paper reviews the recent research on ensemble learning from both technical and field application perspectives. The paper summarizes 87 journals in recent web of science and other academic resources, with a total of 209 papers. It summarizes 78 different ensemble learning based fault diagnosis methods, involving 18 public datasets and more than 20 different equipment systems. In detail, the paper summarizes the accuracy rates, fault classification types, fault datasets, used data signals, learners (traditional machine learning or deep learning-based learners), ensemble learning methods (bagging, boosting, stacking and other ensemble models) of these fault diagnosis models. The paper uses accuracy of fault diagnosis as the main evaluation metrics supplemented by generalization and imbalanced data processing ability to evaluate the performance of those ensemble learning methods. The discussion and evaluation of these methods lead to valuable research references in identifying and developing appropriate intelligent fault diagnosis models for various equipment. This paper also discusses and explores the technical challenges, lessons learned from the review and future development directions in the field of ensemble learning based fault diagnosis and intelligent maintenance

    A Data-Driven Approach using Long-Short Term Memory for Fault Prognosis and Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Satellite Reaction Wheel

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    Artificial satellites are objects or a body that are stationed in the orbit of another object. The purpose of artificial satellites includes monitoring, information transfer, studying a different planet, space exploration, and fulfilling many other modern-day needs. For the increased demand, the number of artificial satellites revolving around the earth is also increasing. Due to cost efficiency, bulk manufacturing capability, and ease to launch in the orbits, small satellites are the topic of interest. Reaction wheels are widely used in the attitude control system of small satellites. Unfortunately, reaction wheels failure restricts the efficacy of a satellite, and it is one of the many reasons that lead to premature abandonment of the satellites. In larger satellites, there is room for mechanical redundancy to increase service reliability, so an onboard health monitoring system is in demand to ensure seamless performance by minimizing the risk factor of the sudden failure of a small satellite. This study observes the measurable system parameter of a faulty reaction wheel to estimate the remaining useful life of the reaction wheels. In this research, a data-driven approach is for the fault prognosis of the satellite reaction wheel. The measurable system parameters from the satellite reaction wheel are not directly related to the health of the system. So, the proposed method involves three stages to achieve the goal. In the first stage, the necessary observable system parameters are identified, and their future state is predicted based on historical data using a long short-term memory recurrent neural network. A health index parameter is defined and estimated using a multi-variate long short-term memory network in the second stage. In the third stage, the remaining useful life of the reaction wheel is estimated based on historical data of the health index parameter and a threshold. The approach is very efficient depending on the fault severity and can be used in on-field scenarios. The approach is robust up to a certain degree of noise, disturbance, and missing data