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    Teacher professionalism is the building department, including a profession that requires expertise and building the image area has a responsibility that must be done professionally. Drawing skill building program is one of the special programs that deepen their expertise knowledge engineering drawings of buildings in SMK Negeri 3 for major buildings. Image of the building itself is a form of image building process, according to the form that will be built. Program building expertise in SMK Negeri 3 not only learn how to draw buildings, but many subjects that support the programs of this expertise, such as building materials science, mathematics engineering, construction, wood, concrete and so forth. The subjects are interrelated and thus require a solid mastery of the theory and implementation of rigorous practice. This study aims to describe the professionalism of teachers majoring in building expertise in building a picture of SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta in terms of professional competence and personal skills (personality). This research is a survey. Survey in this research was to get an idea of professionalism of teachers majoring in building expertise in building a picture of SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. Measuring professionalism was the ability of professional and personal skills (personality). Data collection was by observation, documentation, interviews and questionnaires. Questionnaire was given to all teachers majoring in building SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, and then conducted unstructured interviews to the Principal. Processing questionnaire data was using descriptive statistics and interview methods were described to support or weaken the results of the questionnaire. The results of this study demonstrate the professionalism of teachers in terms of professional competence with a score of 47.69. This score included in the high category. Teacher professionalism in terms of personal ability showed a score of 48.54.The score can be categorized as high category. Interview supports principal teacher professionalism, and 90% of teachers majoring in construction had followed the teacher certification eligibility. However certification was not the main standard, teachers must keep improving professionalism, in order to produce qualified students who. Keywords: professionalism, bulding department, drawing teache


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    This article aims to analyze the driving and inhibiting factors for increasing the professionalism of Islamic Education teachers after being given a certification allowance. The type of this research is Field Research, the data collection method uses interviews, documentation and observation, to check the validity of the data using triangulation techniques and the data is analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that the increase in professionalism of Islamic Education teachers through the certification program was satisfactory, but it had not gone as expected. The certification program which aims to improve teacher professionalism and welfare has not been implemented properly. This is evident from the research findings which reveal that certified PAI teachers have not met the professional teacher criteria as expected. It is hoped that the positive contribution of this article can become a reference for similar studies in the future, and can be a reference in order to achieve teacher professionalism through the certification program


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    Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers defines that professionalism is a job or activity carried out by a person and becomes a source of life income that requires expertise, proficiency or skills that meet certain quality standards or norms and require professional education. The recognition of the teacher's position as a professional is proven by an educator certificate. As professionals, teachers are expected to increase their dignity and role as agents of learning. Teacher certification as an effort to improve teacher quality is expected to improve the quality of learning and the quality of education in Indonesia in a sustainable manner. Teacher professionalism is often associated with three important factors, namely competence, certification, and professional allowances. These three factors are predicted to affect the quality of education. The purpose of writing this paper is to determine the effect of certification on increasing teacher professionalism. Certification is closely related to the learning process, so that it cannot be assumed to reflect superior competencies throughout life. Post-certification should be the initial milestone for teachers to continuously improve competence and professionalism. Prescriptively, management competency support, empowerment strategies, development supervision, and continuous professional development are alternative theoretical dimensions to improve teacher competence and professionalism. The four theoretical dimensions are based on the humanistic philosophy, that basically teachers can increase their professionalism independently. These theoretical dimensions serve as facilities and a platform for teachers to increase commitment and awareness based on self-reflection in order to improve their professionalism

    Generational Attributes that Influence Nursing Professionalism and Specialty Certification

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    Background: Professionalism in is a belief system in which members have shared competency standards and ethical values and is an essential ingredient in achieving a healthy work environment. It involves a commitment to the values and behaviors specific to that career identity and incorporates attitudes representing identification and commitment to a profession (Kim Godwin, Baek, &Wynd, 2010). Inherent in this is the commitment to life long learning and a desire for continuous professional growth and development. This involves taking opportunities for continuing education, as well as continuing competency, such as specialty certification. Certification validates an individual’s knowledge related to a certain area of practice and is based on established standards (Watts, 2010). Having a certified nursing workforce has been linked to positive patient, system, and nurse outcomes (Callicutt, 2011). Yet, overall rates of certified nurses are low. In addition, the current nursing workforce is comprised of three generations, each with their own value systems and perceptions of quality work life. What is not known is how these values may affect the clinical nurse’s understanding of professionalism and view of specialty certification. Study Purpose: To determine if there are any generational attributes that effect the clinical nurse’s understanding related to specialty certification and nursing professionalism, and does education enhance clinical nurses’ understanding of the relationship between specialty certification and professionalism. Methodology: Descriptive study using a convenience sample of cardiac telemetry nurses. Three groups are defined in this study: (a) Generation Y (born between 1977 and 1995), (b) Generation X (born between 1965 and 1976), and (c) Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964). A 30 minute education session was provided that focused on specialty certification and professionalism. Prior to the start of each session, the attendees were asked to voluntarily complete a demographic tool and three validated tools: Nurses’ Professional Value Scale 3 (NPVS 3) Tool, the Perceived Value of Certification Tool (PVCT), and the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI 16). At the end of the session, attendees completed a program evaluation. Discussion: There is a paucity of data and science in the literature related to the influence of generational attributes on nursing professionalism and specialty certification. Results of this project indicate that in clinical nurses who work on a cardiac telemetry unit, generational attributes do not influence the clinical nurse’s understanding regarding professionalism or specialty certification. The non significant results of the NPVS 3 and NPI 16 raise the question if other variables may influence understanding of professionalism (i.e., culture, upbringing, internal/external variables). The non significant findings on the PVCT, both the internal and external scale response, would suggest that the interaction between the nurse and the constantly changing environment may influence the nurse’s desire or need to seek certification. The results of the course evaluation suggest that organizations need to provide support and recognition to nurses wanting to achieve a specialty certification. Clinical Implications: Results indicate that nurses, regardless of their generation, appreciate having resources identified and made available to them to assist in obtaining a specialty certification. No studies were found in opposition to the results of this current study and the results support that staff appreciated being provided with information on resource availability for obtaining certification. Study Limitations: Nongeneralizable since the participants are a convenience sample limited to one area of practice within the organization. Possible survey fatigue. There was a total of 65 questions on the presurvey, which took participants 7 10 minutes to complete. This may have influenced responses on the program evaluation. Lack of tools available to measure generational attributes, especially related to nursing professionalism. Conclusion: This study is the first to look at the generational attributes as they relate to nursing professionalism and specialty certification. Organizations need to identify resources to assist the clinical nurse in obtaining certification. Further studies need to address questions raised by this project related to variables that may influence professionalism and generational attributes.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/nursresconf2021/1008/thumbnail.jp


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    The unclear implementation of teacher certification evaluation is one of the issues behind this research. Teacher certification should be evaluated at least annually by school principals. This research aims to measure the effect of teacher certification on teacher professionalism and performance at the primary education level. The method used in this research is the quasi-experimental method. This method has nine stages, namely: literature review, identifying and limiting the research problem, developing research hypotheses, creating a research design, conducting pretests, conducting experiments, conducting post-tests, processing and analysing data, and drawing conclusions. The research sample totalled 38 teachers, consisting of 19 teachers in the experimental group and 19 teachers in the control group. The data collection techniques used were professional competence tests and teacher performance. The results show that teacher certification has a significant effect on teacher professionalism and performance at the primary education level in group A/experiment. Teachers should be encouraged to obtain teaching certificates to improve their professionalism and performance. Research on the effect of teacher certification can be continued by future researchers in terms of measuring teachers' pedagogical competence. How much influence does teacher certification have on pedagogical competence


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    The unclear implementation of teacher certification evaluation is one of the issues behind this research. Teacher certification should be evaluated at least annually by school principals. This research aims to measure the effect of teacher certification on teacher professionalism and performance at the primary education level. The method used in this research is the quasi-experimental method. This method has nine stages, namely: literature review, identifying and limiting the research problem, developing research hypotheses, creating a research design, conducting pretests, conducting experiments, conducting post-tests, processing and analysing data, and drawing conclusions. The research sample totalled 38 teachers, consisting of 19 teachers in the experimental group and 19 teachers in the control group. The data collection techniques used were professional competence tests and teacher performance. The results show that teacher certification has a significant effect on teacher professionalism and performance at the primary education level in group A/experiment. Teachers should be encouraged to obtain teaching certificates to improve their professionalism and performance. Research on the effect of teacher certification can be continued by future researchers in terms of measuring teachers' pedagogical competence. How much influence does teacher certification have on pedagogical competence

    Sertifikasi Internal Sekolah Sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Profesionalisme Guru di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Nur Hidayah Surakarta

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    This study aims to determine 1) the influence of internal certification of schools on the professionalism of teachers, 2) the implementation of internal certification of schools in Nur Hidayah Primary School Surakarta, 3) Strategy of Teacher Professionalism Development at SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta. This research used descriptive qualitative method as a type of research. The data sources in this research are the Head of School Internal Certification Executive (BPH) for Education, Headmaster, and Class Teachers by using data collecting technique through interview, observation, and documentation. The validity of this research using triangulation method and source triangulation. The data were analyzed interactively consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verification. Based on the data that were found, then the researcher described and analyzed. The researcher conclude that 1) School Internal Certification greatly affects the professionalism of teachers in terms of teaching in the classroom, 2) the implementation of internal certification in travel through the path of PLPG conducted in the foundation nur hidayah for 3 days with various activities, 3) From a variety of Strategies for Teacher Professional Development, only a few are carried ou
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