49 research outputs found

    The values of the profession as the development trend of the social institute of journalism

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    Дискуссии по поводу аксиологических компонентов журналистики, определяющих ее сущность как профессии, активно влияющей на развитие современного российского общества, заставляют искать актуальные основания для анализа медийной практики эпохи цифровых технологий. При этом автор в контексте заявленной концепции профессиональной культуры обращается к методологическому потенциалу ряда социологических теорий.Discussions about axiological components of journalism that define its professional essence that affects greatly the development of the modern Russian society make us look for relevant grounds for analyzing media practices of the digital age. In the context of the stated concept of professional culture, the author considers the methodological potential of some sociological theories

    Іmplementation of Internet technologies in teaching of foreign languages for professional purposes

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    Army Professional Expertise and Jurisdictions

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    The author provides a framework intended for use by the Army\u27s strategic leaders. But, it also should be a point of departure for debate among all members of the profession. The most important purpose of this framework is to provide a mechanism for HOW TO THINK about Army expert knowledge and jurisdictions. He offers some general recommendations derived from my application of the framework and its logic. These recommendations represent just one possible view. Ultimately, the strategic leaders of the Army will decide priorities and boundaries.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1781/thumbnail.jp

    The Contextualization of Indigenous Dance Movement. A Critical Appraisal on Tatasoso Dance Performance

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    The level of misinterpretation place on some of our indigenous dance movement has really de-emphasis its communicative potency. In Africa, dance movements are perfectly combined, nice ingenuity in its creation and aesthetically attractive .All these qualities found in our indigenous dance movement, have reduce its context to just a mere entertainment or a source of cultural identification only. But this myopic understanding cum interpretation on indigenous dance movement has really been of great concern to professional dance scholars, thereby motivating them to redress people’s perception in seeing indigenous dance movement as a communicative, educative and informative tool by giving it a contextual interpretation – base on its theme, form, pattern and style. The essence of contextualization in indigenous dance movement especially that of the chosen case study Tatasoso is to x-ray the choreographer’s intention both emotionally, sociologically, environmentally and religiously while creating the dance movements. At this stage the theory of art for art sake becomes secondary while communicative interpretation in dance movement takes the upper edge. This paper therefore will critically appraise Tatasoso dance movement base on its contextualization for effective understanding

    Un componente ambiental en la formación de especialistas modernos

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    Environmental competence is recognized today as the most important professional and personal qualities of the graduate, the necessary basis for ensuring the quality of life of mankind, the development of production at preservation of harmony with nature. Issues of environmental training of the population, including students, are considered in the aspect of various theoretical approaches to human ecology and the formation of their ecological culture. The key ones are: the ideas of the historical relationship of society with nature; various aspects of the values and relations between the environment and society. In pedagogy the problem of ecological education and upbringing is studied from different positions: from general theoretical; from axiological; from methodical. The social-value and professional essence of ecological competence of specialists-ecologists caused by historical and evolutionary ideas of the nature and a place of the person in it; laws of relationship of the nature and society; the purposes of use of natural resources by production; existing and perspective ways of their preservation for future generations is revealed. Integrating various approaches, professionally directed educational work with college students is considered by us as a complex system of joint actions of managers, teachers, students, parents, representatives of public organizations, production, etc., aimed at creating conditions for effective personal and professional development of each student. The model of professionally oriented educational work with students–future ecologists includes the means of organizing a phased, consistent and comprehensive inclusion of students in various types, forms and methods of social and professional activities aimed at mastering environmental, research and propagandistic abilities and skills, the formation of the subjective position of the specialist and his social and environmental activity.  La competencia ambiental se reconoce hoy en día como las cualidades profesionales y personales más importantes del graduado, la base necesaria para garantizar la calidad de vida de la humanidad, el desarrollo de la producción para preservar la armonía con la naturaleza. Las cuestiones de la formación ambiental de la población, incluidos los estudiantes, se consideran en el aspecto de varios enfoques teóricos de la ecología humana y la formación de su cultura ecológica. Las claves son: las ideas de la relación histórica de la sociedad con la naturaleza; diversos aspectos de los valores y las relaciones entre el medio ambiente y la sociedad. En pedagogía, el problema de la educación ecológica y la educación se estudia desde diferentes posiciones: desde la teoría general; de axiológico; de metódico. El valor social y la esencia profesional de la competencia ecológica de especialistas ecologistas causada por ideas históricas y evolutivas de la naturaleza y el lugar de la persona en ella; leyes de relación de la naturaleza y sociedad; los propósitos del uso de los recursos naturales por producción; Se revelan las formas existentes y en perspectiva de su preservación para las generaciones futuras. La integración de varios enfoques, el trabajo educativo dirigido profesionalmente con estudiantes universitarios es considerado por nosotros como un sistema complejo de acciones conjuntas de gerentes, docentes, estudiantes, padres, representantes de organizaciones públicas, producción, etc., con el objetivo de crear las condiciones para un personal y profesional efectivo. desarrollo de cada alumno. El modelo de trabajo educativo orientado profesionalmente con estudiantes-futuros ecólogos incluye los medios para organizar una inclusión gradual, consistente e integral de los estudiantes en varios tipos, formas y métodos de actividades sociales y profesionales dirigidas a dominar las habilidades y habilidades ambientales, de investigación y propagandísticas, La formación de la posición subjetiva del especialista y su actividad social y ambiental

    Issues of Implied Trust in Ethical Hacking

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    Crowdwork involves paid work organised through online platforms. As a relatively new form of employment, a range of issues have emerged around work practices and contractual arrangements between the three parties: task requesters, crowdworkers, and platform owners. In this paper we examine some of the issues associated with workers’ experience of crowdwork that have been raised in recent years. We then outline how the affordances offered by another emerging technology, blockchain, could be used to address some of those issues. Based on a conceptual, scenario-based exercise, we argue that there is considerable potential for blockchain technology to manage the transaction-based aspects of crowdwork processes and contractual arrangements to make them fairer and more transparent, but without necessarily incurring excessive overhead costs. However, despite the claimed “democratizing” effect of blockchain, some structural issues associated with managing work are not likely to be improved by blockchain-based solutions

    Being Ethical in Instructional Technology Co nsulting

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    As new technologies merge everyday and become part of our lives, instructional technology consulting that provides professional services to help clients use technologies for learning and performance improvement becomes more popular and important. Being ethical in consulting has been recognized as a crucial and important part of consulting services by many professional organizations, consulting firms, consulting professionals, and their clients. Corresponding to the theme of AECT Convention 2008, professional ethics, the paper examines the meaning of being ethical in instructional technology consulting from the lived experiences of instructional technology consultants and discusses implications for promoting the ethical practice of instructional technology consulting

    Ethical challenges of social work in Spain during COVID-19

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    This article presents the main ethical challenges faced by social work professionals in Spain during the "first wave" of COVID-19 in 2020. The pandemic had a serious impact not only on the health sector, but also in the field of social work. During this time, social workers had to address serious ethical questions regarding issues such as confidentiality breaches, how to fairly distribute available resources, the lack of personal contact and emotional connection with the service users, the difficulties of working in isolation and online, doubts about the reliability of the information they were handling and the difficulty of making proper diagnoses. An international research group led by Dr.Sara Banks conducted a broader research project in collaboration with the International Federation of Social Workers,which collected information through an online questionnaire aimed at social workers from various countries. In this article we analyse the results related tothe main ethical challenges faced by social workersin Spain.The research group identified two types of ethical challenges that they haveseparated into two sections: the first sectionis related to direct interventionwith users, which includes topics such as the lack of emotional support, reliability, use of technology, the appropriate care, compliance with the highest professional standards,confidentiality, vulnerability, and the fair distributionof resources. The other sectionis related to the ethical challenges around the daily workwithin social entities, which involveddealing with issues such as the e-social work and coordination difficulties, the management of pressure in social bodies and changes in the intervention methodology

    Композиція книги у видавничій комунікації

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    Розглядаються роль й місце композиції у видавничій комунікації, основні форми структуризаціїї авторських оригіналів. Аналізуються особливості архітектоніки ви дання залежно від функціонального призначення та чи тацької адреси книги. Викладаються принципові засади організації фактичного матеріалу на рівні композиційної структуризації видавничих оригінал-макетів. Пропонується формула визначення інформаційної місткості тексту як основи оцінки релевантності контенту, його відповідності редакторським вимогам щодо якості фактичного матеріалу в частині його доцільності та повноти. Розкриваються фахова сутність композиції видання та її відмінності від композиції авторських оригіналів. Подано типологічні характеристики апарату книги як важливої складової композиції та видавничої комунікації.The role and place of composition in publishing communi cation, the main forms of structuring of author’s originals are considered. Features of the publication’s architectonics depending on the functional purpose and the reader’s ad dress of the book are analyzed. The basic principles of orga nization of factual material at the level of compositional struc turing of publishing original layouts are stated. The formula of definition of information capacity of the text as a basis for estimation of content’s relevance, its conformity to edi torial requirements concerning quality of actual material in a part of its expediency and completeness is offered. The professional essence of the composition of the pub lication and its differences from the composition of the author’s originals are revealed. The typological charac teristics of the book apparatus as an important compo nent of composition and publishing communication are given