15 research outputs found

    Visualisations of the Human Impacts on the Earth’s Surface

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    The objective is to discuss the human impacts to the changing of the landscape surface. The study surface is mainly karstic part of Slovenia. The primary data sources are digital elevation models (DEMs) as continuous surface data, supported with aerial photographs, satellite images and older topographic maps. This study is supplemented with textual information about of historical surfaces. Geomorphologically high quality DEM of Slovenia with 12.5 m resolution uncovered many human impacts to the terrain surface, which could not be perceived before using any classical surveying techniques. Particularly on the karstic areas, changes of the surface as a consequence of highway constructions and developing of the stone quarries are well seen. Additionally is involved a database of natural (ridges, valleys, peaks, sinkholes) and antropogenic features (stone and gravel quarries, standing waters, different types of roads and railways) on the current terrain surface. Even more surface changes were found on the LIDAR-based DEM of 1 m resolution. Some human impacts to the surface changes from prehistory until today were analysed with many visual techniques and confirmed with objective numerical methods. The results show that is the human impact on the Earth’s surface important factor that grows exponentially with time.


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    Tujuan penelitian (1) mengetahui komponen-komponen yang berperan dalam potensi infiltrasi airtanah dengan metode DRASTIC di Kabupaten Bandung, (2) mengetahui model konseptual berupa informasi keruangan potensi infiltrasi airtanah, mengetahui model fungsional dari hasil pemodelan model konseptual dan mengetahui implementasi dari evaluasi multi kriteria potensi infiltrasi airtanah dengan metode DRASTIC di Kabupaten Bandung, (3) mengetahui hasil evaluasi multi kriteria potensi infiltrasi airtanah dengan metode DRASTIC di Kabupaten Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menggambarkan fakta-fakta secara sistematis dan akurat mencakup pengkajian dan analisis data primer dan data sekunder didapat dari hasil analisis dan pengolahan software sistem informasi geografis ArcMap. Kesimpulan penelitian (1) komponen-komponen yang berperan dalam potensi infiltrasi airtanah dengan metode DRASTIC di Kabupaten Bandung adalah komponen hidrogeologi diantaranya kedalaman muka airtanah, curah hujan, jenis akuifer, tekstur tanah, kemiringan lereng, jenis batuan zona tak jenuh dan konduktifitas hidraulik, (2) Model konseptual didapatkan dari pengguna informasi dari bentuk analog menjadi data digital, model fungsional hasil pemodelan model konseptual berupa informasi area spasial (polygon) dan teks (annotation), implementasi model hasil analisis menghasilkan kesatuan informasi grafis area (polygon) potensi infiltrasi airtanah metode DRASTIC, (3) Hasil evaluasi multi kriteria potensi infiltrasi airtanah dengan metode DRASTIC di Kabupaten Bandung berdasarkan hasil analisis sistem informasi geografis metode tumpang susun didapat potensi infiltrasi airtanah kategori sangat tinggi 2,14% dan kategori tinggi 31,17%, kategori sedang 61,86%, kategori rendah 4,3% dan tidak terdapat kategori sangat rendah. The research objectives (1) to find out the components that affect in groundwater infiltration potential based on DRASTIC method in Bandung District, (2) to find out the conseptual model in the form of groundwater infiltration potential’s information, to find out the functional model of the result of the conceptual model and to find out the implementation of multi criteria evaluation of groundwater infiltration potential in Bandung District based on DRASTIC Method, (3) to find out the result of multi criteria evaluation of groundwater infiltration potential in Bandung District based on DRASTIC Method. Research method is using quantitative descriptive research design, purposes to describe facts systematically and accurately, includes investigation and analysis of primary data and secondary data are obtained by analysis and processing of geographic system information software, ArcMap. The research conclusion (1) the components that affect in groundwater infiltration potential based on DRASTIC method in Bandung district are hydrogeologycal components, including depth of watertable, recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity of aquifer, (2) the conceptual model is obtained from users information that convert analog data to digital data, the functional model is obtained from the result of conceptual model, the implementation result produces unity polygon graphic and annotation information of groundwater infiltration potential based on DRASTIC Method, (3) The result of multi criteria evaluation of groundwater infiltration potential in Bandung District using DRASTIC Method based on analysis overlay of system information geographic are the potential infiltration very high category 2,14%, high category 31,17%, medium category 61,86%, low category 4,3% and no potential area with very low category

    Differences between 100-meter and 25-meter digital elevation models according to types of relief in Slovenia

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    Studying relief and landscapes, we often employ digital elevation models. Their applicability is primarily linked to their accuracy. In this paper, we compare the older 100-meter digital elevation model of Slovenia and the more recent 25-meter digital elevation model. We assess applicability relative to differences in surface heights, surface slopes, and surface aspects for all of Slovenia and for four areas with different relief. We compare the frequency of distribution, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, range, and the coefficient of variation. The statistical analysis of the two digital elevation models of Slovenia indicates that the smallest differences exist relative to surface heights, there are larger differences relative to surface aspects, and the largest differences exist relative to surface slopes

    Suitability of Hammond's method for determining landform units in Slovenia

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    Landform is often the most important factor in distinguishing between regions and an important element of geographic classification, typification, and regionalization; this is why morphological classification has had a long tradition in Slovenia and abroad. One of the best-known classifications was developed by the American geographer Edwin H. Hammond, who classified the landforms of the United States in great detail. Later on, his method was applied several times using a geographic information system and digital elevation model. Computer land-surface classification became more objective, whereas the selection of classification elements and their classes remained subjective. Hammond’s method of determining landform units is known throughout the world and this is why it has also been tested in Slovenia. First, the original classification elements were taken into account and only thirteen units of the twenty-one landform units specified by Hammond were selected. Due to weaknesses that were revealed, Hammond’s original method was suitably adapted: the form and size of the basic window and the boundaries between classification element classes were changed. Nineteen landform units were thus identified in Slovenia using the adapted method

    Landscape characteristics of common land in Slovenia

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    Common land is land with an ancient form of ownership. At one time it was economically important, but now its importance lies in the preservation of cultural landscapes and ecological balance. This article uses the geographic information system to analyze selected landscape indicators with respect to various types of agricultural land and determine whether and to what extent the assertion holds true that in Slovenia common agricultural land is preserved primarily in areas with poorer natural conditions for agriculture

    Land use in selected erosion-risk areas of Tertiary low hills in Slovenia

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    In this article we determine the potential erosion risk of sites with respect to surface morphology and how it is related to the distribution of individual types of land use. We investigated the relationship between relief factors affecting erosion risk (elevation, slope, and aspect of the surface) and types of land use (arable land, vineyards, orchards, grassland, woodland, and built-up and other areas) in six 24 km2 sectors in Tertiary low hill areas in Slovenia: Koprska brda, Brkini, Goriška brda, Haloze, Slovenske gorice and Goričko. The areas selected are of particular interest due to the prevalence of rock substrates which are susceptible to erosion. The potential erosion risk was determined by the stream power index. In the Haloze sector, land use was most closely correlated with the aspect of the surface, in Slovenske gorice sector with the surface height, and in the remaining sectors with the potential erosion risk

    Validación ceuzada como método de investigación en la calidad de modelos digitales de elevación

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    Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are defined as numeric data structures representing the spatial distribution of elevation above the earth's surface. In terms of representation, the solution that seems the most appropriate to the present has been the treatment of the terrain´s surface through a spatial vector structure, called Triangle Irregular Network or TIN proposed by Poiker in 1968. By its nature, this algorithm follows a linear function, while the geometry of nature is not, showing mostly a chaotic behavior. It is suggested that a better representation of the terrain´s surface can be achieved with the implementation of other algorithms such as Inverse Distance Weight, Kriging, Natural Neighbor, Spline, Topo to Raster, allowing analysis of statistical variation over different distances and directions, obtaining the minimum estimated error in elevation. This paper seeks to establish the relationship between surface geometry and interpolation algorithm through an analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) extracted from a DEM from a ASTER satellite image, with approximately 300.000 data to be resampled by the Cross-Validation technique.Los Modelos Digitales de Elevación (DEM) se definen como estructuras de datos numéricas que representan la distribución espacial de la elevación sobre la superficie terrestre. En términos de representación, la solución aparentemente más adecuada hasta el presente ha sido el tratamiento del relieve mediante una estructura vectorial espacial: la Red de Triángulos Irregulares o TIN siglas de Triangular Irregular Network propuesta por Poiker en el año 1968, pero por su naturaleza, este algoritmo obedece a una función lineal, mientras que la geometría de la naturaleza no lo es, mostrando la mayoría de las veces un comportamiento caótico; es aquí donde podría lograrse una mejor representación de dichas formas con la implementación de otros algoritmos como: Inverse Distance Weight, Kriging, Natural Neighboor, Spline, Topo to Raster; permitiendo analizar la variación estadística sobre diferentes distancias y direcciones, obteniendo el mínimo error en la elevación estimada; este trabajo busca establecer la relación entre la geometría de la superficie y el algoritmo de interpolación, a través de un análisis de varianzas (ANOVA) de los errores medios cuadráticos (EMC) extraídos de un DEM proveniente de una imagen de satélite ASTER, contando con aproximadamente 300.000 datos que serán remuestreados por la técnica de Validación Cruzada