1,185,377 research outputs found

    Design of a curry puff making machine

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    Most of the processes of curry puff making in small scale industry are well known as handmade product where curry puffs are made by using human manpower completely. This certainly needs many human power and skilled operators to increase their production rate at high competitive level. In another side, experienced curry puff maker use the machine that imported from out of our country. This can be a burden for small scale industry player that want to start and continue their small business. This project is to design a curry puff making machine that will help industry player to start their business at low cost. To realize the model of the machine, a systematic approach called product design and development is implemented to ensure the proper design is completed. It is covers the concept development, concept scoring, selection and preliminary final design. Consequently a conceptual model of curry puff machine complete is created. For further step, this conceptual model will be designed in detail and model analysis will be performed to distinguish any design related issues. Curry puff making model is function semi-automatically where it is used to form and crimp the curry puff according to its mould shape. This machine consisting 8 units of plastic mould that capable of producing 8 pieces of curry puff in each operation and would be increased if required. It is use controlled mechanical power to ensure systematic operation is performed. At the same time, the material that used for machine structures are selected based on safety concern for food processing equipment

    Bio Inspired Lightweight Composite Material Design for 3D Printing

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    Lightweight material design is an indispensable subject in product design. The lightweight material design has high strength to weight ratio which becomes a huge attraction and an area of exploration for the researchers as its application is wide and increasing even in every day-to-day product. Lightweight composite material design is achieved by selection of the cellular structure and its optimization. Cellular structure is used as it has wide multifunctional properties in addition to the lightweight characteristics. Applications of light weight cellular structures are wide and is witnessed in all industries from aerospace to automotive, construction to product design. In this thesis, the one-step and two-step approaches for design and prediction of cellular structure\u27s performance are presented for developing lightweight cellular composites reinforced by discontinuous fibers. The topology designs of a 2D honeycomb hexagon model, a 2D cuttlefish model, and a 3D octahedron model, inspired by bio material, are presented. Computer modeling based on finite element analysis was conducted on the periodic representative volume elements identified from the cellular structural models to characterize the designed cellular composites performance and properties. Additive manufacturing technique (3D printing) was used for prototyping the design, and experimental tests were carried out for validating the design methodology

    Identification of genetic network dynamics with unate structure

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    Motivation: Modern experimental techniques for time course measurement of gene expression enable the identification of dynamical models of genetic regulatory networks. In general, identification involves fitting appropriate network structures and parameters to the data. For a given set of genes, exploring all possible network structures is clearly prohibitive. Modelling and identification methods for the a priori selection of network structures compatible with biological knowledge and experimental data are necessary to make the identification problem tractable. Results: We propose a differential equation modelling framework where the regulatory interactions among genes are expressed in terms of unate functions, a class of gene activation rules commonly encountered in Boolean network modelling. We establish analytical properties of the models in the class and exploit them to devise a two-step procedure for gene network reconstruction from product concentration and synthesis rate time series. The first step isolates a family of model structures compatible with the data from a set of most relevant biological hypotheses. The second step explores this family and returns a pool of best fitting models along with estimates of their parameters. The method is tested on a simulated network and compared with state-of-the-art network inference methods on the benchmark synthetic network IRMA. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Ein Beitrag zur Basisdefinition des Elementmodells "Wirkflächenpaare & Leitstützstrukturen" zum Zusammenhang von Funktion und Gestalt technischer Systeme

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    Kurzfassung Die Entwicklungsmethodik liefert Methoden zur Unterstützung des Produktentwicklers im Produktentwicklungsprozess. Existenzberechtigung eines jeden technischen Systems ist dessen Funktion. Eine große Herausforderung bei der Entwicklung neuer technischer Systeme ist die Umsetzung einer zu erfüllenden Funktion in eine Gestalt. Dieser Prozessschritt wird bisher methodisch nur unzureichend unterstützt. Grundlage einer methodischen Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung einer Funktion in eine Gestalt muss ein allgemeingültiges Beschreibungsmodell für technische Systeme sein, welches Funktion und Gestalt verknüpft. Umfangreiche Untersuchungen realer konstruktiver Gestaltungsprozesse und systematische Abstraktion führten zu einem Modell - Elementmodell "Wirkflächenpaare & Leitstützstrukturen" -, welches eine allgemeingültige Verbindung zwischen Gestalt und Funktion technischer Systeme schafft. Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht beschreibt das theoretische Fundament des Modells und zeigt, dass das Wirkflächenpaar und die mit ihm auftretende Leitstützstruktur gemeinsame Elemente aller technischen Systeme sind. Mit Hilfe des Elementmodells werden systematisch technische Systeme, die auf mechanischen, fluidmechanischen und auf Feldern basierenden Wirkprinzipien beruhen, analysiert. Dabei wird jegliche Funktion in technischen Systemen auf die Interaktionen im Wirkflächenpaar und der sich an das Wirkflächenpaar anschließenden Leitstützstruktur zurückgeführt. Auf Basis des Modells werden Ansätze zur Entwicklung einer durchgängigen Methodik zum Denken und Handeln in der Gestaltungsphase der Produktentwicklung aufgebaut. Es wird gezeigt, dass das Elementmodell sowohl bei der systematischen Analyse bereits bestehender technischer Systeme als auch bei der kreativen Synthese neuer technischer Systeme zielführend eingesetzt werden kann. Abstract Methodology in product development supports the complete product development process. One major challenge of product development is the step from the searched product function to the product shape. This step is decisive for a successful product development and up to now it is methodological insufficient supported. Methods to support this step have to be based on abstract models, which link the function of technical systems to shape. The analyses of real constructive product design processes and their systematic abstraction led to a model ­ the element model "Working Surface Pairs & Channel Support Structures" ­. This model describes the correlation of layout and function of technical systems. The presented research report describes the theoretic basis of the model. Common elements of each technical system are the "working surface pair" and its accompanying "channel and support structure". Technical Systems with mechanical, fluid mechanical and field based working principles were exemplary analysed with the aid of the element model. Every function in technical systems can be ascribed to an interaction within the working surface pair and the connected channel and support structure. The element model can be helpful during the analysis of already existing technical systems as well as during the synthesis of new technical systems. In several real product development projects with industrial partners the new method has shown its efficiency. On basis of the model first methods are developed to support the analyses of existing technical systems as well as the synthesis of new technical systems

    The Construction of Conforming-to-shape Truss Lattice Structures via 3D Sphere Packing

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    Truss lattices are common in a wide variety of engineering applications, due to their high ratio of strength versus relative density. They are used both as the interior support for other structures, and as structures on their own. Using 3D sphere packing, we propose a set of methods for generating truss lattices that fill the interior of B-rep models, polygonal or (trimmed) NURBS based, of arbitrary shape. Once the packing of the spheres has been established, beams between the centers of adjacent spheres are constructed, as spline based B-rep geometry. We also demonstrate additional capabilities of our methods, including connecting the truss lattice to (a shell of) the B-rep model, as well as constructing a tensor-product trivariate volumetric representation of the truss lattice - an important step towards direct compatibility for analysis.RYC-2017-2264

    Functional completeness of planar Rydberg blockade structures

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    The construction of Hilbert spaces that are characterized by local constraints as the low-energy sectors of microscopic models is an important step towards the realization of a wide range of quantum phases with long-range entanglement and emergent gauge fields. Here we show that planar structures of trapped atoms in the Rydberg blockade regime are functionally complete: Their ground state manifold can realize any Hilbert space that can be characterized by local constraints in the product basis. We introduce a versatile framework, together with a set of provably minimal logic primitives as building blocks, to implement these constraints. As examples, we present lattice realizations of the string-net Hilbert spaces that underlie the surface code and the Fibonacci anyon model. We discuss possible optimizations of planar Rydberg structures to increase their geometrical robustness.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figures, v2: fixed typos, added additional references and comment

    An integrated product and process information modelling system for on-site construction

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    The inadequate infrastructure that exists for seamless project team communications has its roots in the problems arising from fragmentation, and the lack of effective co-ordination between stages of the construction process. The use of disparate computer-aided engineering (CAE) systems by most disciplines is one of the enduring legacies of this problem and makes information exchange between construction team members difficult and, in some cases, impossible. The importance of integrating modelling techniques with a view to creating an integrated product and process model that is applicable to all stages of a construction project's life cycle, is being recognised by the Construction Industry. However, improved methods are still needed to assist the developer in the definition of information model structures, and current modelling methods and standards are only able to provide limited assistance at various stages of the information modelling process. This research investigates the role of system integration by reviewing product and process information models, current modelling practices and modelling standards in the construction industry, and draws conclusions with similar practices from other industries, both in terms of product and process representation, and model content. It further reviews various application development tools and information system requirements to support a suitable integrated information structure, for developing an integrated product and process model for design and construction, based on concurrent engineering principles. The functional and information perspectives of the integrated model, which were represented using IDEFO and the unified modelling language (UML), provided the basis for developing a prototype hyper-integrated product and process information modelling system (HIPPY). Details of the integrated conceptual model's implementation, practical application of the prototype system, using house-building as an example, and evaluation by industry practitioners are also presented. It is concluded that the effective integration of product and process information models is a key component of the implementation of concurrent engineering in construction, and is a vital step towards providing richer information representation, better efficiency, and the flexibility to support life cycle information management during the construction stage of small to medium sized-building projects

    Designing Business Model for Developing Micro Enterprise (Case Study Seluang Fish Fried of Ayakh Ugan)

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    The purpose of this study was to describe a business model that can be applied to the Seluang Fish Fried product of the Ayakh Ugan brand in Baturaja, Indonesia. The data was collected by using an interview with the owner and observation. The results analysis with the mapping of the canvass business model and blue ocean strategy. The application of these two combinations generates an overview of new strategies that can be applied to increase sales. From the result can be concluded elements that play an important role and can be improved, namely the value proposition, channels, revenue streams, key activities, and cost structures. The second step that needs to be reduced is dependence on the connector. In the third step, there are no elements that need to be eliminated. Then the final step on the elements of the value proposition, customer relations, main resources, and cost structure are the points that need to be created. This research provides an overview of the mapping of business models that can be applied to micro business products. this study is useful for business owners in creating new strategies to expand marketing and increase sales through the results of mapping methods that can be improved and created from important elements. This result can also be taken into consideration for other micro business owners to apply to their businesses

    Homogeneous CO Hydrogenation: Ligand Effects on the Lewis Acid-Assisted Reductive Coupling of Carbon Monoxide

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    Structure-function studies on the role of pendent Lewis acids in the reductive coupling of CO are reported. Cationic rhenium carbonyl complexes containing zero, one, or two phosphinoborane ligands (Ph_2P(CH_2)_nB(C_8H_(14)), n=1-3) react with the nucleophilic hydride [HPt(dmpe)_2]^+ to reduce [M-CO]^+ to M-CHO; this step is relatively insensitive to the Lewis acid, as both pendent (internal) and external boranes of appropriate acid strength can be used. In contrast, whether a second hydride transfer and C-C bond forming steps occur depends strongly on the number of carbon atoms between P and B in the phosphinoborane ligands, as well as the number of pendent acids in the complex: shorter linker chain lengths favor such reductive coupling, whereas longer chains and external boranes are ineffective. A number of different species containing partially reduced CO groups, whose exact structures vary considerably with the nature and number of phosphinoborane ligands, have been crystallographically characterized. The reaction of [(Ph -2P(CH_2)_2B(C_8H_(14)))_2Re(CO)4]^+ with [HPt(dmpe)_2]^+ takes place via a “hydride shuttle” mechanism, in which hydride is transferred from Pt to a pendent borane and thence to CO, rather than by direct hydride attack at CO. Addition of a second hydride in C_6D_5Cl at -40 ºC affords an unusual anionic bis(carbene) complex, which converts to a C-C bonded product on warming. These results support a working model for Lewis acid-assisted reductive coupling of CO, in which B (pendent or external) shuttles hydride from Pt to coordinated CO, followed by formation of an intramolecular B-O bond, which facilitates reductive coupling

    The Open Assembly Model for the Exchange of Assembly and Tolerance Information: Overview and Example

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    In early design phases an effective information exchange among CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools depends on a standardized representation for the product data in all PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) tools. The NIST Core Product Model (CPM) and its extension are proposed to provide the required base-level product model that is open, non-proprietary, generic, extensible, independent of any one product development process and capable of capturing the full engineering context commonly shared in product development [1]. The Open Assembly Model (OAM) Model extends CPM to provide a standard representation and exchange protocol for assembly. The assembly information model emphasizes the nature and information requirements for part features and assembly relationships. The model includes both assembly as a concept and assembly as a data structure. For the latter it uses the model data structures of ISO 10303, informally known as the Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP)[2]. The objective of the paper is to show how the OAM can be used to realize seamless integration of product information, with an emphasis on assembly, throughout all phases of a product design. A gearbox design example is used to illustrate the process