15 research outputs found

    Strategic Behaviour and Performance of internet use by Second-hand Spanish Car Dealers

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    Documento de Trabajo 04/10 perteneciente a la colección de documentos de trabajo "Nuevas Tendencias en Dirección de Empresas", dentro del Máster en Investigación en Economía y Empresa.[ES] La venta de vehículos de segunda mano a través de Internet está creciendo continuamente, no sólo en los países europeos, sino también en el mercado español. El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de información permite a los distribuidores a ampliar sus servicios a nivel mundial, dando a los clientes una amplia gama de opciones en la búsqueda de información y recolección de recursos. Cuestionarios presentados a los concesionarios de automóviles españoles de segunda mano se han utilizado para analizar las tendencias, el comportamiento, la estrategia de recursos y el desempeño en el medio electrónico. Las conclusiones nos permiten mostrar cómo la estrategia de diferenciación en el canal de Internet contribuye a un mejor desempeño de los distribuidores, con el precio es una variable que no son pertinentes en las etapas iniciales del proceso de compra, sólo cada vez más importante durante la visita final a la actual distribuidor. Por otra parte, se demuestra que las capacidades organizativas de la empresa predecir su compromiso con el canal electrónico, que ayuda a explicar el rendimiento general alcanzado.[EN] The sale of second-hand vehicles over the Internet is continuously growing not only in European countries but also in the Spanish market. The development of new information technologies allows dealers to extend their services globally, giving customers a wide range of options in the search for information and gathering of resources. Questionnaires submitted to Spanish second-hand car dealers have been used to analyse tendencies, behaviour, resource strategy and performance in the electronic medium. The conclusions reached enable us to show how the differentiation strategy in the Internet channel contributes to a better performance by dealers, with price being a non-relevant variable in the initial stages of the purchase process, only becoming important during the final visit to the actual dealer’s. Furthermore, it is proven that a company’s organizational capabilities predict its commitment to the electronic channel, helping to explain the general performance achieved

    Multichannel business strategies and performance

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    [ES]El uso de Internet y las nuevas tecnologías de información está en continuo crecimiento. En el pasado año el comercio electrónico en España supuso 12.383 millones de euros, con 27.2 millones de usuarios (ONTSI, 2012). Estos nuevos instrumentos suponen una revolución en la gestión tradicional de las relaciones con los clientes. Resulta fundamental entender que las empresas tienen que atender las demandas del consumidor de manera efectiva e inmediata. Este nuevo consumidor 360º supone considerar al cliente desde una perspectiva integrada, puesto que dispone de información multicanal completa y actualizada. Las empresas necesitan por lo tanto sacar partido de sus fuentes de información internas y externas para evaluar los requerimientos de compra del consumidor y atenderlos de manera que el proceso de compra sea una experiencia plenamente satisfactoria. Las empresas (especialmente las PYMES) nunca se habían encontrado con este desafío (los consumidores tienen más acceso que nunca a información instantánea de manera gratuita), por lo que resulta fundamental atender las necesidades del cliente multicanal

    Internet Marketing for Legal Office

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na vymezení internetového marketingu pro advokátní kancelář. Vysvětluje konkrétní pojmy související s danou problematikou, které jsou důležité pro teoretické znalosti. Obsahuje současný stav řešeného problému a jeho následné analýzy. Další částí je návrh řešení, který konkretizuje cíle a advokátní kanceláři nabízí internetový marketing, nový logotyp, grafický manuál a internetové stránky.This Bachelor thesis aims to define an e-marketing for a law office. It explains particular terms connected to related issue which are important for theoretical knowledge. It includes current state of the solved problem and its analyses. The next part is a solution which specifies the goal and the law office is offered and an emarketing, a new logotype, a graphical manual and an internet site.

    Criação de um sistema de avaliação para redes de afiliação de marketing digital na AdClick

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    The effect of online consumer reviews on new product sales : a study of amazon.com

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    In recent years, online word-of-mouth (WOM) communication in the form of online consumer reviews has become a major information source for consumers planning to purchase a new product. With the help of online reviews, consumers can access diverse opinions from others who have bought or used the new products before making their purchase decisions. This study compares the impact of online reviews on the sales of two types of new products (experience vs. search products) over time, in terms of the volume and valence of online consumer reviews. Using the data collected from Amazon.com over a period of nine months, we find that the volume of online consumer reviews has a greater effect on the new product sales in the late stage of product life cycle (PLC) than in the early stage of PLC. Moreover, the effect of valence of online consumer reviews is greater than that of volume of online consumer reviews. Online negative consumer reviews affect new product sales more than online positive consumer review, but not in a negative way. The results also indicate that the volume and valence of online consumer reviews have greater impact on experience products than search products. The findings suggest that online consumer reviews provide a meaningful decision aid to consumers planning to purchase new products and that online WOM gains momentum over time and significantly affects the sales of new products beyond the initial period. Practitioners need to pay greater attention to online WOM, devise suitable marketing strategies, and promote consumer advocacy to generate positive reviews when they launch new products. They may also incorporate the valuable consumer feedback in the development of new products

    "O Papel do Marketing Digital aplicado ao conceito B2B na Bi-Bright"

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    O presente relatório descreve o estágio realizado na empresa Bi-Bright, uma das empresas da Bi-Silque, para a obtenção do meu grau de Mestre em Direção Comercial e Marketing, com uma duração de 400 horas e que decorreu do dia 18 de setembro a 28 de novembro de 2017. A Bi-Bright foi criada em 2009 e é a empresa que representa a parte mais tecnológica da sua empresa mãe estando dedicada à parte da tecnologia audiovisual com foco em produtos interativos (desenvolvendo e produzindo quadros interativos) e responsável pelo desenvolvimento do seu próprio software que poderá ser utilizado em conjunto com os quadros ou mesmo no dia a dia. Tudo isto é feito com a missão de facilitar a comunicação e troca de conhecimento entre as pessoas. Acreditando que a utilização destes produtos tecnológicos quer em contexto educativo, empresarial ou qualquer outro irá acrescer valor à finalidade para a qual estarão destinados. Este relatório de estágio procura explorar a experiência que tive durante aproximadamente três meses na empresa Bi-Bright, tendo sido posta em prática a usabilidade das suas ferramentas de marketing digital, bem como explorar a parte mais teórica associada ao marketing digital aplicado às empresas inseridas no setor Business-to-Business. Em face do propósito do estágio importa referir que, com a revolução tecnológica e as mudanças que se fizeram sentir, a internet assumiu-se como uma importante e potencial ferramenta de comunicação que permitia criar interações entre as organizações e pessoas. O desenvolvimento dos social media veio revolucionar ainda mais as noções de marketing

    An assessment of the marketing capabilities of trade book publishers in South Africa

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, School of Literature, Language and Media in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of M.A Publishing Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand, 2016The purpose of this study is to investigate the current marketing capabilities of trade book publishers in South Africa. In addition, this study ascertains how these marketing capabilities impact on trade book publishers' sales and brand performance. There are currently several gaps in the literature on both marketing capabilities within the global publishing industry as well as gaps in the literature on the South African trade publishing industry. The main research problem is the lack of understanding of the marketing capabilities of trade book publishers in South Africa and how these capabilities can impact on the sales performance of these trade book publishers. This study is a qualitative, case study that examined four marketing capabilities within trade publishing houses in South Africa. Four propositions (on marketing communications, pricing, product innovation and channel management) were developed and tested in the study. The Resource-based view (RBV) theory as the main theoretical lens for this study is examined. The research was gathered through interviews over a 2 month period that were conducted at the publishers’ offices. 5 publishing companies took part in the study and a total of 15 interviews were conducted. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed. The transcriptions were loaded on to an analysis software tool called MaxQDA which allowed easy analysis by the researcher. All four propositions established were supported by the research. These marketing capabilities exist within all five trade publishing houses but that they are not being utilised as they should be. There is definite room for improvement in the publishing industr. The most significant capability for the trade publishing industry is the marketing communications capability as this is the most widely used. The originality of this research is that it is a case study in South African trade publishing houses and that it is looking at the marketing capabilities of trade publishing houses through the RBV approach. The implications for the industry are mostly in-house implication as the models generated require an organizational change within the publishing houses. Limitations of this study as well as suggestions for future research are outlined in this study.GR201