23 research outputs found

    An illustrated glossary of ambiguous PLM terms used in discrete manufacturing

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    Product lifecycle management (PLM) is a strategic product-centric, lifecycle-oriented and information-driven business approach that strives to integrate people and their inherent practices, processes, and technologies, both within and across functional areas of the extended enterprise from inception to disposal. The integration of people relies on the harmonisation of domain-specific glossaries by standardising a universal PLM vocabulary. So far, unfortunately, there is no PLM standard vocabulary. Therefore, the tremendous amount of knowledge that is continually brought forward by academic research studies, industrial practices and computer-aided applications causes semantic ambiguities. This paper consists of an illustrated glossary and a conceptual map. The glossary identifies, discusses, clarifies and illustrates ambiguous terms used in discrete manufacturing. The conceptual map finally underlines the logical flow of refereed definitions

    An illustrated glossary of ambiguous PLM terms used in discrete manufacturing

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    Product lifecycle management (PLM) is a strategic product-centric, lifecycle-oriented and information-driven business approach that strives to integrate people and their inherent practices, processes, and technologies, both within and across functional areas of the extended enterprise from inception to disposal. The integration of people relies on the harmonisation of domain-specific glossaries by standardising a universal PLM vocabulary. So far, unfortunately, there is no PLM standard vocabulary. Therefore, the tremendous amount of knowledge that is continually brought forward by academic research studies, industrial practices and computer-aided applications causes semantic ambiguities. This paper consists of an illustrated glossary and a conceptual map. The glossary identifies, discusses, clarifies and illustrates ambiguous terms used in discrete manufacturing. The conceptual map finally underlines the logical flow of refereed definition

    A Holistic Product Lifecycle Management Approach to Support Design by Machine Data

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    This paper is based on an experimental environment with various systems (CAD, CAM, ERP, PDM, MES, TMS) and a coupled milling machine. Based on a holistic view of the process chain and a methodical approach it is possible to ensure a smart bidirectional flow of information between the systems from order and design to manufacturing. As a result technical and economic advantages can be achieved in the early stages of the product life cycle. Especially in design phase plan costs, routing, machinability and processing time can be already considered

    Process mapping approaches for high-value safety-critical aircraft modification design and development: A case study

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    The aircraft modification sector of the aerospace industry involves the design, build, test, and certification of complex, safety-critical systems for existing aircraft. The high product diversity and low-volume high-value production of this sector results in many unique process challenges. Small-to-medium sized aircraft modification enterprises have adopted product lifecycle management (PLM) methodologies to manage these complex product development processes. This thesis studies the current-state processes of a typical aircraft modification case study company in Canada, using the research methodology of process mapping. The current-state processes are captured in process maps, which are then assessed to find areas of opportunity for process improvement. The current-state processes are mapped at three different levels of detail: a Tier 1 Phase level, a Tier 2 Milestone level, and a Tier 3 Activity level. Results of the Tier 1 Phase level analysis illustrate some of the challenges related to simultaneously using multiple PLM methodologies across the product development lifecycle. This finding also affects process communication at the Tier 2 Milestone and Tier 3 Activity levels. Tier 2 Milestone level findings also demonstrate the impact of product diversity on milestone traceability. Tier 3 Activity level findings include the level of detail for effective Tier 3 process mapping, the importance of workflow traceability through documentation, and the challenges of change management

    Current trends on ICT technologies for enterprise information s²ystems

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    The proposed paper discusses the current trends on ICT technologies for Enterprise Information Systems. The paper starts by defining four big challenges of the next generation of information systems: (1) Data Value Chain Management; (2) Context Awareness; (3) Interaction and Visualization; and (4) Human Learning. The major contributions towards the next generation of information systems are elaborated based on the work and experience of the authors and their teams. This includes: (1) Ontology based solutions for semantic interoperability; (2) Context aware infrastructures; (3) Product Avatar based interactions; and (4) Human learning. Finally the current state of research is discussed highlighting the impact of these solutions on the economic and social landscape

    A framework for the sustainability evaluation of product configuration design

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    Sustainable development has taken its place in product design as something that needs to be achieved nowadays, not only to generate profits, meet consumers’ needs, and reduce adverse impacts on the environment, but in consideration of all economic, societal, and environmental aspects, known as the triple bottom line (TBL), over the entire product life cycle. Numerous approaches to sustainable product design have been introduced by integrating sustainability considerations during the preliminary design phase. However, most of them neglect either one of the TBL aspects, do not cover the entire product life cycle, and have difficulty in selecting the best design alternative. Additionally, none of them considers sustainability evaluation as one of the criteria in the configuration design phase. In this study, a framework for selecting the most sustainable alternative configuration design of a part was proposed to assist product designers in decision-making. The proposed framework has been basically developed in two main phases, the first of which presents a new decision tool named the Product Sustainability Evaluation Tool (ProSET) to support the proposed framework, and the second phase encompasses the configuration design process. ProSET provides an indicator called the Weighted Sustainability Score (WSS) for each evaluated alternative configuration design of a part to allow for a quick response and time saving during the decision-making process. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) were applied in ProSET to provide weighting factors and estimate the WSS. Several case studies were conducted involving discrete products to comprehensively demonstrate the application of the proposed framework. Based on the results of sustainability performance evaluation of an armchair by ProSET, the alternative part with the highest WSS among its competitors for each basic element of the armchair has been selected to be a complete product. The results were also compared with commercial software to validate the accuracy of the analysis. From the comparison, it was summarised that both results show a degree of similarity in order to efficiently select the best alternative part configuration design with regard to environmental considerations. Hence, it is suggested that the proposed framework and the capability of ProSET can be easily adopted into the working environment of product designers

    BIM and Communication: Implementation of Building Information Modeling into an Integrated Project Delivery contract to encourage project teams to communicate

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    The objective of this thesis is to explore BIM, IPD and their implementation into a building project contract. The Integrated Delivery Processes is comprised of a collaborative team of Designers, Constructors, and Owners working side by side to create a successful project. BIM has been introduced as a technology into the industry, as a tool that these parties can use for better understanding the project. Through case studies of IPD projects using BIM are observed, it was determined that although BIM was used, one problem faced is the lack of BIM standards included initially in a contract for in an IPD project. There are templates available by the AIA, AGC, and USACE, but they are not all standalone documents. A guideline for the parities to discuss will be introduced as conversation piece that would help segue into what might be included in the contract documents

    Méthode agile pour la conception collaborative multidisciplinaire de systèmes intégrés : application à la mécatronique

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    This work focuses on the multidisciplinary and collaborative design of integrated systems. These systems are subject to an ever increasing number of requirements, leading to the need for more comprehensive functional and spatial integration. These different types of product integration are also at the origin of organizational complexity. This complexity arises not only from the great number of actors performing various engineering activities but also from the diversity of disciplines involved (designated in this manuscript as “multidisciplinary integration”). To encourage this multidisciplinary integration, “preliminary design” and “detailed design” have been identified as the most significant steps, especially since they are characterized by the collaboration of multiple experts handling a large number of product definition’ technical data. Systems that have been designed thanks to multidisciplinary approaches are generally poorly integrated. This is partially due to the compartmentalization of disciplines, as well as to the “project-planned” method, where project planning is predominant and information is mainly spread out “top-down”. To ensure better cooperation between the various disciplines, to enable decision making based on operational indicators and to analyze and understand the multidisciplinary integration processes, a method inspired by the founding principles of agile methods (the agile manifesto) is proposed for the collaborative design of integrated systems. This work is based on three complementary concepts. The first is, the Collaborative Actions Framework, an operational framework for collaboration around actions. One objective of this framework is to improve the collaboration among designers, whatever their disciplinary origin. It also ensures traceability between decision making and corrections/changes made to technical data. This traceability is made possible by the useof the second concept, called Workspace. Even if this term is already well known, we propose a new definition/usage to transform it into collaboration spaces. This concept offers great possibilities, including the continuous delivering/sharing of experts’ contributions, multidisciplinary integration and change validation. The exchange of technical data between workspaces, or simultaneous work on the same data, relies on the ability to manage several parallel versions of the same item into a single datamanagement system. These opportunities are offered by the third concept, called Branch & Merge. Finally, these three concepts are illustrated through a scenario and a computer prototype. A mechatronic product, “the synergistic combination of mechanical and electrical engineering, computer science, and information technology” (Harashima et al., 1996), is used to illustrate the opportunities offered by our work in terms of multidisciplinary integration during collaborative design.Ces travaux portent sur la conception multidisciplinaire de systèmes intégrés. Ces systèmes sont soumis à un nombre d’exigences toujours croissant, entraînant des besoins en termes d’intégration fonctionnelle et spatiale. Ces différents types d’intégration relative au produit sont également la source d’une complexité organisationnelle, provenant à la fois de la multitude d’acteurs réalisant différentes activités d’ingénierie, mais également de la diversité des domaines impliqués, désignée dans ce manuscrit par « intégration multidisciplinaire ». Pour favoriser cette intégration multidisciplinaire, les phases de « conception préliminaire » et de « conception détaillée » ont été identifiées comme déterminantes, notamment car elles se caractérisent par la collaboration de nombreux experts, manipulant un grand nombre de données techniques de définition. Les systèmes conçus lors de conceptions multidisciplinaires restent faiblement intégrés. Cela est en partie dû au cloisonnement entre les disciplines et à un mode d’organisation projet basé sur une planification prédominante, caractérisé notamment par une diffusion de l’information principalement descendante (top-down). Afin d’assurer une meilleure collaboration entre ces différentes disciplines, de permettre des prises de décision éclairées par des indicateurs opérationnels et de pouvoir analyser et mieux comprendre les phénomènes d’intégration des expertises, l’introduction d’une méthode inspirée des principes fondateurs des méthodes agiles est proposée pour la conception collaborative de systèmes intégrés.La contribution de ces travaux s’appuie sur trois concepts complémentaires. Le premier, intitulé Collaborative Actions Framework correspond à un cadre de collaboration opérationnelle autour d’actions. Un des objectifs de ce framework est de faciliter la collaboration des acteurs des projets de conception, quelle que soit leur origine disciplinaire, mais également d’assurer une traçabilité entre les prises de décision et les corrections/modifications apportées sur les données techniques. Cette traçabilité est rendue possible grâce aux liens existants avec le second concept intitulé Workspace. Apportant un nouvel éclairage sur les possibilités offertes par la collaboration autour de ces espaces de collaboration, ce concept offre un certain nombre de possibilités,notamment la mise en commun continue des travaux, l’intégration multidisciplinaire et la validation des modifications. Les échanges de données techniques entre les workspaces, ou le travail simultané sur les mêmes données techniques, s’appuient quant à eux sur la possibilité de pouvoir gérer de façon parallèle différentes versions d’une même donnée technique. Ces possibilités sont proposées par le troisième concept, intitulé branch & merge, qui permet également à différents acteurs de travailler simultanément sur les mêmes données. Enfin, ces trois concepts sont ensuite illustrés par l’intermédiaire d’un démonstrateur composé d’un scénario et d’un prototype informatique. Un produit mécatronique, combinaison synergique et systémique de la mécanique, de l'électronique et de l'informatique temps réel, est utilisé afin d’illustrer les possibilités offertes par nos travaux en termes d'intégration multidisciplinaire lors de la conception collaborative

    Models, Methods and Tools for Product Service Design

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    This open access book summarizes research being pursued within the Manutelligence project, the goal of which is to help enterprises develop smart, social and flexible products with high value added services. Manutelligence has improved Product and Service Design by developing suitable models and methods, and connecting them through a modular, collaborative and secure ICT Platform. The use of real data collected in real time by Internet of Things (IoT) technologies underpins the design of product-service systems and makes it possible to monitor them throughout their life cycle. Available data allows costs and sustainability issues to be more accurately measured and simulated in the form of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Analysing data from IoT systems and sharing LCC and LCA information via the ICT Platform can help to accelerate the design of product-service systems, reduce costs and better understand customer needs. Industrial partners involved in Manutelligence provide a clear overview of the project’s outcomes, and demonstrate how its technological solutions can be used to improve the design of product-service systems and the management of product-service life cycles