42 research outputs found

    Elastic DVS Management in Processors with Discrete Voltage/Frequency Modes

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    Applying classical dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) techniques to real-time systems running on processors with discrete voltage/frequency modes causes a waste of computational resources. In fact, whenever the ideal speed level computed by the DVS algorithm is not available in the system, to guarantee the feasibility of the task set, the processor speed must be set to the nearest level greater than the optimal one, thus underutilizing the system. Whenever the task set allows a certain degree of flexibility in specifying timing constraints, rate adaptation techniques can be adopted to balance performance (which is a function of task rates) versus energy consumption (which is a function of the processor speed). In this paper, we propose a new method that combines discrete DVS management with elastic scheduling to fully exploit the available computational resources. Depending on the application requirements, the algorithm can be set to improve performance or reduce energy consumption, so enhancing the flexibility of the system. A reclaiming mechanism is also used to take advantage of early completions. To make the proposed approach usable in real-world applications, the task model is enhanced to consider some of the real CPU characteristics, such as discrete voltage/frequency levels, switching overhead, task execution times nonlinear with the frequency, and tasks with different power consumption. Implementation issues and experimental results for the proposed algorithm are also discussed

    Elastic DVS Management in Processors With Discrete Voltage/Frequency Modes

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    Applying real-time interface and calculus for dynamic power management in hard real-time systems

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    Power dissipation has been an important design issue for a wide range of computer systems in the past decades. Dynamic power consumption due to signal switching activities and static power consumption due to leakage current are the two major sources of power consumption in a CMOS circuit. As CMOS technology advances towards deep sub-micron domain, static power dissipation is comparable to or even more than dynamic power dissipation. This article explores how to apply dynamic power management to reduce static power for hard real-time systems. We propose online algorithms that adaptively control the power mode of a system, procrastinating the processing of arrived events as late as possible. To cope with multiple event streams with different characteristics, we provide solutions for preemptive earliest-deadline-first and fixed-priority scheduling policies. By adopting a worst-case interval-based abstraction, our approach can not only tackle arbitrary event arrivals, e.g., with burstiness, but also guarantee hard real-time requirements with respect to both timing and backlog constraints. We also present extensive simulation results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approache

    Energy-Aware Scheduling for Streaming Applications

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    Streaming applications have become increasingly important and widespread,with application domains ranging from embedded devices to server systems.Traditionally, researchers have been focusing on improving the performanceof streaming applications to achieve high throughput and low response time.However, increasingly more attention is being shifted topower/performance trade-offbecause power consumption has become a limiting factor on system designas integrated circuits enter the realm of nanometer technology.This work addresses the problem of scheduling a streaming application(represented by a task graph)with the goal of minimizing its energy consumptionwhile satisfying its two quality of service (QoS) requirements,namely, throughput and response time.The available power management mechanisms are dynamic voltage scaling (DVS),which has been shown to be effective in reducing dynamic power consumption, andvary-on/vary-off, which turns processors on and off to save static power consumption.Scheduling algorithms are proposed for different computing platforms (uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems),different characteristics of workload (deterministic and stochastic workload),and different types of task graphs (singleton and general task graphs).Both continuous and discrete processor power models are considered.The highlights are a unified approach for obtaining optimal (or provably close to optimal)uniprocessor DVS schemes for various DVS strategies anda novel multiprocessor scheduling algorithm that exploits the differencebetween the two QoS requirements to perform processor allocation,task mapping, and task speedscheduling simultaneously

    Integrated Data and Energy Communication Network: A Comprehensive Survey

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    OAPA In order to satisfy the power thirsty of communication devices in the imminent 5G era, wireless charging techniques have attracted much attention both from the academic and industrial communities. Although the inductive coupling and magnetic resonance based charging techniques are indeed capable of supplying energy in a wireless manner, they tend to restrict the freedom of movement. By contrast, RF signals are capable of supplying energy over distances, which are gradually inclining closer to our ultimate goal – charging anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, transmitters capable of emitting RF signals have been widely deployed, such as TV towers, cellular base stations and Wi-Fi access points. This communication infrastructure may indeed be employed also for wireless energy transfer (WET). Therefore, no extra investment in dedicated WET infrastructure is required. However, allowing RF signal based WET may impair the wireless information transfer (WIT) operating in the same spectrum. Hence, it is crucial to coordinate and balance WET and WIT for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT), which evolves to Integrated Data and Energy communication Networks (IDENs). To this end, a ubiquitous IDEN architecture is introduced by summarising its natural heterogeneity and by synthesising a diverse range of integrated WET and WIT scenarios. Then the inherent relationship between WET and WIT is revealed from an information theoretical perspective, which is followed by the critical appraisal of the hardware enabling techniques extracting energy from RF signals. Furthermore, the transceiver design, resource allocation and user scheduling as well as networking aspects are elaborated on. In a nutshell, this treatise can be used as a handbook for researchers and engineers, who are interested in enriching their knowledge base of IDENs and in putting this vision into practice

    Software Approaches to Manage Resource Tradeoffs of Power and Energy Constrained Applications

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    Power and energy efficiency have become an increasingly important design metric for a wide spectrum of computing devices. Battery efficiency, which requires a mixture of energy and power efficiency, is exceedingly important especially since there have been no groundbreaking advances in battery capacity recently. The need for energy and power efficiency stretches from small embedded devices to portable computers to large scale data centers. The projected future of computing demand, referred to as exascale computing, demands that researchers find ways to perform exaFLOPs of computation at a power bound much lower than would be required by simply scaling today's standards. There is a large body of work on power and energy efficiency for a wide range of applications and at different levels of abstraction. However, there is a lack of work studying the nuances of different tradeoffs that arise when operating under a power/energy budget. Moreover, there is no work on constructing a generalized model of applications running under power/energy constraints, which allows the designer to optimize their resource consumption, be it power, energy, time, bandwidth, or space. There is need for an efficient model that can provide bounds on the optimality of an application's resource consumption, becoming a basis against which online resource management heuristics can be measured. In this thesis, we tackle the problem of managing resource tradeoffs of power/energy constrained applications. We begin by studying the nuances of power/energy tradeoffs with the response time and throughput of stream processing applications. We then study the power performance tradeoff of batch processing applications to identify a power configuration that maximizes performance under a power bound. Next, we study the tradeoff of power/energy with network bandwidth and precision. Finally, we study how to combine tradeoffs into a generalized model of applications running under resource constraints. The work in this thesis presents detailed studies of the power/energy tradeoff with response time, throughput, performance, network bandwidth, and precision of stream and batch processing applications. To that end, we present an adaptive algorithm that manages stream processing tradeoffs of response time and throughput at the CPU level. At the task-level, we present an online heuristic that adaptively distributes bounded power in a cluster to improve performance, as well as an offline approach to optimally bound performance. We demonstrate how power can be used to reduce bandwidth bottlenecks and extend our offline approach to model bandwidth tradeoffs. Moreover, we present a tool that identifies parts of a program that can be downgraded in precision with minimal impact on accuracy, and maximal impact on energy consumption. Finally, we combine all the above tradeoffs into a flexible model that is efficient to solve and allows for bounding and/or optimizing the consumption of different resources

    Central-provincial Politics and Industrial Policy-making in the Electric Power Sector in China

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    In addition to the studies that provide meaningful insights into the complexity of technical and economic issues, increasing studies have focused on the political process of market transition in network industries such as the electric power sector. This dissertation studies the central–provincial interactions in industrial policy-making and implementation, and attempts to evaluate the roles of Chinese provinces in the market reform process of the electric power sector. Market reforms of this sector are used as an illustrative case because the new round of market reforms had achieved some significant breakthroughs in areas such as pricing reform and wholesale market trading. Other policy measures, such as the liberalization of the distribution market and cross-regional market-building, are still at a nascent stage and have only scored moderate progress. It is important to investigate why some policy areas make greater progress in market reforms than others. It is also interesting to examine the impacts of Chinese central-provincial politics on producing the different market reform outcomes. Guangdong and Xinjiang are two provinces being analyzed in this dissertation. The progress of market reforms in these two provinces showed similarities although the provinces are very different in terms of local conditions such as the stages of their economic development and energy structures. The actual reform can be understood as the outcomes of certain modes of interactions between the central and provincial actors in the context of their particular capabilities and preferences in different policy areas. This dissertation argues that market reform is more successful in policy areas where the central and provincial authorities are able to engage mainly in integrative negotiations than in areas where they engage mainly in distributive negotiations

    Соціально-гуманітарні аспекти розвитку сучасного суспільства

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