5 research outputs found


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    In this paper, a software behavior-based technique is presented to detect control-flow errors in multi-core architectures. The analysis of a key point leads to introduce the proposed technique: employing under-utilized CPU resources in multi-core processors to check the execution flow of the programs concurrently and in parallel with the main executions. To evaluate the proposed technique, a quad-core processor system was used as the simulation environment, and the behavior of SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks were studied as the target to compare with conventional techniques. The experimental results, with regard to both detection coverage and performance overhead, demonstrate that on average about 94% of the control-flow errors can be detected by the proposed technique, more efficiently. This article has been retracted. Link to the retraction: http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUElectEnerg/article/view/337

    Compiler-Assisted Signature Monitoring

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryJoint Services Electronics Program / N00014-84-C-0149Office of Naval Research / N00014-88-K-0656National Science Foundation / MIP-8809478NCRNational Aeronautics and Space Administration / NASA NAG 1-61

    Tolerating Radiation-Induced Transient Faults in Modern Processors

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    Compiler-Assisted Multiple Instruction Rollback Recovery Using a Read Buffer

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    Multiple instruction rollback (MIR) is a technique to provide rapid recovery from transient processor failures and was implemented in hardware by researchers and slow in mainframe computers. Hardware-based MIR designs eliminate rollback data hazards by providing data redundancy implemented in hardware. Compiler-based MIR designs were also developed which remove rollback data hazards directly with data flow manipulations, thus eliminating the need for most data redundancy hardware. Compiler-assisted techniques to achieve multiple instruction rollback recovery are addressed. It is observed that data some hazards resulting from instruction rollback can be resolved more efficiently by providing hardware redundancy while others are resolved more efficiently with compiler transformations. A compiler-assisted multiple instruction rollback scheme is developed which combines hardware-implemented data redundancy with compiler-driven hazard removal transformations. Experimental performance evaluations were conducted which indicate improved efficiency over previous hardware-based and compiler-based schemes. Various enhancements to the compiler transformations and to the data redundancy hardware developed for the compiler-assisted MIR scheme are described and evaluated. The final topic deals with the application of compiler-assisted MIR techniques to aid in exception repair and branch repair in a speculative execution architecture

    Software implemented fault tolerance for microprocessor controllers: fault tolerance for microprocessor controllers

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    It is generally accepted that transient faults are a major cause of failure in micro processor systems. Industrial controllers with embedded microprocessors are particularly at risk from this type of failure because their working environments are prone to transient disturbances which can generate transient faults. In order to improve the reliability of processor systems for industrial applications within a limited budget, fault tolerant techniques for uniprocessors are implemented. These techniques aim to identify characteristics of processor operation which are attributed to erroneous behaviour. Once detection is achieved, a programme of restoration activity can be initiated. This thesis initially develops a previous model of erroneous microprocessor behaviour from which characteristics particular to mal-operation are identified. A new technique is proposed, based on software implemented fault tolerance which, by recognizing a particular behavioural characteristic, facilitates the self-detection of erroneous execution. The technique involves inserting detection mechanisms into the target software. This can be quite a complex process and so a prototype software tool called Post-programming Automated Recovery UTility (PARUT) is developed to automate the technique's application. The utility can be used to apply the proposed behavioural fault tolerant technique for a selection of target processors. Fault injection and emulation experiments assess the effectiveness of the proposed fault tolerant technique for three application programs implemented on an 8, 16, and 32- bit processors respectively. The modified application programs are shown to have an improved detection capability and hence reliability when the proposed fault tolerant technique is applied. General assessment of the technique cannot be made, however, because its effectiveness is application specific. The thesis concludes by considering methods of generating non-hazardous application programs at the compilation stage, and design features for incorporation into the architecture of a microprocessor which inherently reduce the hazard, and increase the detection capability of the target software. Particular suggestions are made to add a 'PARUT' phase to the translation process, and to orientate microprocessor design towards the instruction opcode map