1,746 research outputs found

    Handling location uncertainty in probabilistic location-dependent queries

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    Location-based services have motivated intensive research in the field of mobile computing, and particularly on location-dependent queries. Existing approaches usually assume that the location data are expressed at a fine geographic precision (physical coordinates such as GPS). However, many positioning mechanisms are subject to an inherent imprecision (e.g., the cell-id mechanism used in cellular networks can only determine the cell where a certain moving object is located). Moreover, even a GPS location can be subject to an error or be obfuscated for privacy reasons. Thus, moving objects can be considered to be associated not to an exact location, but to an uncertainty area where they can be located. In this paper, we analyze the problem introduced by the imprecision of the location data available in the data sources by modeling them using uncertainty areas. To do so, we propose to use a higher-level representation of locations which includes uncertainty, formalizing the concept of uncertainty location granule. This allows us to consider probabilistic location-dependent queries, among which we will focus on probabilistic inside (range) constraints. The adopted model allows us to develop a systematic and efficient approach for processing this kind of queries. An experimental evaluation shows that these probabilistic queries can be supported efficiently

    Semantic Keyword-based Search on Heterogeneous Information Systems

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    En los últimos años, con la difusión y el uso de Internet, el volumen de información disponible para los usuarios ha crecido exponencialmente. Además, la posibilidad de acceder a dicha información se ha visto impulsada por los niveles de conectividad de los que disfrutamos actualmente gracias al uso de los móviles de nueva generación y las redes inalámbricas (e.g., 3G, Wi-Fi). Sin embargo, con los métodos de acceso actuales, este exceso de información es tan perjudicial como la falta de la misma, ya que el usuario no tiene tiempo de procesarla en su totalidad. Por otro lado, esta información está detrás de sistemas de información de naturaleza muy heterogénea (e.g., buscadores Web, fuentes de Linked Data, etc.), y el usuario tiene que conocerlos para poder explotar al máximo sus capacidades. Esta diversidad se hace más patente si consideramos cualquier servicio de información como potencial fuente de información para el usuario (e.g., servicios basados en la localización, bases de datos exportadas mediante Servicios Web, etc.). Dado este nivel de heterogeneidad, la integración de estos sistemas se debe hacer externamente, ocultando su complejidad al usuario y dotándole de mecanismos para que pueda expresar sus consultas de forma sencilla. En este sentido, el uso de interfaces basados en palabras clave (keywords) se ha popularizado gracias a su sencillez y a su adopción por parte de los buscadores Web más usados. Sin embargo, esa sencillez que es su mayor virtud también es su mayor defecto, ya que genera problemas de ambigüedad en las consultas. Las consultas expresadas como conjuntos de palabras clave son inherentemente ambiguas al ser una proyección de la verdadera pregunta que el usuario quiere hacer. En la presente tesis, abordamos el problema de integrar sistemas de información heterogéneos bajo una búsqueda guiada por la semántica de las palabras clave; y presentamos QueryGen, un prototipo de nuestra solución. En esta búsqueda semántica abogamos por establecer la consulta que el usuario tenía en mente cuando escribió sus palabras clave, en un lenguaje de consulta formal para evitar posibles ambigüedades. La integración de los sistemas subyacentes se realiza a través de la definición de sus lenguajes de consulta y de sus modelos de ejecución. En particular, nuestro sistema: - Descubre el significado de las palabras clave consultando un conjunto dinámico de ontologías, y desambigua dichas palabras teniendo en cuenta su contexto (el resto de palabras clave), ya que cada una de las palabras tiene influencia sobre el significado del resto de la entrada. Durante este proceso, los significados que son suficientemente similares son fusionados y el sistema propone aquellos más probables dada la entrada del usuario. La información semántica obtenida en el proceso es integrada y utilizada en fases posteriores para obtener la correcta interpretación del conjunto de palabras clave. - Un mismo conjunto de palabras pueden representar diversas consultas aún cuando se conoce su significado individual. Por ello, una vez establecidos los significados de cada palabra y para obtener la consulta exacta del usuario, nuestro sistema encuentra todas las preguntas posibles utilizando las palabras clave. Esta traducción de palabras clave a preguntas se realiza empleando lenguajes de consulta formales para evitar las posibles ambigüedades y expresar la consulta de manera precisa. Nuestro sistema evita la generación de preguntas semánticamente incorrectas o duplicadas con la ayuda de un razonador basado en Lógicas Descriptivas (Description Logics). En este proceso, nuestro sistema es capaz de reaccionar ante entradas insuficientes (e.g., palabras omitidas) mediante la adición de términos virtuales, que representan internamente palabras que el usuario tenía en mente pero omitió cuando escribió su consulta. - Por último, tras la validación por parte del usuario de su consulta, nuestro sistema accede a los sistemas de información registrados que pueden responderla y recupera la respuesta de acuerdo a la semántica de la consulta. Para ello, nuestro sistema implementa una arquitectura modular permite añadir nuevos sistemas al vuelo siempre que se proporcione su especificación (lenguajes de consulta soportados, modelos y formatos de datos, etc.). Por otro lado, el trabajar con sistemas de información heterogéneos, en particular sistemas relacionados con la Computación Móvil, ha permitido que las contribuciones de esta tesis no se limiten al campo de la búsqueda semántica. A este respecto, se ha estudiado el ámbito de la semántica de las consultas basadas en la localización, y especialmente, la influencia de la semántica de las localizaciones en el procesado e interpretación de las mismas. En particular, se proponen dos modelos ontológicos para modelar y capturar la relaciones semánticas de las localizaciones y ampliar la expresividad de las consultas basadas en la localización. Durante el desarrollo de esta tesis, situada entre el ámbito de la Web Semántica y el de la Computación Móvil, se ha abierto una nueva línea de investigación acerca del modelado de conocimiento volátil, y se ha estudiado la posibilidad de utilizar razonadores basados en Lógicas Descriptivas en dispositivos basados en Android. Por último, nuestro trabajo en el ámbito de las búsquedas semánticas a partir de palabras clave ha sido extendido al ámbito de los agentes conversacionales, haciéndoles capaces de explotar distintas fuentes de datos semánticos actualmente disponibles bajo los principios del Linked Data

    Use of Semantic Technology to Create Curated Data Albums

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    One of the continuing challenges in any Earth science investigation is the discovery and access of useful science content from the increasingly large volumes of Earth science data and related information available online. Current Earth science data systems are designed with the assumption that researchers access data primarily by instrument or geophysical parameter. Those who know exactly the data sets they need can obtain the specific files using these systems. However, in cases where researchers are interested in studying an event of research interest, they must manually assemble a variety of relevant data sets by searching the different distributed data systems. Consequently, there is a need to design and build specialized search and discovery tools in Earth science that can filter through large volumes of distributed online data and information and only aggregate the relevant resources needed to support climatology and case studies. This paper presents a specialized search and discovery tool that automatically creates curated Data Albums. The tool was designed to enable key elements of the search process such as dynamic interaction and sense-making. The tool supports dynamic interaction via different modes of interactivity and visual presentation of information. The compilation of information and data into a Data Album is analogous to a shoebox within the sense-making framework. This tool automates most of the tedious information/data gathering tasks for researchers. Data curation by the tool is achieved via an ontology-based, relevancy ranking algorithm that filters out non-relevant information and data. The curation enables better search results as compared to the simple keyword searches provided by existing data systems in Earth science

    Use of Semantic Technology to Create Curated Data Albums

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    One of the continuing challenges in any Earth science investigation is the discovery and access of useful science content from the increasingly large volumes of Earth science data and related information available online. Current Earth science data systems are designed with the assumption that researchers access data primarily by instrument or geophysical parameter. Those who know exactly the data sets they need can obtain the specific files using these systems. However, in cases where researchers are interested in studying an event of research interest, they must manually assemble a variety of relevant data sets by searching the different distributed data systems. Consequently, there is a need to design and build specialized search and discover tools in Earth science that can filter through large volumes of distributed online data and information and only aggregate the relevant resources needed to support climatology and case studies. This paper presents a specialized search and discovery tool that automatically creates curated Data Albums. The tool was designed to enable key elements of the search process such as dynamic interaction and sense-making. The tool supports dynamic interaction via different modes of interactivity and visual presentation of information. The compilation of information and data into a Data Album is analogous to a shoebox within the sense-making framework. This tool automates most of the tedious information/data gathering tasks for researchers. Data curation by the tool is achieved via an ontology-based, relevancy ranking algorithm that filters out nonrelevant information and data. The curation enables better search results as compared to the simple keyword searches provided by existing data systems in Earth science

    The design and development of multi-agent based RFID middleware system for data and devices management

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    Thesis (D. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)) - Central University of technology, Free State, 2012Radio frequency identification technology (RFID) has emerged as a key technology for automatic identification and promises to revolutionize business processes. While RFID technology adoption is improving rapidly, reliable and widespread deployment of this technology still faces many significant challenges. The key deployment challenges include how to use the simple, unreliable raw data generated by RFID deployments to make business decisions; and how to manage a large number of deployed RFID devices. In this thesis, a multi-agent based RFID middleware which addresses some of the RFID data and device management challenges was developed. The middleware developed abstracts the auto-identification applications from physical RFID device specific details and provides necessary services such as device management, data cleaning, event generation, query capabilities and event persistence. The use of software agent technology offers a more scalable and distributed system architecture for the proposed middleware. As part of a multi-agent system, application-independent domain ontology for RFID devices was developed. This ontology can be used or extended in any application interested with RFID domain ontology. In order to address the event processing tasks within the proposed middleware system, a temporal-based RFID data model which considers both applications’ temporal and spatial granules in the data model itself for efficient event processing was developed. The developed data model extends the conventional Entity-Relationship constructs by adding a time attribute to the model. By maintaining the history of events and state changes, the data model captures the fundamental RFID application logic within the data model. Hence, this new data model supports efficient generation of application level events, updating, querying and analysis of both recent and historical events. As part of the RFID middleware, an adaptive sliding-window based data cleaning scheme for reducing missed readings from RFID data streams (called WSTD) was also developed. The WSTD scheme models the unreliability of the RFID readings by viewing RFID streams as a statistical sample of tags in the physical world, and exploits techniques grounded in sampling theory to drive its cleaning processes. The WSTD scheme is capable of efficiently coping with both environmental variations and tag dynamics by automatically and continuously adapting its cleaning window size, based on observed readings

    Privacy in geo-social networks: proximity notification with untrusted service providers and curious buddies

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    A major feature of the emerging geo-social networks is the ability to notify a user when any of his friends (also called buddies) happens to be geographically in proximity. This proximity service is usually offered by the network itself or by a third party service provider (SP) using location data acquired from the users. This paper provides a rigorous theoretical and experimental analysis of the existing solutions for the location privacy problem in proximity services. This is a serious problem for users who do not trust the SP to handle their location data and would only like to release their location information in a generalized form to participating buddies. The paper presents two new protocols providing complete privacy with respect to the SP and controllable privacy with respect to the buddies. The analytical and experimental analysis of the protocols takes into account privacy, service precision, and computation and communication costs, showing the superiority of the new protocols compared to those appeared in the literature to date. The proposed protocols have also been tested in a full system implementation of the proximity service