11 research outputs found

    Teaching Buffer Overflow via a Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning Activity

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    We have developed a guided inquiry collaborative learning activity to teach buffer overflow. The key research results including the comparison of pre- and post-evaluation of student learning in groups will be presented in the conference

    Collaborative Learning for Information Security Topics: A Pilot Study

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    Collaborative learning has seen a growing popularity in computing education with promising results. The purpose of this research study is to determine if the collaborative guided learning pedagogy is valid for the diverse information security-related topics. We have developed and tested on three security topics and learning activities, including input validation, security in operating systems, and SQL injection in the pilot study. Applied pre-test and post-test surveys to measure the effectiveness of the learning experiences. We have conducted statistical analysis and qualitative analysis to compare the pre- and post-surveys results. Furthermore, we found that team experience is helpful to research with security topics, and more time allowed for the activity could benefit the learning experience

    Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in Electronics Devices and Photonics through Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)

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    Advance and complex mathematical skill such as finite element analysis are traditionally required to the understanding of electronics devices and photonics applications. Unless the students want to further their studies in theoretical field using complex calculations, students are offered an alternate learning skill such as POGIL by using software simulation packages with embedded FEA to help them visualize the abstract of photonics theories. Students were allowed to modify the original template given in the package, but in the learning process, they have to answer several guided questions in the activity specified. We presented two studies: Thermo Photovoltaic (TPV) cell and Acoustic Levitator (AL), prepared by two groups of third year physics students using COMSOL software and POGIL. As a result, students were able to complete their activities with a new skill of a standard researche

    Pandemic Pedagogy in Online Hands-on Learning for IT/IS Courses

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    Due to the coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, many educational institutions have transitioned to online instruction. As a result, instructors need to investigate online small group learning opportunities to bond with their students who feel isolated from their peers due to social-distancing guidelines. In this paper, we discuss three key issues in online hands-on learning: 1) interactions, 2) equity and inclusive participation, and 3) students’ readiness for hands-on or higher-level cognitive learning. We reflect on our teaching experience during the COVID-19 pandemic and offer suggestions to help instructors plan and implement online small group hands-on learning

    Penerapan Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Hasil Belajar Kimia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar kimia peserta didik pada materi hidrokarbon melalui penerapan process oriented guided inquiry learning kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kedawung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan keaktifan pembelajaran peserta didik pada proses pembelajaran. Pada kegiatan prasiklus keaktifan peserta didik diperoleh rata-rata skor 41,42, siklus I dengan skor 61,42 dan siklus II dengan skor 78,57. Hasil belajar peserta didik juga menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari prasiklus diperoleh rata-rata nilai 63,69, siklus I sebesar 71,36 dan siklus II sebesar 79,08. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model process oriented guided inquiry learningdapat meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar peserta didik kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kedawung Cirebon

    The Case for Kairos: The Importance of Moment and Manner in Software Engineering Communication

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    Students preparing for software engineering careers need to be proficient in the mechanics of communication and experienced in the basic communication genres common to the profession. We argue, however, that this is not enough: students must also be prepared for the inventive, in-the-moment nature of real project communication. Choosing the right moment and manner for inventive discourse is the essence of kairos, a long-standing concept in the field of rhetoric. We find similarities between the concept of kairos and the role of communication in agile software development methods. We argue for the need to address kairos in software engineering education. We present an approach, based on the concept of cognitive apprenticeship, that we have used in a team software project course with successful results. Finally, we pose two important challenges: how to evaluate kairotic awareness across a student\u27s academic career and beyond, and how to make software engineering instructors feel comfortable covering communication topics

    Finding the Balance Between Guidance and Independence in Cybersecurity Exercises

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    Abstract In order to accomplish cyber security tasks, one needs to know how to analyze complex data and when and how to use tools. Many hands-on exercises for cybersecurity courses have been developed to teach these skills. There is a spectrum of ways that these exercises can be taught. On one end of the spectrum are prescriptive exercises, in which students follow step-by-step instructions to run scripted exploits, perform penetration testing, do security audits, etc. On the other end of the spectrum are open-ended exercises and capture-the-flag activities, where little guidance is given on how to proceed. This paper reports on our experience with trying to find a balance between these extremes in the context of one of the suite of cybersecurity exercises that we have developed in the EDURange framework 1 . The particular exercise that we present teaches students about dynamic analysis of binaries using strace. We have found that students are most successful in these exercises when they are given the right amount of prerequisite knowledge and guidance as well as some opportunity to find creative solutions. Our scenarios are specifically designed to develop analysis skills and the security mindset in students and to complement the theoretical aspects of the discipline and develop practical skills

    Fostering Program Comprehension in Novice Programmers - Learning Activities and Learning Trajectories

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    This working group asserts that Program Comprehension (ProgComp) plays a critical part in the process of writing programs. For example, this paper is written from a basic draft that was edited and revised until it clearly presented our idea. Similarly, a program is written incrementally, with each step tested, debugged and extended until the program achieves its goal. Novice programmers should develop program comprehension skills as they learn to code so that they are able both to read and reason about code created by others, and to reflect on their code when writing, debugging or extending it. To foster such competencies our group identified two main goals: (g1) to collect and define learning activities that explicitly address key components of program comprehension and (g2) to define tentative theoretical learning trajectories that will guide teachers as they select and sequence those learning activities in their CS0/CS1/CS2 or K-12 courses. The WG has completed the first goal and laid down a strong foundation towards the second goal as presented in this report. After a thorough literature review, a detailed description of the Block Model is provided, as this model has been used with a dual purpose, to classify and present an extensive list of ProgComp tasks, and to describe a possible learning trajectory for a complex task, covering different cells of the Block Model matrix. The latter is intended to help instructors to decompose complex tasks and identify which aspects of ProgComp are being fostered

    Communication Patterns and Strategies in Software Development Communities of Practice

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    Some of the greatest challenges in the relatively new field of software development lie in the decidedly old technology of communication between humans. Software projects require sophisticated and varied communication skills because software developers work in a world of incomplete, imperfect information where teams evolve rapidly in response to evolving requirements and changing collaborators. While prescriptive models for software process such as Agile suggest ways of doing, in reality these codified practices must adapt to the complexities of a real workplace. Patterns, rather than rules of behavior within software process are more suitable to the varied and mutable nature of software development. Software development communities are also learning communities, attempting to sustain themselves through internal ambiguity and external changes. We study different types of software development communities to fulfill our goal of understanding how these communities implement and evolve different communication strategies to sustain themselves through change. We observe student software development projects, open source software development, and a professional, rigorously Agile software development community. We employ Wenger\u27s concept of Community of Practice to frame our understanding, especially focusing on the notions of identity, participation, reification, negotiation of meaning and trajectory of the participants of the software development communities. From these different sources, we identify the emergent themes of mentoring and knowledge management as critical for sustainable communities. Through our long running, immersive, participant observer, ethnographic study of the Agile software development community, we contribute both a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the their communication practices and depict the evolving nature of their onboarding and mentoring strategies. We share our experience of implementing such an immersive industry ethnographic study. We employ a pattern language approach to capturing, analyzing and representing our results, thereby contributing and relating to the larger bodies of work in Scrum and Organizational Patterns. This work also informs our concurrent efforts to enhance our undergraduate computer science and software engineering curriculum, exposing students to the communication challenges of real software development and help them to develop skills to meet these challenges through practice in inquiry, critique and reflection