191 research outputs found

    Formal Verification of Probabilistic SystemC Models with Statistical Model Checking

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    Transaction-level modeling with SystemC has been very successful in describing the behavior of embedded systems by providing high-level executable models, in which many of them have inherent probabilistic behaviors, e.g., random data and unreliable components. It thus is crucial to have both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the probabilities of system properties. Such analysis can be conducted by constructing a formal model of the system under verification and using Probabilistic Model Checking (PMC). However, this method is infeasible for large systems, due to the state space explosion. In this article, we demonstrate the successful use of Statistical Model Checking (SMC) to carry out such analysis directly from large SystemC models and allow designers to express a wide range of useful properties. The first contribution of this work is a framework to verify properties expressed in Bounded Linear Temporal Logic (BLTL) for SystemC models with both timed and probabilistic characteristics. Second, the framework allows users to expose a rich set of user-code primitives as atomic propositions in BLTL. Moreover, users can define their own fine-grained time resolution rather than the boundary of clock cycles in the SystemC simulation. The third contribution is an implementation of a statistical model checker. It contains an automatic monitor generation for producing execution traces of the model-under-verification (MUV), the mechanism for automatically instrumenting the MUV, and the interaction with statistical model checking algorithms.Comment: Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. Wiley, 2017. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1507.0818

    PAFSV: A Formal Framework for Specification and Analysis of SystemVerilog

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    We develop a process algebraic framework PAFSV for the formal specification and analysis of IEEE 1800TM SystemVerilog designs. The formal semantics of PAFSV is defined by means of deduction rules that associate a time transition system with a PAFSV process. A set of properties of PAFSV is presented for a notion of bisimilarity. PAFSV may be regarded as the formal language of a significant subset of IEEE 1800TM SystemVerilog. To show that PAFSV is useful for the formal specification and analysis of IEEE 1800TM SystemVerilog designs, we illustrate the use of PAFSV with a multiplexer, a synchronous reset D flip-flop and an arbiter

    A configurable vector processor for accelerating speech coding algorithms

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    The growing demand for voice-over-packer (VoIP) services and multimedia-rich applications has made increasingly important the efficient, real-time implementation of low-bit rates speech coders on embedded VLSI platforms. Such speech coders are designed to substantially reduce the bandwidth requirements thus enabling dense multichannel gateways in small form factor. This however comes at a high computational cost which mandates the use of very high performance embedded processors. This thesis investigates the potential acceleration of two major ITU-T speech coding algorithms, namely G.729A and G.723.1, through their efficient implementation on a configurable extensible vector embedded CPU architecture. New scalar and vector ISAs were introduced which resulted in up to 80% reduction in the dynamic instruction count of both workloads. These instructions were subsequently encapsulated into a parametric, hybrid SISD (scalar processor)–SIMD (vector) processor. This work presents the research and implementation of the vector datapath of this vector coprocessor which is tightly-coupled to a Sparc-V8 compliant CPU, the optimization and simulation methodologies employed and the use of Electronic System Level (ESL) techniques to rapidly design SIMD datapaths

    Hardware Acceleration Using Functional Languages

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    Cílem této práce je prozkoumat možnosti využití funkcionálního paradigmatu pro hardwarovou akceleraci, konkrétně pro datově paralelní úlohy. Úroveň abstrakce tradičních jazyků pro popis hardwaru, jako VHDL a Verilog, přestáví stačit. Pro popis na algoritmické či behaviorální úrovni se rozmáhají jazyky původně navržené pro vývoj softwaru a modelování, jako C/C++, SystemC nebo MATLAB. Funkcionální jazyky se s těmi imperativními nemůžou měřit v rozšířenosti a oblíbenosti mezi programátory, přesto je předčí v mnoha vlastnostech, např. ve verifikovatelnosti, schopnosti zachytit inherentní paralelismus a v kompaktnosti kódu. Pro akceleraci datově paralelních výpočtů se často používají jednotky FPGA, grafické karty (GPU) a vícejádrové procesory. Praktická část této práce rozšiřuje existující knihovnu Accelerate pro počítání na grafických kartách o výstup do VHDL. Accelerate je možno chápat jako doménově specifický jazyk vestavěný do Haskellu s backendem pro prostředí NVIDIA CUDA. Rozšíření pro vysokoúrovňovou syntézu obvodů ve VHDL představené v této práci používá stejný jazyk a frontend.The aim of this thesis is to research how the functional paradigm can be used for hardware acceleration with an emphasis on data-parallel tasks. The level of abstraction of the traditional hardware description languages, such as VHDL or Verilog, is becoming to low. High-level languages from the domains of software development and modeling, such as C/C++, SystemC or MATLAB, are experiencing a boom for hardware description on the algorithmic or behavioral level. Functional Languages are not so commonly used, but they outperform imperative languages in verification, the ability to capture inherent paralellism and the compactness of code. Data-parallel task are often accelerated on FPGAs, GPUs and multicore processors. In this thesis, we use a library for general-purpose GPU programs called Accelerate and extend it to produce VHDL. Accelerate is a domain-specific language embedded into Haskell with a backend for the NVIDIA CUDA platform. We use the language and its frontend, and create a new backend for high-level synthesis of circuits in VHDL.

    A Holistic Approach to Functional Safety for Networked Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Functional safety is a significant concern in today's networked cyber-physical systems such as connected machines, autonomous vehicles, and intelligent environments. Simulation is a well-known methodology for the assessment of functional safety. Simulation models of networked cyber-physical systems are very heterogeneous relying on digital hardware, analog hardware, and network domains. Current functional safety assessment is mainly focused on digital hardware failures while minor attention is devoted to analog hardware and not at all to the interconnecting network. In this work we believe that in networked cyber-physical systems, the dependability must be verified not only for the nodes in isolation but also by taking into account their interaction through the communication channel. For this reason, this work proposes a holistic methodology for simulation-based safety assessment in which safety mechanisms are tested in a simulation environment reproducing the high-level behavior of digital hardware, analog hardware, and network communication. The methodology relies on three main automatic processes: 1) abstraction of analog models to transform them into system-level descriptions, 2) synthesis of network infrastructures to combine multiple cyber-physical systems, and 3) multi-domain fault injection in digital, analog, and network. Ultimately, the flow produces a homogeneous optimized description written in C++ for fast and reliable simulation which can have many applications. The focus of this thesis is performing extensive fault simulation and evaluating different functional safety metrics, \eg, fault and diagnostic coverage of all the safety mechanisms

    Co-simulation techniques based on virtual platforms for SoC design and verification in power electronics applications

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    En las últimas décadas, la inversión en el ámbito energético ha aumentado considerablemente. Actualmente, existen numerosas empresas que están desarrollando equipos como convertidores de potencia o máquinas eléctricas con sistemas de control de última generación. La tendencia actual es usar System-on-chips y Field Programmable Gate Arrays para implementar todo el sistema de control. Estos dispositivos facilitan el uso de algoritmos de control más complejos y eficientes, mejorando la eficiencia de los equipos y habilitando la integración de los sistemas renovables en la red eléctrica. Sin embargo, la complejidad de los sistemas de control también ha aumentado considerablemente y con ello la dificultad de su verificación. Los sistemas Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) se han presentado como una solución para la verificación no destructiva de los equipos energéticos, evitando accidentes y pruebas de alto coste en bancos de ensayo. Los sistemas HIL simulan en tiempo real el comportamiento de la planta de potencia y su interfaz para realizar las pruebas con la placa de control en un entorno seguro. Esta tesis se centra en mejorar el proceso de verificación de los sistemas de control en aplicaciones de electrónica potencia. La contribución general es proporcionar una alternativa a al uso de los HIL para la verificación del hardware/software de la tarjeta de control. La alternativa se basa en la técnica de Software-in-the-loop (SIL) y trata de superar o abordar las limitaciones encontradas hasta la fecha en el SIL. Para mejorar las cualidades de SIL se ha desarrollado una herramienta software denominada COSIL que permite co-simular la implementación e integración final del sistema de control, sea software (CPU), hardware (FPGA) o una mezcla de software y hardware, al mismo tiempo que su interacción con la planta de potencia. Dicha plataforma puede trabajar en múltiples niveles de abstracción e incluye soporte para realizar co-simulación mixtas en distintos lenguajes como C o VHDL. A lo largo de la tesis se hace hincapié en mejorar una de las limitaciones de SIL, su baja velocidad de simulación. Se proponen diferentes soluciones como el uso de emuladores software, distintos niveles de abstracción del software y hardware, o relojes locales en los módulos de la FPGA. En especial se aporta un mecanismo de sincronizaron externa para el emulador software QEMU habilitando su emulación multi-core. Esta aportación habilita el uso de QEMU en plataformas virtuales de co-simulacion como COSIL. Toda la plataforma COSIL, incluido el uso de QEMU, se ha analizado bajo diferentes tipos de aplicaciones y bajo un proyecto industrial real. Su uso ha sido crítico para desarrollar y verificar el software y hardware del sistema de control de un convertidor de 400 kVA

    Автоматическое обнаружение ошибок конкурентной модификации данных в моделях на языке SystemC

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    Hardware/software systems simulated by using the SystemC language are usually parallel and, therefore, may contain synchronization errors. One widespread type of synchronization errors is data races. In this paper we propose an approach to data race detection in SystemC programs which is based on the source code static analysis. We have developed some static analysis algorithms that can extract information for data race detection in a SystemC program without quantitative time. These algorithms can detect all the errors that exist in the program. The efficiency of our approach is shown by the evaluation results of the developed tool on a set of test SystemC programs.Модели систем на языке SystemC, как правило, являются параллельными программами и поэтому могут содержать ошибки синхронизации. Одним из типов ошибок синхронизации являются ошибки конкурентной модификации данных. В данной статье предлагается подход к обнаружению ошибок конкурентной модификации данных в моделях на языке SystemC на основе статического анализа. Разработаны алгоритмы, обеспечивающие анализ программ на языке SystemC без количественного времени. Эти алгоритмы позволяют обнаружить все ошибки конкурентной модификации данных, имеющиеся в программе. Эффективность предложенного подхода подтверждается экспериментальными исследованиями разработанного средства обнаружения ошибок на наборе тестовых программ

    Process Algebra as a Common Framework for Hardware/Software Coverification

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