3,288 research outputs found

    Model-based specification of safety compliance needs for critical systems : A holistic generic metamodel

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    Abstract Context: Many critical systems must comply with safety standards as a way of providing assurance that they do not pose undue risks to people, property, or the environment. Safety compliance is a very demanding activity, as the standards can consist of hundreds of pages and practitioners typically have to show the fulfilment of thousands of safety-related criteria. Furthermore, the text of the standards can be ambiguous, inconsistent, and hard to understand, making it difficult to determine how to effectively structure and manage safety compliance information. These issues become even more challenging when a system is intended to be reused in another application domain with different applicable standards. Objective: This paper aims to resolve these issues by providing a metamodel for the specification of safety compliance needs for critical systems. Method: The metamodel is holistic and generic, and abstracts common concepts for demonstrating safety compliance from different standards and application domains. Its application results in the specification of “reference assurance frameworks” for safety-critical systems, which correspond to a model of the safety criteria of a given standard. For validating the metamodel with safety standards, parts of several standards have been modelled by both academic and industry personnel, and other standards have been analysed. We further augment this with feedback from practitioners, including feedback during a workshop. Results: The results from the validation show that the metamodel can be used to specify safety compliance needs for aerospace, automotive, avionics, defence, healthcare, machinery, maritime, oil and gas, process industry, railway, and robotics. Practitioners consider that the metamodel can meet their needs and find benefits in its use. Conclusion: The metamodel supports the specification of safety compliance needs for most critical computer-based and software-intensive systems. The resulting models can provide an effective means of structuring and managing safety compliance information

    Safety-Critical Systems and Agile Development: A Mapping Study

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    In the last decades, agile methods had a huge impact on how software is developed. In many cases, this has led to significant benefits, such as quality and speed of software deliveries to customers. However, safety-critical systems have widely been dismissed from benefiting from agile methods. Products that include safety critical aspects are therefore faced with a situation in which the development of safety-critical parts can significantly limit the potential speed-up through agile methods, for the full product, but also in the non-safety critical parts. For such products, the ability to develop safety-critical software in an agile way will generate a competitive advantage. In order to enable future research in this important area, we present in this paper a mapping of the current state of practice based on {a mixed method approach}. Starting from a workshop with experts from six large Swedish product development companies we develop a lens for our analysis. We then present a systematic mapping study on safety-critical systems and agile development through this lens in order to map potential benefits, challenges, and solution candidates for guiding future research.Comment: Accepted at Euromicro Conf. on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications 2018, Prague, Czech Republi

    An audit model for safety-critical software

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    Atualmente o uso de software considerados complexos e críticos está crescendo em diversos setores da indústria como a aeronáutica com seus diversos sistemas embarcados em aeronaves e a médica com seus dispositivos médicos cada vez mais avançados. Devido a isso, a quantidade de standards dedicados a esse tipo de desenvolvimento está crescendo nos últimos anos e autoridades regulamentadoras estão reconhecendo a sua aplicabilidade e, em alguns casos, tornando como parte dos requisitos obrigatórios de certificação ou aprovação. O intuito de uma auditoria de software é verificar que o software desenvolvido está de acordo com a norma aplicável, no entanto os modelos existentes não permitem o auditor ter a flexibilidade de adequar o modelo de auditoria às suas necessidades. Como parte dessa pesquisa, diferentes modelos de desenvolvimento software foram considerados, bem como standards da área aeronáutica (RTCA DO-178C) e área médica (IEC 62304) foram estudados quanto as suas recomendações e requisitos para desenvolvimento de software safety-crítico. Como objetivo dessa dissertação, um modelo de auditoria de software foi proposto com as atividades que são necessárias para a condução de auditoria de software safety-crítico, permitindo ao auditor aplicar o modelo de acordo com as atividades que precisam ser auditadas, dando a flexibilidade necessária para o escopo da auditoria, bem como um conjunto de perguntas para a auditoria de software desenvolvido utilizando RTCA DO-178C e IEC 62304 foi sugerido e avaliado por especialistas de software para garantir a maturidade e eficiência das perguntas propostas. Além da avaliação das perguntas, também foi conduzido um estudo de caso, em uma empresa aeroespacial, com duas instanciações para avaliar a maturidade do modelo de auditoria de software proposto.Nowadays, the use of software considered complex and critical is growing in several industry sectors, such as aeronautics with its various systems embedded in aircraft and the medical one with its increasingly advanced medical devices. Because of this, the number of standards dedicated to this type of development is growing in recent years, and regulatory authorities are recognizing its applicability and, in some cases, making it part of the mandatory certification requirements or approval. The software audit intent is to verify that the software developed complies with the applicable standard. However, the existing audit models do not allow the auditor to tailor the audit model to its audit necessities. As part of this research, the various software development models were considered, and standards in the aeronautical (RTCA DO-178C) and medical (IEC/ISO 62304) areas were studied regarding their guidelines and requirements for safety-critical software development. This thesis aims to propose a software audit model with the activities necessary for conducting a safety-critical software audit, giving the auditor the necessary flexibility in the audit execution without the need to achieve specific predetermined milestones. Additionally, a set of questions for software auditing developed using RTCA DO-178C and IEC 62304 has been suggested and evaluated by software experts to ensure the maturity and efficiency of the proposed questions. In addition to evaluating the questions, a case study was also conducted in an aerospace company, with two instances to evaluate the proposed software audit model’s maturity.Não recebi financiament

    Applicability of MIL-HDBK-516B to Certifying Autonomous Decision-Making Air Vehicle Systems

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    Airworthiness certification of military aircraft is accomplished by the developing military service. Air Force programs use the qualitative criteria outlined in MIL-HDBK-516B, “ASC/ EN Airworthiness Certification Criteria Expanded Version of MIL-HDBK-516B” (September 26, 2005) to aid the development of program-specific airworthiness criteria. The generalized criteria in this document are used to construct the specific criterion and associated artifacts — evidence of compliance — as the basis for making an airworthiness determination. This paper describes the process of transitioning from qualitative to specific criteria, and then examines the applicability of the existing guidance in MIL-HDBK-516B to autonomous decision-making adaptive air vehicle systems. Recommendations are made for future research and criteria expansion. An integrated approach that uses the most promising emerging and existing design, analysis, and validation and verification techniques is proposed as a means to develop the artifacts for certification coverage of autonomous adaptive unmanned air vehicle systems

    Automated Safety Case Compilation for Product-based Argumentation

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    International audienceThe main goal of a safety case is to provide a seamless argumentation why the product developed is acceptably safe for the purpose it is intended to. It usually consists of different argumentations such as product-based and process-based in order to describe the means for avoiding systematic failures during development and controlling random failures during operation. The main challenge during the compilation of a safety case is to regroup and harmonize all the information available from the different development activities in order to provide evidence for the safety attribute of the product. The contribution of this paper is to provide a solution for compilation of a safety case based on automated extraction of information coming from existing work-products

    Reuse of safety certification artefacts across standards and domains: A systematic approach

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    Reuse of systems and subsystem is a common practice in safety-critical systems engineering. Reuse can improve system development and assurance, and there are recommendations on reuse for some domains. Cross-domain reuse, in which a previously certified product typically needs to be assessed against different safety standards, has however received little attention. No guidance exists for this reuse scenario despite its relevance in industry, thus practitioners need new means to tackle it. This paper aims to fill this gap by presenting a systematic approach for reuse of safety certification artefacts across standards and domains. The approach is based on the analysis of the similarities and on the specification of maps between standards. These maps are used to determine the safety certification artefacts that can be reused from one domain to another and reuse consequences. The approach has been validated with practitioners in a case study on the reuse of an execution platform from railway to avionics. The results show that the approach can be effectively applied and that it can reduce the cost of safety certification across standards and domains. Therefore, the approach is a promising way of making cross-domain reuse more cost-effective in industry.European Commission's FP7 programm

    A Structured Methodology For Tailoring And Deploying Lean Manufacturing Systems

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    The seminal works of Peter Drucker and James Womack in the 1990’s outlined the lean manufacturing practices of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) to become a world leader in manufacturing. These philosophies have since become the springboard for a significant paradigm shift in approaching manufacturing systems and how to leverage them to optimize operational practices and gain competitive advantage. While there is no shortage of literature touting the benefits of Lean Manufacturing Systems (LMS), there has been significant difficulty in effectively deploying them to obtain and sustain the performance that TMC has achieved. This body of work provides a novel methodology to break the deployment process into different elements by assessing the current business practices/interests and relating them to variables that support the philosophies of LMS. It also associates the key areas of lean from an operational perspective and connects the tools to business requirements by guiding the selection process to more effectively choose tools/processes that best fit the business needs. Finally, this methodology looks at different aspects of the deployment variables to provide a structured approach to tailoring the deployment planning strategy based on better understanding of the different interactions/requirements of LMS. The research also provides a validation of the proposed structured methodology to help practitioners leverage the resulting objective/quantitative information from assessing the current business to help coordinate deployment planning effort. The framework considers aspects prior to deployment planning by providing an approach for pre-deployment assessment to provide critical input for tailoring the LMS deployment

    Process Assessment Modeling

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    Estágio realizado na Critical Software, S. A. e orientado por Carla NogueiraTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informátca e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Connected vehicles:organizational cybersecurity processes and their evaluation

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    Abstract. Vehicles have become increasingly network connected cyber physical systems and they are vulnerable to cyberattacks. In the wake of multiple vehicle hacks, automotive industry and governments have recognized the critical need of cybersecurity to be integrated into vehicle development framework and get manufactures involved in managing whole vehicle lifecycle. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) WP.29 (World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations) committee published in 2021 two new regulations for road vehicles type approval: R155 for cybersecurity and R156 for software update. The latter of these influence also to agricultural vehicle manufacturers, which is the empirical context of this study. Also new cybersecurity engineering standard from International Standardization Organization (ISO) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) organizations change organizations risk management framework. The vehicle manufacturers must think security from an entirely new standpoint: how to reduce vehicle cybersecurity risk to other road users. This thesis investigates automotive regulations and standards related to cybersecurity and cybersecurity management processes. The methodology of the empirical part is design science that is a suitable method for the development of new artifacts and solutions. This study developed an organization status evaluation tool in the form of a questionnaire. Stakeholders can use the tool to collect information about organizational capabilities for comprehensive vehicles cybersecurity management process. As a main result this thesis provides base information for cybersecurity principles and processes for cybersecurity management, and an overview of current automotive regulation and automotive cybersecurity related standards.Verkotetut ajoneuvot : organisaation kyberturvallisuusprosessit ja niiden arviointi. Tiivistelmä. Ajoneuvoista on tullut kyberhyökkäyksille alttiita tietoverkkoon yhdistettyjä kyberfyysisiä järjestelmiä. Ajoneuvojen hakkeroinnit herättivät hallitukset ja ajoneuvoteollisuuden huomaamaan, että kyberturvallisuus on integroitava osaksi ajoneuvojen kehitysympäristöä ja valmistajat on saatava mukaan hallitsemaan ajoneuvon koko elinkaarta. Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien Euroopan talouskomission (UNECE) WP.29 (World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations) -komitean jäsenet julkaisivat vuonna 2021 kaksi uutta tyyppihyväksyntäsäädöstä maantiekäyttöön tarkoitetuille ajoneuvoille. Nämä ovat kyberturvallisuuteen R155 ja ohjelmistopäivitykseen R156 liittyvät säädökset, joista jälkimmäinen vaikuttaa myös maatalousajoneuvojen valmistajiin. Myös uusi International Standardization Organization (ISO) ja Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) organisaatioiden yhdessä tekemä kyberturvallisuuden suunnittelustandardi muuttaa organisaatioiden riskienhallintaa. Ajoneuvovalmistajien on pohdittava turvallisuutta aivan uudesta näkökulmasta; kuinka pienentää ajoneuvojen kyberturvallisuusriskiä muille tienkäyttäjille. Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii kyberturvallisuuteen liittyviä autoalan säädöksiä ja standardeja sekä kyberturvallisuuden johtamisprosesseja. Työn empiirinen osa käsittelee maatalousajonevoihin erikoistunutta yritystä. Empiirisen osan metodologia on suunnittelutiede, joka soveltuu uusien artefaktien ja ratkaisujen kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa kehitettiin uusi arviointityökalu, jolla sidosryhmät voivat kerätä tietoja organisaation valmiuksista ajoneuvojen kyberturvallisuuden hallintaan. Tämä opinnäytetyö tarjoaa pohjatietoa kyberturvallisuuden periaatteista ja kyberturvallisuuden hallinnan prosesseista sekä yleiskatsauksen nykyiseen autoalan sääntelyyn ja kyberturvallisuuteen liittyviin ajoneuvostandardeihin

    A Gap analysis methodology for the team software process

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200