455 research outputs found

    Desire lines in big data : using event data for process discovery and conformance checking

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    Recently, the Task Force on Process Mining released the Process Mining Manifesto. The manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active contributions from end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrate the growing relevance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. This paper summarizes the manifesto and explains why process mining is a highly relevant, but also very challenging, research area. This way we hope to stimulate the broader IS (Information Systems) and KM (Knowledge Management) communities to look at process-centric knowledge discovery. This paper summarizes the manifesto and is based on a paper with the same title that appeared in the December 2011 issue of SIGKDD Explorations (Volume 13, Issue 2)

    Desire lines in big data : using event data for process discovery and conformance checking

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    Recently, the Task Force on Process Mining released the Process Mining Manifesto. The manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active contributions from end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrate the growing relevance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. This paper summarizes the manifesto and explains why process mining is a highly relevant, but also very challenging, research area. This way we hope to stimulate the broader IS (Information Systems) and KM (Knowledge Management) communities to look at process-centric knowledge discovery. This paper summarizes the manifesto and is based on a paper with the same title that appeared in the December 2011 issue of SIGKDD Explorations (Volume 13, Issue 2)

    The perceived quality of process discovery tools

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    Process discovery has seen a rise in popularity in the last decade for both researchers and businesses. Recent developments mainly focused on the power and the functionalities of the discovery algorithm. While continuous improvement of these functional aspects is very important, non-functional aspects such as visualization and usability are often overlooked. However, these aspects are considered valuable for end-users and play an important part in the experience of these end-users when working with a process discovery tool. A questionnaire has been sent out to give end-users the opportunity to voice their opinion on available process discovery tools and about the state of process discovery as a domain in general. The results of 66 respondents are presented and compared with the answers of 63 respondents that were contacted through one particular software vendor's employee and customer base (i.e., Celonis)

    Relational Algebra for In-Database Process Mining

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    The execution logs that are used for process mining in practice are often obtained by querying an operational database and storing the result in a flat file. Consequently, the data processing power of the database system cannot be used anymore for this information, leading to constrained flexibility in the definition of mining patterns and limited execution performance in mining large logs. Enabling process mining directly on a database - instead of via intermediate storage in a flat file - therefore provides additional flexibility and efficiency. To help facilitate this ideal of in-database process mining, this paper formally defines a database operator that extracts the 'directly follows' relation from an operational database. This operator can both be used to do in-database process mining and to flexibly evaluate process mining related queries, such as: "which employee most frequently changes the 'amount' attribute of a case from one task to the next". We define the operator using the well-known relational algebra that forms the formal underpinning of relational databases. We formally prove equivalence properties of the operator that are useful for query optimization and present time-complexity properties of the operator. By doing so this paper formally defines the necessary relational algebraic elements of a 'directly follows' operator, which are required for implementation of such an operator in a DBMS

    From zero to hero: A process mining tutorial

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    Process mining is an emerging area that synergically combines model-based and data-oriented analysis techniques to obtain useful insights on how business processes are executed within an organization. This tutorial aims at providing an introduction to the key analysis techniques in process mining that allow decision makers to discover process models from data, compare expected and actual behaviors, and enrich models with key information about the actual process executions. In addition, the tutorial will present concrete tools and will provide practical skills for applying process mining in a variety of application domains, including the one of software development

    Process Mining as a Strategy of Inquiry: Understanding Design Interventions and the Development of Business Processes

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    Process (re-)design and improvement are important aspectsof the Business Process Management (BPM) life-cycle. Yet, there is lit-tle empirical evidence on how design interventions materialize in actualprocess execution, leading to repeated failure of such initiatives. In thisdissertation I use the emerging affordances of process mining algorithmsto address this important limitation. In particular, I devise a methodthat combines process mining and grounded theory to study processualphenomena. Consequently, this method is applied to investigate changein business processes. This thesis contributes to the body of knowledgein BPM and bordering disciplines by demonstrating how process min-ing can be used as a method to study processual phenomena. Furtherthis research sheds light on the impact of design interventions on actualprocess execution and vica versa

    A Tool for Aligning Event Logs and Prescriptive Process Models through Automated Planning

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    In Conformance Checking, alignment is the problem of detecting and repairing nonconformity between the actual execution of a business process, as recorded in an event log, and the model of the same process. Literature proposes solutions for the alignment problem that are implementations of planning algorithms built ad-hoc for the specific problem. Unfortunately, in the era of big data, these ad-hoc implementations do not scale sufficiently compared with well-established planning systems. In this paper, we tackle the above issue by presenting a tool, also available in ProM, to represent instances of the alignment problem as automated planning problems in PDDL (Planning Domain Definition Language) for which state-of-the-art planners can find a correct solution in a finite amount of time. If alignment problems are converted into planning problems, one can seamlessly update to the recent versions of the best performing automated planners, with advantages in term of versatility and customization. Furthermore, by employing several processes and event logs of different sizes, we show how our tool outperforms existing approaches of several order of magnitude and, in certain cases, carries out the task while existing approaches run out of memory

    Field lab Jerónimo Martins: optimization of retail operations - from the entry to the exit: a Pingo Doce & Go Nova customer journey analysis

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    Recognizing the recent efforts and uses of process mining, this paper propositions the use of this analytical discipline to delineate the customer journeys at Pingo Doce & Go Nova. With a goal to detect improvement guidelines, and increase sales and profits, a curated event log on Celon is Execution Management System, a process mining software, was used to detect operational inefficiencies and outline the customers behaviors and experiences within the store, offering result-based management strategies and recommendations of future works

    Heuristics Miners for Streaming Event Data

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    More and more business activities are performed using information systems. These systems produce such huge amounts of event data that existing systems are unable to store and process them. Moreover, few processes are in steady-state and due to changing circumstances processes evolve and systems need to adapt continuously. Since conventional process discovery algorithms have been defined for batch processing, it is difficult to apply them in such evolving environments. Existing algorithms cannot cope with streaming event data and tend to generate unreliable and obsolete results. In this paper, we discuss the peculiarities of dealing with streaming event data in the context of process mining. Subsequently, we present a general framework for defining process mining algorithms in settings where it is impossible to store all events over an extended period or where processes evolve while being analyzed. We show how the Heuristics Miner, one of the most effective process discovery algorithms for practical applications, can be modified using this framework. Different stream-aware versions of the Heuristics Miner are defined and implemented in ProM. Moreover, experimental results on artificial and real logs are reported
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