36 research outputs found

    Towards Orthographic and Grammatical Clinical Text Correction: a First Approach

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    Akats Gramatikalen Zuzenketa (GEC, ingelesetik, Grammatical Error Analysis) Hizkuntza Naturalaren Prozesamenduaren azpieremu bat da, ortogra a, puntuazio edo gramatika akatsak dituzten testuak automatikoki zuzentzea helburu duena. Orain arte, bigarren hizkuntzako ikasleek ekoitzitako testuetara bideratu da gehien bat, ingelesez idatzitako testuetara batez ere. Master-Tesi honetan gaztelaniaz idatzitako mediku-txostenetarako Akats Gramatikalen Zuzenketa lantzen da. Arlo espezi ko hau ez da asko esploratu orain arte, ez gaztelaniarako zentzu orokorrean, ezta domeinu klinikorako konkretuki ere. Hasteko, IMEC (gaztelaniatik, Informes Médicos en Español Corregidos) corpusa aurkezten da, eskuz zuzendutako mediku-txosten elektronikoen bilduma paralelo berria. Corpusa automatikoki etiketatu da zeregin honetarako egokitutako ERRANT tresna erabiliz. Horrez gain, hainbat esperimentu deskribatzen dira, zeintzuetan sare neuronaletan oinarritutako sistemak ataza honetarako diseinatutako baseline sistema batekin alderatzen diren.Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) is a sub field of Natural Language Processing that aims to automatically correct texts that include errors related to spelling, punctuation or grammar. So far, it has mainly focused on texts produced by second language learners, mostly in English. This Master's Thesis describes a first approach to Grammatical Error Correction for Spanish health records. This specific field has not been explored much until now, nor in Spanish in a general sense nor for the clinical domain specifically. For this purpose, the corpus IMEC (Informes Médicos en Español Corregidos) ---a manually-corrected parallel collection of Electronic Health Records--- is introduced. This corpus has been automatically annotated using the toolkit ERRANT, specialized in the automatic annotation of GEC parallel corpora, which was adapted to Spanish for this task. Furthermore, some experiments using neural networks and data augmentation are shown and compared with a baseline system also created specifically for this task

    Detecting grammatical errors with treebank-induced, probabilistic parsers

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    Today's grammar checkers often use hand-crafted rule systems that define acceptable language. The development of such rule systems is labour-intensive and has to be repeated for each language. At the same time, grammars automatically induced from syntactically annotated corpora (treebanks) are successfully employed in other applications, for example text understanding and machine translation. At first glance, treebank-induced grammars seem to be unsuitable for grammar checking as they massively over-generate and fail to reject ungrammatical input due to their high robustness. We present three new methods for judging the grammaticality of a sentence with probabilistic, treebank-induced grammars, demonstrating that such grammars can be successfully applied to automatically judge the grammaticality of an input string. Our best-performing method exploits the differences between parse results for grammars trained on grammatical and ungrammatical treebanks. The second approach builds an estimator of the probability of the most likely parse using grammatical training data that has previously been parsed and annotated with parse probabilities. If the estimated probability of an input sentence (whose grammaticality is to be judged by the system) is higher by a certain amount than the actual parse probability, the sentence is flagged as ungrammatical. The third approach extracts discriminative parse tree fragments in the form of CFG rules from parsed grammatical and ungrammatical corpora and trains a binary classifier to distinguish grammatical from ungrammatical sentences. The three approaches are evaluated on a large test set of grammatical and ungrammatical sentences. The ungrammatical test set is generated automatically by inserting common grammatical errors into the British National Corpus. The results are compared to two traditional approaches, one that uses a hand-crafted, discriminative grammar, the XLE ParGram English LFG, and one based on part-of-speech n-grams. In addition, the baseline methods and the new methods are combined in a machine learning-based framework, yielding further improvements

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018 : 10-12 December 2018, Torino

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Analyzing Text Complexity and Text Simplification: Connecting Linguistics, Processing and Educational Applications

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    Reading plays an important role in the process of learning and knowledge acquisition for both children and adults. However, not all texts are accessible to every prospective reader. Reading difficulties can arise when there is a mismatch between a reader’s language proficiency and the linguistic complexity of the text they read. In such cases, simplifying the text in its linguistic form while retaining all the content could aid reader comprehension. In this thesis, we study text complexity and simplification from a computational linguistic perspective. We propose a new approach to automatically predict the text complexity using a wide range of word level and syntactic features of the text. We show that this approach results in accurate, generalizable models of text readability that work across multiple corpora, genres and reading scales. Moving from documents to sentences, We show that our text complexity features also accurately distinguish different versions of the same sentence in terms of the degree of simplification performed. This is useful in evaluating the quality of simplification performed by a human expert or a machine-generated output and for choosing targets to simplify in a difficult text. We also experimentally show the effect of text complexity on readers’ performance outcomes and cognitive processing through an eye-tracking experiment. Turning from analyzing text complexity and identifying sentential simplifications to generating simplified text, one can view automatic text simplification as a process of translation from English to simple English. In this thesis, we propose a statistical machine translation based approach for text simplification, exploring the role of focused training data and language models in the process. Exploring the linguistic complexity analysis further, we show that our text complexity features can be useful in assessing the language proficiency of English learners. Finally, we analyze German school textbooks in terms of their linguistic complexity, across various grade levels, school types and among different publishers by applying a pre-existing set of text complexity features developed for German

    Unsupervised Induction of Frame-Based Linguistic Forms

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    This thesis studies the use of bulk, structured, linguistic annotations in order to perform unsupervised induction of meaning for three kinds of linguistic forms: words, sentences, and documents. The primary linguistic annotation I consider throughout this thesis are frames, which encode core linguistic, background or societal knowledge necessary to understand abstract concepts and real-world situations. I begin with an overview of linguistically-based structured meaning representation; I then analyze available large-scale natural language processing (NLP) and linguistic resources and corpora for their abilities to accommodate bulk, automatically-obtained frame annotations. I then proceed to induce meanings of the different forms, progressing from the word level, to the sentence level, and finally to the document level. I first show how to use these bulk annotations in order to better encode linguistic- and cognitive science backed semantic expectations within word forms. I then demonstrate a straightforward approach for learning large lexicalized and refined syntactic fragments, which encode and memoize commonly used phrases and linguistic constructions. Next, I consider two unsupervised models for document and discourse understanding; one is a purely generative approach that naturally accommodates layer annotations and is the first to capture and unify a complete frame hierarchy. The other conditions on limited amounts of external annotations, imputing missing values when necessary, and can more readily scale to large corpora. These discourse models help improve document understanding and type-level understanding

    Analyzing short-answer questions and their automatic scoring - studies on semantic relations in reading comprehension and the reduction of human annotation effort

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    Short-answer questions are a wide-spread exercise type in many educational areas. Answers given by learners to such questions are scored by teachers based on their content alone ignoring their linguistic correctness as far as possible. They typically have a length of up to a few sentences. Manual scoring is a time-consuming task, so that automatic scoring of short-answer questions using natural language processing techniques has become an important task. This thesis focuses on two aspects of short-answer questions and their scoring: First, we concentrate on a reading comprehension scenario for learners of German as a foreign language, where students answer questions about a reading text. Within this scenario, we examine the multiple relations between reading texts, learner answers and teacher-specified target answers. Second, we investigate how to reduce human scoring workload by both fully automatic and computer-assisted scoring. The latter is a scenario where scoring is not done entirely automatically, but where a teacher receives scoring support, for example, by means of clustering similar answers together. Addressing the first aspect, we conduct a series of corpus annotation studies which highlight the relations between pairs of learner answers and target answers, as well as between both types of answers and the reading text they refer to. We annotate sentences from the reading text that were potentially used by learners or teachers for constructing answers and observe that, unsurprisingly, most correct answers can easily be linked to the text; incorrect answers often link to the text as well, but are often backed up by a part of the text not relevant to answer the question. Based on these findings, we create a new baseline scoring model which considers for correctness whether learners looked for an answer in the right place or not. After identifying those links into the text, we label the relation between learner answers and target answers as well as between reading texts and answers by annotating entailment relations. In contrast to the widespread assumption that scoring can be fully mapped to the task of recognizing textual entailment, we find the two tasks to be only closely related and not completely equivalent. Correct answers do often, but not always, entail the target answer, as well as part of the related text, and incorrect answers do most of the time not stand in an entailment relation to the target answer, but often have some overlap with the text. This close relatedness allows us to use gold-standard entailment information to improve the performance of automatic scoring. We also use links between learner answers and both reading texts and target answers in a statistical alignment-based scoring approach using methods from machine translation and reach a performance comparable to an existing knowledge-based alignment approach. Our investigations into how human scoring effort can be reduced when learner answers are manually scored by teachers are based on two methods: active learning and clustering. In the active learning approach, we score particularly informative items first, i.e., items from which a classifier can learn most, identifying them using uncertainty-based sample selection. In this way, we reach a higher performance with a given number of annotation steps compared to randomly selected answers. In the second research strand, we use clustering methods to group similar answers together, such that groups of answers can be scored in one scoring step. In doing so, the number of necessary labeling steps can be substantially reduced. When comparing clustering-based scoring to classical supervised machine learning setups, where the human annotations are used to train a classifier, supervised machine learning is still in the lead in terms of performance, whereas clusters provide the advantage of structured output. However, we are able to close part of the performance gap by means of supervised feature selection and semi-supervised clustering. In an additional study, we investigate the automatic processing of learner language with respect to the performance of part-of-speech (POS) tagging tools. We manually annotate a German reading comprehension corpus both with spelling normalization and POS information and find that the performance of automatic POS tagging can be improved by spell-checking the data using the reading text as additional evidence for lexical material intended in a learner answer.Short-Answer-Fragen sind ein weit verbreiteter Aufgabentyp in vielen Bildungsbereichen. Die Antworten, die Lerner zu solchen Aufgaben geben, werden von Lehrenden allein auf Grundlage ihres Inhalts bewertet; linguistische Korrektheit wird soweit möglich ignoriert. Diese Doktorarbeit legt ihren Schwerpunkt auf zwei Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit Short- Answer-Fragen und ihrer Bewertung: Zum einen betrachten wir ein Leseverständnisszenario, bei dem Studenten Fragen zu Lesetexten beantworten. Dabei untersuchen wir insbesondere die verschiedenen Beziehungen, die es zwischen Lesetexten, Lernerantworten und vom Lehrer erstellten Musterantworten gibt. Zum anderen untersuchen wir, wie der menschliche Bewertungsaufwand durch voll-automatisches und computergestütztes Bewerten reduziert werden kann. Bei letzterem handelt es sich um ein Szenario, in dem Lehrer bei der Bewertung unterstützt werden, z.B. indem ähnliche Antworten automatisch gruppiert werden. Zur Untersuchung des ersten Aspekts unternehmen wir eine Reihe von Korpusannotationsstudien, die sowohl die Beziehungen zwischen Lerner- und Musterantworten beleuchten, als auch die Beziehung zwischen diesen Antworten und dem Lesetext, auf den sie sich beziehen. Wir annotieren Sätze aus dem Lesetext, die vermutlich bei der Formulierung einer Antwort benutzt wurden und machen die zu erwartende Beobachtung, dass die meisten korrekten Antworten problemlos mit bestimmten Textpassagen in Verbindung gebracht werden können. Inkorrekte Antworten haben ebenfalls oft eine Verbindung zu bestimmten Textpassagen, die aber oft für die jeweilige Frage nicht relevant sind. Auf Grundlage dieser Erkenntnisse entwerfen wir ein neues Baseline-Bewertungsmodell, das für die Korrektheit einer Antwort nur in Betracht zieht, ob der Lerner die Antwort an der richtigen Stelle im Lesetext gesucht hat oder nicht. Nachdem wir diese Verbindungen in den Text identifiziert haben, annotieren wir die Relation zwischen Lerner- und Musterantworten und zwischen Texten und Antworten mit Entailment- Relationen. Im Gegensatz zur der weitverbreiteten Annahme, dass das Bewerten von Short- Answer-Fragen und das Erkennen von Textual-Entailment-Relationen zwischen Lerner und Musterantworten sich direkt entsprechen, finden wir heraus, dass die beiden Aufgaben nur nahe verwandt aber nicht vollständig äquivalent sind. Korrekte Antworten entailen meistens, aber nicht immer, die Musterantwort und auch den entsprechenden Satz im Lesetext. Inkorrekte Antworten stehen meist in keiner Entailmentrelation mit der Musterantwort, haben aber oft zumindest teilweisen Overlap mit dem Text. Diese nahe Verwandtschaft erlaubt es uns, Goldstandard-Entailmentinformation zu benutzen, um die Performanz beim automatischen Bewerten zu verbessern. Wir benutzen die annotierten Verbindungen zwischen Lesetexten und Antworten auch in einem Scoringansatz, der auf statistischem Alignment basiert und Methoden aus dem Bereich der maschinellen Übersetzung nutzt. Dabei erreichen wir eine Scoringgenauigkeit, die mit Ansätzen, die ein existierendes wissensbasiertes Alignment nutzen, vergleichbar ist. Unsere Untersuchungen, wie der Bewertungsaufwand beim Menschen verringert werden kann, wenn Antworten vom Lehrer manuell bewertet werden, basieren auf zwei Methoden: Active Learning und Clustering. Beim Active-Learning-Ansatz werden besonders informative Antworten vorrangig zur Bewertung ausgewählt, d.h. solche Antworten, von denen ein Klassifikator besonders viel lernen kann. Wir identifizieren solche Antworten durch Uncertainty-Sampling- Methoden und erreichen dadurch mit einer gegebenen Anzahl von Annotationsschritten eine höhere Klassifikationsgenauigkeit als mit zufällig ausgewählten Antworten. In unserem zweiten Forschungszweig nutzen wir Clusteringmethoden um ähnliche Antworten zu gruppieren, so dass Gruppen von Antworten in einem Annotationsschritt bewertet werden können. Dadurch kann die Anzahl der insgesamt nötigen Bewertungsschritte drastisch reduziert werden. Beim Vergleich zwischen clusteringbasierten Bewertungsverfahren und klassischem überwachten maschinellen Lernen, bei dem menschliche Annotationen dazu genutzt werden, einen Klassifikator zu trainieren, erbringen überwachte maschinelle Lernverfahren immer noch eine höhere Bewertungsgenauigkeit. Demgegenüber bringen Cluster den Vorteil eines strukturierten Outputs mit sich. Wir sind jedoch in der Lage, einen Teil diese Genauigkeitslücke zu schließen, in dem wir überwachte Featureauswahl und halbüberwachtes Clustering anwenden. In einer zusätzlichen Studie untersuchen wir die automatische Verarbeitung von Lernersprache im Hinblick auf die Performanz vonWerkzeugen für dasWortarten-Tagging. Wir annotieren ein deutsches Leseverstehenskorpus manuell sowohl mit Normalisierungsinformation in Bezug auf Rechtschreibung als auch mit Wortartinformation. Als Ergebnis der Studie finden wir, dass die Performanz bei der automatischen Wortartenzuweisung durch Rechtschreibkorrektur verbessert werden kann, insbesondere wenn wir den Lesetext als zusätzliche Evidenz dafür verwenden, welche Wörter der Leser in einer Antwort vermutlich benutzen wollte