62 research outputs found

    Assessment of Response Time for New Multi Level Feedback Queue Scheduler

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    Response time is one of the characteristics of scheduler, happens to be a prominent attribute of any CPU scheduling algorithm. The proposed New Multi Level Feedback Queue [NMLFQ] Scheduler is compared with dynamic, real time, Dependent Activity Scheduling Algorithm (DASA) and Lockes Best Effort Scheduling Algorithm (LBESA). We abbreviated beneficial result of NMLFQ scheduler in comparison with dynamic best effort schedulers with respect to response time.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    A Broad Phase Collision Detection Algorithm Adapted to Multi-cores Architectures

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    International audienceRecent years have seen the impressive evolution of graphics hardware and processors architecture from single core to multi and many-core architectures. Confronted to this evolution, new trends in collision detection optimisation consist in proposing a solution that maps on the runtime architecture. We present, in this paper, two contributions in the field of collision detection in large-scale environments. We present a first way to parallelise, on a multi-core architecture, the initial step of the collision detection pipeline: the broad-phase. Then, we describe a new formalism of the collision detection pipeline that takes into account runtime architecture. The well-known broadphase algorithm used is the ”Sweep and Prune” and it has been adapted to a multi-threading use. To handle one or more thread per core, critical writing sections and threads idling must be minimised. Our model is able to work on a n-core architecture reducing computation time to detect collision between 3D objects in a large-scale environment

    October 3, 2008, Ohio University Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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    Meeting minutes document the activities of Ohio University\u27s Board of Trustees

    Data-based melody generation through multi-objective evolutionary computation

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    Genetic-based composition algorithms are able to explore an immense space of possibilities, but the main difficulty has always been the implementation of the selection process. In this work, sets of melodies are utilized for training a machine learning approach to compute fitness, based on different metrics. The fitness of a candidate is provided by combining the metrics, but their values can range through different orders of magnitude and evolve in different ways, which makes it hard to combine these criteria. In order to solve this problem, a multi-objective fitness approach is proposed, in which the best individuals are those in the Pareto front of the multi-dimensional fitness space. Melodic trees are also proposed as a data structure for chromosomic representation of melodies and genetic operators are adapted to them. Some experiments have been carried out using a graphical interface prototype that allows one to explore the creative capabilities of the proposed system. An Online Supplement is provided and can be accessed at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17459737.2016.1188171, where the reader can find some technical details, information about the data used, generated melodies, and additional information about the developed prototype and its performance.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte [FPU fellowship AP2012-0939]; and the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad project TIMuL supported by UE FEDER funds [No. TIN2013–48152–C2–1–R]

    Coping at the User-Level with Resource Limitations in the Cray Message Passing Toolkit MPI at Scale: How Not to Spend Your Summer Vacation

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    ABSTRACT: As the number of processor cores available in Cray XT series computers has rapidly grown, users have increasingly encountered instances where an MPI code that has previously worked for years unexpectedly fails at high core counts ("at scale") due to resource limitations being exceeded within the MPI implementation. Here, we examine several examples drawn from user experiences and discuss strategies for working around these difficulties at the user level

    New approaches to data access in large-scale distributed system

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorA great number of scientific projects need supercomputing resources, such as, for example, those carried out in physics, astrophysics, chemistry, pharmacology, etc. Most of them generate, as well, a great amount of data; for example, a some minutes long experiment in a particle accelerator generates several terabytes of data. In the last years, high-performance computing environments have evolved towards large-scale distributed systems such as Grids, Clouds, and Volunteer Computing environments. Managing a great volume of data in these environments means an added huge problem since the data have to travel from one site to another through the internet. In this work a novel generic I/O architecture for large-scale distributed systems used for high-performance and high-throughput computing will be proposed. This solution is based on applying parallel I/O techniques to remote data access. Novel replication and data search schemes will also be proposed; schemes that, combined with the above techniques, will allow to improve the performance of those applications that execute in these environments. In addition, it will be proposed to develop simulation tools that allow to test these and other ideas without needing to use real platforms due to their technical and logistic limitations. An initial prototype of this solution has been evaluated and the results show a noteworthy improvement regarding to data access compared to existing solutions.Un gran número de proyectos científicos necesitan recursos de supercomputación como, por ejemplo, los llevados a cabo en física, astrofísica, química, farmacología, etc. Muchos de ellos generan, además, una gran cantidad de datos; por ejemplo, un experimento de unos minutos de duración en un acelerador de partículas genera varios terabytes de datos. Los entornos de computación de altas prestaciones han evolucionado en los últimos años hacia sistemas distribuidos a gran escala tales como Grids, Clouds y entornos de computación voluntaria. En estos entornos gestionar un gran volumen de datos supone un problema añadido de importantes dimensiones ya que los datos tienen que viajar de un sitio a otro a través de internet. En este trabajo se propondrá una nueva arquitectura de E/S genérica para sistemas distribuidos a gran escala usados para cómputo de altas prestaciones y de alta productividad. Esta solución se basa en la aplicación de técnicas de E/S paralela al acceso remoto a los datos. Así mismo, se estudiarán y propondrán nuevos esquemas de replicación y búsqueda de datos que, en combinación con las técnicas anteriores, permitan mejorar las prestaciones de aquellas aplicaciones que ejecuten en este tipo de entornos. También se propone desarrollar herramientas de simulación que permitan probar estas y otras ideas sin necesidad de recurrir a una plataforma real debido a las limitaciones técnicas y logísticas que ello supone. Se ha evaluado un prototipo inicial de esta solución y los resultados muestran una mejora significativa en el acceso a los datos sobre las soluciones existentes.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: David Expósito Singh.- Secretario: María de los Santos Pérez Hernández.- Vocal: Juan Manuel Tirado Mart

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2008-2009

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