44 research outputs found

    Learning to Find Eye Region Landmarks for Remote Gaze Estimation in Unconstrained Settings

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    Conventional feature-based and model-based gaze estimation methods have proven to perform well in settings with controlled illumination and specialized cameras. In unconstrained real-world settings, however, such methods are surpassed by recent appearance-based methods due to difficulties in modeling factors such as illumination changes and other visual artifacts. We present a novel learning-based method for eye region landmark localization that enables conventional methods to be competitive to latest appearance-based methods. Despite having been trained exclusively on synthetic data, our method exceeds the state of the art for iris localization and eye shape registration on real-world imagery. We then use the detected landmarks as input to iterative model-fitting and lightweight learning-based gaze estimation methods. Our approach outperforms existing model-fitting and appearance-based methods in the context of person-independent and personalized gaze estimation

    Hidden Pursuits: Evaluating Gaze-selection via Pursuits when the Stimuli's Trajectory is Partially Hidden

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    The idea behind gaze interaction using Pursuits is to leverage the human's smooth pursuit eye movements performed when following moving targets. However, humans can also anticipate where a moving target would reappear if it temporarily hides from their view. In this work, we investigate how well users can select targets using Pursuits in cases where the target's trajectory is partially invisible (HiddenPursuits): e.g., can users select a moving target that temporarily hides behind another object? Although HiddenPursuits was not studied in the context of interaction before, understanding how well users can perform HiddenPursuits presents numerous opportunities, particularly for small interfaces where a target's trajectory can cover area outside of the screen. We found that users can still select targets quickly via Pursuits even if their trajectory is up to 50% hidden, and at the expense of longer selection times when the hidden portion is larger. We discuss how gaze-based interfaces can leverage HiddenPursuits for an improved user experience

    SeTA: semiautomatic tool for annotation of eye tracking images

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    Availability of large scale tagged datasets is a must in the field of deep learning applied to the eye tracking challenge. In this paper, the potential of Supervised-Descent-Method (SDM) as a semiautomatic labelling tool for eye tracking images is shown. The objective of the paper is to evidence how the human effort needed for manually labelling large eye tracking datasets can be radically reduced by the use of cascaded regressors. Different applications are provided in the fields of high and low resolution systems. An iris/pupil center labelling is shown as example for low resolution images while a pupil contour points detection is demonstrated in high resolution. In both cases manual annotation requirements are drastically reduced.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, contract TIN2017-84388-

    Relating Eye-Tracking Measures With Changes In Knowledge on Search Tasks

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    We conducted an eye-tracking study where 30 participants performed searches on the web. We measured their topical knowledge before and after each task. Their eye-fixations were labelled as "reading" or "scanning". The series of reading fixations in a line, called "reading-sequences" were characterized by their length in pixels, fixation duration, and the number of fixations making up the sequence. We hypothesize that differences in knowledge-change of participants are reflected in their eye-tracking measures related to reading. Our results show that the participants with higher change in knowledge differ significantly in terms of their total reading-sequence-length, reading-sequence-duration, and number of reading fixations, when compared to participants with lower knowledge-change.Comment: ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA), June 14-17, 2018, Warsaw, Polan

    Supervised descent method (SDM) applied to accurate pupil detection in off-the-shelf eye tracking systems

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    The precise detection of pupil/iris center is key to estimate gaze accurately. This fact becomes specially challenging in low cost frameworks in which the algorithms employed for high performance systems fail. In the last years an outstanding effort has been made in order to apply training-based methods to low resolution images. In this paper, Supervised Descent Method (SDM) is applied to GI4E database. The 2D landmarks employed for training are the corners of the eyes and the pupil centers. In order to validate the algorithm proposed, a cross validation procedure is performed. The strategy employed for the training allows us to affirm that our method can potentially outperform the state of the art algorithms applied to the same dataset in terms of 2D accuracy. The promising results encourage to carry on in the study of training-based methods for eye tracking.Spanish Ministry of Economy,Industry and Competitiveness, contracts TIN2014-52897-R and TIN2017-84388-

    Audio-visual interaction in emotion perception for communication

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    Information from multiple modalities contributes to recognizing emotions. While it is known interactions occur between modalities, it is unclear what characterizes these. These interactions, and changes in these interactions due to sensory impairments, are the main subject of this PhD project. This extended abstract for the Doctoral Symposium of ETRA 2018 describes the project; its background, what I hope to achieve, and some preliminary results.</p

    GazeLockPatterns: Comparing Authentication Using Gaze and Touch for Entering Lock Patterns

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    In this work, we present a comparison between Android’s lock patterns for mobile devices (TouchLockPatterns) and an implementation of lock patterns that uses gaze input (GazeLockPatterns). We report on results of a between subjects study (N=40) to show that for the same layout of authentication interface, people employ comparable strategies for pattern composition. We discuss the pros and cons of adapting lock patterns to gaze-based user interfaces. We conclude by opportunities for future work, such as using data collected during authentication for calibrating eye trackers

    Smooth-i:smart re-calibration using smooth pursuit eye movements

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    Eye gaze for interaction is dependent on calibration. However, gaze calibration can deteriorate over time affecting the usability of the system. We propose to use motion matching of smooth pursuit eye movements and known motion on the display to determine when there is a drift in accuracy and use it as input for re-calibration. To explore this idea we developed Smooth-i, an algorithm that stores calibration points and updates them incrementally when inaccuracies are identified. To validate the accuracy of Smooth-i, we conducted a study with five participants and a remote eye tracker. A baseline calibration profile was used by all participants to test the accuracy of the Smooth-i re-calibration following interaction with moving targets. Results show that Smooth-i is able to manage re-calibration efficiently, updating the calibration profile only when inaccurate data samples are detected

    Introducing I2Head database

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    I2Head database has been created with the aim to become an optimal reference for low cost gaze estimation. It exhibits the following outstanding characteristics: it takes into account key aspects of low resolution eye tracking technology; it combines images of users gazing at different grids of points from alternative positions with registers of user's head position and it provides calibration information of the camera and a simple 3D head model for each user. Hardware used to build the database includes a 6D magnetic sensor and a webcam. A careful calibration method between the sensor and the camera has been developed to guarantee the accuracy of the data. Different sessions have been recorded for each user including not only static head scenarios but also controlled displacements and even free head movements. The database is an outstanding framework to test both gaze estimation algorithms and head pose estimation methods.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness for their support under Contracts TIN2014-52897-R and TIN2017-84388-R in the framework of the National Plan of I+D+i