344 research outputs found

    Gobierno abierto y transparencia: construyendo un marco conceptual

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    La confusión del término anglosajón open government así como del término transparency han traído consigo ambigüedades y creado falsas expectativas. Además de utilizar ambos conceptos como sinónimos, se han implementado políticas públicas para hacerlos realidad en distintos países latinoamericanos sin tener una dirección precisa o un objetivo claro. Esta investigación busca aportar elementos teóricos que ayuden a delimitar los principales caminos teóricos que se han seguido y proponer un concepto que distinga tanto la transparencia como el gobierno abierto. Para lograrlo se han revisado las principales revistas académicas y artículos de los últimos seis años y se han agrupado en tres corrientes de pensamiento para proponer un concepto sobre gobierno abierto. El objetivo es contribuir a la construcción de una teoría general más sólida, que ayude a entender mejor el gobierno abierto, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas.La confusión del término anglosajón open government así como del término transparency han traído consigo ambigüedades y creado falsas expectativas. Además de utilizar ambos conceptos como sinónimos, se han implementado políticas públicas para hacerlos realidad en distintos países latinoamericanos sin tener una dirección precisa o un objetivo claro. Esta investigación busca aportar elementos teóricos que ayuden a delimitar los principales caminos teóricos que se han seguido y proponer un concepto que distinga tanto la transparencia como el gobierno abierto. Para lograrlo se han revisado las principales revistas académicas y artículos de los últimos seis años y se han agrupado en tres corrientes de pensamiento para proponer un concepto sobre gobierno abierto. El objetivo es contribuir a la construcción de una teoría general más sólida, que ayude a entender mejor el gobierno abierto, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas

    The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DGO2022) Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens June 15-17, 2022

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    The 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research theme is “Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens”. Data and computational algorithms make systems smarter, but should result in smarter government and citizens. Intelligence and smartness affect all kinds of public values - such as fairness, inclusion, equity, transparency, privacy, security, trust, etc., and is not well-understood. These technologies provide immense opportunities and should be used in the light of public values. Society and technology co-evolve and we are looking for new ways to balance between them. Specifically, the conference aims to advance research and practice in this field. The keynotes, presentations, posters and workshops show that the conference theme is very well-chosen and more actual than ever. The challenges posed by new technology have underscored the need to grasp the potential. Digital government brings into focus the realization of public values to improve our society at all levels of government. The conference again shows the importance of the digital government society, which brings together scholars in this field. Dg.o 2022 is fully online and enables to connect to scholars and practitioners around the globe and facilitate global conversations and exchanges via the use of digital technologies. This conference is primarily a live conference for full engagement, keynotes, presentations of research papers, workshops, panels and posters and provides engaging exchange throughout the entire duration of the conference

    Extending Metadata Definitions by Automatically Extracting and Organizing Glossary Definitions

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    Metadata descriptions of database contents are required to build and use systems that access and deliver data in response to user requests. When numerous heterogeneous databases are brought together in a single system, their various metadata formalizations must be homogenized and integrated in order to support the access planning and delivery system. This integration is a tedious process that requires human expertise and attention. In this paper we describe a method of speeding up the formalization and integration of new metadata. The method takes advantage of the fact that databases are often described in web pages containing natural language glossaries that define pertinent aspects of the data. Given a root URL, our method identifies likely glossaries, extracts and formalizes aspects of relevant concepts defined in them, and automatically integrates the new formalized metadata concepts into a large model of the domain and associated conceptualizations

    Where's Wally?:in search of citizen perspectives on the smart city

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    This paper builds upon an earlier conference publication by the authors, offering contributions based on a systematic literature review and qualitative study. The paper begins by drawing attention to the paucity of “citizen”—more appropriately, “situated”—perspectives on what a smart city should and could be. The paper then addresses that absence by detailing a research project that explored how people in London, Manchester, and Glasgow responded to the smart city concept. Participants were asked questions regarding their prior familiarity with the phrase “smart city”, their thoughts relating to what it means for a city to be smart, and what a “true” smart city might mean to them. The paper analyses and offers a synthesis of the responses collected throughout the research with the dominant rhetoric about smart cities, as identified through a recent systematic literature review, thereby providing a critical assessment of the values underlying the smart city. It aims to explore and present some of the expectations that citizens hold for their cities’ politicians, policy makers, planners, academics, and technology companies. We believe that these perspectives from citizens can be used to inform responsible development, spatially and socially inclusive technologies, and ultimately more resilient cities

    Urban Computing and Smart Cities: Towards Changing City Processes by Applying Enterprise Systems Integration Practices

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    For developing smart cities, it is necessary to integrate all components of a city as a system of systems. This is facilitated by urban computing as a technology to address the complexity of providing adequate services to citizens through various city sectors/systems. Since business processes across city sectors/systems should be aligned with the objectives of urban computing, Business Process Change (BPC) is also a significant prerequisite of city systems integration for Smart City Development (SCD). However, there is limited research on understanding of BPC and its challenges in SCD, while in the private sector, the BPC best practices for Enterprise Systems Integration (ESI) have already been recognised and implemented. By considering city as an enterprise, this research aims at providing an understanding of similarities and differences between BPC challenges in the two contexts: SCD and ESI. This study collects data through literature analyses, interviews, and document analyses and suggests that many BPC challenges in SCD have an equivalent from the ESI context. In addition, the findings provide new insights through some challenges that are only relevant to the SCD context, so-called unsolved challenges. Consequently, the study developed a comparison framework, which indicates that the learnings from ESI could be utilised for the SCD context, in order to address BPC challenges. This will assist city authorities in designing their SCD roadmap, prioritising BPC challenges based on the efforts employed for ESI, and thinking about addressing unsolved challenges; as well as smart city solution providers to develop solutions for changing city processes

    Open Data Explorer: An End-to-end Tool for Data Storytelling using Open Data

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    Enabling users to better understand government actions is one reason why governments have sought to open their data to the public. Data storytelling tools help to achieve this goal by facilitating users to turn data into stories. However, existing tools are not able to provide the necessary features to overcome the barriers users face at different data storytelling stages. This paper provides findings regarding the features in the design of these data storytelling tools in the open data context and also presents a generic and end-to-end tool called ODE, which helps users through the different data storytelling stages. To achieve the paper’s objectives, a literature review was first conducted to collect the features needed for the different data storytelling stages. Then, the identified features were integrated into ODE and its effectiveness in helping users to easily turn data into stories was demonstrated through an evaluation involving 11 users

    Gobierno abierto y transparencia: construyendo un marco conceptual

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    La confusión del término anglosajón open government así como del término transparency han traído consigo ambigüedades y creado falsas expectativas. Además de utilizar ambos conceptos como sinónimos, se han implementado políticas públicas para hacerlos realidad en distintos países latinoamericanos sin tener una dirección precisa o un objetivo claro. Esta investigación busca aportar elementos teóricos que ayuden a delimitar los principales caminos teóricos que se han seguido y proponer un concepto que distinga tanto la transparencia como el gobierno abierto. Para lograrlo se han revisado las principales revistas académicas y artículos de los últimos seis años y se han agrupado en tres corrientes de pensamiento para proponer un concepto sobre gobierno abierto. El objetivo es contribuir a la construcción de una teoría general más sólida, que ayude a entender mejor el gobierno abierto, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas

    Perspectives on Smart Cities Strategies: Sketching a Framework and Testing First Uses

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    Many cities today claim to be or to become a "smart city". The approaches and public policy foci taken by cities differ depending on the particular context of each city, e.g., size, technology strategy, political system, current challenges and history. This paper is proposing a Smart City Strategy Framework in the form of a morphological box, describing elements relevant for a smart city strategy and their possible manifestations. The framework is based on a literature analysis and the contained elements are grouped into four dimensions: city context, governance, implementation, and infrastructure. The framework can be used to compare different cities in their approach towards becoming a smart city, and we claim that it also helps city planners to develop a strategy, guiding the evolutionary and continuous processes in their smart city. To validate the applicability of the framework, we used it in the drafting and structuring of a questionnaire to city representatives that served as preparation for an international stakeholder workshop on smart cities strategies in order to find out what strategies cities are following and what their current status is. The results of the questionnaire and the workshop hinted at common patterns for smart city strategies, and shows that maturity levels as well as cultural differences need to be taken more into account in future versions of the framework

    Digital Strategies in Action –  a Comparative Analysis of National Data Infrastructure Development

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    In recent years, many countries have started to draft strategies and policies related to the data economy. To support new data-driven activities and innovations, the development of a national data infrastructure (NDI) is seen as key. The concept of NDI has entered governmental strategic discussions on data as an asset, the role of data infrastructures in innovation and economic activity, and the role of government therein. However, there is a gap between the ambitions as laid out in the strategies and the actual actions taken towards realizing them. To understand this gap and support NDI development, insight is needed in the components and processes of realizing NDI strategies. In this paper, we study NDI strategies 'in action' in the Netherlands and Switzerland using an analytical framework comprising strategies, stakeholders, design, components and governance. Special emphasis is put on the role of government in formulating and implementing strategies. Our cross-case analysis uncovers lessons that seem relevant for NDI development elsewhere, as well as challenges that need to be resolved before NDIs can hope actually make the impact associated with them