6 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a fair credit-based bandwidth sharing scheme for buses

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    Fair arbitration in the access to hardware shared resources is fundamental to obtain low worst-case execution time (WCET) estimates in the context of critical real-time systems, for which performance guarantees are essential. Several hardware mechanisms exist for managing arbitration in those resources (buses, memory controllers, etc.). They typically attain fairness in terms of the number of slots each contender (e.g., core) gets granted access to the shared resource. However, those policies may lead to unfair bandwidth allocations for workloads with contenders issuing short requests and contenders issuing long requests. We propose a Credit-Based Arbitration (CBA) mechanism that achieves fairness in the cycles each core is granted access to the resource rather than in the number of granted slots. Furthermore, we implement CBA as part of a LEON3 4-core processor for the Space domain in an FPGA proving the feasibility and good performance characteristics of the design by comparing it against other arbitration schemes.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under the PROXIMA Project (www.proxima-project.eu), grant agreement no 611085. This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Mladen Slijepcevic is funded by the Obra Social Fundaci´on la Caixa under grant Doctorado “la Caixa” - Severo Ochoa. Carles Hernández is jointly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDER funds through grant TIN2014-60404-JIN. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Schedulability Analysis for Multi-Core Systems Accounting for Resource Stress and Sensitivity

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    Timing verification of multi-core systems is complicated by contention for shared hardware resources between co-running tasks on different cores. This paper introduces the Multi-core Resource Stress and Sensitivity (MRSS) task model that characterizes how much stress each task places on resources and how much it is sensitive to such resource stress. This model facilitates a separation of concerns, thus retaining the advantages of the traditional two-step approach to timing verification (i.e. timing analysis followed by schedulability analysis). Response time analysis is derived for the MRSS task model, providing efficient context-dependent and context independent schedulability tests for both fixed priority preemptive and fixed priority non-preemptive scheduling. Dominance relations are derived between the tests, and proofs of optimal priority assignment provided. The MRSS task model is underpinned by a proof-of-concept industrial case study

    Mixed Criticality on Multi-cores Accounting for Resource Stress and Resource Sensitivity

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    The most significant trend in real-time systems design in recent years has been the adoption of multi-core processors and the accompanying integration of functionality with different criticality levels onto the same hardware platform. This paper integrates mixed criticality aspects and assurances within a multi-core system model. It bounds cross-core contention and interference by considering the impact on task execution times due to the stress on shared hardware resources caused by co-runners, and each task’s sensitivity to that resource stress. Schedulability analysis is derived for four mixed criticality scheduling schemes based on partitioned fixed priority preemptive scheduling. Each scheme provides robust timing guarantees for high criticality tasks, ensuring that their timing constraints cannot be jeopardized by the behavior or misbehavior of low criticality tasks

    A Framework for Multi-core Schedulability Analysis Accounting for Resource Stress and Sensitivity

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    Timing verification of multi-core systems is complicated by contention for shared hardware resources between co-running tasks on different cores. This paper introduces the Multi-core Resource Stress and Sensitivity (MRSS) task model that characterizes how much stress each task places on resources and how much it is sensitive to such resource stress. This model facilitates a separation of concerns, thus retaining the advantages of the traditional two-step approach to timing verification (i.e. timing analysis followed by schedulability analysis). Response time analysis is derived for the MRSS task model, providing efficient context-dependent and context independent schedulability tests for both fixed priority preemptive and fixed priority non-preemptive scheduling. Dominance relations are derived between the tests, along with complexity results, and proofs of optimal priority assignment policies. The MRSS task model is underpinned by a proof-of-concept industrial case study. The problem of task allocation is considered in the context of the MRSS task model, with Simulated Annealing shown to provide an effective solution

    Réduction à la volée du volume des traces d'exécution pour l'analyse d'applications multimédia de systèmes embarqués

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    The consumer electronics market is dominated by embedded systems due to their ever-increasing processing power and the large number of functionnalities they offer.To provide such features, architectures of embedded systems have increased in complexity: they rely on several heterogeneous processing units, and allow concurrent tasks execution.This complexity degrades the programmability of embedded system architectures and makes application execution difficult to understand on such systems.The most used approach for analyzing application execution on embedded systems consists in capturing execution traces (event sequences, such as system call invocations or context switch, generated during application execution).This approach is used in application testing, debugging or profiling.However in some use cases, execution traces generated can be very large, up to several hundreds of gigabytes.For example endurance tests, which are tests consisting in tracing execution of an application on an embedded system during long periods, from several hours to several days.Current tools and methods for analyzing execution traces are not designed to handle such amounts of data.We propose an approach for monitoring an application execution by analyzing traces on the fly in order to reduce the volume of recorded trace.Our approach is based on features of multimedia applications which contribute the most to the success of popular devices such as set-top boxes or smartphones.This approach consists in identifying automatically the suspicious periods of an application execution in order to record only the parts of traces which correspond to these periods.The proposed approach consists of two steps: a learning step which discovers regular behaviors of an application from its execution trace, and an anomaly detection step which identifies behaviors deviating from the regular ones.The many experiments, performed on synthetic and real-life datasets, show that our approach reduces the trace size by an order of magnitude while maintaining a good performance in detecting suspicious behaviors.Le marché de l'électronique grand public est dominé par les systèmes embarqués du fait de leur puissance de calcul toujours croissante et des nombreuses fonctionnalités qu'ils proposent.Pour procurer de telles caractéristiques, les architectures des systèmes embarqués sont devenues de plus en plus complexes (pluralité et hétérogénéité des unités de traitements, exécution concurrente des tâches, ...).Cette complexité a fortement influencé leur programmabilité au point où rendre difficile la compréhension de l'exécution d'une application sur ces architectures.L'approche la plus utilisée actuellement pour l'analyse de l'exécution des applications sur les systèmes embarqués est la capture des traces d'exécution (séquences d'événements, tels que les appels systèmes ou les changements de contexte, générés pendant l'exécution des applications).Cette approche est utilisée lors des activités de test, débogage ou de profilage des applications.Toutefois, suivant certains cas d'utilisation, les traces d'exécution générées peuvent devenir très volumineuses, de l'ordre de plusieurs centaines de gigaoctets.C'est le cas des tests d'endurance ou encore des tests de validation, qui consistent à tracer l'exécution d'une application sur un système embarqué pendant de longues périodes, allant de plusieurs heures à plusieurs jours.Les outils et méthodes d'analyse de traces d'exécution actuels ne sont pas conçus pour traiter de telles quantités de données.Nous proposons une approche de réduction du volume de trace enregistrée à travers une analyse à la volée de la trace durant sa capture.Notre approche repose sur les spécificités des applications multimédia, qui sont parmi les plus importantes pour le succès des dispositifs populaires comme les Set-top boxes ou les smartphones.Notre approche a pour but de détecter automatiquement les fragments (périodes) suspectes de l'exécution d'une application afin de n'enregistrer que les parties de la trace correspondant à ces périodes d'activités.L'approche que nous proposons comporte deux étapes : une étape d'apprentissage qui consiste à découvrir les comportements réguliers de l'application à partir de la trace d'exécution, et une étape de détection d'anomalies qui consiste à identifier les comportements déviant des comportements réguliers.Les nombreuses expériences, réalisées sur des données synthétiques et des données réelles, montrent que notre approche permet d'obtenir une réduction du volume de trace enregistrée d'un ordre de grandeur avec d'excellentes performances de détection des comportements suspects