13,372 research outputs found

    What the research says about the use of different technologies to enhance learning

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    Educational technology is growing fast, with schools, colleges and universities more than ever looking for the best ways to use technology to support learning. At the same time, there is an increasing appetite for learning and teaching practices to be backed up by evidence. Few resources are able to offer guidance that has been vigorously tested by research. Now, 'Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology' brings together researchers, technologists and educators to explore and show how technology can be designed and used for learning and teaching to best effect. It addresses what the research says about: - how and why learning happens and how different technologies can enhance it - engaging a variety of learners through technology and helping them benefit from it - how technology can support teaching. This book is an accessible introduction to learning and teaching with technology for teachers and other educational professionals, regardless of their experience with using technology for education

    ICS Materials. Towards a re-Interpretation of material qualities through interactive, connected, and smart materials.

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    The domain of materials for design is changing under the influence of an increased technological advancement, miniaturization and democratization. Materials are becoming connected, augmented, computational, interactive, active, responsive, and dynamic. These are ICS Materials, an acronym that stands for Interactive, Connected and Smart. While labs around the world are experimenting with these new materials, there is the need to reflect on their potentials and impact on design. This paper is a first step in this direction: to interpret and describe the qualities of ICS materials, considering their experiential pattern, their expressive sensorial dimension, and their aesthetic of interaction. Through case studies, we analyse and classify these emerging ICS Materials and identified common characteristics, and challenges, e.g. the ability to change over time or their programmability by the designers and users. On that basis, we argue there is the need to reframe and redesign existing models to describe ICS materials, making their qualities emerge

    Multimodal Automated Fact-Checking: A Survey

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    Misinformation is often conveyed in multiple modalities, e.g. a miscaptioned image. Multimodal misinformation is perceived as more credible by humans, and spreads faster than its text-only counterparts. While an increasing body of research investigates automated fact-checking (AFC), previous surveys mostly focus on text. In this survey, we conceptualise a framework for AFC including subtasks unique to multimodal misinformation. Furthermore, we discuss related terms used in different communities and map them to our framework. We focus on four modalities prevalent in real-world fact-checking: text, image, audio, and video. We survey benchmarks and models, and discuss limitations and promising directions for future researchComment: The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP): Finding

    "Russian America" and its meaning for the cultural memory of citizens of former Russian colonies in North America

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    Wydział HistoriiRozprawa doktorska analizuje funkcjonowanie dziedzictwa rosyjskiej kolonizacji Ameryki Północnej w pamięci kulturowej mieszkańców terenów Ameryki Północnej należących w XVIII i XIX w. do Rosji. Spośród całości tych ziem do analizy wybrane zostały trzy konkretne miejsca, badane i analizowane jako studia przypadku. Pierwszym miejscem jest miejscowość Sitka na Alasce, dawna stolica rosyjskich kolonii w Ameryce, która nosiła wówczas nazwę „Nowy Archangielsk”. Drugie miejsce to osada znana pod nazwą Fort Ross, znajdująca się w północnej Kalifornii. Dziś ma ona status Stanowego Parku Historycznego. Ostnim miejscem jest pozostałość po Forcie Elżbiety, który znajduje się na wyspie Kaua’i, należącej do archipelagu Hawajów. To miejsce również ma status Stanowego Parku Historycznego. Kompozycyjnie praca składa się z pięciu rozdziałów: pierwszy stanowi wprowadzenie teoretyczno-metodologiczne, prezentujące zastosowane w pracy teorie naukowe oraz metody badawcze. Rozdział drugi prezentuje historyczne tło stanowiące podstawę do omawianych elementów pamięci kulturowej. Pozostałe trzy rozdziały analizują kolejno wspomniane trzy studia przypadku. Każdy z nich analizuje charakterystyczne elementy pamięci kulturowej mieszkańców danego terytorium: ważne postaci historyczne, wydarzenia kluczowe dla kształtowanie się zbiorowej tożsamości, instytucje i organizacje pełniące funkcję strażników pamięci, a także materialne oraz niematerialne dziedzictwo. Te elementy są analizowane także pod kątem zróżnicowania w ich funkcjonowaniu w lokalnej pamięci kulturowej w zależności od konkretnej grupy (etnicznej, kulturowej, religijnej), bądź konkretnych aktorów pamięci. Szereg tych elementów jest źródłem lokalnych kontrowersji, a także w związku z tym konfliktów pamięci.The doctoral dissertation analyzes the functioning of the heritage of the Russian colonization of North America in the cultural memory of the inhabitants of North America belonging to Russia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Out of all these lands, three specific sites were selected for analysis, studied, and analyzed as case studies. The first place is Sitka in Alaska, the former capital of the Russian colonies in America, which was then called "New Arkhangelsk". The second place is the settlement known as Fort Ross, located in Northern California. Today it has the status of a State Historic Park. The last place is the remains of Fort Elizabeth, which is located on the island of Kaua'i, belonging to the Hawaii archipelago. This place also has the status of a State Historical Park. The composition of the work consists of five chapters: the first is a theoretical and methodological introduction, presenting the academic theories and research methods used in the work. The second chapter presents the historical background constituting the basis for the discussed elements of cultural memory. The remaining three chapters subsequently analyze the three case studies. Each of them analyzes the characteristic elements of the cultural memory of the inhabitants of a given territory: important historical figures, key events in the formation of collective identity, institutions and organizations that act as memory custodians, as well as tangible and intangible heritage. These elements are also analyzed in terms of the differentiation in their functioning in local cultural memory depending on a specific group (ethnic, cultural, religious) or specific memory agents. A number of these elements are a source of local controversy and, therefore, conflicts of memory

    A study on Iraqi images in Malaysia mainstream English language newspapers

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    Media and image have become important research areas in international relations and media studies. The occupation of Iraq by the United States has created many images of Iraq among other countries. Although there has been quite an extensive research on Iraq, especially during the period of occupation, reviews of literature reveal that there are still certain gaps on understanding its image from the Eastern media perspective. Thus, the main purpose of the study is to investigate the image of Iraq through the publication of news stories and articles in Malaysia that is considered as Islamic country with multiethnic community. The study also aims to reveal the image of Iraq by focusing on two Malaysian English newspapers - the New Straits Times press (NSTP) and the Star by applying both Framing Theory and Agenda Setting Theory. This study examines a longitudinal content analysis of 535 articles and news stories through three periods (before, during and after the occupation of Iraq). Descriptive statistics, Crosstab, Binomial test, Chi-square and Cramer‟s V are used to analyze the data. The result of this study shows that NSTP gave more emphasis to the issue of the policy of unipolar for the United States and framed it to focus on responsibility and reflected a neutral image of Iraq, while the Star gave more emphasis to the issue of Iraqi suffering and framed it through human interest with a negative image. Furthermore, the agenda setting issues in the NSTP has a bigger association on the image of Iraq while the Star proves the framing categories have a bigger association on the image of Iraq. Thus, this study can shed some light on how Eastern country views Iraq and this perhaps could help Iraq reform its image by expanding the scope of diplomatic, business and cultural actions. This study provides support to the theoretical proposition that the media are not successful in telling the audience what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling the audience what to think about (first level of Agenda Setting). This study also provides support to the theoretical proposition that differences in media organizations have profound impact on how the important issues are frame

    3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 5: Visualization and New Opportunities

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    This paper proposes a discussion on opportunities offered by 3D visualization to improve the understanding and the analysis of cadastre data. It first introduce the rationale of having 3D visualization functionalities in the context of cadastre applications. Second the publication outline some basic concepts in 3D visualization. This section specially addresses the visualization pipeline as a driven classification schema to understand the steps leading to 3D visualization. In this section is also presented a brief review of current 3D standards and technologies. Next is proposed a summary of progress made in the last years in 3D cadastral visualization. For instance, user’s requirement, data and semiotics, and platforms are highlighted as main actions performed in the development of 3D cadastre visualization. This review could be perceived as an attempt to structure and emphasise the best practices in the domain of 3D cadastre visualization and as an inventory of issues that still need to be tackled. Finally, by providing a review on advances and trends in 3D visualization, the paper initiates a discussion and a critical analysis on the benefit of applying these new developments to cadastre domain. This final section discusses about enhancing 3D techniques as dynamic transparency and cutaway, 3D generalization, 3D visibility model, 3D annotation, 3D data and web platform, augmented reality, immersive virtual environment, 3D gaming, interaction techniques and time

    Educational Technology and Education Conferences, January to June 2016

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    A Review of Research on Participation in Democratic Decision-Making Presented at SIGCHI Conferences : Toward an Improved Trading Zone Between Political Science and HCI

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    We present a review of 80 papers representing efforts to support participation in democratic decision-making mostly related to local or national governments. The papers were published in leading human–computer interaction (SIGCHI conferences) venues. Most of this literature represents attempts to support assembly- oriented participation, wherein decisions are made through discussion, although referendum-type participation, involving decision-making based on voting, has gained attention too. Primarily, those papers addressing agenda-setting have examined organization-led forms, in which the agenda is controlled by those issuing the call for participation. Accordingly, the authors call for more research into support for representative models and participant-driven agenda-setting. Furthermore, the literature review pinpoints areas wherein further interdisciplinary engagement may be expected to improve research quality: in political science, HCI-informed methods and new ways of using physical input in participation merit more research, while, from the HCI side, cultivating closer relationships with political science concepts such as democratic innovations and calculus of voting could encourage reconsideration of the research foci. These observations speak to the benefits of a new research agenda for human–computer interaction research, involving different forms of participation, most importantly to address lack of engagement under the representative model of participation. Furthermore, in light of these findings, the paper discusses what type of interdisciplinary research is viable in the HCI field today and how political science and HCI scholars could usefully collaborate.Peer reviewe

    Performances of peace: Utrecht 1713

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    The Peace of Utrecht (1713), which brought an end to the War of the Spanish Succession, was a milestone in global history. Performances of Peace aims to rethink the significance of the Peace of Utrecht by exploring the nexus between culture and politics. For too long, cultural and political historians have studied early modern international relations in isolation. By studying the political as well as the cultural aspects of this peace (and its concomitant paradoxes) from a broader perspective, this volume aims to shed new light on the relation between diplomacy and performative culture in the public spher