1,416 research outputs found

    Improving Hypernymy Extraction with Distributional Semantic Classes

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    In this paper, we show how distributionally-induced semantic classes can be helpful for extracting hypernyms. We present methods for inducing sense-aware semantic classes using distributional semantics and using these induced semantic classes for filtering noisy hypernymy relations. Denoising of hypernyms is performed by labeling each semantic class with its hypernyms. On the one hand, this allows us to filter out wrong extractions using the global structure of distributionally similar senses. On the other hand, we infer missing hypernyms via label propagation to cluster terms. We conduct a large-scale crowdsourcing study showing that processing of automatically extracted hypernyms using our approach improves the quality of the hypernymy extraction in terms of both precision and recall. Furthermore, we show the utility of our method in the domain taxonomy induction task, achieving the state-of-the-art results on a SemEval'16 task on taxonomy induction.Comment: In Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018). Miyazaki, Japa

    Representing Dataset Quality Metadata using Multi-Dimensional Views

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    Data quality is commonly defined as fitness for use. The problem of identifying quality of data is faced by many data consumers. Data publishers often do not have the means to identify quality problems in their data. To make the task for both stakeholders easier, we have developed the Dataset Quality Ontology (daQ). daQ is a core vocabulary for representing the results of quality benchmarking of a linked dataset. It represents quality metadata as multi-dimensional and statistical observations using the Data Cube vocabulary. Quality metadata are organised as a self-contained graph, which can, e.g., be embedded into linked open datasets. We discuss the design considerations, give examples for extending daQ by custom quality metrics, and present use cases such as analysing data versions, browsing datasets by quality, and link identification. We finally discuss how data cube visualisation tools enable data publishers and consumers to analyse better the quality of their data.Comment: Preprint of a paper submitted to the forthcoming SEMANTiCS 2014, 4-5 September 2014, Leipzig, German

    OntoWiki 1.0: 10 years of development - what's new in OntoWiki

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    In this demonstration (with supportive poster) we present the semantic data wiki OntoWiki, which was released in version 1.0 just recently. We focus on the changes introduced to the tool in the latest release and showcase the generic data wiki, improvements we made with regard to the documentation as well as three success stories where OntoWiki was adapted and deployed

    Why reinvent the wheel: Let's build question answering systems together

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    Modern question answering (QA) systems need to flexibly integrate a number of components specialised to fulfil specific tasks in a QA pipeline. Key QA tasks include Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation, Relation Extraction, and Query Building. Since a number of different software components exist that implement different strategies for each of these tasks, it is a major challenge to select and combine the most suitable components into a QA system, given the characteristics of a question. We study this optimisation problem and train classifiers, which take features of a question as input and have the goal of optimising the selection of QA components based on those features. We then devise a greedy algorithm to identify the pipelines that include the suitable components and can effectively answer the given question. We implement this model within Frankenstein, a QA framework able to select QA components and compose QA pipelines. We evaluate the effectiveness of the pipelines generated by Frankenstein using the QALD and LC-QuAD benchmarks. These results not only suggest that Frankenstein precisely solves the QA optimisation problem but also enables the automatic composition of optimised QA pipelines, which outperform the static Baseline QA pipeline. Thanks to this flexible and fully automated pipeline generation process, new QA components can be easily included in Frankenstein, thus improving the performance of the generated pipelines

    Models to represent linguistic linked data

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    As the interest of the Semantic Web and computational linguistics communities in linguistic linked data (LLD) keeps increasing and the number of contributions that dwell on LLD rapidly grows, scholars (and linguists in particular) interested in the development of LLD resources sometimes find it difficult to determine which mechanism is suitable for their needs and which challenges have already been addressed. This review seeks to present the state of the art on the models, ontologies and their extensions to represent language resources as LLD by focusing on the nature of the linguistic content they aim to encode. Four basic groups of models are distinguished in this work: models to represent the main elements of lexical resources (group 1), vocabularies developed as extensions to models in group 1 and ontologies that provide more granularity on specific levels of linguistic analysis (group 2), catalogues of linguistic data categories (group 3) and other models such as corpora models or service-oriented ones (group 4). Contributions encompassed in these four groups are described, highlighting their reuse by the community and the modelling challenges that are still to be faced

    Natural Language is a Programming Language: Applying Natural Language Processing to Software Development

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    A powerful, but limited, way to view software is as source code alone. Treating a program as a sequence of instructions enables it to be formalized and makes it amenable to mathematical techniques such as abstract interpretation and model checking. A program consists of much more than a sequence of instructions. Developers make use of test cases, documentation, variable names, program structure, the version control repository, and more. I argue that it is time to take the blinders off of software analysis tools: tools should use all these artifacts to deduce more powerful and useful information about the program. Researchers are beginning to make progress towards this vision. This paper gives, as examples, four results that find bugs and generate code by applying natural language processing techniques to software artifacts. The four techniques use as input error messages, variable names, procedure documentation, and user questions. They use four different NLP techniques: document similarity, word semantics, parse trees, and neural networks. The initial results suggest that this is a promising avenue for future work

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics: translating ecological data into knowledge and decisions in a rapidly changing world: ICEI 2018

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    The Conference Proceedings are an impressive display of the current scope of Ecological Informatics. Whilst Data Management, Analysis, Synthesis and Forecasting have been lasting popular themes over the past nine biannual ICEI conferences, ICEI 2018 addresses distinctively novel developments in Data Acquisition enabled by cutting edge in situ and remote sensing technology. The here presented ICEI 2018 abstracts captures well current trends and challenges of Ecological Informatics towards: • regional, continental and global sharing of ecological data, • thorough integration of complementing monitoring technologies including DNA-barcoding, • sophisticated pattern recognition by deep learning, • advanced exploration of valuable information in ‘big data’ by means of machine learning and process modelling, • decision-informing solutions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable ecosystem management in light of global changes
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