13 research outputs found

    Paving the Way for Enriched Patient Experience - On the Development of a Process Architecture for a Hospital

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    In this emergent research forum (ERF) paper, we report on a project from a state-funded hospital located in one of Europe鈥檚 microstates. The hospital is currently planning a new building site and, in addition, plans to adopt new information technologies (IT) to improve patient safety and enrich the patient journey. However, the hospital lacks a systematic overview of its processes and their interrelationships as a basis for further BPM initiatives and, most importantly, improving the patient experience from admission to discharge and beyond. By applying a design science research (DSR) approach, we develop the first draft of a process architecture by considering a patient鈥檚 journey. We discuss this framework and present the next steps as part of our future research

    The evaluation framework for business process management methodologies

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    In an intense competition in the global market, organisations seek to take advantage of all their internal and external potentials, advantages, and resources. It has been found that, in addition to competitive products and services, a good business also requires an effective management of business processes, which is the discipline of the business process management (BPM). The introduction of the BPM in the organisation requires a thoughtful selection of an appropriate methodological approach, since the latter will formalize activities, products, applications and other efforts of the organisation in this field. Despite many technology-driven solutions of software companies, recommendations of consulting companies, techniques, good practices and tools, the decision on what methodology to choose is anything but simple. The aim of this article is to simplify the adoption of such decisions by building a framework for the evaluation of BPM methodologies according to a qualitative multi-attribute decision-making method. The framework defines a hierarchical decision-making model, formalizes the decision-making process and thus contributes significantly to an independent, credible final decision that is the most appropriate for a specific organisation

    Testing an instrument to measure the BPMS-KM Support Model

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    BPMS (Business Process Management System) represents a type of software that automates the organizational processes looking for efficiency. Since the knowledge of organizations lies in their processes, it seems probable that a BPMS can be used to manage the knowledge applied in these processes. Through the BPMS-KM Support Model, this study aims to determine the reliability and validity of a 65-item instrument to measure the utility and the use of a BPMS for knowledge management (KM). A questionnaire was sent to 242 BPMS users and to determine its validity, a factorial analysis was conducted. The results showed that the measuring instrument is trustworthy and valid. It represents implications for research, since it provides an instrument validated for research on the success of a BPMS for KM. There would also be practical implications, since managers can evaluate the use of BPMS, in addition to automating processes to manage knowledge.El BPMS (Sistema de Gesti贸n de Procesos Empresariales) representa un tipo de software que automatiza los procesos organizativos en busca de eficiencia. Dado que el conocimiento de las organizaciones reside en sus procesos, parece probable que un BPMS pueda ser utilizado para gestionar el conocimiento aplicado en dichos procesos. A trav茅s del Modelo de Soporte BPMS-KM, este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la fiabilidad y validez de un instrumento de 65 铆tems para medir la utilidad y el uso de un BPMS para la gesti贸n del conocimiento (KM). Se envi贸 un cuestionario a 242 usuarios de BPMS y, para determinar su validez, se llev贸 a cabo un an谩lisis factorial. Los resultados mostraron que el instrumento de medici贸n es confiable y v谩lido. Esto tiene implicaciones para la investigaci贸n, ya que proporciona un instrumento validado para estudios sobre el 茅xito de un BPMS para KM. Tambi茅n existir铆an implicaciones pr谩cticas, ya que los gerentes pueden evaluar el uso del BPMS, adem谩s de automatizar procesos para gestionar el conocimiento

    BPMS for management: a systematic literature review

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    The aim of this paper is to carry out a systematic analysis of the literature to show the state of the art of Business Processes Management Systems (BPMS). BPMS represents a technology that automates business processes connecting users with their tasks. For this, a systematic review of the literature of the last ten years was carried out, using scientific papers indexed in the main databases of the knowledge area. The papers generated by the search were later analysed and filtered. Among the findings of this study, the academic interest and the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, as this type of studies have been identified in different areas of knowledge. Our research is a starting point for future research eager to develop a more robust theory and broaden the interest of the subject due its economic impact on process management

    Herramientas de BPM y de socializaci贸n integradas para mejorar la adquisici贸n y gesti贸n de informaci贸n durante el dise帽o y ejecuci贸n de procesos de negocio. BPM-Social: una propuesta

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    The use of BPM (Business Process Management) has matured over the years, reaching high levels of acceptance and utilization. Despite this, there are still points that BPM does not fully resolve. One of the main limitations of the use of BPM is the lack of a complete acquisition of valuable information during the design stage, taking place in contexts where communication between the stakeholders is not appropriate and it is not possible to fully collect essential data. At the execution stage, the participation of users has not been studied in depth to record detected problems or indicate improvements in business processes. The emergence and development of Web 2.0 opened a way to solve these problems. This work proposes to base how the socialization tools can solve current problems in BPM through a theoretical analysis added to the practical development of a socialization tool integrated to a BPMS (Business Process Management System).La utilizaci贸n de BPM (Business Process Management) ha ido madurando a lo largo de los a帽os llegando a altos niveles de aceptaci贸n y utilizaci贸n. A pesar de esto, todav铆a existen puntos que BPM no termina de resolver en su totalidad. Una de las principales limitaciones del uso de BPM es la falta de una completa adquisici贸n de informaci贸n valiosa durante la etapa de dise帽o, d谩ndose en contextos donde la comunicaci贸n entre los actores involucrados no es apropiada y no se logra recopilar por completo los datos esenciales. En la etapa de ejecuci贸n no se ha profundizado en la participaci贸n de los usuarios para registrar problemas detectados o indicar mejoras en los procesos de negocio. El surgimiento y desarrollo de la Web 2.0 abri贸 un camino para resolver estas problem谩ticas. Este trabajo propone fundamentar c贸mo las herramientas de socializaci贸n pueden resolver problem谩ticas presentes en BPM mediante un an谩lisis te贸rico sumado al desarrollo pr谩ctico de una herramienta de socializaci贸n integrada a un BPMS (Business Process Management System).Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Relationship Between Regulatory Compliance Cost, Operation Cost, and Profitability of Credit Unions

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    The decline in the profitability of credit unions with less than 10millioninassetsharmsthenumberofsmallcreditunionsavailabletoservelocalcommunities.Groundedinthefinancialintermediationtheory,thepurposeofthisquantitativecorrelationalstudywastoexaminetherelationshipbetweenregulatorycompliancecosts,operationcosts,andprofitability.Thepopulationofthisstudyconsistedoffederallyinsuredcreditunionswithlessthan10 million in assets harms the number of small credit unions available to serve local communities. Grounded in the financial intermediation theory, the purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the relationship between regulatory compliance costs, operation costs, and profitability. The population of this study consisted of federally insured credit unions with less than 10 million in assets and located in the state of Texas. Archival data from the National Credit Union Administration database were collected and analyzed. Multiple regression was used to identify a statistically significant predictive model, F (2, 49) = 3.834, p = .028, R2 =.135. The implications for positive social change include the potential for credit union managers to improve decision-making processes related to current and future operations and investments, which could increase profitability and contribute to the financial prosperity of employees, employees\u27 families, communities, and local economies

    Integraci贸n de herramientas de socializaci贸n en BPM para mejorar la adquisici贸n y gesti贸n de informaci贸n durante el dise帽o y ejecuci贸n de procesos de negocio

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    Esta tesina analiza el impacto de herramientas de socializaci贸n en el mundo de BPM (Business Process Management) y c贸mo estas pueden resolver falencias existentes en 茅l. Se analiza el concepto de BPM Social y desarrolla su relaci贸n con la resoluci贸n de problem谩ticas existentes en BPM, enfoc谩ndose en las etapas de modelado y ejecuci贸n, as铆 como tambi茅n su influencia en la mejora continua de procesos de negocio. Se fundamenta como las herramientas de socializaci贸n pueden resolver problem谩ticas presentes en BPM mediante un an谩lisis te贸rico sumado al desarrollo pr谩ctico de una herramienta de socializaci贸n integrada a un BPMS (Business Process Management System).Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Gesti贸n de procesos de negocio en empresas cultivadoras de palma de aceite de los llanos orientales. Un estudio de caso.

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    La gesti贸n por procesos de negocio es una forma avanzada de administraci贸n que combina principios, m茅todos y herramientas tecnol贸gicas para identificar, dise帽ar, ejecutar, evaluar y mejorar los procesos clave de negocio de las organizaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar un modelo que apoye la gesti贸n por procesos en empresas cultivadoras de palma de aceite de los llanos orientales, as铆 como dise帽ar un sistema de indicadores de control-evaluaci贸n para medir el funcionamiento de los mismos. Se emple贸 el juicio de expertos bajo el m茅todo Delphi para evaluar los constructos te贸ricos propuestos y presentar un modelo mejor adaptado al contexto de las organizaciones estudio de caso. El modelo presentado tiene cinco fases que son: planificaci贸n estrat茅gica, diagn贸stico organizacional, evaluaci贸n de procesos, implementaci贸n de procesos clave y mejora iterativa. Se estructura un sistema de indicadores dise帽ado bajo cuatro perspectivas: finanzas, clientes, procesos y aprendizaje-crecimiento. Finalmente se dan algunas recomendaciones para investigaciones futuras y se concluye el valor del modelo propuesto para este tipo de organizaciones agr铆colas tan vitales para el desarrollo del agro colombiano.Abstract. The business process management is an advanced form of administration that combines principles, methods and technological tools for identify, design, implement, evaluate and improve the key business processes of the organizations. The objective of this study is to evaluate a model to support process management in oil palm cultivation in Colombia and design a system evaluation-monitoring indicators for measure the processes performance. Expert Opinion under the Delphi method was used for evaluate the theoretical constructs proposed and present a model better adapted to the context of the case study organizations. The presented model has five phases are: strategic planning, organizational assessment, process evaluation, implementation of key processes and iterative improvement. A system of indicators was designed under four perspectives: financial, customer, processes and learning-growth. Finally, some recommendations for future research and the conclusions of the value of the proposal for agricultural organizations of palm in Colombia.Maestr铆