19 research outputs found


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    Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh minimnya aktivitas pengembangan melalui wirausaha pada komunitas online. Tujuannya untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis belajar online melalui aktivitas pengembangan wirausaha kuliner berbasis komunitas online LangsungEnak (LE). Kerangka konsep yang digunakan antara Pembelajaran Online, Model Blended Learning, Pendekatan Experiential Learning, Kewirausahaan, Komunitas Online dan Pendidikan Masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain Netnografi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi dengan melibatkan sebelas partisipan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis emik secara triangulasi sumber dan analisis etik (interpretasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Desain komunitas dalam aktivitas pengembangan wirausaha kuliner menggunakan desain pengembangan jaringan, (2) Aktivitas belajar dalam komunitas online LE bertumpu pada dua proses aktivitas belajar yaitu aktivitas online dan offline sebagai bentuk model pembelajaran Blended Learning, (3) Aktivitas wirausaha kuliner anggota Komunitas, berkembang dengan baik karena adanya inspirasi, motivasi serta tambahan pengetahuan, pengalaman serta keterampilan, (4) Hasil yang dicapai dari aktivitas pengembangan wirausaha kuliner berbasis komunitas online terbagi dalam dua bagian, yaitu hasil individu dan hasil kolektif. Dengan demikian, ditemukan proses aktivitas pembelajaran yang melibatkan media sosial sebagai sumber pembelajaran, sehingga mendorong individu agar memiliki keterampilan di bidang wirausaha kuliner. Selain itu, didapati adanya proses pembentukan ekosistem wirausaha yang bertumpu pada pengembangan kewirausahaan yang didukung oleh: (1) Penguatan ekosistem kewirausahaan melalui peningkatan kapasitas dan pengembangan kelembagaan, (2) Perluasan kemampuan wirausaha untuk memaksimalkan potensinya dengan berorientasi pada pertumbuhan (growth oriented), (3) Peningkatan daya tahan wirausaha melalui inovasi dan kreativitas untuk memperoleh keunggulan daya saing dan keberlanjutan usaha;---This study was motivated by the lack of entrepreneurial development activities in the online community. The aim is to describe and analyze the development activities of culinary entrepreneurs based on the LangsungEnak (LE) online community. The conceptual framework used included Online Learning, Blended Learning Model, Experiential Learning Approach, Entrepreneurship, Online Community and Community Education. This study uses a qualitative approach to Netnographic designs. Data collection techniques used interview, observation, and documentation study techniques involving eleven participants. Data analysis was carried out by conducting emical analysis in source triangulation and ethical analysis (interpretation). The results showed that: (1) Community designs in culinary entrepreneurship development activities using network development designs, (2) Learning activities in the online LE community rested on two learning activity processes, namely online and offline activities as a form of Blended Learning model, (3) Culinary entrepreneurial activities of members of the Community are well developed due to inspiration, motivation and additional knowledge, experience and skills, (4) The results achieved from online community-based culinary entrepreneurship development activities are divided into two parts, namely individual results and collective results. Thus, the process of learning activities is found which involves social media as a source of learning, thus to encourage individuals having skills in the field of culinary entrepreneurship. In addition, it was found that there was a process of forming entrepreneurial ecosystems that was based on entrepreneurship development supported by: (1) Strengthening entrepreneurial ecosystems through capacity building and institutional development, (2) Expanding entrepreneurial capabilities to maximize their growth-oriented potential, (3) Increasing entrepreneurial resilience through innovation and creativity to gain competitive advantage and business sustainability

    Exploring Users’ Intention to use QQ\u27s Various Functions based on Social Cognitive Theory

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    Based upon social cognitive theory, this study explores the effect of personal and environment factors on users’ intention to use QQ’s various functions. Online survey is used to collect data in China. The results show that relationship benefit, switching cost, compatibility and subjective norms can significantly affect users’ intention to use QQ’s various functions. Whereas image benefit, perceived advantage and popularity have no effect. Finally, we propose the theoretical contribution and practical implication of this study

    Wechat Addiction and Gratifications of College Students in China: Procrastination, Fear of Missing out and Perceived Social Support

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    微信自2011年问世以来,从单一的聊天工具发展成了现在的多功能社交媒体,在中国人的生活工作中越来越占据重要的位置。作为当前中国最为热门的社交媒体,微信一直为各个群体青睐,然而,人们使用微信的动机、使用微信的行为特点以及微信沉迷潜在的负面影响却鲜少为人所知。本文依托使用与满足理论,对大学生群体使用微信的原因和影响因素进行了探索,以问卷调查为主,辅以访谈与焦点小组的方法,从福州大学、华侨大学和厦门大学抽取了609个大学生样本。研究发现:(1)大学生群体的微信使用表现出高频率、短时间的碎片化的特点,有16.7%的大学生可以被认定为微信沉迷;(2)微信沉迷的症状表现有强迫性使用、对社交活动失去兴趣和缺...Since launched in 2011, Wechat has been successfully turned into a multi-functional app that inserts a great influence on Chinese people’s lives. Even though Wechat has been a favorite for all ages, the motives, behavioral patterns and the possible negative impact of addiction have been rarely known. This paper explores the reasons and predictors of Wechat use and Wechat addiction among college st...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻学学号:3062014115307

    Exploring the relationships between self-presentation and self-esteem of mothers in social media in Russia

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    Majority of parents use social media platforms, with young mothers being the most active users. Academic research has only recently started addressing the impact of social media on mothers, although they are one of the most engaged online audiences. Instagram and Facebook perceived as positive types of social media, where users post positive content to increase encouraging response from their subscribers and thus enhance their self-esteem. This also relates to mothers portraying positive self-presentation online, therefore enhancing their parental self-esteem. This study provides in-depth analysis of 23 popular online profiles of mothers with more than thirty thousand followers on Instagram and 12 interviews with socially active mothers. This work focuses on mothers in Russia. Research findings show mothers with children of pre-school age are the most regular users of social media. This is due to time availability, as majority of these mothers are on maternity leave and due to little knowledge in child related aspects, which leads to lower self-esteem. They often look for assurance in online community. Mothers that are more confident have positive attitude towards social media communication. Mothers with initially lower self-esteem feel under pressure to maintain positive image to be in line with other mothers' presentation on social media. Mothers find Facebook more informative and supportive vehicle of communication than Instagram

    Exploring the relationships between self-presentation and self-esteem of mothers in social media in Russia

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    Majority of parents use social media platforms, with young mothers being the most active users. Academic research has only recently started addressing the impact of social media on mothers, although they are one of the most engaged online audiences. Instagram and Facebook perceived as positive types of social media, where users post positive content to increase encouraging response from their subscribers and thus enhance their self-esteem. This also relates to mothers portraying positive self-presentation online, therefore enhancing their parental self-esteem. This study provides in-depth analysis of 23 popular online profiles of mothers with more than thirty thousand followers on Instagram and 12 interviews with socially active mothers. This work focuses on mothers in Russia. Research findings show mothers with children of pre-school age are the most regular users of social media. This is due to time availability, as majority of these mothers are on maternity leave and due to little knowledge in child related aspects, which leads to lower self-esteem. They often look for assurance in online community. Mothers that are more confident have positive attitude towards social media communication. Mothers with initially lower self-esteem feel under pressure to maintain positive image to be in line with other mothers' presentation on social media. Mothers find Facebook more informative and supportive vehicle of communication than Instagram

    Loneliness and Problematic Internet Use (PIU) as Causes of Academic Procrastination

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    It is now undeniable that young people and the Internet has become inseparable. Nonetheless, the uncontrolled use of it causes many problems among young adults including academic procrastination. Previous studies stated that academic procrastination lead to low of academic achievement. The reason of why young adults use the internet excessively and got negative outcomes in academic life did not stated clearly. The objective of this study was to find out the empirical evidence of PIU as a mediator between loneliness and academic procrastination. Sample consisted of 320 undergraduate students from 10 universities. Age range was 17-25 years old (M=20.17, SD=1.49). They were given three self-report questionnaires such as GPIUS2, SELSA, and TPS. Those instruments were adapted in Indonesian language. Data were analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results showed that the model was good fit (χ2=416.541, df=205, p<0.001, CFI=0.902, TLI=0.879, SRMR=0.068, RMSEA=0.057, 90% CI:0.049-0.065, p good to fit 0.05). This study give contribution on loneliness, PIU, and academic procrastination as one model. It also gives implication of social media using among young people and policy making in universities about students life

    Psychological and behavioral outcomes of social media-induced fear of missing out at the workplace

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    The intense proliferation of social media platforms into every facet of human lives has engaged researchers' attention towards understanding their adverse influences, referred to as the dark side of social media (DoSM) in the evolving literature. A relatively unexplored context in this regard is employees' personal use of social media during work hours and its impact on work-related outcomes. Since using social media during work hours can have implications for work performance and productivity, the lack of research in the area needs to be addressed by scholars sooner rather than later. Specifically, it is important to understand the drivers and outcomes of such behaviour. We have thus conceptualized a theoretical model based on the associations among individual tendencies (exhibitionism and voyeurism), fear of missing out (FoMO), and individual-level psychological (compulsive use of social media) and behavioral (work performance decrement and procrastination) outcomes of social media use during work hours. Grounded in the stressor-strain-outcomes (SSO) framework, the hypothesized associations were tested by a path analysis of 312 responses collected from individuals working in the United States. The results confirmed significant relationships between individual tendencies and FoMO, as well as psychological and behavioural outcomes. The findings contribute to the evolving literature around DoSM in the workplace and offer useful and practical insights

    The Relationship Between Resilience, Coping, and Social Media

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    This study was designed to explore relationships between measures of resilience, coping strategies, social media usage, and depression. Resilience refers to one\u27s ability to endure and recover from adversity. Many theories about what contributes to the development resilience have been explored without a clear consensus. Taormina (2015) argued that adult personal resilience is comprised of four dimensions - determination, endurance, adapatability, and recuperability. Coping, a construct related to resilience, is the process of regulating emotions, cognition, behavior, physiological responses, and the environment in response to stressful events. Past research indicated those with poorer mental health have the tendency to use maladaptive coping strategies in response to stress and are less resilient. The present study also considered how social media addiction may influence resilience and maladaptive coping. Two-hundred and ten participants were recruited to participate in the study and responded to questions assessing the aforementioned concepts. As predicted, results confirmed that greater resilience was associated with problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies compared to avoidant coping strategies. Furthermore, those who reported higher levels of depression were less resilient and engaged in more avoidant coping strategies, while those who employed more problem-focused coping strategies reported less depression. Results also indicated that those who were addicted to social media were more depressed. With regard to coping strategies and social media addiction, those who used mental disengagement and behavioral disengagement as coping strategies reported more problematic social media use. Possible explanations for the results of this study, including limitations and recommendations for the future, and clinical implications of the results are discussed

    The social media use integration scale : toward reliability and validity

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    The growing importance of social media and research interest in the field makes it imperative to consider the measures used to assess social networking site (SNS) use. The Facebook Intensity Scale has seen prolific use since its development; however, it has been criticized by some scholars. Jenkins-Guarnieri, Wright, and Johnson (2013) suggested another scale, the Social Media Use Integration Scale (SMUIS), which was developed to be suitable for use across different SNS platforms. They advised further research to confirm its psychometric properties, testing it on a more diverse sample than US college students and on social media other than Facebook. In this study, EFAs and a CFA were conducted to examine the validity of the SMUIS on Facebook and LinkedIn in the African context. The results provide preliminary evidence of the reliability and validity of the SMUIS for diverse age ranges. Further testing of the scale on LinkedIn is recommended.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hihc202018-03-22hj2018Marketing Managemen