14 research outputs found

    The Cost of Problem-Based Learning: An Example in Information Systems Engineering

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    International audienceHigh-quality education helps in finding a job - but student skills heterogeneity and student reluctance to move towards a professional attitude are important barriers to employability. We re-engineered some of the technical courses of a Masters in software development using a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach. Although initial results are encouraging, the cost of using PBL must be taken into account. Two aspects are particularly expensive: (i) set-up of the software development practicum, a mid-sized information system and its environment; (ii) screenwriting of problem-based learning scenarios, including procurement of input artefacts

    Collaborative Learning in Software Development Teams

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    Recently Web 2.0 has emerged as a framework to study collaborative learning. Assessing learning in team projects is onemechanism used to improve teaching methodologies and tool support. Web 2.0 technologies enable automated assessmentcapabilities, leading to both rapid and incremental feedback. Such feedback can catch problems in time for pedagogicadjustment, to better guide students toward reaching learning objectives. Our courseware, SEREBRO, couples a social,tagging enabled, idea network with a range of modular toolkits, such as wikis, feeds and project management tools into aWeb 2.0 environment for collaborating teams. In this paper, we first refine a set of published learning indicators intocommunication patterns that are facilitated in SEREBRO. We apply these indicators to student software development teamdiscussions regarding their collaborative activities. We show how the refined patterns, captured by SEREBRO\u27s Web 2.0modules, are catalysts to the learning process involved in software development

    Tantangan pembelajaran matematika mobile problem based learning (mpbl) pada flipped classroom untuk membangun kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa

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    Siswa yang berpikir kritisnya mumpuni dapat mengambil suatu keputusan secara analitik, membangun kebiasaan yang tidak mudah langsung percaya terhadap suatu informasi yang beredar, dan mampu memecahkan permasalahan sehari-hari dengan berbagai cara yang berbeda. Agar didalam diri siswa terbangun kemampuan berpikir kritis, pembelajaran matematika harus dilaksanakan secara tepat misalnya dengan mengembangkan pembelajaran mPBL pada flipped classroom. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sistematik literatur review untuk mengkaji tantangan model pembelajaran mPBL pada flipped classroom dalam membangun kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Pengumpulan artikel sebanyak 30 artikel pada jurnal nasional maupun internasional yang dicari melalui mesin pencarian google scholar serta scimago jr. Berdasarkan literatur yang dianalisis memberikan simpulan bahwa : (1) implementasi pembelajaran matematika dengan mPBL pada flipped classroom dapat membangun ketrampilan berpikir kritis siswa, dan (2) aspek akses jaringan internet, kepemilikan telepon seluler yang kompatibel, kompetensi guru dalam penguasaan teknologi komputer, inovasi guru dalam menyajikan pembelajaran melalui platform/LMS, pengembangan sumber belajar, alat ukur, dan buku kerja monitoring menjadi tantangan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran mPBL pada flipped classroom untuk membangun kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa

    Introducing Problem-Based Learning in a Joint Masters Degree: Offshoring Information Technologies

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    International audienceA young offshore software industry has grown up in Morocco. The University of Brest has set up a network of major software companies and Moroccan universities, providing two mobility schemes towards France. Both schemes include a final internship on the French side of global companies, with pre-employment on the Moroccan side - a successful internship being the key that opens the door to recruitment. Student heterogeneity, and student reluctance to move towards a professional attitude are important barriers to employability. Hence, we redesigned a significant proportion of our technical courses to use a problem-based learning (PBL) approach. The PBL approach is illustrated through drawing parallels with the production of a TV series. Three aspects of the approach are presented: (i) set-up of the studio in which sessions are run, i.e. a real software project, its work products and its software development environment; (ii) pre-production tasks including the screenwriting of problem-based learning scenarios and the procurement of input artefacts; and (iii) acting, i.e. students' interpretation of characters (roles) and teacher direction

    Tantangan pembelajaran matematika mobile problem based learning (mpbl) pada flipped classroom untuk membangun kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa

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    Siswa yang berpikir kritisnya mumpuni dapat mengambil suatu keputusan secara analitik, membangun kebiasaan yang tidak mudah langsung percaya terhadap suatu informasi yang beredar, dan mampu memecahkan permasalahan sehari-hari dengan berbagai cara yang berbeda. Agar didalam diri siswa terbangun kemampuan berpikir kritis, pembelajaran matematika harus dilaksanakan secara tepat misalnya dengan mengembangkan pembelajaran mPBL pada flipped classroom. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sistematik literatur review untuk mengkaji tantangan model pembelajaran mPBL pada flipped classroom dalam membangun kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Pengumpulan artikel sebanyak 30 artikel pada jurnal nasional maupun internasional yang dicari melalui mesin pencarian google scholar serta scimago jr. Berdasarkan literatur yang dianalisis memberikan simpulan bahwa : (1) implementasi pembelajaran matematika dengan mPBL pada flipped classroom dapat membangun ketrampilan berpikir kritis siswa, dan (2) aspek akses jaringan internet, kepemilikan telepon seluler yang kompatibel, kompetensi guru dalam penguasaan teknologi komputer, inovasi guru dalam menyajikan pembelajaran melalui platform/LMS, pengembangan sumber belajar, alat ukur, dan buku kerja monitoring menjadi tantangan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran mPBL pada flipped classroom untuk membangun kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa

    Using Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge (CyBOK) Case Studies to Enhance Student Learning

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    One of the central aspects of specialization in modern software engineering is security engineering. With contemporary systems being networked and entrusted with mission-critical functionality, cybersecurity is an essential quality that must be developed into the system from the first moment. This comprises issues such as privacy, authentication, robustness against vulnerabilities, and hardness against external attacks. To do so, software engineering specialists with appreciation for the detailed intricacies of security engineering as well as broad experience are required. The Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge (CyBOK, [1]) has been developed to serve, among other uses, as an instructional reference for educators to prepare the next generation of security engineers in this respect. While the CyBOK describes the intricacies of security engineering in plentiful detail, it remains up to the instructor to convey this curriculum in a way that fosters understanding and forms experience as well as competencies in the learner. To aid the instructors who use the CyBOK, we have devised a library of 18 case studies that are specifically designed to target CyBOK knowledge areas. The case studies are sufficiently detailed to allow adoption with minimal overhead on the instructor. In this paper, we describe the case study mapping to the CyBOK, and classroom results of one exemplary case study, demonstrating improved understanding by students

    Industry Projects in Requirements Engineering Education: Application in a University Course in the US and Comparison with Germany

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    Project-based learning has proven useful in software engineering education to increase student engagement and learning performance. In this paper, we contribute our experiences from applying industry projects in an undergraduate requirements engineering course in the United States. We furthermore discuss our experiences from courses conducted in Germany and the US course in light of difference in the educational systems. Results show that our course design is well received in both countries in terms of learning outcomes, student motivation, teamwork, attention to detail, and performance in the exam


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    Спостерігається певний розрив між рівнем підготовки фахівців з програмування і вимогами з боку роботодавців. Випускникам бракує навичок комунікації, командної роботи, досвіду реалізації реальних проектів. Традиційна лекційно-лабораторна система викладання передбачає трансляцію знань, а не формування необхідних випускнику навичок. На цьому наголошують нормативні документи галузі комп’ютерних наук та програмної інженерії. Потрібні активні методи навчання, засновані на природній цікавості молоді до нових знань та досліджень.Пропонується при вивченні курсу «Проектування програмних систем» застосовувати елементи проблемно-орієнтованого навчання. При цьому активну роль переходить від викладача до студента, який сам керує процесом навчання на основі власного досвіду і запропонованого викладачем набору проблем. Проблема виступає як рушійна сила процесу навчання.There is a gap between the level of training of graduates in field of programming and the requirements from employers. Graduates do not have enough communication skills, teamwork skills, and experience in implementing real projects. Traditional lecture-laboratory training system provides rather knowledge translation from lecturer to students than the formation of the skills necessary to graduates. Curriculum guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in computer science and software engineering also pay attention to this problem. It’s required active learning methods based on the natural interest of young people in new knowledge and research.Active learning is based on ideas of constructivism, when student doesn’t get ready knowledge, but creates (constructs) knowledge through active learning activities and is responsible for own learning. There are some active learning techniques including problem-basedlearning as well-known and quite popular technique. PBL is an instructional method in which ill-structured (open-ended) problems are introduced at the beginning of each class. Students need to analyze problem, to get needed knowledge, to find appropriate solution and evaluate whether it meet the problem specification. Thus, problem is the driving force of the learning process.It is proposed to use elements of problem-based learning during learning of the course «Design of Software Systems». The main steps of problem-based learning are quite similar to appropriate steps of software development life cycle (problem analysis, works distribution, problem solving, results analysis etc.). It’s possible to model evolutionary software development process due to active class and out-of-class learning activity of students in their groups. Here active role is transferred from teacher to student, which controls the learning process on the basis of their own experience and problems proposed by the teacher.With this approach laboratory session is organized as a series of problems solving within general mini-project proposed to the students. The students work in small groups, they get ill-structured (open-ended) problem according to teaching plan. Each problem is solved during approximately two weeks. Fist experience in PBL shows that students can demonstrate more creativity, responsibility, and success using problem-based learning

    ESCollab: uma metodologia colaborativa voltada para o ensino de Engenharia de Software

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    Among all the activities performed by human beings today, software development is one of the most recent in historical terms, but one of the most important due to the increasing digitalization of the society. On the other hand, the growing importance of collaborative environments, in a globalized world, has enabled the sharing of information and the interaction between people far away. These changes have enhanced the power of teamwork and social interaction. The social and economic importance of the software industry has motivated many researchers to seek solutions to improve the training of skilled labor in the area of Software Engineering. This dissertation work presents a collaborative teaching methodology aimed at improving the teaching of the disciplines of Software Engineering. The ESCollab methodology incorporates the latest teaching tools and has been applied, as a case study, in two institutions of higher education in computing.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESDentre todas as atividades desenvolvidas pelos seres humanos na atualidade, o desenvolvimento de software é uma das mais recentes em termos históricos, mas uma das mais importantes devido à crescente informatização da sociedade e seu modus vivendi. Por outro lado, a importância crescente dos ambientes colaborativos, no mundo globalizado, tem possibilitado a materialização da empresa global , o compartilhamento de informações e viabilizado a interação entre pessoas distantes. Essas mudanças têm potencializado o poder do trabalho em equipe e a interação social. Essa importância social e econômica da indústria do software tem motivado vários pesquisadores a buscarem soluções para o aperfeiçoamento da formação de mão de obra especializada na área de Engenharia de Software. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia de ensino colaborativa voltada para o aperfeiçoamento do ensino das disciplinas da área de Engenharia de Software. A metodologia ESCollab incorpora as mais modernas ferramentas pedagógicas, tendo sido aplicada, a título de estudo de caso, em duas instituições de ensino superior na área de computação