7,544 research outputs found


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    Cloud computing offers cost effective computational and storage services with on-demand scalable capacities according to the customers’ needs. These properties encourage organisations and individuals to migrate from classical computing to cloud computing from different disciplines. Although cloud computing is a trendy technology that opens the horizons for many businesses, it is a new paradigm that exploits already existing computing technologies in new framework rather than being a novel technology. This means that cloud computing inherited classical computing problems that are still challenging. Cloud computing security is considered one of the major problems, which require strong security systems to protect the system, and the valuable data stored and processed in it. Intrusion detection systems are one of the important security components and defence layer that detect cyber-attacks and malicious activities in cloud and non-cloud environments. However, there are some limitations such as attacks were detected at the time that the damage of the attack was already done. In recent years, cyber-attacks have increased rapidly in volume and diversity. In 2013, for example, over 552 million customers’ identities and crucial information were revealed through data breaches worldwide [3]. These growing threats are further demonstrated in the 50,000 daily attacks on the London Stock Exchange [4]. It has been predicted that the economic impact of cyber-attacks will cost the global economy $3 trillion on aggregate by 2020 [5]. This thesis focused on proposing an Intrusion Prediction System that is capable of sensing an attack before it happens in cloud or non-cloud environments. The proposed solution is based on assessing the host system vulnerabilities and monitoring the network traffic for attacks preparations. It has three main modules. The monitoring module observes the network for any intrusion preparations. This thesis proposes a new dynamic-selective statistical algorithm for detecting scan activities, which is part of reconnaissance that represents an essential step in network attack preparation. The proposed method performs a statistical selective analysis for network traffic searching for an attack or intrusion indications. This is achieved by exploring and applying different statistical and probabilistic methods that deal with scan detection. The second module of the prediction system is vulnerabilities assessment that evaluates the weaknesses and faults of the system and measures the probability of the system to fall victim to cyber-attack. Finally, the third module is the prediction module that combines the output of the two modules and performs risk assessments of the system security from intrusions prediction. The results of the conducted experiments showed that the suggested system outperforms the analogous methods in regards to performance of network scan detection, which means accordingly a significant improvement to the security of the targeted system. The scanning detection algorithm has achieved high detection accuracy with 0% false negative and 50% false positive. In term of performance, the detection algorithm consumed only 23% of the data needed for analysis compared to the best performed rival detection method

    Developing an advanced collision risk model for autonomous vehicles

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    Aiming at improving road safety, car manufacturers and researchers are verging upon autonomous vehicles. In recent years, collision prediction methods of autonomous vehicles have begun incorporating contextual information such as information about the traffic environment and the relative motion of other traffic participants but still fail to anticipate traffic scenarios of high complexity. During the past two decades, the problem of real-time collision prediction has also been investigated by traffic engineers. In the traffic engineering approach, a collision occurrence can potentially be predicted in real-time based on available data on traffic dynamics such as the average speed and flow of vehicles on a road segment. This thesis attempts to integrate vehicle-level collision prediction approaches for autonomous vehicles with network-level collision prediction, as studied by traffic engineers. [Continues.

    Temporospatial Context-Aware Vehicular Crash Risk Prediction

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    With the demand for more vehicles increasing, road safety is becoming a growing concern. Traffic collisions take many lives and cost billions of dollars in losses. This explains the growing interest of governments, academic institutions and companies in road safety. The vastness and availability of road accident data has provided new opportunities for gaining a better understanding of accident risk factors and for developing more effective accident prediction and prevention regimes. Much of the empirical research on road safety and accident analysis utilizes statistical models which capture limited aspects of crashes. On the other hand, data mining has recently gained interest as a reliable approach for investigating road-accident data and for providing predictive insights. While some risk factors contribute more frequently in the occurrence of a road accident, the importance of driver behavior, temporospatial factors, and real-time traffic dynamics have been underestimated. This study proposes a framework for predicting crash risk based on historical accident data. The proposed framework incorporates machine learning and data analytics techniques to identify driving patterns and other risk factors associated with potential vehicle crashes. These techniques include clustering, association rule mining, information fusion, and Bayesian networks. Swarm intelligence based association rule mining is employed to uncover the underlying relationships and dependencies in collision databases. Data segmentation methods are employed to eliminate the effect of dependent variables. Extracted rules can be used along with real-time mobility to predict crashes and their severity in real-time. The national collision database of Canada (NCDB) is used in this research to generate association rules with crash risk oriented subsequents, and to compare the performance of the swarm intelligence based approach with that of other association rule miners. Many industry-demanding datasets, including road-accident datasets, are deficient in descriptive factors. This is a significant barrier for uncovering meaningful risk factor relationships. To resolve this issue, this study proposes a knwoledgebase approximation framework to enhance the crash risk analysis by integrating pieces of evidence discovered from disparate datasets capturing different aspects of mobility. Dempster-Shafer theory is utilized as a key element of this knowledgebase approximation. This method can integrate association rules with acceptable accuracy under certain circumstances that are discussed in this thesis. The proposed framework is tested on the lymphography dataset and the road-accident database of the Great Britain. The derived insights are then used as the basis for constructing a Bayesian network that can estimate crash likelihood and risk levels so as to warn drivers and prevent accidents in real-time. This Bayesian network approach offers a way to implement a naturalistic driving analysis process for predicting traffic collision risk based on the findings from the data-driven model. A traffic incident detection and localization method is also proposed as a component of the risk analysis model. Detecting and localizing traffic incidents enables timely response to accidents and facilitates effective and efficient traffic flow management. The results obtained from the experimental work conducted on this component is indicative of the capability of our Dempster-Shafer data-fusion-based incident detection method in overcoming the challenges arising from erroneous and noisy sensor readings

    Fusion of Data from Heterogeneous Sensors with Distributed Fields of View and Situation Evaluation for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    In order to develop a driver assistance system for pedestrian protection, pedestrians in the environment of a truck are detected by radars and a camera and are tracked across distributed fields of view using a Joint Integrated Probabilistic Data Association filter. A robust approach for prediction of the system vehicles trajectory is presented. It serves the computation of a probabilistic collision risk based on reachable sets where different sources of uncertainty are taken into account

    Safety of autonomous vehicles: A survey on Model-based vs. AI-based approaches

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    The growing advancements in Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) have emphasized the critical need to prioritize the absolute safety of AV maneuvers, especially in dynamic and unpredictable environments or situations. This objective becomes even more challenging due to the uniqueness of every traffic situation/condition. To cope with all these very constrained and complex configurations, AVs must have appropriate control architectures with reliable and real-time Risk Assessment and Management Strategies (RAMS). These targeted RAMS must lead to reduce drastically the navigation risks. However, the lack of safety guarantees proves, which is one of the key challenges to be addressed, limit drastically the ambition to introduce more broadly AVs on our roads and restrict the use of AVs to very limited use cases. Therefore, the focus and the ambition of this paper is to survey research on autonomous vehicles while focusing on the important topic of safety guarantee of AVs. For this purpose, it is proposed to review research on relevant methods and concepts defining an overall control architecture for AVs, with an emphasis on the safety assessment and decision-making systems composing these architectures. Moreover, it is intended through this reviewing process to highlight researches that use either model-based methods or AI-based approaches. This is performed while emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of each methodology and investigating the research that proposes a comprehensive multi-modal design that combines model-based and AI approaches. This paper ends with discussions on the methods used to guarantee the safety of AVs namely: safety verification techniques and the standardization/generalization of safety frameworks

    Intelligent Data Fusion for Applied Decision Support

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    Data fusion technologies are widely applied to support a real-time decision-making in complicated, dynamically changing environments. Due to the complexity in the problem domain, artificial intelligent algorithms, such as Bayesian inference and particle swarm optimization, are employed to make the decision support system more adaptive and cognitive. This dissertation proposes a new data fusion model with an intelligent mechanism adding decision feedback to the system in real-time, and implements this intelligent data fusion model in two real-world applications. The first application is designing a new sensor management system for a real-world and highly dynamic air traffic control problem. The main objective of sensor management is to schedule discrete-time, two-way communications between sensors and transponder-equipped aircraft over a given coverage area. Decisions regarding allocation of sensor resources are made to improve the efficiency of sensors and communications, simultaneously. For the proposed design, its loop nature takes account the effect of the current sensor model into the next scheduling interval, which makes the sensor management system able to respond to the dynamically changing environment in real-time. Moreover, it uses a Bayesian network as the mission manager to come up with operating requirements for each region every scheduling interval, so that the system efficiently balances the allocation of sensor resources according to different region priorities. As one of this dissertation\u27s contribution in the area of Bayesian inference, the resulting Bayesian mission manager is shown to demonstrate significant performance improvement in resource usage for prioritized regions such as a runway in the air traffic control application for airport surfaces. Due to wind\u27s importance as a renewable energy resource, the second application is designing an intelligent data-driven approach to monitor the wind turbine performance in real-time by fusing multiple types of maintenance tests, and detect the turbine failures by tracking the turbine maintenance statistics. The current focus has been on building wind farms without much effort towards the optimization of wind farm management. Also, under performing or faulty turbines cause huge losses in revenue as the existing wind farms age. Automated monitoring for maintenance and optimizing of wind farm operations will be a key element in the transition of wind power from an alternative energy form to a primary form. Early detection and prediction of catastrophic failures helps prevent major maintenance costs from occurring as well. I develop multiple tests on several important turbine performance variables, such as generated power, rotor speed, pitch angle, and wind speed difference. Wind speed differences are particularly effective in the detection of anemometer failures, which is a very common maintenance issue that greatly impacts power production yet can produce misleading symptoms. To improve the detection accuracy of this wind speed difference test, I discuss a new method to determine the decision boundary between the normal and abnormal states using a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. All the test results are fused to reach a final conclusion, which describes the turbine working status at the current time. Then, Bayesian inference is applied to identify potential failures with a percentage certainty by monitoring the abnormal status changes. This approach is adaptable to each turbine automatically, and is advantageous in its data-driven nature to monitor a large wind farm. This approach\u27s results have verified the effectiveness of detecting turbine failures early, especially for anemometer failures

    Fusing uncertain knowledge and evidence for maritime situational awareness via Markov Logic Networks

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    The concepts of event and anomaly are important building blocks for developing a situational picture of the observed environment. We here relate these concepts to the JDL fusion model and demonstrate the power of Markov Logic Networks (MLNs) for encoding uncertain knowledge and compute inferences according to observed evidence. MLNs combine the expressive power of first-order logic and the probabilistic uncertainty management of Markov networks. Within this framework, different types of knowledge (e.g. a priori, contextual) with associated uncertainty can be fused together for situation assessment by expressing unobservable complex events as a logical combination of simpler evidences. We also develop a mechanism to evaluate the level of completion of complex events and show how, along with event probability, it could provide additional useful information to the operator. Examples are demonstrated on two maritime scenarios of rules for event and anomaly detection

    AI Solutions for MDS: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Misuse Detection and Localisation in Telecommunication Environments

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    This report considers the application of Articial Intelligence (AI) techniques to the problem of misuse detection and misuse localisation within telecommunications environments. A broad survey of techniques is provided, that covers inter alia rule based systems, model-based systems, case based reasoning, pattern matching, clustering and feature extraction, articial neural networks, genetic algorithms, arti cial immune systems, agent based systems, data mining and a variety of hybrid approaches. The report then considers the central issue of event correlation, that is at the heart of many misuse detection and localisation systems. The notion of being able to infer misuse by the correlation of individual temporally distributed events within a multiple data stream environment is explored, and a range of techniques, covering model based approaches, `programmed' AI and machine learning paradigms. It is found that, in general, correlation is best achieved via rule based approaches, but that these suffer from a number of drawbacks, such as the difculty of developing and maintaining an appropriate knowledge base, and the lack of ability to generalise from known misuses to new unseen misuses. Two distinct approaches are evident. One attempts to encode knowledge of known misuses, typically within rules, and use this to screen events. This approach cannot generally detect misuses for which it has not been programmed, i.e. it is prone to issuing false negatives. The other attempts to `learn' the features of event patterns that constitute normal behaviour, and, by observing patterns that do not match expected behaviour, detect when a misuse has occurred. This approach is prone to issuing false positives, i.e. inferring misuse from innocent patterns of behaviour that the system was not trained to recognise. Contemporary approaches are seen to favour hybridisation, often combining detection or localisation mechanisms for both abnormal and normal behaviour, the former to capture known cases of misuse, the latter to capture unknown cases. In some systems, these mechanisms even work together to update each other to increase detection rates and lower false positive rates. It is concluded that hybridisation offers the most promising future direction, but that a rule or state based component is likely to remain, being the most natural approach to the correlation of complex events. The challenge, then, is to mitigate the weaknesses of canonical programmed systems such that learning, generalisation and adaptation are more readily facilitated
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