1,332 research outputs found


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    Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA) plays a vital role in the development of intelligent transportation support systems. The surge in maritime traffic, combined with increasing vessel sizes and speeds, has intensified the complexity and risk of maritime traffic. This escalation presents a considerable challenge to the current systems and tools dedicated to maritime traffic monitoring and management. Meanwhile, the existing literature on advanced MSA methods and techniques is relatively limited, especially when it comes to addressing multi-ship interactions that may involve hybrid traffic of manned ships and emerging autonomous ships in complex and restricted waters in the future. The primary research question revolves around the challenge faced by current collision risk models in incorporating the impact of traffic characteristics in complex waters. This limitation hampers their effectiveness in managing complex maritime traffic situations. In view of this, the research aims to investigate and analyse the traffic characteristics in complex port waters and develop a set of advanced MSA methods and models in a holistic manner, so as to enhance maritime traffic situation perception capabilities and strengthen decision-making on anti-collision risk control. This study starts with probabilistic conflict detection by incorporating the dynamics and uncertainty that may be involved in ship movements. Then, the conflict criticality and spatial distance indicators are used together to partition the regional ship traffic into several compact, scalable, and interpretable clusters from both static and dynamic perspectives. On this basis, a systematic multi-scale collision risk approach is newly proposed to estimate the collision risk of a given traffic scenario from different spatial scales. The novelty of this research lies not only in the development of new modelling techniques on MSA that have never been done by using various advanced techniques (e.g., Monte Carlo simulation, image processing techniques, graph-based clustering techniques, complex network theory, and fuzzy clustering iterative method) but also in the consideration of the impact of traffic characteristics in complex waters, such as multi-dependent conflicts, restricted water topography, and dynamic and uncertain ship motion behaviours. Extensive numerical experiments based on real AIS data in the world's busiest and most complex water area (i.e., Ningbo_Zhoushan Port, China) are carried out to evaluate the models’ performance. The research results show that the proposed models have rational and reliable performance in detecting potential collision danger under an uncertain environment, identifying high-risk traffic clusters, offering a complete comprehension of a traffic situation, and supporting strategic maritime safety management. These developed techniques and models provide useful insights and valuable implications for maritime practitioners on traffic surveillance and management, benefiting the safety and efficiency enhancement of maritime transportation. The research can also be tailored for a wide range of applications given its generalization ability in tackling various traffic scenarios in complex waters. It is believed that this work would make significant contributions in terms of 1) improving traffic safety management from an operational perspective without high financial requirements on infrastructure updating and 2) effectively supporting intelligent maritime surveillance and serving as a theoretical basis of promoting maritime safety management for the complex traffic of mixed manned and autonomous ships


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    The correlated exploitation of heterogeneous data sources offering very large historical as well as streaming data is important to increasing the accuracy of computations when analysing and predicting future states of moving entities. This is particularly critical in the maritime domain, where online tracking, early recognition of events, and real-time forecast of anticipated trajectories of vessels are crucial to safety and operations at sea. The objective of this paper is to review current research challenges and trends tied to the integration, management, analysis, and visualization of objects moving at sea as well as a few suggestions for a successful development of maritime forecasting and decision-support systems. Document type: Articl


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    The correlated exploitation of heterogeneous data sources offering very large historical as well as streaming data is important to increasing the accuracy of computations when analysing and predicting future states of moving entities. This is particularly critical in the maritime domain, where online tracking, early recognition of events, and real-time forecast of anticipated trajectories of vessels are crucial to safety and operations at sea. The objective of this paper is to review current research challenges and trends tied to the integration, management, analysis, and visualization of objects moving at sea as well as a few suggestions for a successful development of maritime forecasting and decision-support systems. Document type: Articl

    Multi-scale collision risk estimation for maritime traffic in complex port waters

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    Ship collision risk estimation is an essential component of intelligent maritime surveillance systems. Traditional risk estimation approaches, which can only analyze traffic risk in one specific scale, reveal a significant challenge in quantifying the collision risk of a traffic scenario from different spatial scales. This is detrimental to understanding the traffic situations and supporting effective anti-collision decision-making, particularly as maritime traffic complexity grows and autonomous ships emerge. In this study, a systematic multi-scale collision risk estimation approach is newly developed to capture traffic conflict patterns under different spatial scales. It extends the application of the complex network theory and a node deletion method to quantify the interactions and dependencies among multiple ships within encounter scenarios, enabling collision risk to be evaluated at any spatial scale. Meanwhile, an advanced graph-based clustering framework is introduced to search for the optimal spatial scales for risk evaluation. Extensive numerical experiments based on AIS data in Ningbo_Zhoushan Port are implemented to evaluate the model performance. Experimental results reveal that the proposed approach can strengthen maritime situational awareness, identify high-risk areas and support strategic maritime safety management. This work therefore sheds light on improving the intelligent levels of maritime surveillance and promoting maritime traffic automation

    Machine Learning for Enhanced Maritime Situation Awareness: Leveraging Historical AIS Data for Ship Trajectory Prediction

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    In this thesis, methods to support high level situation awareness in ship navigators through appropriate automation are investigated. Situation awareness relates to the perception of the environment (level 1), comprehension of the situation (level 2), and projection of future dynamics (level 3). Ship navigators likely conduct mental simulations of future ship traffic (level 3 projections), that facilitate proactive collision avoidance actions. Such actions may include minor speed and/or heading alterations that can prevent future close-encounter situations from arising, enhancing the overall safety of maritime operations. Currently, there is limited automation support for level 3 projections, where the most common approaches utilize linear predictions based on constant speed and course values. Such approaches, however, are not capable of predicting more complex ship behavior. Ship navigators likely facilitate such predictions by developing models for level 3 situation awareness through experience. It is, therefore, suggested in this thesis to develop methods that emulate the development of high level human situation awareness. This is facilitated by leveraging machine learning, where navigational experience is artificially represented by historical AIS data. First, methods are developed to emulate human situation awareness by developing categorization functions. In this manner, historical ship behavior is categorized to reflect distinct patterns. To facilitate this, machine learning is leveraged to generate meaningful representations of historical AIS trajectories, and discover clusters of specific behavior. Second, methods are developed to facilitate pattern matching of an observed trajectory segment to clusters of historical ship behavior. Finally, the research in this thesis presents methods to predict future ship behavior with respect to a given cluster. Such predictions are, furthermore, on a scale intended to support proactive collision avoidance actions. Two main approaches are used to facilitate these functions. The first utilizes eigendecomposition-based approaches via locally extracted AIS trajectory segments. Anomaly detection is also facilitated via this approach in support of the outlined functions. The second utilizes deep learning-based approaches applied to regionally extracted trajectories. Both approaches are found to be successful in discovering clusters of specific ship behavior in relevant data sets, classifying a trajectory segment to a given cluster or clusters, as well as predicting the future behavior. Furthermore, the local ship behavior techniques can be trained to facilitate live predictions. The deep learning-based techniques, however, require significantly more training time. These models will, therefore, need to be pre-trained. Once trained, however, the deep learning models will facilitate almost instantaneous predictions
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