7 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Network Security Service Management System in Data Center

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    随着我国企业信息化的深入,企业对信息系统高度依赖。由于企业规模不断扩大,越来越多的大型跨区域企业、集团都建立了自己的业务网络和数据中心用于运行和支撑企业核心业务。与此同时,各种信息安全威胁层出不穷,对企业的网络安全防护提出了新的挑战。这在充分体现网络安全支撑重要性的同时,对网络安全管理的稳定和高效均带来了巨大的压力。很多企业都基于数据中心构建了企业网络安全防护体系,其中包括管理和技术两个层面,正如信息安全领域中经常提到的,信息安全“三分靠技术,七分靠管理”。仅仅靠在信息安全防护设备方面进行投入,并不能保障企业的信息安全,缺乏有效的信息安全管理才是目前企业信息安全体系运行保障的瓶颈。 本文尝试...With the development of the enterprise informationization, enterprises depend heavily on Information System in our country. With the continuous expansion of the scale of enterprises, more and more large multinational enterprises and groups have constructed their own business network and information-processing centre for operating and supporting their core business. At the same time, various threat...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923028

    Управление устранением неисправностей в ИТ-системах

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    This article is dedicated to the problems of increasing of efficiency of fault search and elimination in IT-systems. Methods of threshold values determination for the three-threshold scheme are proposed and analyzed. Method of fault localization in IT-systems that incorporates passive symptom gathering and active probing is proposed. Fault management system which uses these methods was developed.Статья посвящена проблемам повышения эффективности поиска и устранения неисправностей в ИТ-системах. Предложены и проанализированы способы определения значений пороговых величин для трехпороговой схемы принятия решений. Предложен метод локализации неисправностей в ИТ-системах, объединяющий использование пассивного сбора симптомов и активных проверок. Разработана структура подсистемы управления устранением неисправностей, реализующая предложенные методы

    Resilience Strategies for Network Challenge Detection, Identification and Remediation

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    The enormous growth of the Internet and its use in everyday life make it an attractive target for malicious users. As the network becomes more complex and sophisticated it becomes more vulnerable to attack. There is a pressing need for the future internet to be resilient, manageable and secure. Our research is on distributed challenge detection and is part of the EU Resumenet Project (Resilience and Survivability for Future Networking: Framework, Mechanisms and Experimental Evaluation). It aims to make networks more resilient to a wide range of challenges including malicious attacks, misconfiguration, faults, and operational overloads. Resilience means the ability of the network to provide an acceptable level of service in the face of significant challenges; it is a superset of commonly used definitions for survivability, dependability, and fault tolerance. Our proposed resilience strategy could detect a challenge situation by identifying an occurrence and impact in real time, then initiating appropriate remedial action. Action is autonomously taken to continue operations as much as possible and to mitigate the damage, and allowing an acceptable level of service to be maintained. The contribution of our work is the ability to mitigate a challenge as early as possible and rapidly detect its root cause. Also our proposed multi-stage policy based challenge detection system identifies both the existing and unforeseen challenges. This has been studied and demonstrated with an unknown worm attack. Our multi stage approach reduces the computation complexity compared to the traditional single stage, where one particular managed object is responsible for all the functions. The approach we propose in this thesis has the flexibility, scalability, adaptability, reproducibility and extensibility needed to assist in the identification and remediation of many future network challenges

    Requirement-based Root Cause Analysis Using Log Data

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    Root Cause Analysis for software systems is a challenging diagnostic task due to complexity emanating from the interactions between system components. Furthermore, the sheer size of the logged data makes it often difficult for human operators and administrators to perform problem diagnosis and root cause analysis. The diagnostic task is further complicated by the lack of models that could be used to support the diagnostic process. Traditionally, this diagnostic task is conducted by human experts who create mental models of systems, in order to generate hypotheses and conduct the analysis even in the presence of incomplete logged data. A challenge in this area is to provide the necessary concepts, tools, and techniques for the operators to focus their attention to specific parts of the logged data and ultimately to automate the diagnostic process. The work described in this thesis aims at proposing a framework that includes techniques, formalisms, and algorithms aimed at automating the process of root cause analysis. In particular, this work uses annotated requirement goal models to represent the monitored systems' requirements and runtime behavior. The goal models are used in combination with log data to generate a ranked set of diagnostics that represent the combination of tasks that failed leading to the observed failure. In addition, the framework uses a combination of word-based and topic-based information retrieval techniques to reduce the size of log data by filtering out a subset of log data to facilitate the diagnostic process. The process of log data filtering and reduction is based on goal model annotations and generates a sequence of logical literals that represent the possible systems' observations. A second level of investigation consists of looking for evidence for any malicious (i.e., intentionally caused by a third party) activity leading to task failures. This analysis uses annotated anti-goal models that denote possible actions that can be taken by an external user to threaten a given system task. The framework uses a novel probabilistic approach based on Markov Logic Networks. Our experiments show that our approach improves over existing proposals by handling uncertainty in observations, using natively generated log data, and by providing ranked diagnoses. The proposed framework has been evaluated using a test environment based on commercial off-the-shelf software components, publicly available Java Based ATM machine, and the large publicly available dataset (DARPA 2000)

    Fault Detection and Identification in Computer Networks: A soft Computing Approach

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    Governmental and private institutions rely heavily on reliable computer networks for their everyday business transactions. The downtime of their infrastructure networks may result in millions of dollars in cost. Fault management systems are used to keep today’s complex networks running without significant downtime cost, either by using active techniques or passive techniques. Active techniques impose excessive management traffic, whereas passive techniques often ignore uncertainty inherent in network alarms,leading to unreliable fault identification performance. In this research work, new algorithms are proposed for both types of techniques so as address these handicaps. Active techniques use probing technology so that the managed network can be tested periodically and suspected malfunctioning nodes can be effectively identified and isolated. However, the diagnosing probes introduce extra management traffic and storage space. To address this issue, two new CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problem)-based algorithms are proposed to minimize management traffic, while effectively maintain the same diagnostic power of the available probes. The first algorithm is based on the standard CSP formulation which aims at reducing the available dependency matrix significantly as means to reducing the number of probes. The obtained probe set is used for fault detection and fault identification. The second algorithm is a fuzzy CSP-based algorithm. This proposed algorithm is adaptive algorithm in the sense that an initial reduced fault detection probe set is utilized to determine the minimum set of probes used for fault identification. Based on the extensive experiments conducted in this research both algorithms have demonstrated advantages over existing methods in terms of the overall management traffic needed to successfully monitor the targeted network system. Passive techniques employ alarms emitted by network entities. However, the fault evidence provided by these alarms can be ambiguous, inconsistent, incomplete, and random. To address these limitations, alarms are correlated using a distributed Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory (DSET) framework, in which the managed network is divided into a cluster of disjoint management domains. Each domain is assigned an Intelligent Agent for collecting and analyzing the alarms generated within that domain. These agents are coordinated by a single higher level entity, i.e., an agent manager that combines the partial views of these agents into a global one. Each agent employs DSET-based algorithm that utilizes the probabilistic knowledge encoded in the available fault propagation model to construct a local composite alarm. The Dempster‘s rule of combination is then used by the agent manager to correlate these local composite alarms. Furthermore, an adaptive fuzzy DSET-based algorithm is proposed to utilize the fuzzy information provided by the observed cluster of alarms so as to accurately identify the malfunctioning network entities. In this way, inconsistency among the alarms is removed by weighing each received alarm against the others, while randomness and ambiguity of the fault evidence are addressed within soft computing framework. The effectiveness of this framework has been investigated based on extensive experiments. The proposed fault management system is able to detect malfunctioning behavior in the managed network with considerably less management traffic. Moreover, it effectively manages the uncertainty property intrinsically contained in network alarms,thereby reducing its negative impact and significantly improving the overall performance of the fault management system

    CAPRI: A Common Architecture for Distributed Probabilistic Internet Fault Diagnosis

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    PhD thesisThis thesis presents a new approach to root cause localization and fault diagnosis in the Internet based on a Common Architecture for Probabilistic Reasoning in the Internet (CAPRI) in which distributed, heterogeneous diagnostic agents efficiently conduct diagnostic tests and communicate observations, beliefs, and knowledge to probabilistically infer the cause of network failures. Unlike previous systems that can only diagnose a limited set of network component failures using a limited set of diagnostic tests, CAPRI provides a common, extensible architecture for distributed diagnosis that allows experts to improve the system by adding new diagnostic tests and new dependency knowledge.To support distributed diagnosis using new tests and knowledge, CAPRI must overcome several challenges including the extensible representation and communication of diagnostic information, the description of diagnostic agent capabilities, and efficient distributed inference. Furthermore, the architecture must scale to support diagnosis of a large number of failures using many diagnostic agents. To address these challenges, this thesis presents a probabilistic approach to diagnosis based on an extensible, distributed component ontology to support the definition of new classes of components and diagnostic tests; a service description language for describing new diagnostic capabilities in terms of their inputs and outputs; and a message processing procedure for dynamically incorporating new information from other agents, selecting diagnostic actions, and inferring a diagnosis using Bayesian inference and belief propagation.To demonstrate the ability of CAPRI to support distributed diagnosis of real-world failures, I implemented and deployed a prototype network of agents on Planetlab for diagnosing HTTP connection failures. Approximately 10,000 user agents and 40 distributed regional and specialist agents on Planetlab collect information from over 10,000 users and diagnose over 140,000 failures using a wide range of active and passive tests, including DNS lookup tests, connectivity probes, Rockettrace measurements, and user connection histories. I show how to improve accuracy and cost by learning new dependency knowledge and introducing new diagnostic agents. I also show that agents can manage the cost of diagnosing many similar failures by aggregating related requests and caching observations and beliefs