214 research outputs found

    Formalizing probabilistic noninterference

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    We present an Isabelle formalization of probabilistic noninterference for a multi-threaded language with uniform scheduling. Unlike in previous settings from the literature, here probabilistic behavior comes from both the scheduler and the individual threads, making the language more realistic and the mathematics more challenging. We study resumption-based and trace-based notions of probabilistic noninterference and their relationship, and also discuss compositionality w.r.t. the language constructs and type-system-like syntactic criteria. The formalization uses recent development in the Isabelle probability theory library

    Verification of Confidentiality of Multi-threaded Programs

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    An introduction of Slalom project: motivation, plans and some result

    Compositional closure for Bayes Risk in probabilistic noninterference

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    We give a sequential model for noninterference security including probability (but not demonic choice), thus supporting reasoning about the likelihood that high-security values might be revealed by observations of low-security activity. Our novel methodological contribution is the definition of a refinement order and its use to compare security measures between specifications and (their supposed) implementations. This contrasts with the more common practice of evaluating the security of individual programs in isolation. The appropriateness of our model and order is supported by our showing that our refinement order is the greatest compositional relation --the compositional closure-- with respect to our semantics and an "elementary" order based on Bayes Risk --- a security measure already in widespread use. We also relate refinement to other measures such as Shannon Entropy. By applying the approach to a non-trivial example, the anonymous-majority Three-Judges protocol, we demonstrate by example that correctness arguments can be simplified by the sort of layered developments --through levels of increasing detail-- that are allowed and encouraged by compositional semantics

    Noninterfering schedulers: when possibilistic noninterference implies probabilistic noninterference

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    We develop a framework for expressing and analyzing the behavior of probabilistic schedulers. There, we define noninterfering schedulers by a probabilistic interpretation of Goguen and Meseguer’s seminal notion of noninterference. Noninterfering schedulers are proved to be safe in the following sense: if a multi-threaded program is possibilistically noninterfering, then it is also probabilistically noninterfering when run under this scheduler

    Information Flow for Security in Control Systems

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    This paper considers the development of information flow analyses to support resilient design and active detection of adversaries in cyber physical systems (CPS). The area of CPS security, though well studied, suffers from fragmentation. In this paper, we consider control systems as an abstraction of CPS. Here, we extend the notion of information flow analysis, a well established set of methods developed in software security, to obtain a unified framework that captures and extends system theoretic results in control system security. In particular, we propose the Kullback Liebler (KL) divergence as a causal measure of information flow, which quantifies the effect of adversarial inputs on sensor outputs. We show that the proposed measure characterizes the resilience of control systems to specific attack strategies by relating the KL divergence to optimal detection techniques. We then relate information flows to stealthy attack scenarios where an adversary can bypass detection. Finally, this article examines active detection mechanisms where a defender intelligently manipulates control inputs or the system itself in order to elicit information flows from an attacker's malicious behavior. In all previous cases, we demonstrate an ability to investigate and extend existing results by utilizing the proposed information flow analyses

    Probabilistic Noninterference Based on Program Dependence Graphs

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    Hidden-Markov Program Algebra with iteration

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    We use Hidden Markov Models to motivate a quantitative compositional semantics for noninterference-based security with iteration, including a refinement- or "implements" relation that compares two programs with respect to their information leakage; and we propose a program algebra for source-level reasoning about such programs, in particular as a means of establishing that an "implementation" program leaks no more than its "specification" program. This joins two themes: we extend our earlier work, having iteration but only qualitative, by making it quantitative; and we extend our earlier quantitative work by including iteration. We advocate stepwise refinement and source-level program algebra, both as conceptual reasoning tools and as targets for automated assistance. A selection of algebraic laws is given to support this view in the case of quantitative noninterference; and it is demonstrated on a simple iterated password-guessing attack

    Non-interference for deterministic interactive programs

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    We consider the problem of defining an appropriate notion of non-interference (NI) for deterministic interactive programs. Previous work on the security of interactive programs by O'Neill, Clarkson and Chong (CSFW 2006) builds on earlier ideas due to Wittbold and Johnson (Symposium on Security and Privacy 1990), and argues for a notion of NI defined in terms of strategies modelling the behaviour of users. We show that, for deterministic interactive programs, it is not necessary to consider strategies and that a simple stream model of the users' behaviour is sufficient. The key technical result is that, for deterministic programs, stream-based NI implies the apparently more general strategy-based NI (in fact we consider a wider class of strategies than those of O'Neill et al). We give our results in terms of a simple notion of Input-Output Labelled Transition System, thus allowing application of the results to a large class of deterministic interactive programming languages
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