26,891 research outputs found

    Dynamic probabilistic linear discriminant analysis for video classification

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    Component Analysis (CA) comprises of statistical techniques that decompose signals into appropriate latent components, relevant to a task-at-hand (e.g., clustering, segmentation, classification). Recently, an explosion of research in CA has been witnessed, with several novel probabilistic models proposed (e.g., Probabilistic Principal CA, Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA), Probabilistic Canonical Correlation Analysis). PLDA is a popular generative probabilistic CA method, that incorporates knowledge regarding class-labels and furthermore introduces class-specific and sample-specific latent spaces. While PLDA has been shown to outperform several state-of-the-art methods, it is nevertheless a static model; any feature-level temporal dependencies that arise in the data are ignored. As has been repeatedly shown, appropriate modelling of temporal dynamics is crucial for the analysis of temporal data (e.g., videos). In this light, we propose the first, to the best of our knowledge, probabilistic LDA formulation that models dynamics, the so-called Dynamic-PLDA (DPLDA). DPLDA is a generative model suitable for video classification and is able to jointly model the label information (e.g., face identity, consistent over videos of the same subject), as well as dynamic variations of each individual video. Experiments on video classification tasks such as face and facial expression recognition show the efficacy of the proposed metho

    Initializing Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis

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    Component Analysis (CA) consists of a set of statistical techniques that decompose data to appropriate latent components that are relevant to the task-at-hand (e.g., clustering, segmentation, classification, alignment). During the past few years, an explosion of research in probabilistic CA has been witnessed, with the introduction of several novel methods (e.g., Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis, Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA), Probabilistic Canonical Correlation Analysis). PLDA constitutes one of the most widely used supervised CA techniques which is utilized in order to extract suitable, distinct subspaces by exploiting the knowledge of data annotated in terms of different labels. Nevertheless, an inherent difficulty in PLDA variants is the proper initialization of the parameters in order to avoid ending up in poor local maxima. In this light, we propose a novel method to initialize the parameters in PLDA in a consistent and robust way. The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated via a set of experiments on the modified XM2VTS database, which is provided by the authors of the original PLDA model

    Dimensionality reduction of clustered data sets

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    We present a novel probabilistic latent variable model to perform linear dimensionality reduction on data sets which contain clusters. We prove that the maximum likelihood solution of the model is an unsupervised generalisation of linear discriminant analysis. This provides a completely new approach to one of the most established and widely used classification algorithms. The performance of the model is then demonstrated on a number of real and artificial data sets

    Dynamic probabilistic linear discriminant analysis for video classification

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    Component Analysis (CA) comprises of statistical techniques that decompose signals into appropriate latent components, relevant to a task-at-hand (e.g., clustering, segmentation, classification). Recently, an explosion of research in CA has been witnessed, with several novel probabilistic models proposed (e.g., Probabilistic Principal CA, Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA), Probabilistic Canonical Correlation Analysis). PLDA is a popular generative probabilistic CA method, that incorporates knowledge regarding class-labels and furthermore introduces class-specific and sample-specific latent spaces. While PLDA has been shown to outperform several state-of-the-art methods, it is nevertheless a static model; any feature-level temporal dependencies that arise in the data are ignored. As has been repeatedly shown, appropriate modelling of temporal dynamics is crucial for the analysis of temporal data (e.g., videos). In this light, we propose the first, to the best of our knowledge, probabilistic LDA formulation that models dynamics, the so-called Dynamic-PLDA (DPLDA). DPLDA is a generative model suitable for video classification and is able to jointly model the label information (e.g., face identity, consistent over videos of the same subject), as well as dynamic variations of each individual video. Experiments on video classification tasks such as face and facial expression recognition show the efficacy of the proposed metho

    Probabilistic Disease Classification of Expression-Dependent Proteomic Data from Mass Spectrometry of Human Serum

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    We have developed an algorithm called Q5 for probabilistic classification of healthy vs. disease whole serum samples using mass spectrometry. The algorithm employs Principal Components Analysis (PCA) followed by Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) on whole spectrum Surface-Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight (SELDI-TOF) Mass Spectrometry (MS) data, and is demonstrated on four real datasets from complete, complex SELDI spectra of human blood serum. Q5 is a closed-form, exact solution to the problem of classification of complete mass spectra of a complex protein mixture. Q5 employs a novel probabilistic classification algorithm built upon a dimension-reduced linear discriminant analysis. Our solution is computationally efficient; it is non-iterative and computes the optimal linear discriminant using closed-form equations. The optimal discriminant is computed and verified for datasets of complete, complex SELDI spectra of human blood serum. Replicate experiments of different training/testing splits of each dataset are employed to verify robustness of the algorithm. The probabilistic classification method achieves excellent performance. We achieve sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive values above 97% on three ovarian cancer datasets and one prostate cancer dataset. The Q5 method outperforms previous full-spectrum complex sample spectral classification techniques, and can provide clues as to the molecular identities of differentially-expressed proteins and peptides
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