173 research outputs found

    Multi-view dynamic scene modeling

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    Modeling dynamic scenes/events from multiple fixed-location vision sensors, such as video camcorders, infrared cameras, Time-of-Flight sensors etc, is of broad interest in computer vision society, with many applications including 3D TV, virtual reality, medical surgery, markerless motion capture, video games, and security surveillance. However, most of the existing multi-view systems are set up in a strictly controlled indoor environment, with fixed lighting conditions and simple background views. Many challenges are preventing the technology to an outdoor natural environment. These include varying sunlight, shadows, reflections, background motion and visual occlusion. In this thesis, I address different aspects to overcome all of the aforementioned difficulties, so as to reduce human preparation and manipulation, and to make a robust outdoor system as automatic as possible. In particular, the main novel technical contributions of this thesis are as follows: a generic heterogeneous sensor fusion framework for robust 3D shape estimation together; a way to automatically recover 3D shapes of static occluder from dynamic object silhouette cues, which explicitly models the static visual occluding event along the viewing rays; a system to model multiple dynamic objects shapes and track their identities simultaneously, which explicitly models the inter-occluding event between dynamic objects; a scheme to recover an object's dense 3D motion flow over time, without assuming any prior knowledge of the underlying structure of the dynamic object being modeled, which helps to enforce temporal consistency of natural motions and initializes more advanced shape learning and motion analysis. A unified automatic calibration algorithm for the heterogeneous network of conventional cameras/camcorders and new Time-of-Flight sensors is also proposed


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    We present four contributions to visual surveillance: (a) an action recognition method based on the characteristics of human motion in image space; (b) a study of the strengths of five regression techniques for monocular pose estimation that highlights the advantages of kernel PLS; (c) a learning-based method for detecting objects carried by humans requiring minimal annotation; (d) an interactive video segmentation system that reduces supervision by using occlusion and long term spatio-temporal structure information. We propose a representation for human actions that is based solely on motion information and that leverages the characteristics of human movement in the image space. The representation is best suited to visual surveillance settings in which the actions of interest are highly constrained, but also works on more general problems if the actions are ballistic in nature. Our computationally efficient representation achieves good recognition performance on both a commonly used action recognition dataset and on a dataset we collected to simulate a checkout counter. We study discriminative methods for 3D human pose estimation from single images, which build a map from image features to pose. The main difficulty with these methods is the insufficiency of training data due to the high dimensionality of the pose space. However, real datasets can be augmented with data from character animation software, so the scalability of existing approaches becomes important. We argue that Kernel Partial Least Squares approximates Gaussian Process regression robustly, enabling the use of larger datasets, and we show in experiments that kPLS outperforms two state-of-the-art methods based on GP. The high variability in the appearance of carried objects suggests using their relation to the human silhouette to detect them. We adopt a generate-and-test approach that produces candidate regions from protrusion, color contrast and occlusion boundary cues and then filters them with a kernel SVM classifier on context features. Our method exceeds state of the art accuracy and has good generalization capability. We also propose a Multiple Instance Learning framework for the classifier that reduces annotation effort by two orders of magnitude while maintaining comparable accuracy. Finally, we present an interactive video segmentation system that trades off a small amount of segmentation quality for significantly less supervision than necessary in systems in the literature. While applications like video editing could not directly use the output of our system, reasoning about the trajectories of objects in a scene or learning coarse appearance models is still possible. The unsupervised segmentation component at the base of our system effectively employs occlusion boundary cues and achieves competitive results on an unsupervised segmentation dataset. On videos used to evaluate interactive methods, our system requires less interaction time than others, does not rely on appearance information and can extract multiple objects at the same time

    Segmentation multi-vues d'objet

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    There has been a growing interest for multi-camera systems and many interesting works have tried to tackle computer vision problems in this particular configuration. The general objective is to propose new multi-view oriented methods instead of applying limited monocular approaches independently for each viewpoint. The work in this thesis is an attempt to have a better understanding of the multi-view object segmentation problem and to propose an alternative approach making maximum use of the available information from different viewpoints. Multiple view segmentation consists in segmenting objects simultaneously in several views. Classic monocular segmentation approaches reason on a single image and do not benefit from the presence of several viewpoints. A key issue in that respect is to ensure propagation of segmentation information between views while minimizing complexity and computational cost. In this work, we first investigate the idea that examining measurements at the projections of a sparse set of 3D points is sufficient to achieve this goal. The proposed algorithm softly assigns each of these 3D samples to the scene background if it projects on the background region in at least one view, or to the foreground if it projects on foreground region in all views. A complete probabilistic framework is proposed to estimate foreground/background color models and the method is tested on various datasets from state of the art. Two different extensions of the sparse 3D sampling segmentation framework are proposed in two scenarios. In the first, we show the flexibility of the sparse sampling framework, by using variational inference to integrate Gaussian mixture models as appearance models. In the second scenario, we propose a study of how to incorporate depth measurements in multi-view segmentation. We present a quantitative evaluation, showing that typical color-based segmentation robustness issues due to color-space ambiguity between foreground and background, can be at least partially mitigated by using depth, and that multi-view color depth segmentation also improves over monocular color depth segmentation strategies. The various tests also showed the limitations of the proposed 3D sparse sampling approach which was the motivation to propose a new method based on a richer description of image regions using superpixels. This model, that expresses more subtle relationships of the problem trough a graph construction linking superpixels and 3D samples, is one of the contributions of this work. In this new framework, time related information is also integrated. With static views, results compete with state of the art methods but they are achieved with significantly fewer viewpoints. Results on videos demonstrate the benefit of segmentation propagation through geometric and temporal cues. Finally, the last part of the thesis explores the possibilities of tracking in uncalibrated multi-view scenarios. A summary of existing methods in this field is presented, in both mono-camera and multi-camera scenarios. We investigate the potential of using self-similarity matrices to describe and compare motion in the context of multi-view tracking.L'utilisation de systèmes multi-caméras est de plus en plus populaire et il y a un intérêt croissant à résoudre les problèmes de vision par ordinateur dans ce contexte particulier. L'objectif étant de ne pas se limiter à l'application des méthodes monoculaires mais de proposer de nouvelles approches intrinsèquement orientées vers les systèmes multi-caméras. Le travail de cette thèse a pour objectif une meilleure compréhension du problème de segmentation multi-vues, pour proposer une nouvelle approche qui tire meilleur parti de la redondance d'information inhérente à l'utilisation de plusieurs points de vue. La segmentation multi-vues est l'identification de l'objet observé simultanément dans plusieurs caméras et sa séparation de l'arrière-plan. Les approches monoculaires classiques raisonnent sur chaque image de manière indépendante et ne bénéficient pas de la présence de plusieurs points de vue. Une question clé de la segmentation multi-vues réside dans la propagation d'information sur la segmentation entres les images tout en minimisant la complexité et le coût en calcul. Dans ce travail, nous investiguons en premier lieu l'utilisation d'un ensemble épars d'échantillons de points 3D. L'algorithme proposé classe chaque point comme "vide" s'il se projette sur une région du fond et "occupé" s'il se projette sur une région avant-plan dans toutes les vues. Un modèle probabiliste est proposé pour estimer les modèles de couleur de l'avant-plan et de l'arrière-plan, que nous testons sur plusieurs jeux de données de l'état de l'art. Deux extensions du modèle sont proposées. Dans la première, nous montrons la flexibilité de la méthode proposée en intégrant les mélanges de Gaussiennes comme modèles d'apparence. Cette intégration est possible grâce à l'utilisation de l'inférence variationelle. Dans la seconde, nous montrons que le modèle bayésien basé sur les échantillons 3D peut aussi être utilisé si des mesures de profondeur sont présentes. Les résultats de l'évaluation montrent que les problèmes de robustesse, typiquement causés par les ambigüités couleurs entre fond et forme, peuvent être au moins partiellement résolus en utilisant cette information de profondeur. A noter aussi qu'une approche multi-vues reste meilleure qu'une méthode monoculaire utilisant l'information de profondeur. Les différents tests montrent aussi les limitations de la méthode basée sur un échantillonnage éparse. Cela a montré la nécessité de proposer un modèle reposant sur une description plus riche de l'apparence dans les images, en particulier en utilisant les superpixels. L'une des contributions de ce travail est une meilleure modélisation des contraintes grâce à un schéma par coupure de graphes liant les régions d'images aux échantillons 3D. Dans le cas statique, les résultats obtenus rivalisent avec ceux de l'état de l'art mais sont obtenus avec beaucoup moins de points de vue. Les résultats dans le cas dynamique montrent l'intérêt de la propagation de l'information de segmentation à travers la géométrie et le mouvement. Enfin, la dernière partie de cette thèse explore la possibilité d'améliorer le suivi dans les systèmes multi-caméras non calibrés. Un état de l'art sur le suivi monoculaire et multi-caméras est présenté et nous explorons l'utilisation des matrices d'autosimilarité comme moyen de décrire le mouvement et de le comparer entre plusieurs caméras

    Parametric region-based foreround segmentation in planar and multi-view sequences

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    Foreground segmentation in video sequences is an important area of the image processing that attracts great interest among the scientist community, since it makes possible the detection of the objects that appear in the sequences under analysis, and allows us to achieve a correct performance of high level applications which use foreground segmentation as an initial step. The current Ph.D. thesis entitled Parametric Region-Based Foreground Segmentation in Planar and Multi-View Sequences details, in the following pages, the research work carried out within this eld. In this investigation, we propose to use parametric probabilistic models at pixel-wise and region level in order to model the di erent classes that are involved in the classi cation process of the di erent regions of the image: foreground, background and, in some sequences, shadow. The development is presented in the following chapters as a generalization of the techniques proposed for objects segmentation in 2D planar sequences to 3D multi-view environment, where we establish a cooperative relationship between all the sensors that are recording the scene. Hence, di erent scenarios have been analyzed in this thesis in order to improve the foreground segmentation techniques: In the first part of this research, we present segmentation methods appropriate for 2D planar scenarios. We start dealing with foreground segmentation in static camera sequences, where a system that combines pixel-wise background model with region-based foreground and shadow models is proposed in a Bayesian classi cation framework. The research continues with the application of this method to moving camera scenarios, where the Bayesian framework is developed between foreground and background classes, both characterized with region-based models, in order to obtain a robust foreground segmentation for this kind of sequences. The second stage of the research is devoted to apply these 2D techniques to multi-view acquisition setups, where several cameras are recording the scene at the same time. At the beginning of this section, we propose a foreground segmentation system for sequences recorded by means of color and depth sensors, which combines di erent probabilistic models created for the background and foreground classes in each one of the views, by taking into account the reliability that each sensor presents. The investigation goes ahead by proposing foreground segregation methods for multi-view smart room scenarios. In these sections, we design two systems where foreground segmentation and 3D reconstruction are combined in order to improve the results of each process. The proposals end with the presentation of a multi-view segmentation system where a foreground probabilistic model is proposed in the 3D space to gather all the object information that appears in the views. The results presented in each one of the proposals show that the foreground segmentation and also the 3D reconstruction can be improved, in these scenarios, by using parametric probabilistic models for modeling the objects to segment, thus introducing the information of the object in a Bayesian classi cation framework.La segmentaci on de objetos de primer plano en secuencias de v deo es una importante area del procesado de imagen que despierta gran inter es por parte de la comunidad cient ca, ya que posibilita la detecci on de objetos que aparecen en las diferentes secuencias en an alisis, y permite el buen funcionamiento de aplicaciones de alto nivel que utilizan esta segmentaci on obtenida como par ametro de entrada. La presente tesis doctoral titulada Parametric Region-Based Foreground Segmentation in Planar and Multi-View Sequences detalla, en las p aginas que siguen, el trabajo de investigaci on desarrollado en este campo. En esta investigaci on se propone utilizar modelos probabil sticos param etricos a nivel de p xel y a nivel de regi on para modelar las diferentes clases que participan en la clasi caci on de las regiones de la imagen: primer plano, fondo y en seg un que secuencias, las regiones de sombra. El desarrollo se presenta en los cap tulos que siguen como una generalizaci on de t ecnicas propuestas para la segmentaci on de objetos en secuencias 2D mono-c amara, al entorno 3D multi-c amara, donde se establece la cooperaci on de los diferentes sensores que participan en la grabaci on de la escena. De esta manera, diferentes escenarios han sido estudiados con el objetivo de mejorar las t ecnicas de segmentaci on para cada uno de ellos: En la primera parte de la investigaci on, se presentan m etodos de segmentaci on para escenarios monoc amara. Concretamente, se comienza tratando la segmentaci on de primer plano para c amara est atica, donde se propone un sistema completo basado en la clasi caci on Bayesiana entre el modelo a nivel de p xel de nido para modelar el fondo, y los modelos a nivel de regi on creados para modelar los objetos de primer plano y la sombra que cada uno de ellos proyecta. La investigaci on prosigue con la aplicaci on de este m etodo a secuencias grabadas mediante c amara en movimiento, donde la clasi caci on Bayesiana se plantea entre las clases de fondo y primer plano, ambas caracterizadas con modelos a nivel de regi on, con el objetivo de obtener una segmentaci on robusta para este tipo de secuencias. La segunda parte de la investigaci on, se centra en la aplicaci on de estas t ecnicas mono-c amara a entornos multi-vista, donde varias c amaras graban conjuntamente la misma escena. Al inicio de dicho apartado, se propone una segmentaci on de primer plano en secuencias donde se combina una c amara de color con una c amara de profundidad en una clasi caci on que combina los diferentes modelos probabil sticos creados para el fondo y el primer plano en cada c amara, a partir de la fi abilidad que presenta cada sensor. La investigaci on prosigue proponiendo m etodos de segmentaci on de primer plano para entornos multi-vista en salas inteligentes. En estos apartados se diseñan dos sistemas donde la segmentaci on de primer plano y la reconstrucci on 3D se combinan para mejorar los resultados de cada uno de estos procesos. Las propuestas fi nalizan con la presentaci on de un sistema de segmentaci on multi-c amara donde se centraliza la informaci on del objeto a segmentar mediante el diseño de un modelo probabil stico 3D. Los resultados presentados en cada uno de los sistemas, demuestran que la segmentacion de primer plano y la reconstrucci on 3D pueden verse mejorados en estos escenarios mediante el uso de modelos probabilisticos param etricos para modelar los objetos a segmentar, introduciendo as la informaci on disponible del objeto en un marco de clasi caci on Bayesiano
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