25 research outputs found

    Charactheristics Of Wear Of Roller Tyres On Grinding Roll Vertical Raw Mill

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    Raw mill is one of the main parts of the cement-making process where there is a process of grinding limestone, silica rock, clay, and iron ore into the raw mix. This grinding process is carried out by a roller tyre which is rotated by a table due to the hydraulic force from the motor being driven electric current. The raw mill has four main functions, namely milling, drying, which is assisted by a pre-heater and hot temperatures from the kiln, separation, and transportion. The process of grinding limestone and other materials into the desired micron size is carried out by four roller tyres, at the same time there is wear occured on the four roller tyres caused by people, materials, methods, and the machine itself. The research aims is to determine the wear characteristics of roller tyres in raw mill. Non-experimental research approach was used and a descriptive methods was used in which is to observe, analyze, describe, to obtain information. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that at the measurement point of 0 mm - 700 mm, the highest roller tyre wear occurred at the point was 500 mm with a wear depth of 17 mm. Based on the calculation of the four roller tyres running hours, the results are that the roller tyre 2 has the shortest running hours among the other four roller tyres with an average running hour of 585.21 hours, and the roller tyre 4 has the highest running hours with an average running hours of 1874.55 hours. Based on research conducted, the highest wear on the four roller tyres was occured on roller tyre 2 with an average wear of 70,329.7 mm³/hour and the roller tyre with the lowest wear was roller tyre 4 with an average wear of 13,369.4 mm³/hour. To investigate wear on the four roller tyres was uniform or not, Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted. The significance value of the Kruskal-Wallis test was 0.076, which means that there was not significant difference in the wear on the four roller tyres. Keywords: Roller tyre, Running hours, Measuring point, wear, Kruskal-wallis test, raw mill

    An Overview of the Running Performance of Athletes with Lower-Limb Amputation at the Paralympic Games 2004–2012

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    This paper analyses the performances of lower-limb amputees in the 100, 200 and 400 m running events from the 2004, 2008 and 2012 Paralympic Games. In this paper, four hypotheses are pursued. In the first, it investigates whether the running performance of lower-limb amputees over three consecutive Paralympic Games has changed. In the second, it asks whether a bi-lateral amputee has a competitive advantage over a uni-lateral amputee. In the third, the effect of blade classification has been considered and we attempt to see whether amputees in various classifications have different level of performance. Finally, it is considered whether the final round of competition obtains different levels of performance in comparison to the qualification heats. Based on the outcomes of these investigations, it is proposed that future amputee-based running events should be undertaken with separate and not combined events for the T42, T43 and T44 classifications at the Paralympic Games

    Inferring structure and parameters of dynamic system models simultaneously using swarm intelligence approaches

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    Open Access via the Springer Compact Agreement This research is funded by Elphinstone Scholarship provided by University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Correlation among job-induced stress, overall well-being, and cardiovascular risk in Italian workers of logistics and distribution

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    Introduction: Work-related stress is an occupational risk that has been linked to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). While previous studies have explored this association in various work contexts, none have focused specifically on logistics and distribution personnel. These workers may be exposed to significant job stress, which potentially increases the risk of CVD. Methods: In this study, we aimed to examine the relationship between work-related stress and cardiovascular risk in a sample of 413 healthy workers of a logistics and distribution company. To assess work-related stress and cardiovascular risk, we used the organisational well-being questionnaire proposed by the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority, the Framingham Heart Study General Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Prediction Score and the WHO General Wellbeing Index (WHO-5). Results: Our results revealed that individuals with low job support had a significantly higher CVD risk score and lower well-being index than those reporting high job support. Furthermore, workers with high-stress tasks showed higher well-being index scores than those with passive tasks. Approximately 58% of the subjects were classified as low CVD risk (CVD risk <10%), approximately 31% were classified as moderate risk (CVD risk between 10 and 20%) and 11% were considered high risk (CVD risk >20%). The overall median CVD risk for the population was moderate (6.9%), with individual scores ranging from 1 to 58%. Discussion: Further analyses confirmed the protective effect of work support, also identifying physical inactivity, regular alcohol consumption and low educational level as factors contributing to an increased risk of CVD. Interestingly, factors such as job control and work support demonstrated a positive impact on psychological well-being. These results emphasise the importance of intervention strategies aimed at promoting health in the workplace. By addressing these combined factors, organisations can effectively reduce the risk of CVD and improve the general well-being of their workforce

    Innovation strategy in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the context of growth and recession indicators

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    The implementation of innovation strategies in SMEs is subjected to changes in the economic cycle. The reliability of economic trend indicators varies according to economic trends. The author deals with the relationship between selected business cycle survey indicators and time periods that correspond to the different phases of the economic cycle between the years 2003-2017. The aim of the article is to find out whether selected business cycle surveys indicators are equally reliable across the economic cycle. To solve the problem, first, the consensus of a selected business cycle surveys indicator and the performance of the mechanical engineering industry were evaluated, and then, the results were put into the context of the time period and tested with nonparametric ANOVA. The results show that the selected indicator was more reliable in periods of growth and less reliable in downturns, which is a signal for SMEs as to how to interpret the business cycle surveys. The use of future development assessments provides important information for businesses that make investment decisions and help them think over funding for innovation. © 2019 by the authors

    The Use of Social Media and Its Impact on Shopping Behavior of Slovak and Italian Consumers during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The coronavirus crisis hit the world and affected all aspects of our lives, including consumers’ habits, preferences, and shopping behaviors. The survey, which involved 937 respondents from two countries, examined how the pandemic affected shopping behavior and consumer preferences in Italy and Slovakia. This paper aims to explore the impact of social media on consumer behavior, more specifically, it examines the influence of social media on the preference of specific e-shops during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used to determine a statistically significant relationship between the variables and the Mann–Whitney U test and the Kruskal–Wallis H test to assess the significance of differences between respondents in terms of demographic characteristics (residence, age, and gender). The results revealed the existence of statistically significant differences in the use of social media during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of various demographic factors as well as a relatively weak relationship between the social media used and the purchase in the e-shop promoted on the social media

    Correlation among job-induced stress, overall well-being, and cardiovascular risk in Italian workers of logistics and distribution

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    IntroductionWork-related stress is an occupational risk that has been linked to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). While previous studies have explored this association in various work contexts, none have focused specifically on logistics and distribution personnel. These workers may be exposed to significant job stress, which potentially increases the risk of CVD.MethodsIn this study, we aimed to examine the relationship between work-related stress and cardiovascular risk in a sample of 413 healthy workers of a logistics and distribution company. To assess work-related stress and cardiovascular risk, we used the organisational well-being questionnaire proposed by the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority, the Framingham Heart Study General Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Prediction Score and the WHO General Wellbeing Index (WHO-5).ResultsOur results revealed that individuals with low job support had a significantly higher CVD risk score and lower well-being index than those reporting high job support. Furthermore, workers with high-stress tasks showed higher well-being index scores than those with passive tasks. Approximately 58% of the subjects were classified as low CVD risk (CVD risk <10%), approximately 31% were classified as moderate risk (CVD risk between 10 and 20%) and 11% were considered high risk (CVD risk >20%). The overall median CVD risk for the population was moderate (6.9%), with individual scores ranging from 1 to 58%.DiscussionFurther analyses confirmed the protective effect of work support, also identifying physical inactivity, regular alcohol consumption and low educational level as factors contributing to an increased risk of CVD. Interestingly, factors such as job control and work support demonstrated a positive impact on psychological well-being. These results emphasise the importance of intervention strategies aimed at promoting health in the workplace. By addressing these combined factors, organisations can effectively reduce the risk of CVD and improve the general well-being of their workforce

    Evaluation of project management practices in the automotive original equipment manufacturers

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    This paper aims at understanding the current perceptions related to the Project Management (PM) practices in the automotive sector. To this end, a questionnaire is administrated to professionals and data are analyzed via the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results show that the ICT function is poorly oriented to PM, especially for professionals with longer experience. On the contrary, the logistics function might exploit the benefits of PM tools. PM is also considered a lever for increasing the firm's reputation. This work demonstrates that PM is a challenge for future developments of organizations and it shows its importance in the automotive industry that involves increasingly complex projects

    Evaluation of Project Management Practices in the Automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers

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    Abstract This paper aims at understanding the current perceptions related to the Project Management (PM) practices in the automotive sector. To this end, a questionnaire is administrated to professionals and data are analyzed via the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results show that the ICT function is poorly oriented to PM, especially for professionals with longer experience. On the contrary, the logistics function might exploit the benefits of PM tools. PM is also considered a lever for increasing the firm's reputation. This work demonstrates that PM is a challenge for future developments of organizations and it shows its importance in the automotive industry that involves increasingly complex projects

    Estudio descriptivo comparativo de motivación laboral docente de tres instituciones educativas, Chincheros. Apurímac 2021

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    El presente estudio titulado “Estudio descriptivo comparativo de motivación laboral docente de tres instituciones educativas, Chincheros. Apurímac, 2021”, tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar y comparar el nivel de motivación laboral docente en tres instituciones educativas, Chincheros, Apurímac 2021. De enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicado, de nivel descriptivo-comparativo, de método hipotético-deductivo, de diseño no experimental, de corte transeccional. Además, la población estuvo conformado por 98 docentes y como muestra se consideró a todos los que conforman la población, en tal sentido la muestra posee un carácter censal, como técnica de recolección de datos se seleccionó a la encuesta y como instrumento al cuestionario, el cual contiene 27 ítems, validado por expertos y determinado su grado de confiabilidad por el coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados obtenidos con la prueba H de Kruskal-Wallis muestran que la institución educativa Nuestra Señora del Carmen posee ligeramente un rango promedio mayor a las otras (52.14), además, con un grado de significancia de 0,826 mayor a 0,05 no se rechazó la hipótesis nula y se concluyó que no existen diferencias significativas de motivación laboral docente en tres instituciones educativas Chincheros, Apurímac, 2021