5,766 research outputs found

    Encryption’s Importance to Economic and Infrastructure Security

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    Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen var att utreda om network coopetition, samarbete mellan konkurrerande aktörer, kan öka värdeskapandet inom hälso- och sjukvården. Inom hälso- och sjukvården är network coopetition ett ämne som fått liten uppmärksamhet i tidigare studier. För att besvara syftet utvecklades en modell för network coopetition inom hälso- och sjukvården. Modellen applicerades sedan på en del av vårdkedjan för patienter i behov av neurokirurgisk vård. Resultaten från avhandlingen visar att: (1) Förutsättningarna för network coopetition i vårdkedjan för patienter i behov av neurokirurgisk vård är uppfyllda. (2) Det finns exempel på horisontell network coopetition i den studerade vårdkedjan. (3) Det existerar en diskrepans mellan hur aktörerna  ser  på  sitt  eget  och  de  andra  aktörernas  värdeskapande. (4)  Värdeskapandet bör utvärderas som ett gemensamt system där hänsyn tas till alla aktörer och utvärderas på process- nivå där hänsyn tas till alla intressenter. Dessa resultat leder fram till den övergripande slutsatsen är att network coopetition bör kunna öka värdeskapandet för högspecialiserade vårdkedjor med en stor andel inomlänspatienter.The overall purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether network coopetition, cooperation between competitive actors, can increase the value creation within the health care system. Within health care, network coopetition is a subject granted little attention in previous research. To fulfil the purpose a model for network coopetition within the health care system was developed. The model was the applied to one part of the chain of care for patients in need of neurosurgery. The results from this thesis show: (1) The conditions for network coopetition in the chain of care for patients in need of neurosurgery are fulfilled. (2) Examples of horizontal network coopetition have been found in the studied chain of care. (3) There is an existing discrepancy between how each actor recognizes its own and the other actors’ value creation. (4) The value creation ought to be evaluated as a common system where all actors are taken into account and at a process level where all stakeholders are considered. These results supports the final conclusion that network coopetition ought to be able to increase the value creation for highly specialized chain of cares with a large share of within-county patients

    A Survey of RFID Authentication Protocols Based on Hash-Chain Method

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    Security and privacy are the inherent problems in RFID communications. There are several protocols have been proposed to overcome those problems. Hash chain is commonly employed by the protocols to improve security and privacy for RFID authentication. Although the protocols able to provide specific solution for RFID security and privacy problems, they fail to provide integrated solution. This article is a survey to closely observe those protocols in terms of its focus and limitations.Comment: Third ICCIT 2008 International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technolog

    Lex Informatica: The Formulation of Information Policy Rules through Technology

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    Historically, law and government regulation have established default rules for information policy, including constitutional rules on freedom of expression and statutory rights of ownership of information. This Article will show that for network environments and the Information Society, however, law and government regulation are not the only source of rule-making. Technological capabilities and system design choices impose rules on participants. The creation and implementation of information policy are embedded in network designs and standards as well as in system configurations. Even user preferences and technical choices create overarching, local default rules. This Article argues, in essence, that the set of rules for information flows imposed by technology and communication networks form a “Lex Informatica” that policymakers must understand, consciously recognize, and encourage

    A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network Security

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently attracted a lot of interest in the research community due their wide range of applications. Due to distributed nature of these networks and their deployment in remote areas, these networks are vulnerable to numerous security threats that can adversely affect their proper functioning. This problem is more critical if the network is deployed for some mission-critical applications such as in a tactical battlefield. Random failure of nodes is also very likely in real-life deployment scenarios. Due to resource constraints in the sensor nodes, traditional security mechanisms with large overhead of computation and communication are infeasible in WSNs. Security in sensor networks is, therefore, a particularly challenging task. This paper discusses the current state of the art in security mechanisms for WSNs. Various types of attacks are discussed and their countermeasures presented. A brief discussion on the future direction of research in WSN security is also included.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Supply Chain Security Using RSA Algorithm

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    The success of supply chain depends greatly on how its information technology is used. Over the years the rate at which supply chain sensitive information is sent over the internet and network has increased drastically. It is for this reason that every company wants to ensure that its supply chain information is secured because large volume of sensitive information is sent over the internet on daily basis. This has created room for this information to be properly secure so that unauthorized user cannot gain access to such sensitive information. There is need for supply chain information to be transmitted via the internet and computer networks to be protected. The integrity of supply chain information can be secured by using appropriate data security technology. The aims of this thesis were to focus on supply chain security and how supply chain information sent through the computer network and internet can be secured using RSA technique. The thesis elucidates on the limitations of RSA algorithm and how these limitations can be overcome. The methods used in this thesis are information derived from secondary source materials made up of journal articles, conference proceedings, textbooks and good websites source. In this thesis, it was showed that supply chain security powered with RSA techniques was very important in supply chain management. In conclusion, 2048 bits or more bits RSA are recommended for better supply chain security

    The legality of online Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

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    L’utilisation d’Internet prend beaucoup d’ampleur depuis quelques années et le commerce électronique connaît une hausse considérable. Nous pouvons présentement acheter facilement via Internet sans quitter notre domicile et avons accès à d’innombrables sources d’information. Cependant, la navigation sur Internet permet également la création de bases de données détaillées décrivant les habitudes de chaque utilisateur, informations ensuite utilisées par des tiers afin de cerner le profil de leur clientèle cible, ce qui inquiète plusieurs intervenants. Les informations concernant un individu peuvent être récoltées par l’interception de données transactionnelles, par l’espionnage en ligne, ainsi que par l’enregistrement d’adresses IP. Afin de résoudre les problèmes de vie privée et de s’assurer que les commerçants respectent la législation applicable en la matière, ainsi que les exigences mises de l’avant par la Commission européenne, plusieurs entreprises comme Zero-knowledge Systems Inc. et Anonymizer.com offrent des logiciels permettant la protection de la vie privée en ligne (privacy-enhancing technologies ou PETs). Ces programmes utilisent le cryptage d’information, une méthode rendant les données illisibles pour tous à l’exception du destinataire. L’objectif de la technologie utilisée a été de créer des systèmes mathématiques rigoureux pouvant empêcher la découverte de l’identité de l’auteur même par le plus déterminé des pirates, diminuant ainsi les risques de vol d’information ou la divulgation accidentelle de données confidentielles. Malgré le fait que ces logiciels de protection de la vie privée permettent un plus grand respect des Directives européennes en la matière, une analyse plus approfondie du sujet témoigne du fait que ces technologies pourraient être contraires aux lois concernant le cryptage en droit canadien, américain et français.The use of the Internet has spread widely in the past few years and commerce on the World Wide Web has boomed. We are now able to buy products easily from home over the Internet and have access to all kinds of information sources. The well-known concern is that browsing the Internet has created detailed databases describing each user's browsing patterns and that third parties are now able to assemble comprehensive profiles about online users. Information about the user is gathered through the collection of transactional data, Internet tracking, and tracking IP addresses. In order to solve privacy problems and make sure companies are obligated to comply with privacy laws, or more specifically with the standards established by the European Commission, many companies, like Zero-knowledge Systems Inc. and Anonymizer.com, are marketing privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) in order to protect and assure the privacy of the individual in the digital world. These privacy-enhancing technologies use a method called encryption, which scrambles the data, making it illegible to everyone except the intended recipient. The goal has been to create mathematically rigorous systems that will prevent even the most determined attackers from discovering the user's identity, therefore significantly reducing the risk of data theft or accidental leaks of sensitive information from the Internet user’s computer. While these online privacy software do help to protect the privacy of the Internet users in making sure that data collectors comply with the European Privacy Directives, a further analysis may determine that they are illegal according to Canadian, American or French encryption control laws and regulations

    Supporting Regularized Logistic Regression Privately and Efficiently

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    As one of the most popular statistical and machine learning models, logistic regression with regularization has found wide adoption in biomedicine, social sciences, information technology, and so on. These domains often involve data of human subjects that are contingent upon strict privacy regulations. Increasing concerns over data privacy make it more and more difficult to coordinate and conduct large-scale collaborative studies, which typically rely on cross-institution data sharing and joint analysis. Our work here focuses on safeguarding regularized logistic regression, a widely-used machine learning model in various disciplines while at the same time has not been investigated from a data security and privacy perspective. We consider a common use scenario of multi-institution collaborative studies, such as in the form of research consortia or networks as widely seen in genetics, epidemiology, social sciences, etc. To make our privacy-enhancing solution practical, we demonstrate a non-conventional and computationally efficient method leveraging distributing computing and strong cryptography to provide comprehensive protection over individual-level and summary data. Extensive empirical evaluation on several studies validated the privacy guarantees, efficiency and scalability of our proposal. We also discuss the practical implications of our solution for large-scale studies and applications from various disciplines, including genetic and biomedical studies, smart grid, network analysis, etc
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