102 research outputs found

    Efficient, DoS-Resistant, Secure Key Exchange for Internet Protocols

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    We describe JFK, a new key exchange protocol, primarily designed for use in the IP Security Architecture. It is simple, efficient, and secure; we sketch a proof of the latter property. JFK also has a number of novel engineering parameters that permit a variety of trade-offs, most notably the ability to balance the need for perfect forward secrecy against susceptibility to denial-of-service attacks

    Do we need to change some things? Open questions posed by the upcoming post-quantum migration to existing standards and deployments

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    Cryptographic algorithms are vital components ensuring the privacy and security of computer systems. They have constantly improved and evolved over the years following new developments, attacks, breaks, and lessons learned. A recent example is that of quantum-resistant cryptography, which has gained a lot of attention in the last decade and is leading to new algorithms being standardized today. These algorithms, however, present a real challenge: they come with strikingly different size and performance characteristics than their classical counterparts. At the same time, common foundational aspects of our transport protocols have lagged behind as the Internet remains a very diverse space in which different use-cases and parts of the world have different needs. This vision paper motivates more research and possible standards updates related to the upcoming quantum-resistant cryptography migration. It stresses the importance of amplification reflection attacks and congestion control concerns in transport protocols and presents research and standardization takeaways for assessing the impact and the efficacy of potential countermeasures. It emphasizes the need to go beyond the standardization of key encapsulation mechanisms in order to address the numerous protocols and deployments of public-key encryption while avoiding pitfalls. Finally, it motivates the critical need for research in anonymous credentials and blind signatures at the core of numerous deployments and standardization efforts aimed at providing privacy-preserving trust signals

    LDAKM-EIoT: Lightweight Device Authentication and Key Management Mechanism for Edge-Based IoT Deployment

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    In recent years, edge computing has emerged as a new concept in the computing paradigm that empowers several future technologies, such as 5G, vehicle-to-vehicle communications, and the Internet of Things (IoT), by providing cloud computing facilities, as well as services to the end users. However, open communication among the entities in an edge based IoT environment makes it vulnerable to various potential attacks that are executed by an adversary. Device authentication is one of the prominent techniques in security that permits an IoT device to authenticate mutually with a cloud server with the help of an edge node. If authentication is successful, they establish a session key between them for secure communication. To achieve this goal, a novel device authentication and key management mechanism for the edge based IoT environment, called the lightweight authentication and key management scheme for the edge based IoT environment (LDAKM-EIoT), was designed. The detailed security analysis and formal security verification conducted by the widely used Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) tool prove that the proposed LDAKM-EIoT is secure against several attack vectors that exist in the infrastructure of the edge based IoT environment. The elaborated comparative analysis of the proposed LDAKM-EIoT and different closely related schemes provides evidence that LDAKM-EIoT is more secure with less communication and computation costs. Finally, the network performance parameters are calculated and analyzed using the NS2 simulation to demonstrate the practical facets of the proposed LDAKM-EIoT

    Privacy-Aware Authentication in the Internet of Things

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    Besides the opportunities o ered by the all-embracing Internet of Things (IoT) technology, it also poses a tremendous threat to the privacy of the carriers of these devices. In this work, we build upon the idea of an RFID-based IoT realized by means of standardized and well-established Internet protocols. In particular, we demonstrate how the Internet Protocol Security protocol suite (IPsec) can be applied in a privacy-aware manner. Therefore, we introduce a privacy-aware mutual authentication protocol compatible with restrictions imposed by the IPsec standard and analyze its privacy and security properties. In order do so, we revisit and adapt the RFID privacy model (HPVP) of Hermans et al. (ESORICS\u2711). With this work, we show that privacy in the IoT can be achieved without relying on proprietary protocols and on the basis of existing Internet standards

    Securing Handover in Wireless IP Networks

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    In wireless and mobile networks, handover is a complex process that involves multiple layers of protocol and security executions. With the growing popularity of real time communication services such as Voice of IP, a great challenge faced by handover nowadays comes from the impact of security implementations that can cause performance degradation especially for mobile devices with limited resources. Given the existing networks with heterogeneous wireless access technologies, one essential research question that needs be addressed is how to achieve a balance between security and performance during the handover. The variations of security policy and agreement among different services and network vendors make the topic challenging even more, due to the involvement of commercial and social factors. In order to understand the problems and challenges in this field, we study the properties of handover as well as state of the art security schemes to assist handover in wireless IP networks. Based on our analysis, we define a two-phase model to identify the key procedures of handover security in wireless and mobile networks. Through the model we analyze the performance impact from existing security schemes in terms of handover completion time, throughput, and Quality of Services (QoS). As our endeavor of seeking a balance between handover security and performance, we propose the local administrative domain as a security enhanced localized domain to promote the handover performance. To evaluate the performance improvement in local administrative domain, we implement the security protocols adopted by our proposal in the ns-2 simulation environment and analyze the measurement results based on our simulation test

    Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key Exchange: Stronger Privacy and Generic Constructions

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    Authenticated key-exchange (AKE) protocols are an important class of protocols that allow two parties to establish a common session key over an insecure channel such as the Internet to then protect their communication. They are widely deployed in security protocols such as TLS, IPsec and SSH. Besides the confidentiality of the communicated data, an orthogonal but increasingly important goal is the protection of the confidentiality of the identities of the involved parties (aka privacy). For instance, the Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) mechanism for TLS 1.3 has been designed for exactly this reason. Recently, a series of works (Zhao CCS\u2716, Arfaoui et al. PoPETS\u2719, Schäge et al. PKC\u2720) studied privacy guarantees of (existing) AKE protocols by integrating privacy into AKE models. We observe that these so called privacy-preserving AKE (PPAKE) models are typically strongly tailored to the specific setting, i.e., concrete protocols they investigate. Moreover, the privacy guarantees in these models might be too weak (or even are non-existent) when facing active adversaries. In this work we set the goal to provide a single PPAKE model that captures privacy guarantees against different types of attacks, thereby covering previously proposed notions as well as so far not achieved privacy guarantees. In doing so, we obtain different degrees of privacy within a single model, which, in its strongest forms also capture privacy guarantees against powerful active adversaries. We then proceed to investigate (generic) constructions of AKE protocols that provide strong privacy guarantees in our PPAKE model. This includes classical Diffie-Hellman type protocols as well as protocols based on generic building blocks, thus covering post-quantum instantiations

    Efficient signature verification and key revocation using identity based cryptography

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    Cryptography deals with the development and evaluation of procedures for securing digital information. It is essential whenever multiple entities want to communicate safely. One task of cryptography concerns digital signatures and the verification of a signer’s legitimacy requires trustworthy authentication and authorization. This is achieved by deploying cryptographic keys. When dynamic membership behavior and identity theft come into play, revocation of keys has to be addressed. Additionally, in use cases with limited networking, computational, or storage resources, efficiency is a key requirement for any solution. In this work we present a solution for signature verification and key revocation in constraned environments, e.g., in the Internet of Things (IoT). Where other mechanisms generate expensive overheads, we achieve revocation through a single multicast message without significant computational or storage overhead. Exploiting Identity Based Cryptography (IBC) complements the approach with efficient creation and verification of signatures. Our solution offers a framework for transforming a suitable signature scheme to a so-called Key Updatable Signature Scheme (KUSS) in three steps. Each step defines mathematical conditions for transformation and precise security notions. Thereby, the framework allows a novel combination of efficient Identity Based Signature (IBS) schemes with revocation mechanisms originally designed for confidentiality in group communications. Practical applicability of our framework is demonstrated by transforming four well-established IBS schemes based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). The security of the resulting group Identity Based Signature (gIBS) schemes is carefully analyzed with techniques of Provable Security. We design and implement a testbed for evaluating these kind of cryptographic schemes on different computing- and networking hardware, typical for constrained environments. Measurements on this testbed provide evidence that the transformations are practicable and efficient. The revocation complexity in turn is significantly reduced compared to existing solutions. Some of our new schemes even outperform the signing process of the widely used Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). The presented transformations allow future application on schemes beyond IBS or ECC. This includes use cases dealing with Post-Quantum Cryptography, where the revocation efficiency is similarly relevant. Our work provides the basis for such solutions currently under investigation.Die Kryptographie ist ein Instrument der Informationssicherheit und beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Algorithmen zur Sicherung digitaler Werte. Sie ist für die sichere Kommunikation zwischen mehreren Entitäten unerlässlich. Ein Bestandteil sind digitale Signaturen, für deren Erstellung man kryptographische Schlüssel benötigt. Bei der Verifikation muss zusätzlich die Authentizität und die Autorisierung des Unterzeichners gewährleistet werden. Dafür müssen Schlüssel vertrauensvoll verteilt und verwaltet werden. Wenn sie in Kommunikationssystemen mit häufig wechselnden Teilnehmern zum Einsatz kommen, müssen die Schlüssel auch widerruflich sein. In Anwendungsfällen mit eingeschränkter Netz-, Rechen- und Speicherkapazität ist die Effizienz ein wichtiges Kriterium. Diese Arbeit liefert ein Rahmenwerk, mit dem Schlüssel effizient widerrufen und Signaturen effizient verifiziert werden können. Dabei fokussieren wir uns auf Szenarien aus dem Bereich des Internets der Dinge (IoT, Internet of Things). Im Gegensatz zu anderen Lösungen ermöglicht unser Ansatz den Widerruf von Schlüsseln mit einer einzelnen Nachricht innerhalb einer Kommunikationsgruppe. Dabei fällt nur geringer zusätzlicher Rechen- oder Speicheraufwand an. Ferner vervollständigt die Verwendung von Identitätsbasierter Kryptographie (IBC, Identity Based Cryptography) unsere Lösung mit effizienter Erstellung und Verifikation der Signaturen. Hierfür liefert die Arbeit eine dreistufige mathematische Transformation von geeigneten Signaturverfahren zu sogenannten Key Updatable Signature Schemes (KUSS). Neben einer präzisen Definition der Sicherheitsziele werden für jeden Schritt mathematische Vorbedingungen zur Transformation festgelegt. Dies ermöglicht die innovative Kombination von Identitätsbasierten Signaturen (IBS, Identity Based Signature) mit effizienten und sicheren Mechanismen zum Schlüsselaustausch, die ursprünglich für vertrauliche Gruppenkommunikation entwickelt wurden. Wir zeigen die erfolgreiche Anwendung der Transformationen auf vier etablierten IBSVerfahren. Die ausschließliche Verwendung von Verfahren auf Basis der Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) erlaubt es, den geringen Kapazitäten der Zielgeräte gerecht zu werden. Eine Analyse aller vier sogenannten group Identity Based Signature (gIBS) Verfahren mit Techniken aus dem Forschungsgebiet der Beweisbaren Sicherheit zeigt, dass die zuvor definierten Sicherheitsziele erreicht werden. Zur praktischen Evaluierung unserer und ähnlicher kryptographischer Verfahren wird in dieser Arbeit eine Testumgebung entwickelt und mit IoT-typischen Rechen- und Netzmodulen bestückt. Hierdurch zeigt sich sowohl die praktische Anwendbarkeit der Transformationen als auch eine deutliche Reduktion der Komplexität gegenüber anderen Lösungsansätzen. Einige der von uns vorgeschlagenen Verfahren unterbieten gar die Laufzeiten des meistgenutzten Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) bei der Erstellung der Signaturen. Die Systematik der Lösung erlaubt prinzipiell auch die Transformation von Verfahren jenseits von IBS und ECC. Dadurch können auch Anwendungsfälle aus dem Bereich der Post-Quanten-Kryptographie von unseren Ergebnissen profitieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert die nötigen Grundlagen für solche Erweiterungen, die aktuell diskutiert und entwickelt werden

    PQ-HPKE: Post-Quantum Hybrid Public Key Encryption

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    Public key cryptography is used to asymmetrically establish keys, authenticate or encrypt data between communicating parties at a relatively high performance cost. To reduce computational overhead, modern network protocols combine asymmetric primitives for key establishment and authentication with symmetric ones. Similarly, Hybrid Public Key Encryption, a relatively new scheme, uses public key cryptography for key derivation and symmetric key cryptography for data encryption. In this paper, we present the first quantum-resistant implementation of HPKE to address concerns that quantum computers bring to asymmetric algorithms. We propose PQ-only and PQ-hybrid HPKE variants and analyze their performance for two post-quantum key encapsulation mechanisms and various plaintext sizes. We compare these variants with RSA and classical HPKE and show that the additional post-quantum overhead is amortized over the plaintext size. Our PQ-hybrid variant with a lattice-based KEM shows an overhead of 52% for 1KB of encrypted data which is reduced to 17% for 1MB of plaintext. We report 1.83, 1.78, and 2.15 x10^6 clock cycles needed for encrypting 1MB of message based on classical, PQ-only, and PQ-hybrid HPKE respectively, where we note that the cost of introducing quantum-resistance to HPKE is relatively low

    Authentication in Protected Core Networking

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    Protected Core Networking (PCN) is a concept that aims to increase information sharing between nations in coalition military operations. PCN specifies the interconnection of national transport networks, called Protected Core Segments (PCSs), to a federated transport network called Protected Core (PCore). PCore is intended to deliver high availability differentiated transport services to its user networks, called Colored Clouds (CCs). To achieve this goal, entity authentication of all connecting entities is specified as a protective measure. In resource constrained environments, the distribution of service policy can be challenging. That is, which transport services are associated with a given entity. The thesis proposes two new and original protocols where CCs push service policy to the network by performing authentication based on attributes. Using identity-based signatures, attributes constituting a service policy are used directly for an entity's identity, and no external mechanism linking identity and policy is needed. For interoperability, the idea has been incorporated into PKINIT Kerberos and symmetric key Kerberos by carrying the authorized attributes within tickets. The proposed protocols are formally verified in the symbolic model using scyther-proof. The experiment shows that both CCs, and PCSs achieve greater assurance on agreed attributes, and hence on expected service delivery. A CC and a visiting PCS are able to negotiate, and agree on the expected service depending on the situation. The proposed solution provides benefits to CCs on expected service when connecting to a visiting PCS, with poor connectivity to the home PCS. In that respect, interconnection of entities with little pre-established relationship is simplified, and hence fulfillment of the PCN concept is facilitated
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