6 research outputs found

    Improving privacy in identity management systems for health care scenarios

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    Privacy is a very complex and subjective concept with different meaning to different people. The meaning depends on the context. Moreover, privacy is close to the user information and thus, present in any ubiquitous computing scenario. In the context of identity management (IdM), privacy is gaining more importance since IdM systems deal with services that requires sharing attributes belonging to users’ identity with different entities across domains. Consequently, privacy is a fundamental aspect to be addressed by IdM to protect the exchange of user attributes between services and identity providers across different networks and security domains in pervasive computing. However, problems such as the effective revocation consent, have not been fully addressed. Furthermore, privacy depends heavily on users and applications requiring some degree of flexibility. This paper analyzes the main current identity models, as well as the privacy support presented by the identity management frameworks. After the main limitations are identified, we propose a delegation protocol for the SAML standard in order to enhance the revocation consent within healthcare scenarios.Proyecto CCG10-UC3M/TIC-4992 de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid y la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    An Event Driven Hybrid Identity Management Approach to Privacy Enhanced e-Health

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    Credential-based authorization offers interesting advantages for ubiquitous scenarios involving limited devices such as sensors and personal mobile equipment: the verification can be done locally; it offers a more reduced computational cost than its competitors for issuing, storing, and verification; and it naturally supports rights delegation. The main drawback is the revocation of rights. Revocation requires handling potentially large revocation lists, or using protocols to check the revocation status, bringing extra communication costs not acceptable for sensors and other limited devices. Moreover, the effective revocation consent—considered as a privacy rule in sensitive scenarios—has not been fully addressed.This paper proposes an event-based mechanism empowering a new concept, the sleepyhead credentials, which allows to substitute time constraints and explicit revocation by activating and deactivating authorization rights according to events. Our approach is to integrate this concept in IdM systems in a hybrid model supporting delegation, which can be an interesting alternative for scenarios where revocation of consent and user privacy are critical. The delegation includes a SAML compliant protocol, which we have validated through a proof-of-concept implementation. This article also explains the mathematical model describing the event-based model and offers estimations of the overhead introduced by the system. The paper focus on health care scenarios, where we show the flexibility of the proposed event-based user consent revocation mechanism.This work was partially founded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the project TEC2010-20572-C02-01 (CONSEQUENCE) and by the State of Madrid (Spain) under the contract number S2009/TIC-1650 (e-Madrid). Moreover, the authors would like to thank to the anonymous referees for comments and recommendations for the paper improvement

    Towards a user centric model for identity and access management within the online environment

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    Today, one is expected to remember multiple user names and passwords for different domains when one wants to access on the Internet. Identity management seeks to solve this problem through creating a digital identity that is exchangeable across organisational boundaries. Through the setup of collaboration agreements between multiple domains, users can easily switch across domains without being required to sign in again. However, use of this technology comes with risks of user identity and personal information being compromised. Criminals make use of spoofed websites and social engineering techniques to gain illegal access to user information. Due to this, the need for users to be protected from online threats has increased. Two processes are required to protect the user login information at the time of sign-on. Firstly, user’s information must be protected at the time of sign-on, and secondly, a simple method for the identification of the website is required by the user. This treatise looks at the process for identifying and verifying user information, and how the user can verify the system at sign-in. Three models for identity management are analysed, namely the Microsoft .NET Passport, Liberty Alliance Federated Identity for Single Sign-on and the Mozilla TrustBar for system authentication

    An investigation of issues of privacy, anonymity and multi-factor authentication in an open environment

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    This thesis performs an investigation into issues concerning the broad area ofIdentity and Access Management, with a focus on open environments. Through literature research the issues of privacy, anonymity and access control are identified. The issue of privacy is an inherent problem due to the nature of the digital network environment. Information can be duplicated and modified regardless of the wishes and intentions ofthe owner of that information unless proper measures are taken to secure the environment. Once information is published or divulged on the network, there is very little way of controlling the subsequent usage of that information. To address this issue a model for privacy is presented that follows the user centric paradigm of meta-identity. The lack of anonymity, where security measures can be thwarted through the observation of the environment, is a concern for users and systems. By an attacker observing the communication channel and monitoring the interactions between users and systems over a long enough period of time, it is possible to infer knowledge about the users and systems. This knowledge is used to build an identity profile of potential victims to be used in subsequent attacks. To address the problem, mechanisms for providing an acceptable level of anonymity while maintaining adequate accountability (from a legal standpoint) are explored. In terms of access control, the inherent weakness of single factor authentication mechanisms is discussed. The typical mechanism is the user-name and password pair, which provides a single point of failure. By increasing the factors used in authentication, the amount of work required to compromise the system increases non-linearly. Within an open network, several aspects hinder wide scale adoption and use of multi-factor authentication schemes, such as token management and the impact on usability. The framework is developed from a Utopian point of view, with the aim of being applicable to many situations as opposed to a single specific domain. The framework incorporates multi-factor authentication over multiple paths using mobile phones and GSM networks, and explores the usefulness of such an approach. The models are in tum analysed, providing a discussion into the assumptions made and the problems faced by each model.Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.5.1Adobe Acrobat 9.51 Paper Capture Plug-i

    Trust and identity management within online social networks

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    Online social networking is one of the largest Internet activities, with almost one third of all daily Internet users visiting these websites. Characteristics of this environment are issues relating to trust, user privacy and anonymity. Service providers are focused primarily on acquiring users, and little attention is given to the effective management of these users within the social networking environment. This study serves to evaluate if proper identity management processes and controls are needed to protect users and their informational privacy, while establishing a higher degree of user trust for other users and the system. Design Science is followed as the primary methodology, with the final outcome being a proposed artefact. Through a detailed experiment, an evaluation of the controls and processes exhibited by Facebook and MySpace was conducted. The areas of evaluation were identified through the Vulnerability Mitigation and Assessment (VAM) methodology. The findings of this experiment, together with the secondary data reviewed, form the proposed artefact, which is a set of controls aimed at increasing trust and privacy through the effective implementation of these controls and identity management processes.Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 201

    Trust and identity management within online social networks

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    Online social networking is one of the largest Internet activities, with almost one third of all daily Internet users visiting these websites. Characteristics of this environment are issues relating to trust, user privacy and anonymity. Service providers are focused primarily on acquiring users, and little attention is given to the effective management of these users within the social networking environment. This study serves to evaluate if proper identity management processes and controls are needed to protect users and their informational privacy, while establishing a higher degree of user trust for other users and the system. Design Science is followed as the primary methodology, with the final outcome being a proposed artefact. Through a detailed experiment, an evaluation of the controls and processes exhibited by Facebook and MySpace was conducted. The areas of evaluation were identified through the Vulnerability Mitigation and Assessment (VAM) methodology. The findings of this experiment, together with the secondary data reviewed, form the proposed artefact, which is a set of controls aimed at increasing trust and privacy through the effective implementation of these controls and identity management processes.Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 201