560 research outputs found

    Session types revisited

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    Session types are a formalism used to model structured communication-based programming. A binary session type describes communication by specifying the type and direction of data exchanged between two parties. When session types and session processes are added to the syntax of standard π-calculus they give rise to additional separate syntactic categories. As a consequence, when new type features are added, there is duplication of effort in the theory: the proofs of properties must be checked both on standard types and on session types. We show that session types are encodable into standard π- types, relying on linear and variant types. Besides being an expressivity result, the encoding (i) removes the above redundancies in the syntax, and (ii) the properties of session types are derived as straightforward corollaries, exploiting the corresponding properties of standard π-types. The robustness of the encoding is tested on a few extensions of session types, including subtyping, polymorphism and higher-order communications

    Recursive Session Types Revisited

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    Session types model structured communication-based programming. In particular, binary session types for the pi-calculus describe communication between exactly two participants in a distributed scenario. Adding sessions to the pi-calculus means augmenting it with type and term constructs. In a previous paper, we tried to understand to which extent the session constructs are more complex and expressive than the standard pi-calculus constructs. Thus, we presented an encoding of binary session pi-calculus to the standard typed pi-calculus by adopting linear and variant types and the continuation-passing principle. In the present paper, we focus on recursive session types and we present an encoding into recursive linear pi-calculus. This encoding is a conservative extension of the former in that it preserves the results therein obtained. Most importantly, it adopts a new treatment of the duality relation, which in the presence of recursive types has been proven to be quite challenging.Comment: In Proceedings BEAT 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    Name-passing calculi and crypto-primitives: A survey

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    The paper surveys the literature on high-level name-passing process calculi, and their extensions with cryptographic primitives. The survey is by no means exhaustive, for essentially two reasons. First, in trying to provide a coherent presentation of different ideas and techniques, one inevitably ends up leaving out the approaches that do not fit the intended roadmap. Secondly, the literature on the subject has been growing at very high rate over the years. As a consequence, we decided to concentrate on few papers that introduce the main ideas, in the hope that discussing them in some detail will provide sufficient insight for further reading

    Session Communication and Integration

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    The scenario-based specification of a large distributed system is usually naturally decomposed into various modules. The integration of specification modules contrasts to the parallel composition of program components, and includes various ways such as scenario concatenation, choice, and nesting. The recent development of multiparty session types for process calculi provides useful techniques to accommodate the protocol modularisation, by encoding fragments of communication protocols in the usage of private channels for a class of agents. In this paper, we extend forgoing session type theories by enhancing the session integration mechanism. More specifically, we propose a novel synchronous multiparty session type theory, in which sessions are separated into the communicating and integrating levels. Communicating sessions record the message-based communications between multiple agents, whilst integrating sessions describe the integration of communicating ones. A two-level session type system is developed for pi-calculus with syntactic primitives for session establishment, and several key properties of the type system are studied. Applying the theory to system description, we show that a channel safety property and a session conformance property can be analysed. Also, to improve the utility of the theory, a process slicing method is used to help identify the violated sessions in the type checking.Comment: A short version of this paper is submitted for revie

    KLAIM: A Kernel Language for Agents Interaction and Mobility

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    We investigate the issue of designing a kernel programming language for mobile computing and describe KLAIM, a language that supports a programming paradigm where processes, like data, can be moved from one computing environment to another. The language consists of a core Linda with multiple tuple spaces and of a set of operators for building processes. KLAIM naturally supports programming with explicit localities. Localities are first-class data (they can be manipulated like any other data), but the language provides coordination mechanisms to control the interaction protocols among located processes. The formal operational semantics is useful for discussing the design of the language and provides guidelines for implementations. KLAIM is equipped with a type system that statically checks access rights violations of mobile agents. Types are used to describe the intentions (read, write, execute, etc.) of processes in relation to the various localities. The type system is used to determine the operations that processes want to perform at each locality, and to check whether they comply with the declared intentions and whether they have the necessary rights to perform the intended operations at the specific localities. Via a series of examples, we show that many mobile code programming paradigms can be naturally implemented in our kernel language. We also present a prototype implementaton of KLAIM in Java

    A Relational Logic for Higher-Order Programs

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    Relational program verification is a variant of program verification where one can reason about two programs and as a special case about two executions of a single program on different inputs. Relational program verification can be used for reasoning about a broad range of properties, including equivalence and refinement, and specialized notions such as continuity, information flow security or relative cost. In a higher-order setting, relational program verification can be achieved using relational refinement type systems, a form of refinement types where assertions have a relational interpretation. Relational refinement type systems excel at relating structurally equivalent terms but provide limited support for relating terms with very different structures. We present a logic, called Relational Higher Order Logic (RHOL), for proving relational properties of a simply typed λ\lambda-calculus with inductive types and recursive definitions. RHOL retains the type-directed flavour of relational refinement type systems but achieves greater expressivity through rules which simultaneously reason about the two terms as well as rules which only contemplate one of the two terms. We show that RHOL has strong foundations, by proving an equivalence with higher-order logic (HOL), and leverage this equivalence to derive key meta-theoretical properties: subject reduction, admissibility of a transitivity rule and set-theoretical soundness. Moreover, we define sound embeddings for several existing relational type systems such as relational refinement types and type systems for dependency analysis and relative cost, and we verify examples that were out of reach of prior work.Comment: Submitted to ICFP 201

    Secrecy in Untrusted Networks

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    We investigate the protection of migrating agents against the untrusted sites they traverse. The resulting calculus provides a formal framework to reason about protection policies and security protocols over distributed, mobile infrastructures, and aims to stand to ambients as the spi calculus stands to ?. We present a type system that separates trusted and untrusted data and code, while allowing safe interactions with untrusted sites. We prove that the type system enforces a privacy property, and show the expressiveness of the calculus via examples and an encoding of the spi calculus

    A Type System for Privacy Properties (Technical Report)

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    Mature push button tools have emerged for checking trace properties (e.g. secrecy or authentication) of security protocols. The case of indistinguishability-based privacy properties (e.g. ballot privacy or anonymity) is more complex and constitutes an active research topic with several recent propositions of techniques and tools. We explore a novel approach based on type systems and provide a (sound) type system for proving equivalence of protocols, for a bounded or an unbounded number of sessions. The resulting prototype implementation has been tested on various protocols of the literature. It provides a significant speed-up (by orders of magnitude) compared to tools for a bounded number of sessions and complements in terms of expressiveness other state-of-the-art tools, such as ProVerif and Tamarin: e.g., we show that our analysis technique is the first one to handle a faithful encoding of the Helios e-voting protocol in the context of an untrusted ballot box

    Combining behavioural types with security analysis

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    Today's software systems are highly distributed and interconnected, and they increasingly rely on communication to achieve their goals; due to their societal importance, security and trustworthiness are crucial aspects for the correctness of these systems. Behavioural types, which extend data types by describing also the structured behaviour of programs, are a widely studied approach to the enforcement of correctness properties in communicating systems. This paper offers a unified overview of proposals based on behavioural types which are aimed at the analysis of security properties