3,764 research outputs found

    Using Fuzzy Logic in Test Case Prioritization for Regression Testing Programs with Assertions

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    Program assertions have been recognized as a supporting tool during software development, testing, and maintenance. Therefore, software developers place assertions within their code in positions that are considered to be error prone or that have the potential to lead to a software crash or failure. Similar to any other software, programs with assertions must be maintained. Depending on the type of modification applied to the modified program, assertions also might have to undergo some modifications. New assertions may also be introduced in the new version of the program, while some assertions can be kept the same. This paper presents a novel approach for test case prioritization during regression testing of programs that have assertions using fuzzy logic. The main objective of this approach is to prioritize the test cases according to their estimated potential in violating a given program assertion. To develop the proposed approach, we utilize fuzzy logic techniques to estimate the effectiveness of a given test case in violating an assertion based on the history of the test cases in previous testing operations. We have conducted a case study in which the proposed approach is applied to various programs, and the results are promising compared to untreated and randomly ordered test cases

    Automated Global Feature Analyzer - A Driver for Tier-Scalable Reconnaissance

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    For the purposes of space flight, reconnaissance field geologists have trained to become astronauts. However, the initial forays to Mars and other planetary bodies have been done by purely robotic craft. Therefore, training and equipping a robotic craft with the sensory and cognitive capabilities of a field geologist to form a science craft is a necessary prerequisite. Numerous steps are necessary in order for a science craft to be able to map, analyze, and characterize a geologic field site, as well as effectively formulate working hypotheses. We report on the continued development of the integrated software system AGFA: automated global feature analyzerreg, originated by Fink at Caltech and his collaborators in 2001. AGFA is an automatic and feature-driven target characterization system that operates in an imaged operational area, such as a geologic field site on a remote planetary surface. AGFA performs automated target identification and detection through segmentation, providing for feature extraction, classification, and prioritization within mapped or imaged operational areas at different length scales and resolutions, depending on the vantage point (e.g., spaceborne, airborne, or ground). AGFA extracts features such as target size, color, albedo, vesicularity, and angularity. Based on the extracted features, AGFA summarizes the mapped operational area numerically and flags targets of "interest", i.e., targets that exhibit sufficient anomaly within the feature space. AGFA enables automated science analysis aboard robotic spacecraft, and, embedded in tier-scalable reconnaissance mission architectures, is a driver of future intelligent and autonomous robotic planetary exploration

    The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Test Case Prioritization

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na stanovení priority testovacích případů s využitím fuzzy logiky. Vhodným přístupem k získání výstupu na základě definovaného vstupu a stanovených pravidel byl zvolen fuzzy model přiřazující prioritu testovacím případům. K dosažení cíle práce byla nejprve stanovena kritéria, parametry a poté určena jejich váha pro jednotlivé testovací případy. Na závěr jsou vyhodnocena vstupní data s využitím řešení v programu MS Excel a MATLAB.The master’s thesis focuses on determination of Test case priority using Fuzzy logic. As principle of Fuzzy logic is a convenient way to turn given inputs to final output according to defined rules, a Fuzzy based model for assigning Test case priority has been chosen. In order to fulfil the aim of the thesis, firstly particular criteria along with parameters set to each Test case and its weights needs to be defined accordingly. So as to come to the conclusion and evaluate input data, the solution for computing in the program MS Excel and MATLAB is used herein.

    Dealing with Belief Uncertainty in Domain Models

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    There are numerous domains in which information systems need to deal with uncertain information. These uncertainties may originate from different reasons such as vagueness, imprecision, incompleteness, or inconsistencies, and in many cases, they cannot be neglected. In this article, we are interested in representing and processing uncertain information in domain models, considering the stakeholders’ beliefs (opinions). We show how to associate beliefs to model elements and how to propagate and operate with their associated uncertainty so that domain experts can individually reason about their models enriched with their personal opinions. In addition, we address the challenge of combining the opinions of different domain experts on the same model elements, with the goal to come up with informed collective decisions. We provide different strategies and a methodology to optimally merge individual opinions