419,651 research outputs found

    DevOps is Bigger than IT: Driving Digital Transformation in Libraries

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    The DevOps movement represents a paradigm shift in software development, but there are misconceptions about what it really means. It’s much more nuanced than simply adding a DevOps engineer to your team or asking systems administrators and developers to play well together. At its core, DevOps is about culture change. In this talk, we will define the CALMS framework of DevOps and the people, technical, and organizational factors that challenge its adoption. We will share specific examples of how DevOps is changing the way we work on digital library projects at Ohio State University Libraries and how its universal principles can drive large-scale digital transformation in libraries. Presented at Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring 2020 Membership MeetingSlidesSpeaker notesNo embarg

    Digital Learning and Development Environment: NEH White Paper

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    Wayne State University’s Digital Learning and Development Environment was a research and development project aimed at developing a prototype for a systematic approach to digital learning using image repositories. The repositories used in the project were two of the Wayne State University Library System’s (WSULS) Digital Collections: Virtual Motor City and Digital Dress. The Collections are web portals providing universal access to digitized objects of cultural history from dispersed holdings of WSULS’s institutional partners. The project integrates easy-to-use technical tools with instructional design principles and resources for digital teaching and learning. The result is a replicable web environment where faculty and students can use accessible tools to easily create Digital Learning Objects (DLOs) from collections of digital images. The unique design of the Environment places images from the Library\u27s Digital Collections in context with a tool that downloads the images into a learning object and also provides expert advice in the design of effective digital media for instructional presentations and assignments. Award Dates: 01/09/2009 – 08/31/2009 (no-cost extension until 10/31/2009) Outright Funds: $50,00


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    There are many definitions about digital library, however, this paper used the definition taken from Digital Library Federation which stated that digital library as organizations that provide the resources, including the specialized staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collections of digital works so that they are readily and economically available for use by defined community or set of communities (http://www.clir.org/diglib/about/strategic/htm). The elements that have been identified as common to those definitions are: I. A digital library is a managed collection of digital objects 2. The digital objects are created or collected according to principles of collection development. 3. The digital objects are made available in a cohesive manner, supported by services necessary to allow users to retrieve and exploit the resources just as they would any other library materials. 4. The digital objects are treated as long-term stable resources and appropriate processes are applied to them to ensure their quality and survivability (Deegan and Tanner 2002)

    Critical Collection Analysis: Using DH Tools to Contextualize Historical Collecting Patterns within a Political Framework

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    With the growth of digital humanities and a wide range of free and open source analysis tools at our fingertips, librarians have a unique opportunity to use these new tools to critically analyze library collections. Moving beyond usage and budgets, strategies such as text analysis, temporal pattern finding and data visualization offer insights into the structure and content of our collections, which in turn supports evidenced-based decision-making for future acquisitions. At the Claremont Colleges Library, librarians across divisions have been encouraged to learn tools and approaches to Digital Humanities, and apply these principles to our own work and relationships with researchers. This presentation was delivered on Friday, November 4th at the Charleston Conference. It covered: methods for gathering historic acquisitions data; strategies for using Digital Humanities tools to both analyze and communicate findings; an overview of this team\u27s findings on terrorism and collection development at Claremont; and potential future applications for the use of Digital Humanities tools to support collection assessment and development

    Application of principles of information organisation in an electronic environment: identifiacion of strategic trends for scientific digital libraries

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    The aim of the dissertation is to identify strategic trends for development of scientific digital libraries, taking the application of principles of information organisation in an electronic environment into consideration. As identification of trends for development of information organisation in scientific digital libraries is a complex task, as it requires comprehensive understanding of the context and the environment where a digital library is operating, and as it is essential to identify structural elements of information organisation and a digital library as well as their interrelations the systems approach is proposed and the soft systems methodology is used to research strategic priorities, trends and activities. The following tasks have been set and explored: examining the application of principles of information organisation in an electronic environment and issues of development of scientific digital libraries; formulating a systematic methodology for strategic analysis, allowing to combine the aspects determined into a whole and identify strategic trends for development of digital libraries; on the basis of the systems approach and through the application of the systemic methodology for strategic analysis, distinguishing structural elements, processes, tasks and actors of information organisation and scientific digital libraries as well as combining them into one conceptual representation; using the systematic methodology for strategic analysis to probe information organisation in the Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library (eLABa) which performs functions of a scientific digital library in Lithuania, and to produce strategic trends for its development

    Instructional Design Principles in the Development of an E-Learning Graduate Course

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    The paper reports the application of the science of instruction in the design and development of an e-Learning graduate course at Open University Malaysia (OUM) for the Masters of Education programme. Focus is on the principles applied to print material (content, learning outcomes, learning activities and assessment tasks) and its use in engineering face-to-face interaction, online collaboration, enhancing higher order thinking, utilisation of resources from the digital library, digital content bank, video and audio lectures. The learning and instructional theories underlying the design process of the graduate course are explicated

    Application of principles of information organisation in an electronic environment: identifiacion of strategic trends for scientific digital libraries

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    The aim of the dissertation is to identify strategic trends for development of scientific digital libraries, taking the application of principles of information organisation in an electronic environment into consideration. As identification of trends for development of information organisation in scientific digital libraries is a complex task, as it requires comprehensive understanding of the context and the environment where a digital library is operating, and as it is essential to identify structural elements of information organisation and a digital library as well as their interrelations the systems approach is proposed and the soft systems methodology is used to research strategic priorities, trends and activities. The following tasks have been set and explored: examining the application of principles of information organisation in an electronic environment and issues of development of scientific digital libraries; formulating a systematic methodology for strategic analysis, allowing to combine the aspects determined into a whole and identify strategic trends for development of digital libraries; on the basis of the systems approach and through the application of the systemic methodology for strategic analysis, distinguishing structural elements, processes, tasks and actors of information organisation and scientific digital libraries as well as combining them into one conceptual representation; using the systematic methodology for strategic analysis to probe information organisation in the Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library (eLABa) which performs functions of a scientific digital library in Lithuania, and to produce strategic trends for its development


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    Researches into libraries, (most especially academic libraries) have shown that inadequate levels of Information and Communication Technology literacy is one of the major problems facing libraries in Nigeria at this time of digital revolution. In as much as internet is designed to serve the information needs of every individual in the society has eventually given room to effective utilisation of library information resources. The world-wide network has made interaction online to be more efficient in terms of information accessibility, communication and sharing of information resources. This paper delves into the principles behind ICT, provision of immeasurable information, technology in relation to information for the development of a modern library of today and beyond. Furthermore, the paper made some valuable recommendation to all in having a befitting library development.  Article visualizations

    Risk management foundations for digital libraries : DRAMBORA (Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment)

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    This paper proposes the use of the DRAMBORA (Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment), the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) and DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE) audit toolkit for digital repositories, as a tool to ensure the preservation capabilities of digital libraries. Digital repositories lie at the heart of digital libraries: ensuring long-term sustainability of their content is a fundamental responsibility of a digital library system and environment. DRAMBORA is designed to facilitate the assessment of digital repositories’ risk exposure: it facilitates internal audit by providing repository administrators with a means to assess their capabilities, identify their weaknesses, and recognize their strengths. The toolkit represents the latest complementary development in an ongoing international effort to conceive criteria, means and methodologies for audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories. DRAMBORA already includes the ten CRL principles for digital preservation repositories. As part of the ongoing developments of the toolkit we are investigating its applicability within the digital library domain, and the identification of core principles of digital preservation that can be incorporated into the DELOS Digital Library Reference Model, to ensure that digital libraries conforming to the reference model have preservation functionality

    Linking Old Librarianship to New: Aligning 5-Steps of The Innovator\u27s DNA in Creating Thematic Discovery Systems for the Everglades

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    This poster presentation from the May 2015 Florida Library Association Conference, along with the Everglades Explorer discovery portal at http://ee.fiu.edu, demonstrates how traditional bibliographic and curatorial principles can be applied to: 1) selection, cross-walking and aggregation of metadata linking end-users to wide-spread digital resources from multiple silos; 2) harvesting of select PDFs, HTML and media for web archiving and access; 3) selection of CMS domains, sub-domains and folders for targeted searching using an API. Choosing content for this discovery portal is comparable to past scholarly practice of creating and publishing subject bibliographies, except metadata and data are housed in relational databases. This new and yet traditional capacity coincides with: Growth of bibliographic utilities (MarcEdit); Evolution of open-source discovery systems (eXtensible Catalog); Development of target-capable web crawling and archiving systems (Archive-it); and specialized search APIs (Google). At the same time, historical and technical changes – specifically the increasing fluidity and re-purposing of syndicated metadata – make this possible. It equally stems from the expansion of freely accessible digitized legacy and born-digital resources. Innovation principles helped frame the process by which the thematic Everglades discovery portal was created at Florida International University. The path -- to providing for more effective searching and co-location of digital scientific, educational and historical material related to the Everglades -- is contextualized through five concepts found within Dyer and Christensen’s “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators (2011). The project also aligns with Ranganathan’s Laws of Library Science, especially the 4th Law -- to save the time of the user.
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