Application of principles of information organisation in an electronic environment: identifiacion of strategic trends for scientific digital libraries


The aim of the dissertation is to identify strategic trends for development of scientific digital libraries, taking the application of principles of information organisation in an electronic environment into consideration. As identification of trends for development of information organisation in scientific digital libraries is a complex task, as it requires comprehensive understanding of the context and the environment where a digital library is operating, and as it is essential to identify structural elements of information organisation and a digital library as well as their interrelations the systems approach is proposed and the soft systems methodology is used to research strategic priorities, trends and activities. The following tasks have been set and explored: examining the application of principles of information organisation in an electronic environment and issues of development of scientific digital libraries; formulating a systematic methodology for strategic analysis, allowing to combine the aspects determined into a whole and identify strategic trends for development of digital libraries; on the basis of the systems approach and through the application of the systemic methodology for strategic analysis, distinguishing structural elements, processes, tasks and actors of information organisation and scientific digital libraries as well as combining them into one conceptual representation; using the systematic methodology for strategic analysis to probe information organisation in the Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library (eLABa) which performs functions of a scientific digital library in Lithuania, and to produce strategic trends for its development

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