164 research outputs found

    Hyperspectral image classification from multiscale description with constrained connectivity and metric learning

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    International audienceMapping of remote sensing data is usually done through image classification. For hyperspectral images, the classification process often relies only on the spectral signature of each single pixel. Nevertheless, combining spatial and spectral features has been a promising way for accuracy improvement. We address here this problem by computing spectral features from spatially identified regions, sampled from a hierarchical image representation, namely α-tree, built with prior knowledge. The sampling of the tree nodes (i.e., regions) is based on the paradigm of constrained connectivity and the global range criterion. In this paper, we extend this criterion to hy-perspectral data and apply it to our knowledge-based α-tree. Our results show an improvement of pixelwise classification accuracy over spectral features only

    On morphological hierarchical representations for image processing and spatial data clustering

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    Hierarchical data representations in the context of classi cation and data clustering were put forward during the fties. Recently, hierarchical image representations have gained renewed interest for segmentation purposes. In this paper, we briefly survey fundamental results on hierarchical clustering and then detail recent paradigms developed for the hierarchical representation of images in the framework of mathematical morphology: constrained connectivity and ultrametric watersheds. Constrained connectivity can be viewed as a way to constrain an initial hierarchy in such a way that a set of desired constraints are satis ed. The framework of ultrametric watersheds provides a generic scheme for computing any hierarchical connected clustering, in particular when such a hierarchy is constrained. The suitability of this framework for solving practical problems is illustrated with applications in remote sensing

    Hyperspectral image representation through alpha-trees

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    International audienceα-trees provide a hierarchical representation of an image into partitions of regions with increasing heterogeneity. This model, inspired from the single-linkage paradigm, has recently been revisited for grayscale images and has been successfully used in the field of remote sensing. This article shows how this representation can be adapted to more complex data here hyperspectral images, according to different strategies. We know that the measure of distance between two neighbouring pixels is a key element for the quality of the underlying tree, but usual metrics are not satisfying. We show here that a relevant solution to understand hyperspectral data relies on the prior learning of the metric to be used and the exploitation of domain knowledge

    Preventing chaining through transitions while favouring it within homogeneous regions

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    By its very nature, alpha-connectivity is subject to the chaining property of single linkage clustering. Thanks to the selection of appropriate connectivity constraints, connected components that are affected by the chaining through transitions can be invalidated. However, it may happen that (i) a stream of small connected components at the transition between larger components are created and (ii) none of the connected components is matching a desired object whatever the threshold levels associated with the constraints. These two problems are caused by the presence of transitions. In this paper, we characterise transitions in view of their impact on constrained connected paths. We then show that both problems can be addressed simultaneously by either pre-filtering or by introducing a dissimilarity measurement preventing connections through transitions while keeping a definition based on absolute difference measurements.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen

    Role of the anisotropy in the interactions between nano- and micro-sized particles

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    The present Thesis focuses on the thermodynamic and dynamic behaviour of anisotropically interacting colloids by means of theoretical and numerical techniques. Colloidal suspensions, i.e. micro-- and nano--sized particles dispersed in a continuous phase, are a topic of great interest in several fields, including material science, soft matter and biophysics. Common in everyday life in the form of soap, milk, cream, etc., colloids have been used for decades as models for atomic and molecular systems, since both classes of systems share many features like critical phenomena, crystallisation and glass transition. Experimental investigation of colloidal systems is made easier by the large size of colloids, which makes it possible to employ visible light as an experimental probe to investigate these systems. Moreover, since the mass of the particles controls the timescales of the dynamics, relaxation times of colloidal suspensions, ranging from seconds to years, orders of magnitude larger than their atomic counterparts, are more easily experimentally accessible. By exploiting this intrinsic slowness, with respect to molecular liquids, present day experimental techniques make it possible to follow in time trajectories of ensembles of particles with tools like confocal microscopy, thus effectively allowing to reconstruct the whole phase space trajectory of the system. In addition, it is also possible to manipulate single and multiple objects using techniques like optical tweezers, magnetic tweezers and atomic force microscopy. With single-molecule force spectroscopy one can arrange particles in ordered structures or measure properties like stiffness or mechanical responses (as in pulling experiments on RNA and DNA strands of particles and aggregates). A remarkable difference between the molecular and the colloidal world is that in the former the interactions between the basic constituents are fixed by nature, while in the latter the effective potential between two particles can be controlled by accurately designing and synthesizing the building blocks or tuned by changing the properties of the solvent. In the last decade many new sophisticated techniques for particle synthesis have been developed and refined. These recent advances allow for the creation of an incredible variety of non-spherically, i.e. anisotropically, interacting building blocks. The anisotropy can arise from shape, surface patterning, form of the interactions or a combination thereof. Examples are colloidal cubes, Janus particles, triblock Janus particles, patchy particles, magnetic spheres and many others. The recent blossoming of experimental, theoretical and numerical studies and research on the role of the anisotropy has highlighted the richness of phenomena that these systems exhibit. Relevant examples for the present Thesis are valence-limited building blocks, i.e colloids with a maximum number of bound neighbours, and non-spherical particles with an aspect ratio, i.e. the ratio of the width of a particle to its height, significantly different from 11. The simplest example of valence-limited colloids is given by the so-called \textit{patchy} particles: colloids decorated with attractive spots (patches) on the surface. If the width and the range of the patches are chosen in such a way that each patch can form no more than one bond, then the total number of bound first neighbours per particle MM can not exceed the number of patches. For particles interacting through short-ranged isotropic potentials, M12M \approx 12. It has been shown that changing the valence MM has dramatic effects, both qualitative and quantitative, on the dynamic and thermodynamic properties of such systems. At high densities patchy colloids can self-assemble into a large variety of crystal structures, depending on valence, geometry and external parameters. We will mostly focus on low-density systems. The second class of systems pertinent to the present work comprises anisotropically shaped particles that, depending on the aspect ratio and the values of the external parameters, can exhibit liquid crystal phases which may display orientational long-range order. Nematic, in which there is no translational order, smectic, in which particles are ordered in layers and thus exhibit translational order in one dimension, and columnar phases, in which particles self-assemble into cylindrical aggregates which can in turn become nematic or form two-dimensional lattices, do not exist in isotropic systems, since the anisotropy in shape is a prerequisite for the breaking of the orientational symmetry. Liquid crystals, discovered at the end of the 19th century have been thoroughly investigated for decades, leading to technological breakthroughs like LCD displays. Recently it has been suggested that liquid crystal phases occurring in dense solutions of short DNA double strands could have played a role in the prebiotic chemical generation of complementary H-bonded molecular assemblies. The main goal of the present Thesis is to study the structural, thermodynamic and, to a lesser extent, dynamic properties of systems interacting through anisotropic potentials at low densities and temperatures. In particular, we focus on the low-density phase behaviour of valence-limited systems. We use a variegated approach, comprising state-of-the-art Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics techniques and theoretical approaches, to analyse and shed some light on the effect of the anisotropy on the phase diagram and on the dynamics of such systems. As the effect of the valence on the phase diagram plays a major role in the models investigated throughout this Thesis, each Chapter is devoted to the study of the dynamics and thermodynamics of systems having a fixed or effective maximum valence MM. In the last years a lot of effort has been devoted to the study of end-to-end stacking interactions between different strands of nucleic acids, which play an important role in both physical and biological applications of DNA and RNA. In Chapter~1, building on the experimental work of Bellini \textit{et al.}, we make use of a theoretical framework recently developed to tackle the problem of the isotropic--nematic phase coexistence in solutions of short DNA duplexes (DNADs). We compare the parameter-free theoretical predictions with results from large scale numerical simulations on GPUs of a coarse-grained realistic model and find a good quantitative agreement at low concentrations. We then predict the phase boundaries for different DNAD lengths and compare the results with experimental findings. In Chapter~2 we investigate the structural and thermodynamic properties of systems having M=2M=2, that is systems that undergo an extensive formation of linear structures as temperature is lowered. We focus on bi-functional patchy particles whose interaction details are chosen to qualitatively mimic the behaviour of the low-density, low-temperature dipolar hard sphere (DHS) model by analysing the outcomes of the simulations carried out in Chapter~3. In particular, we are interested in the interplay between chains and rings in equilibrium polymerization processes in a region of the phase diagram where the formation of the latter is favoured. The very good quantitative agreement found by comparing numerical results with theoretical, parameter-free predictions calls for an extension of the theory with the inclusion of branching, in order to understand how the presence of rings affects the phase separation. Chapter~3 is devoted to the investigation of the phase behaviour of dipolar fluids, i.e. systems interacting mainly through dipole-dipole potentials. For spheres, the lowest-energy configuration is the nose-to-tail contact geometry, and hence the ground state is an infinite chain or ring like in regular M=2M=2 systems. For finite temperatures, on the other hand, thermal fluctuations allow for the appearance of defects like dangling ends and chain branching which, in the language of this Thesis, makes for a temperature-dependent valence. This general mechanism, under some specific conditions, can lead to a very peculiar phase separation, driven by a balance between these \textit{topological} defects rather than by the energy/entropy competition usually responsible for regular gas--liquid phase transitions. This topological phase transition has been recently observed in a model system of patchy particles but it is unclear whether such mechanism still holds in dipolar fluids in general and in the DHS model in particular. We focus on the DHS model, whose phase behaviour at low densities and temperatures has been studied for decades but still remains largely unknown. In particular, we look for the gas--liquid critical point by means of state-of-the-art Monte Carlo simulations in a region where it has long been thought to be. We find no evidence of a phase transition and we speculate that this is due to an abundance of rings, providing a remarkable example of phase separation suppressed by self-assembly. In Chapter~4 we study the dynamics of tetravalent patchy particles in the optimal network density region. For this fixed value of density the system is able to form a fully connected random network, i.e. an ideal gel. Indeed, as the temperature is lowered, a percolating network forms and the dynamics slows down. Although the observed dynamical arrest is different from the glass case, where excluded volume interactions are dominant, the decay of the self-- and collective correlation functions of the resulting fluid bears similarities with that observed in glassy systems. Remarkably, comparing the characteristic decay times of density-density correlation functions with the average bond life, we find that only at very low TT the decay of the density fluctuations requires the breakage of bonds. In Chapter~5 we introduce DNA as a building block that can be used to rationally design novel, self-assembling materials with tunable properties. In this Chapter, we study the phase behaviour and the dynamics of four-armed DNA constructs at low densities. We use the coarse-grained, realistic DNA model employed in Chapter~1 and state-of-the-art simulation techniques, as presented in Chapter~6, to investigate systems composed of thousands of nucleotides undergoing a two-step self-assembling process and we quantitatively compare the outcome with experimental results obtained for a very similar system. In Chapter~6 we introduce Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) as valuable tools for present day numerical investigations. We outline both the architecture of NVIDIA GPUs and NVIDIA CUDA, the software layer built on top of the hardware required to program these devices. We then present the techniques employed to write an efficient, general Molecular Dynamics code and compare its performances with a regular CPU code. The observed performance boost allows us to tackle the analysis of the dynamics and thermodynamics of very large systems without having to resort to massive CPU clusters (see Chapters~1,~4 and~5). Our work shows that it is possible to predict the location of thermodynamic and dynamic \textit{locii} of very complicated objects by means of numerical simulations. Since the available computational power keeps increasing at a steady pace, it will be soon possible to repeat the pioneering study presented in this Thesis on a more automated basis and for even more complicated system. For example, it will be possible to directly study the isotropic--nematic phase transition of short DNA duplexes investigated in Chapter~1 or design self-assembling DNA strands able to reproduce the behaviour of the patchy colloids or dipolar fluids studied throughout this Thesis. Being able to carefully design the building blocks and then predict beforehand the properties of a compound will greatly simplify the process of synthesising tomorrow's materials

    Vortex Phenomena in Unconventional Superconductors

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    Active nematics for living matter: from topological defects to tissue organisation

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    Living matter describes systems which convert chemical energy from their surroundings to grow or to generate active forces. Biological tissues are composed of many anisotropic and active cells, which can exhibit nematic long-range orientational order. The continuous injection of energy on the single-cell level can lead to complex flow patterns on the tissue scale and topological defects in the cell orientation field. This thesis explores different applications of active nematic theories to living systems. By including key biological features in active hydrodynamic models, we investigate the interplay between collective flows, shape formation and topological defects in two- and three-dimensional tissues. Using continuum simulations, we investigate the morphology of active, self-deforming cell aggregates, where cell-generated active stress drives flows which can deform the surface. The resulting shape dynamics, such as the formation of finger-like protrusions, surface wrinkles or invagination, are reminiscent of many biological processes, ranging from morphogenesis to collective cancer invasion. We explore how spatial variations of active stress affect the dynamics in active nematic systems. We find that activity gradients induce forces which cause cell orientations and topological defects to preferentially align along a particular direction. Based on these results, we subsequently investigate multicellular spheroids, which are spherical cell clusters widely used as model systems for studying tumor dynamics. The competition over limited resources within spheroids generates proliferation gradients, leading to radial cell flows and activity gradients, both of which can affect the orientation axis of cells. As a result, distinct cell alignment patterns emerge within aggregates, which allows us to infer dynamical tissue parameters for different cell types based on experimental measurements of cell orientations inside spheroids. Finally, we motivate a continuum model for two-dimensional tissues, in which the direction of active stress is decoupled from the orientation axis of cell shape. We show that misalignment between active forces and cell shapes in tissues is linked to topological defects in the cell orientation field, both in simulations and experiments. This suggests that the direction of active stress can vary continuously within tissues, which challenges the underlying assumptions of some widely used tissue models. This thesis demonstrates how physical continuum models of active materials can help us to understand shape formation and collective cell organisation in living matter

    Science for Disaster Risk Reduction

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    This thematic report describes JRC's activities in support to disaster management. The JRC develops tools and methodologies to help in all phases of disaster management, from preparedness and risk assessment to recovery and reconstruction through to forecasting and early warning.JRC.A.6-Communicatio

    Statistical and dynamical properties of large cortical network models: insights into semantic memory and language

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    This thesis introduces several variants to the classical autoassociative memory model in order to capture different characteristics of large cortical networks, using semantic memory as a paradigmatic example in which to apply the results. Chapter 2 is devoted to the development of the sparse Potts model network as a simplification of a multi modular memory performing computations both at the local and the global level. If a network storing p global patterns has N local modules, each one active in S possible ways with a global sparseness a, and if each module is connected to cM other modules, the storage capacity scales like \u3b1c 61 pmax /cM 1d S 2 /a with logarithmic corrections. Chapter 3 further introduces adaptation and correlations among patterns, as a result of which a latching dynamics appears, consistent in the spontaneous hopping between global attractor states after an initial cue-guided retrieval, somehow similar to a free association process. The complexity of the latching series depends on the equilibrium between self-excitation of the local networks and global inhibition represented by the parameter U. Finally, Chapter 4 develops a consistent way to store and retrieve correlated patterns, which works as long as any statistical dependence between units can be neglected. The popularity of units must be introduced into the learning rule, as a result of which a new property of associative memories appears: the robustness of a memory is inverse to the information it conveys. As in some accounts of semantic memory deficits, random damage results in selective impairments, associated to the entropy measure Sf of each memory, since the minimum connectivity required to sustain its retrieval is, in optimal conditions, cM 1d pSf , and still proportional to pSf but possibly with a larger coefficient in the general case. Present in the entire thesis, but specially in this last Chapter, the conjecture stating that autoassociative memories are limited in the amount of information stored per synapse results consistent with the results