145 research outputs found

    PaPILO: A Parallel Presolving Library for Integer and Linear Programming with Multiprecision Support

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    Presolving has become an essential component of modern MIP solvers both in terms of computational performance and numerical robustness. In this paper, we present PaPILO, a new C++ header-only library that provides a large set of presolving routines for MIP and LP problems from the literature. The creation of PaPILO was motivated by the current lack of (a) solver-independent implementations that (b) exploit parallel hardware, and (c) support multiprecision arithmetic. Traditionally, presolving is designed to be fast. Whenever necessary, its low computational overhead is usually achieved by strict working limits. PaPILO's parallelization framework aims at reducing the computational overhead also when presolving is executed more aggressively or is applied to large-scale problems. To rule out conflicts between parallel presolve reductions, PaPILO uses a transaction-based design. This helps to avoid both the memory-intensive allocation of multiple copies of the problem and special synchronization between presolvers. Additionally, the use of Intel's TBB library aids PaPILO to efficiently exploit recursive parallelism within expensive presolving routines such as probing, dominated columns, or constraint sparsification. We provide an overview of PaPILO's capabilities and insights into important design choices

    Accelerate Presolve in Large-Scale Linear Programming via Reinforcement Learning

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    Large-scale LP problems from industry usually contain much redundancy that severely hurts the efficiency and reliability of solving LPs, making presolve (i.e., the problem simplification module) one of the most critical components in modern LP solvers. However, how to design high-quality presolve routines -- that is, the program determining (P1) which presolvers to select, (P2) in what order to execute, and (P3) when to stop -- remains a highly challenging task due to the extensive requirements on expert knowledge and the large search space. Due to the sequential decision property of the task and the lack of expert demonstrations, we propose a simple and efficient reinforcement learning (RL) framework -- namely, reinforcement learning for presolve (RL4Presolve) -- to tackle (P1)-(P3) simultaneously. Specifically, we formulate the routine design task as a Markov decision process and propose an RL framework with adaptive action sequences to generate high-quality presolve routines efficiently. Note that adaptive action sequences help learn complex behaviors efficiently and adapt to various benchmarks. Experiments on two solvers (open-source and commercial) and eight benchmarks (real-world and synthetic) demonstrate that RL4Presolve significantly and consistently improves the efficiency of solving large-scale LPs, especially on benchmarks from industry. Furthermore, we optimize the hard-coded presolve routines in LP solvers by extracting rules from learned policies for simple and efficient deployment to Huawei's supply chain. The results show encouraging economic and academic potential for incorporating machine learning to modern solvers

    Tailored Presolve Techniques in Branch-and-Bound Method for Fast Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Applications

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    Mixed-integer model predictive control (MI-MPC) can be a powerful tool for modeling hybrid control systems. In case of a linear-quadratic objective in combination with linear or piecewise-linear system dynamics and inequality constraints, MI-MPC needs to solve a mixed-integer quadratic program (MIQP) at each sampling time step. This paper presents a collection of block-sparse presolve techniques to efficiently remove decision variables, and to remove or tighten inequality constraints, tailored to mixed-integer optimal control problems (MIOCP). In addition, we describe a novel heuristic approach based on an iterative presolve algorithm to compute a feasible but possibly suboptimal MIQP solution. We present benchmarking results for a C code implementation of the proposed BB-ASIPM solver, including a branch-and-bound (B&B) method with the proposed tailored presolve techniques and an active-set based interior point method (ASIPM), compared against multiple state-of-the-art MIQP solvers on a case study of motion planning with obstacle avoidance constraints. Finally, we demonstrate the computational performance of the BB-ASIPM solver on the dSPACE Scalexio real-time embedded hardware using a second case study of stabilization for an underactuated cart-pole with soft contacts.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, submitted to journal of Optimal Control Applications and Method

    Face Dimensions of General-Purpose Cutting Planes for Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

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    Cutting planes are a key ingredient to successfully solve mixed-integer linear programs. For specific problems, their strength is often theoretically assessed by showing that they are facet-defining for the corresponding mixed-integer hull. In this paper we experimentally investigate the dimensions of faces induced by general-purpose cutting planes generated by a state-of-the-art solver. Therefore, we relate the dimension of each cutting plane to its impact in a branch-and-bound algorithm.Comment: 12 pages, 32 figures, 1 tabl