558,278 research outputs found


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    Virageawie is a company that consists of bamboo craftsmen. We see that there is a need for support for increasing partner empowerment, especially in improving partner management capabilities. The problem is, in its activities/operations the use of digital media for transactions made has not provided convenience and speed in the process of transactional reporting and financial reports. There are obstacles including technical capabilities in the use of information technology, the process of correction and reconciliation of data received from each provider, and conversion to a format that is following the habits of business actors, besides that in terms of understanding the procedures and processes for preparing financial reports by Accounting Standards Finance (SAK). The solution that will be provided is in the form of establishing a transaction recording system and preparing digital-based financial reports, training regarding the use of digital-based transaction recording and financial reporting tools, and assistance/assistance for 3 months until partner HR can be completely released and able to run the new system. Material/content related to formation, training, and mentoring is based on the results of previous research from service members, which had been carried out previously at the binongjati knitting center in Bandung City. The output target in this Community Service is that the partner's management ability (virageawie) increases, with evidence of a description of the results of the management ability test/score before and after the activity


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    Virageawie is a company that consists of bamboo craftsmen. We see that there is a need for support for increasing partner empowerment, especially in improving partner management capabilities. The problem is, in its activities/operations the use of digital media for transactions made has not provided convenience and speed in the process of transactional reporting and financial reports. There are obstacles including technical capabilities in the use of information technology, the process of correction and reconciliation of data received from each provider, and conversion to a format that is following the habits of business actors, besides that in terms of understanding the procedures and processes for preparing financial reports by Accounting Standards Finance (SAK). The solution that will be provided is in the form of establishing a transaction recording system and preparing digital-based financial reports, training regarding the use of digital-based transaction recording and financial reporting tools, and assistance/assistance for 3 months until partner HR can be completely released and able to run the new system. Material/content related to formation, training, and mentoring is based on the results of previous research from service members, which had been carried out previously at the binongjati knitting center in Bandung City. The output target in this Community Service is that the partner's management ability (virageawie) increases, with evidence of a description of the results of the management ability test/score before and after the activity

    Management of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection:WHO guidelines for low tuberculosis burden countries

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    ABSTRACT Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is characterised by the presence of immune responses to previously acquired Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection without clinical evidence of active tuberculosis (TB). Here we report evidence-based guidelines from the World Health Organization for a public health approach to the management of LTBI in high risk individuals in countries with high or middle upper income and TB incidence of <100 per 100000 per year. The guidelines strongly recommend systematic testing and treatment of LTBI in people living with HIV, adult and child contacts of pulmonary TB cases, patients initiating anti-tumour necrosis factor treatment, patients receiving dialysis, patients preparing for organ or haematological transplantation, and patients with silicosis. In prisoners, healthcare workers, immigrants from high TB burden countries, homeless persons and illicit drug users, systematic testing an

    Tinjauan Kritis Proses Penyusunan Rencana Tata Ruang Desa: Kasus Desa Jepitu, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Spatial planning is an important policy in negotiating between increasing space requirements and existing space constraints. In the context of spatial planning at the village level, The Village Spatial Planning (VSP) can be one of solutions in solving spatial planning challenges in the scope of the village area. The existence of VSP has its pros and cons, due to the lack of empirical evidence on how village spatial planning should be done. This research aims to explain the background and process of preparing the VSP, as well as the factors that influence it based on inductive-qualitative approach. The research location was conducted in Jepitu Village, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. The consideration for choosing this location was due to various village management challenges that have the potential to impact space utilization, namely (1) Increasing the development of coastal tourism; (2) Southern Cross Road Program (SCRP); and (3) Village boundary issues related to the management of water resources. The data used are field observation data and in-depth interviews, and are supported by secondary data. The result of this research, there are internal factors and external factors that trigger the background for the preparation of the VSP. The internal factors consist of (1) Concerns of the Village Pamong; (2) Beach Tourism Area Management; (3) Economics; (4) Development Planning; and (5) Regional Mapping. The triggers from external factors, namely the presence of Supporting Agent. Meanwhile, the factors in the process of preparing the VSP, namely (1) Actors; (2) Community Participation; (3) Regional Mapping; and (5) Resistance. Based on the results of this study, VSP can be one of solution in solving various village area management challenges related to the provision spatial data on village boundaries and potentials to be used as a guide for village development planning

    Health Services Administration/Other

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    Presentations Included: Inspiring Meaningful Community Outcomes: A Philanthropic Interdisciplinary Approach in the Promotion of Neuro-Wellness Alexa Taylor and Chelsea Wood Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Demographic and Disease Profile of Chronic Disease Patients at a Rural Safety Net Clinic in Virginia Iyabo Obasanjo, William Mann, and Kendra Robinson A Quality Improvement Plan for Integrating Behavioral Health into the Management of Chronic Pain Renee Hart and Rebecca Sutter Preparing Undergraduate Nurses to Practice to the Full Extent of their Education and Training: An Evidence-Based Curriculum Enhancement Plan Gracia North FCS Undergraduates Perceptions on Training to be Mentors of Adults with I/DD Courtney Richard, Chante Gibbs, Lauren San Diego, Heather Colleran, and Meeshay Williams-Wheele

    Component technologies for e-discovery and prototyping of suit-coping system

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    As ESI (Electronically Stored Information) is included in extent of evidence that become discovery\u27s target in FRCP(Federal Rules of Civil Procedure) taken effect on December 1, 2006, enterprises been always vexing in several litigations need to adapt systems coping with e-Discovery such as ESI administration or information preservation. In this paper, component technologies for all steps of e-Discovery are described in detail, and as a prototype of preparing system for e-Discovery, agent-based information management and control system being able to manage ESI stored at some computers centrally and respond rapidly on demand, extracting discoveryrelated data using digital forensic technologies, are introduced. Apart from fundamental searching and analysing functions, this system can detect user’s abnormal behaviours, generate forensic images remotely, and have a function of controlling related files

    Balancing Overuse and Underuse in the Iranian Healthcare System: A Force Field Theory Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Overuse and underuse of healthcare services occure within population, organizations and even patients around the world. Producing a balance between these two can increase efficiency, service quality and patient satisfaction. It also decrease extra costs. The aim of this study was to identify forces for change and forces against change for generating balance between overuse and underuse to achieve right care.METHODS: This study was conducted in five steps: 1) describe our plan or proposal for change; 2) identify forces for change; 3) identify forces against change; 4) assign forces; and 5) analyze and apply. We used purposive sampling strategy. The number of participants in the expert panel were eight. Each participant signed informed consent form before starting the study (Ethical code: IR.TBZMED.REC.1396.908).RESULTS: The driving factors for balancing overuse and underuse were education, preparing clinical guideline and standard protocols, resource allocation, using evidence-based medicine, evidence-based management and evidence-informed policy making approaches and social prescribing. The restraining factors for balancing overuse and underuse were conflict of interest issues, payment systems, paternalism and medicalization, patients and physicians’ side problems and culture of consumerism in the community. The total scores for and against change were 14 and 17, respectively.CONCLUSION: It seems that the emphasis on education and training in this field is essential for physicians, patients and all people in the community. Also, making reforms in payment systems and changing the rules and regulations in this area could be major drivers

    Shoreline management plans in England and Wales: a scientific and transparent process

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    Coastal change, including severe winter storms, requires decision-makers to understand the nature of coastal hazards so they can manage the risks and protect coastal communities. This study has provided the first structured quantitative analysis of the scientific underpinning and transparency associated with key policies dictating the future of the coastline in England and Wales. Based on a content analysis of first and second generation shoreline management plans, it has queried the visibility, clarity and transparency of evidence. Results point to improved evidence and understanding at the regional-scale, but issues associated with the transparency of the science informing policy at local levels. Inconsistencies in performance appear to relate to differing approaches of the consultancies preparing the plans rather than the nature of the coasts, the types of policies or the government guidance informing plan development. The study points to a need for a more thorough quality assurance process at national level and calls for clearer guidance on how these regional coastal adaptation plans and their supporting science should be read and interpreted by relevant stakeholder audiences. There are clear lessons from this study for planning processes elsewhere, especially those involving the downscaling of regionally based data and information. There are also potential applications of our criteria-based approach to other planning systems which require scientific scrutiny and transparency
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